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I think I know what “the plan” is (major SPECULATIVE spoilers insde)

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    Monkeeygirl, I don't think all the humans are cylons, but I like that line of thinking, now regarding "All of this has happened before..." etc, here's my theory (cut and paste from another message board- and really badly written, so you know, I apologize for that, but I think the idea is pretty clearly presented )

    "All of this has happened before, all of it will happen again..." etc. going on to speak of the role reversal, for instance how Leoben stated that Starbuck would next time be the prisoner and how he would be the interrogater.

    Now, the humans created the cylons, the cylons rebelled, etc. The humans head out to find Earth. The humans get there, find it is occupied by cylons, the cylons capture all the humans, the cylons also stay on earth.

    Now on Earth, a long time later, perhaps humans and cylons have come to live in actual coexisting peace, something catestrophic happens, perhaps the cylons lose a chunk of their memory core, etc. -insert technical explanation- The cylons malfunction, there's a war between humans and cylons, the cylons lose, and end up leaving Earth and head for Kobol.

    On Kobol, all the spiritual stuff happens, they live in God's love they reproduce (they've solved that problem by then), they leave, and set out for the twelve colonies. A group of cylons head back for earth. Humans kill them/capture them.

    Now, the cylons have retained samples of human DNA, etc. they grow clones, and decide to use them as servants. They create a massive population, but these humans rebel, there's a war, they leave.

    Fourty years later the humans return to kill their cylon masters, some cylons escape in a fleet, the humans chase them, the cylons find earth, it's populated by humans, the cylons are defeated, but are allowed to live in co-existing peace. Then there's some devestating natural disaster or something, that has caused the human population to dwindle. A war between humans and cylons begins, humans loose, leave Earth head for Kobol, where they get in touch with their spiritual side and their twelve gods, then they head for the twelve colonies, some head for earth and are either killed or captured by the cylons. End cycle.


      OK, I feel the need to update this after the last episode. I think there were a number of things that happened in this episode that confirm what my hypothesis about the series is. Let's take a quick look at the new things we know since I posted the ifrst message.

      * Sharon's call sign is now "Athena". One of the Gods. :-) I just about fell on my knees when I heard this in the show. Sharon was the one who told us all the story about Athena throwing herself from the cliff on Kobol in sorrow that her children were being cast out from Kobol. It seems clear that Sharon's destiny, or the destiny of that model, is to become Athena.

      * Caprica 6 does not know about the visions of #6 that appear to Baltar. Vision 6 (which is what I'll call her from now on) says that she is an angel of God. Vision 6 is clearly not a cylon, and is clearly not part of the cylon plot. She's also not a hallucination of Baltar. So for the moment I'll take her at her word; she's an angel of "God", or an angel of the divine force that is helping to guide this constant cycle of violence and rebirth.

      * The 13th colony left a beacon for the humans to follow. This beacon contained a disease that killed only cylons, not humans. However, this beacon was left there BEFORE CYCLONS WERE CREATED. Therefore, cylons must have been around before the 13th colony left Kobol, which strongly suggests this cycle of violence and rebirth, and the 13th colony was trying to break the cycle by preventing the cylons from following them.

      Like a good scientist, I'm struggling to find data that contradicts, not supports, this hypothesis. Please help me out here.



        Originally posted by erinreid View Post
        OK, I feel the need to update this after the last episode. I think there were a number of things that happened in this episode that confirm what my hypothesis about the series is. Let's take a quick look at the new things we know since I posted the ifrst message.

        * Sharon's call sign is now "Athena". One of the Gods. :-) I just about fell on my knees when I heard this in the show. Sharon was the one who told us all the story about Athena throwing herself from the cliff on Kobol in sorrow that her children were being cast out from Kobol. It seems clear that Sharon's destiny, or the destiny of that model, is to become Athena.

        * Caprica 6 does not know about the visions of #6 that appear to Baltar. Vision 6 (which is what I'll call her from now on) says that she is an angel of God. Vision 6 is clearly not a cylon, and is clearly not part of the cylon plot. She's also not a hallucination of Baltar. So for the moment I'll take her at her word; she's an angel of "God", or an angel of the divine force that is helping to guide this constant cycle of violence and rebirth.

