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new caprica and tollana garden

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    new caprica and tollana garden

    i was just watching season 3 of stargate, and the previous week i'd re watched the 2 seasons fo bsg and i realised the garden where baltar, six and roslin hang out is the smae place as tollana in stargate, any one lese think so


    I was saying, "What is Baltar doing on Tollana?"

    But is BSG filmed in Vancouver too?

    To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


      That's the "Riverwalk Market" on Caprica, not New Caprica.


        Originally posted by Elles View Post

        I was saying, "What is Baltar doing on Tollana?"

        But is BSG filmed in Vancouver too?
        Yes, it is - at Vancouver Film Studios, while SG-1 is filmed at Bridge Studios in Burnaby. The garden used for the River Walk Market on Caprica and for Tollana on SG-1 is located at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby.

        "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
        ---Bill Adama


          Originally posted by Back40 View Post
          Yes, it is - at Vancouver Film Studios, while SG-1 is filmed at Bridge Studios in Burnaby. The garden used for the River Walk Market on Caprica and for Tollana on SG-1 is located at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby.
          I learned something today.

          Huzzah! Post number 1,600!

          To see a picture of me in the Miss Teen America pageant, click here.


            Originally posted by Elles View Post
            I learned something today.

            Huzzah! Post number 1,600!
            "A day in which you learn something new is never wasted."

            Congrats on your 1600

            "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
            ---Bill Adama


              Originally posted by Elles View Post
              I learned something today.

              Huzzah! Post number 1,600!
              Wow, I feel like I'm part of something really special.


                Originally posted by rosstaylor View Post
                i was just watching season 3 of stargate, and the previous week i'd re watched the 2 seasons fo bsg and i realised the garden where baltar, six and roslin hang out is the smae place as tollana in stargate, any one lese think so
                British of alien planets.


                  Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
                  British of alien planets.
                  True, (hey, you said it, not me ) and home to some pretty funky plants as well....(OK, I said that )

                  "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                  ---Bill Adama


                    Originally posted by GrenadeTestSubject View Post
                    Wow, I feel like I'm part of something really special.
                    Really? In what way??

                    "I laid out the cabin today. It's gonna have an easterly view. Should see the light that we get here when the sun comes from behind those mountains! It's almost heavenly. It reminds me of you."
                    ---Bill Adama


                      also isn't theat guy who lost hi son leigh of the genaii


                        This location has also been used for Metropolis University in Smallville, because suprise, Smallville is also filmed in Vancouver.


                          Originally posted by rosstaylor View Post
                          i was just watching season 3 of stargate, and the previous week i'd re watched the 2 seasons fo bsg and i realised the garden where baltar, six and roslin hang out is the smae place as tollana in stargate, any one lese think so
                          of course it is

                          notice that the stargate is absent in BSG (it was destroyed by Anubis' ship) which means the events in BSG took place after those in SG like the attack on Tollana, this planet was subsequently rediscovered by Kobol's children, who renamed it Caprica

                          damn, it all adds up !


                            And the Centre where the chorum met on Cloud Nine is the same one as in SGA Condemned and in 4400 it's the 4400 center!!! I started to get bored to that yellow-carpet already


                              Originally posted by Arative View Post
                              This location has also been used for Metropolis University in Smallville, because suprise, Smallville is also filmed in Vancouver.
                              Because, Surprise! Everything is!

                              Lets see, SG1, SGA, BSG, Eureka, 4400, Smallville.....And that's just the currently-on-the-air stuff that I can think of.
                              Is Supernatural filmed here as well?

                              We could always play spot-the-same-tree between these shows.

