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Jammer and the Academy... Spoiler

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    Jammer and the Academy... Spoiler

    So I have to ask a question about what we know about Jammer. This stems from what I saw (or think I saw) in the first episode of this season. It's possible that I am wrong, because I haven't seen anyone else write about this, but I just wanted to confirm what I may or may not have seen.


    In the first episode, when Duck is on his suicide mission to blow up the police academy, isn't there a scene where Jammer is standing pretty close next to him? Wouldn't he have been blown up in the blast, or at the least been injured? Is it possible that' he was a sleeper agent?

    And another thing about Jammer's crimes from Collaborators and what was in the Webisodes...

    They said he led the attack on the Temple of Artemis. But didn't that take place before he joined the police force? Or was it just the Cylons who attacked the temple where Duck's wife died?

    All of this has been covered before and will probably be covered again......


      "Each of us plays a role; each time a different role. Maybe the last time I was the newbie and you were @sshole who makes fun of him. The players change, the questions remains the same."
      Last edited by lordmutt; 31 October 2006, 08:23 PM.

      For BSG, Stargate eps and discussion visit TheBestTrek


        Originally posted by airam View Post
        And another thing about Jammer's crimes from Collaborators and what was in the Webisodes...

        They said he led the attack on the Temple of Artemis. But didn't that take place before he joined the police force? Or was it just the Cylons who attacked the temple where Duck's wife died?
        I noticed that too. As best I can tell, that must have been a goof.
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          Nope it wasnt a goof, it was a seperate incident. The cylons alone were involved in the incident in the webepisodes. They only killed 10 people, it wasnt a mistake or goof at all. Jammer was involved in an entirely seperate incident in which a group of people came at him and his men and he mistakenly opened fire on them believing they were actually insurgents and falsely surrendering.

          Also with Jammer and Duck in the suicide bombing. Jammer was in the back of the group so the other bodies served to protect him from the blast.


            I also read that there was a scene of Jammer climbing out from under a pile of bodies at the Academy, but they decided to get rid of it.


              Originally posted by USMCgrunt View Post
              All of this has been covered before and will probably be covered again......
              "all of this has happened before and will happen agin!!!!!!"

