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LIVE Season 3 Episode 1 Discussion

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    Originally posted by Caiaphas
    Yes it is thought provoking. I just would rather watch a science fiction show on the science fiction channel - not a CNN show on the science fiction channel. Obviously the conflict in Iraq has devided the nation and I would rather have the writers leave out their viewpoints on the issue. I didn't like this episode. I'm sure most people will like this episode but i just wanted to voice my displeasure.
    Rock have the right to be wrong.
    Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


      Now that the episode thread is open people should be really discussing this in the episode thread.


        Originally posted by Caiaphas
        Get back to sci-fi and leave the social issues to Star Trek.
        Um, if you honestly believe that the genre of science fiction wasn't in part intended to be a medium to discuss contemporary social issues (ever since the 'beginning' of the genre), then you are sadly ignorant. I would say to you that if you want popcorn brain-dead 'sci-fi', BSG likely won't be to your enjoyment.

        Reading through all these responses just further increases my enjoyment of this show. Imagine...a television show that can be thought provoking. That causes the audience to be uncomfortable by challenging their conceptions of morality, dignity, war, peace, humanity. A television show that can spur debate. A science fiction television show that has people talking about suicide bombings and current events rather than "duuuude that space battle was friggin' sweet!" Thank you, BSG.


          Originally posted by Selin Peers
          Yes...! Yes, it is! -Really needs to find some constructive outlets for his ultra-conservative agenda-

          Ultra conservative? Don't say that in front of Ron Moore!


            Originally posted by titans
            Not on this show.
            Yeah, knowing it was BSG I was watching pretty much nixed any hope for a happy outcome.

            Funny that. Bad thing about to happen. SG-1? Possible happy ending. BSG? Goes straight to hell, generally as loudly as possible.
            Frak! --Apollo
            Frak you. --Cain
            FRAK Me! --Kat
            frakwit! --Tyrol
            B*tch took my ride. --Starbuck


              The ep has aired now, so any further discussion can happen in the official episode thread