        * The 13th colony left a beacon for the humans to follow. This beacon contained a disease that killed only cylons, not humans. However, this beacon was left there BEFORE CYCLONS WERE CREATED. Therefore, cylons must have been around before the 13th colony left Kobol, which strongly suggests this cycle of violence and rebirth, and the 13th colony was trying to break the cycle by preventing the cylons from following them.

        Like a good scientist, I'm struggling to find data that contradicts, not supports, this hypothesis. Please help me out here.

        You make excellent points there, 1) look like it could be very possible and if this "cycle" does really exist then the 13th tribe would try and take steps to stop the cylons from getting to earth, and no doubt theres more of these 'beacons' floating in space.


          No disrespect erinried, but I disagree with your belief of what the "plan" is, and I hope your wrong. I believe more and more as the show goes on that the Cylons are a delusional and poorly led group of flawed creations of machines. Why would you create Cylon models in the image of that which you dispise so much (humans) ?? Cause they are vindictive, evil, and twisted. I think their plan is simple, all humans must pay for the past and the banishment they suffered long ago. The original miniseries was clear on destroying all humans so that they couldnt multiply and avenge their ancestors, so they followed Galactica, hoping to destroy it. What was the deal with NC? Well it wasnt Cylons and humans living in harmony, thats for sure, more like a POW camp.


            Nice theory erin, That's been one of my theories since the end of the Kobol story arc.

            Unfortunatly as much as i'd like to believe Ron Moore has it all planned out 2 or 3 seasons in advanced i think he's making most of it up has he goes. Though i have no doubt he does have a vision or two of where he'd like to see the show go.


              He has the final episode planned but hes most likely making it has he goes along lol


                Originally posted by monkeeygirl View Post
                ok me and my buddy have been talking alot about the "this has happened before and will happen again" thing our idea was that everyone is a cylon but those from earth......let me explain

                u folks are making things way too complicated

                "this has happened before and will happen again" - well yeah, since successful TV shows always air more than once - obviously BSG will air again. and again. and again...


                  Originally posted by erinreid View Post

                  * The twelve cylon models are the twelve gods. They look human, but have “supernatural” powers and abilities.
                  * This is a cycle of war and destruction and rebirth that happens again and again.
                  * After the recurring war of genocide, the remaining people go off to find Earth, the lost thirteenth colony.
                  * Maybe the thirteenth colony is a myth, maybe it’s real, but eventually, the remaining parts of humanity settle on a new planet. That new planet becomes Kobol.
                  * The cylons, not quite human, become the image of the new gods.
                  * Eventually, conflict causes the dissolution of Kobol. Twelve colonies are created, each one full of humans following the way/path/personality of one of the cyclon “gods”. A thirteenth colony, wishing to follow no cylon god, goes off to form Earth.
                  * Since the cylons know what has happened before, and know it will all happen again, they write the religious texts of the colonies, thus knowing more about the human religion than humans do.
                  * The humans build cylon machines that rebel. Those cylon machines leave and build the human models, in a better effort to understand humanity.
                  * And it all happens again.

                  There’s much, much more. Go re-watch season 1, and the first four episodes of season 2, with this in mind. Yes, this might all be a fantasy on my part, but I keep seeing sign after sign that this is what Ron Moore is heading for, that this was his intention all along. I look forward to seeing if I’m right.

                  - Erin
                  Well it's a good theory...

                  Just had a couple of problems:

                  1) So to get a map to Earth, as you will remember from Season 1, they had to get the arrow of apollo.... Now... why didn't the cylons just grab the arrow... and knowing so much about colonial religion... get the map themselves? I am still waiting for this question to be answered....

                  2) If Epithea supposedly chronicled the journey to Earth, how did the chronicles get back to the 12 colonies? And... since according to your theory... the cylons wrote the colonial religion, which would probably include The Book of Epithea... why don't they just follow their own directions and dump Baltar out an airlock? They wouldn't need him... not if they actually wrote the directions...

                  Here's my theory... And it's a long one...

                  Yes... "All this has happened before, and all this will happen again"

                  Humans are created/evolve on Kobol... 13th tribe has issues and leaves... 12 tribes remain until they have issues... leaves... 12 tribes lose contact with other tribe...

                  12 tribes create cylons... cylons reek genocide against 12 tribes... 12 tribes set out to find lost tribe... 12 tribes find lost tribe... live peaceful coexistance... eventually enough time passes where the whole thing is forgotten... some catastrophe happens and all 13 tribes must find new place to live... and they settle on kobol...

