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Galactica Season cut short by 5 episodes??

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    Galactica Season cut short by 5 episodes??

    I just found this tidbit about this season (3) being cut short by five episodes? Anyone else hear this? And if so what does it mean? Does it as the article says mean that BSG might still possibly be going to NBC? Here's the first part of the article with a link to the whole thing...

    "Season Pass holders for Battlestar Galactica received word that the season would be cut by five episodes, and they would be credited appropriately. Why would Battlestar Galactica get cut by five episodes? The answer may be that rumors of a late season shift to NBC aren’t so bogus after all."
    Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.

    Hmm..... 99.999% positive that's not true- the numbers alone don't add up- think about where they're at filming in the season, we've already got info for seventeen of the twenty way they've cut it five short.

    Like cylons, the rumour just.....won't.....die. Despite all attempts to squash it.


      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
      Hmm..... 99.999% positive that's not true- the numbers alone don't add up- think about where they're at filming in the season, we've already got info for seventeen of the twenty way they've cut it five short.

      Like cylons, the rumour just.....won't.....die. Despite all attempts to squash it.

      I agree.


        Originally posted by titans View Post
        I just found this tidbit about this season (3) being cut short by five episodes? Anyone else hear this? And if so what does it mean? Does it as the article says mean that BSG might still possibly be going to NBC? Here's the first part of the article with a link to the whole thing...

        "Season Pass holders for Battlestar Galactica received word that the season would be cut by five episodes, and they would be credited appropriately. Why would Battlestar Galactica get cut by five episodes? The answer may be that rumors of a late season shift to NBC aren’t so bogus after all."

        No this is not true. Itunes issued a small refund due to the fact that there were 19 episodes on Itunes instead of 20. So everyone that ordered the season pass got a refund of like $4.00 or $5.00 and now everyone is spreading baseless rumors that they are cutting down episodes and BSG is canceled. But in reality, the first 2 episodes were released as 1, 2 hour episode, thereby making Itunes have 19 episodes instead of 20 episodes but there are still 20 hours of production slated for this season. Plus they are well into shooting episode 16+, so it wouldn't make sense to shoot those episodes but never air them since they basically would have already been paid for.


          We must destroy the rumor ressurection ship!
          "Did you really expect some utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?" - Tom Zarek


            Think they are comparing the broadcast networks typical number of episodes (25) to BSG's 20 episodes per season. If you look at the schedule, BSG takes a break after episode 311, 12/15/2006, and returns 01/05/2006 for 9 more episodes. They could have done more research into it before writing that article.
            Last edited by Sci-Fi; 31 October 2006, 02:43 PM.
            It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


              Here is where the rumor is coming from. This is an email from Itunes to someone who bought the season pass for BSG

              Dear ******,

              Thank you for purchasing the Season Pass for Battlestar Galactica - Season 3. Due to a change in the number of episodes the network plans to air, the Season Pass price for Battlestar Galactica - Season 3 has been reduced.

              We want you to be completely satisfied with your Season Pass purchase, so please accept this free video code, good for any five $1.99 TV show episodes or music videos on the US iTunes Store.

              Essentially the season pass cost went from $37.99 to $34.99. Because Itunes didn't give cash refunds, they choose to give everyone a coupon for 5 tv shows for the inconvience of it all. People see the 5 tv shows and assume that BSG is being cut by 5 episodes, when in reality, the first 2 shows were downloaded as one episode, making the season only on Itunes a total of 19 episodes, which is where the adjusted $3.00 price comes from.

              This is what a person pays for an episode with the Itunes season pass.
              $38.00/20 episodes = $1.9 per episode

              $35.00/19 episodes = $1.84 per episode


                Well that clears that up! Sorry to re-hash old lame rumors!
                Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


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                    yea itunes is working with their standard model of 25 episodes a seaon for most shows

