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Billy = Yar (sacrifice spoilers)

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    Billy = Yar (sacrifice spoilers)


    (highlight for info)

    Billy is to BSG as Yar was to Star Trek: TNG. Character who is really popular and awesome who leaves the show to do other work while nothing really big happens to them.


    Just saying
    Fan of Sci Fi Fridays..... and I predict that Cally is a Cylon (but she doesn't know it, yet).

    Tasha Yar left because she did some... posing *cough* on FHM magazine whilst in Star Trek, she then felt to embarrissed to continue working on Next gen so she left. Not Billy!!!
    Last edited by The Prophet; 11 April 2006, 03:59 AM.


      *shuders* Billy in FHM, sharkface you're an odd one
      Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
      - Joss Whedon - Equality Now



        Pirates Rule!
        Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


          Originally posted by titans

          Pirates Rule!
          I had that exact thought when I saw this thread title.

          Billy = Pirate. Pretty cool idea.
          Words to live by: "When in doubt, shoot at the guy yelling 'Kree!'."

          Let's try this again: Spoiler-free 'til Season 4.5.

          EJO on the blooper reel: "I hope you like it... or I'll SQUASH YOUR NUTS."



            I miss Billy.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              Originally posted by sharkface217
              Billy is to BSG as Yar was to Star Trek: TNG. Character who is really popular and awesome who leaves the show to do other work while nothing really big happens to them.
              Just saying
              If you didn't see it, his departure wasn't unilateral. Evidently, the producers asked him to make a decision about a multiple year contract. He kept putting it off which resulted in the producers making the decision for him on the grounds that his lack of a decision was holding up the story writting process. In short, they were having problems with writting for the character because they didn't know what was going to happen to the actor.


              Note the use of the Spoiler tags in the quote [ Spoiler ] ending with [ /Spoiler ] (just take out the spaces)
              "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

              I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                What was the real story behind her surprise departure during the first season - the only time a regular Trek castmember has been irrevocably and permanently killed off? "There was no hostility whatsoever," she stressed. "The hardest part of leaving was walking away from this very tight-knit family; I truly loved being there and hanging out with those guys." But on the show itself, she was "bored to tears." Fifteen-hour shoots on the bridge where she had a few technical lines to repeat left her feeling "brain dead" as a performer.

                Though she played the strongest female character a Trek series had yet seen, Crosby pointed out that, good as the intentions might have been in deciding to have a female security officer, "I think they would have been very happy for me to wear really tight outfits and heels and stick my tits out - believe me, they suggested it, those very words were actually used." She noted that the franchise has not escaped this mentality yet, given the catsuits worn by Nana Visitor on Deep Space Nine and Jeri Ryan on Voyager.

                The decision to leave stemmed purely from creative urges: "The final conversation I had with Gene [Roddenberry] was basically him telling me that the series was going to be about Captain Picard, First Officer Riker, and Brent [Spiner, who played Lieutenant Data]. That's really what this show was going to be about, and the guests, the aliens of the week, and everyone else would sort of fill in the gaps, just like the original. I felt I would be institutionalized after six years, so I had to bolt - there was nothing for me to do."

                Note: the above information is from an article by Michelle Erica Green:
                DENISE CROSBY'S TREKKIES: The Deep Imact of Tasha Yar.
                Last edited by Maj.Tahn; 15 April 2006, 10:11 AM.


                  Billy = Pirate. Pretty cool idea.[/QUOTE]
                  Billy was actually killed on purpose by the marines in the bar. They found out that he was a pirate and that he intended to commandeer the Galactica. The whole situation in the bar was engineered purely to eliminate him and have it look like an accident. Now that's the truth of it. LOL
                  You don't know the power of the Dark Side


                    randome pirate joke for a thread that has been pirated....

                    a pirate walks into a bard and orders a shot of rum. (of course)

                    the barkeep serves him up and notices that the pirate has a steering wheel sticking out of his pants.

                    the pirate orders a few more drinks and finally the barkeep can't help but say...

                    'you know you have a steering wheel sticking out of your pants?'

                    the pirate looks down and says

                    'yarrrr! it's driving me nuts!'

                    my page
                    My LJ
                    From now on, our name will be 'Tenac'.


                      Originally posted by The Prophet
                      Tasha Yar left because she did some... posing *cough* on FHM magazine whilst in Star Trek, she then felt to embarrissed to continue working on Next gen so she left. Not Billy!!!
                      Playboy, not FHM. FHM didn't exist in its' current form until the mid-90s. Besides that, her departure had nothing to do with her Playboy spread and to the best of my knowledge she has never regretted it; few actresses ever have considering the incredible boost to a career that a Playboy spread can bring.


                        So Billy was killed off because of Real World complications? Dammit! I thought he was going to be revealed as a Cylon and brought back somewhere down the line. Apparently there's a deleted scene from late season 1/early season 2 where Roslin has a chamilla-induced dream where Billy speaks about God and then stabs her in the back. Considering the content of Roslin's previous chamilla-induced dreams (i.e. Tomb of Athena, Arrow of Apollo) I thought it was a big clue as to the shape of things to come.