                  But what of the cylons you ask? Perhaps they also managed to realize that to live is to die... therefore chose not to be immortal again... so maybe they learned to live peacefully with the 13 tribes... or maybe all 13 tribes banned together and got some good old fashion justice against the cylons... Perhaps Kara's "special destiny" is to unite the 13 tribes... and for fear of not wanting to be wiped out, cylons like Leobon wanna buddy up to her quick, fast, and in a hurry...

                  And what about that cylon virus from the pod? Perhaps it is possible that the pod was some surviellance thing that was left from the original journey... maybe shot out into space from the Kenedy Center... perhaps it had software to do a specific purpose that over time developed corrupted data... that corrupted data became a virus that affected they cylons... remember, even in human form they can interface with computers... insert whatever technological explanation you like...

                  Now if we take in account the models in Admiral Cain's quarters... Here's a revision to the pod theory... and a mystery to the cylons...

                  It is also equally possible that the mysterious pod specifically targeted cylons... why?

                  What if 13th tribes evolution paralled that of the colonials? That would mean we would see very similar things: Hummers (not the sexual kind with a twist), WWII planes, etc... that would also mean perhaps Earth also invented their own version of the cylons... so maybe the Earth cylons became targeted... and us Earthy people came up with a virus that could kill them... five of the models managed to escape (remember, we still have the mysterious five that we know nothing about, other than they are unspeakable)... so we launched a pod with that virus on it in case they came back... Earth cylons meet up with Colonial Cylons... work together... make some cool advances in Cylon technology all around... and decide to bring down the human race... this could also explain the monotheistic view... perhaps the Earth Cylons brought the Bible with them...

                  This is equally plausible and can fit in with the whole settle on Kobol, part and go seperate ways... settle on different planets... destruction... unite... forget... resettle... of course it is also equally plausible that the Colonial Fleet passes an Earth Fleet... both fleets realize they are fleeing their own version of homicidal toasters and decide to find another habital planet... which becomes Kobol... and the whole damn thing starts again...

                  Ah yes, 12 Gods, and 12 Cylon models... Eh... maybe... or maybe remnants of stories of the Cylon's awesome unexplainable powers remain and become a religion... equally plausible...

                  But we shan't forget Athena threw herself from some cliff... If Athena was a cylon, then she just would have downloaded in a different body... she wouldn't have fracken' died...

                  Then there's this other thing about religous texts... they speak in metaphors... you'll note that from the last episode... So Athena throwing herself from the cliff could perhaps be interpreted that Athena was the patron Godess of the 13th tribe... when the tribe left, there was a great sorrow among the other 12 tribes...


                    I have a bad memory so someone help out if they can, didnt the Galactica in the miniseries go to an armory in a nebula after the attacks, and a Leobon model was in there, right? Wasnt he getting sick and damaged by long term exposure of the nebula? Didnt Adama make a point about that? So if I remember this correctly, could it be that the probe or what ever they found in the Base ship is not the reason they are getting sick, but instead its the nebula? If true this would discount the probe theory.


                      Your theorie is good and I think there defenatly a connection there, but we got the knowledge to create Cylon recently..

                      How do you explain we lost all our advanced technologic knowledge as kobold episode is what, 3000 years away?

                      I would find our evolution pretty slow.


                        Originally posted by Karnius View Post
                        Your theorie is good and I think there defenatly a connection there, but we got the knowledge to create Cylon recently..

                        How do you explain we lost all our advanced technologic knowledge as kobold episode is what, 3000 years away?

                        I would find our evolution pretty slow.
                        maybe it was because the 13th colony was expelled from kobol or followed the teachings of the one true god and went out into the stars to search for him/her (think on the exodus and how long it took the christians to get to the promised land).

                        but by doing this finally rested on earth after eons of travelling and perhaps forgetting or being unable to recreate the technology that they had or by following the teachings of the one true god, realised that the technology would bring about the destruction of their tribe (the cylons, AI)

                        all just speculation.

                        I also have the feelings that the cylon models are depicted by the 12 lords of kobol, too much coincidence that there are 12 cylon models and 12 gods. On the point of the other 5, they were the ones that spoke against the genocide of the human race and the other 7 are a break away tribe.

                        The 7 also don't want to kill baltar because they believe he is the key to unlocking their inability to reproduce naturally....

