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BSG Cast & Crew interviews

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    Originally posted by Sci-Fi
    Ausiello: We need some scoop to tide us over until October.
    David Eick: It's always a tightrope walk, isn't it? I'm trying to think in terms of what is adequately titillating without blowing our wad or giving away too much. I can tell you that the character of Lee is going to be battling an emotional crisis that's manifesting itself in a change in his physique, which is something I think many Americans, unfortunately, can relate to. I'm certainly one of them.

    Well, I don't know about you guys, but I hope he can work out his crisis soon. It's just wierd seeing this change in Apollo.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      Wait a mo', I thought RDM said in the last podcast that he really wanted to dump the fat makeup as soon as possible because it was expensive, time-consuming and really hard to shoot so it looked convincing? Does that mean Jamie Bamber is becoming a method eater? Eww...

      Then again, in the next par, Eick says "the big surprise is the fact that a very central character will no longer be with us by the end of the third episode." Humm, does any one think that if a certain spoiler about the third episode is true then
      Lee Adama is going down with the Pegasus


        Originally posted by Craig Ranapia
        Wait a mo', I thought RDM said in the last podcast that he really wanted to dump the fat makeup as soon as possible because it was expensive, time-consuming and really hard to shoot so it looked convincing? Does that mean Jamie Bamber is becoming a method eater? Eww...

        Then again, in the next par, Eick says "the big surprise is the fact that a very central character will no longer be with us by the end of the third episode." Humm, does any one think that if a certain spoiler about the third episode is true then
        Lee Adama is going down with the Pegasus
        Oh please...please let that be true!!
        Admiral Adama once had a bachelor party for Colonel Tigh. He ate the entire cake before Adama could tell him there was a stripper in it.


          Originally posted by Craig Ranapia
          Wait a mo', I thought RDM said in the last podcast that he really wanted to dump the fat makeup as soon as possible because it was expensive, time-consuming and really hard to shoot so it looked convincing? Does that mean Jamie Bamber is becoming a method eater? Eww...

          Then again, in the next par, Eick says "the big surprise is the fact that a very central character will no longer be with us by the end of the third episode." Humm, does any one think that if a certain spoiler about the third episode is true then
          Lee Adama is going down with the Pegasus
          that would be nice.

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          From now on, our name will be 'Tenac'.


            Originally posted by yaaayoubetcha
            that would be nice.
            Ouch... OK, I can understand the sentiment after the two worse episodes of last season were heavily Lee-centric. (And I really can't say anything against 'Black Market' that RDM hasn't said himself, with masochistic zeal. 'Epiphanies' was mediocre - which would pass in most shows, but just doesn't cut it here.) But I don't really think that's a problem with the character or the actor - I don't think old pros like Olmos and McDonnell could have made writing that weak shine. I hope I'm wrong, but if Bamber doesn't get some good material (as opposed to being turned into a running fat joke) I'm sure I'll eat my words.


              Originally posted by Craig Ranapia
              Wait a mo', I thought RDM said in the last podcast that he really wanted to dump the fat makeup as soon as possible because it was expensive, time-consuming and really hard to shoot so it looked convincing? Does that mean Jamie Bamber is becoming a method eater? Eww...

              Then again, in the next par, Eick says "the big surprise is the fact that a very central character will no longer be with us by the end of the third episode." Humm, does any one think that if a certain spoiler about the third episode is true then
              Lee Adama is going down with the Pegasus
              "Ausiello: A lot of fans like the Apollo-Roslin dynamic. Will that be explored more?
              Eick: Yes. You're going to see a newfound trust between them. And you're also going to see that there are many ways in which Laura continues to turn to Lee when she's unable to get answers from Adama.
              " so i doubt it.


                Podcast 411 interviews RDM (audio)

                #148 - May 31, 2006
                Interview Ron Moore Excutive Producer Battlestar Galactica
                It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


                  What? I hope Lee doesn't die. It had better be Tigh's wife.


                    Nice as it might be to dream, they aren't gonna get rid of Lee Adama. Might be interesting if the got rid of Bill, though, especially after all those panicky rumors that got started after the finale podcast (or watever it was).

                    "Central" to me means one of the characters whose storylines we follow and who are central to the plot. Tigh's wife doesn't count, in my book, especially since a lot of fans don't seem to like her anyway. What's the point of killing of a character folks are happy to see go?

                    Bill Adama would have the most emotional resonance, I think. Helo would be a "significant" loss without heavily affecting the make-up of the show (poor Helo ). Dee is a possibility, but again, a lot of folks seem to hate her right now and as much as I can't stand her, I think it'd be a cop-out to kill her off because it'd make a Lee/Kara relationship much easier. Kara's boytoy would be another possibility, but again, I dunno if I'd call him central. Beyond that... *shrug* I can't see them killing off Tigh, but I wonder about Tyrol. Seems a bit stupid to kill him at this point, but that doesn't mean it isn't possible, and if he was trying to protect Cally and/or prove to himself that he isn't a cylon... I suppose Cally could be a possibility, too, although it'd probably be after giving birth, leaving Tyrol all by his angsty self to raise the kid.

                    Lots of potential for major shake-ups, depending on how major the death is gonna be. I'd say Lee, Kara and Baltar are the only safe bets on survival.


                      I wish I hadn't read that article, now I'll be thinking about who is going to die for the next 5 months!!!

                      I was thinking Laura Roslin is a possibilty, her time is pretty much over. She isn't the dying leader leading them to Earth anymore. She isn't President any more. But the article did say that Lee and Laura would have a better relationship this season, so it probably will not be her and she is basically the opposite of Bill Adama

                      I don't think that RDM could get away with killing off Bill Adama without having a fan revolt. So I think he is safe. Sure his death would have a huge impact on the show but I think his death would destroy a central facet of the show. A leader, leading the last of humanity to a safe haven.

                      Basically the same with Kara and Lee, too much fan support for them to kill them off. So I think both of them are safe. Starbuck and Apollo are too central to the story to kill them off.

                      Baltar is too central to the plot to kill off. Now of course they could always kill him and somehow bring him back as a cylon. Remember in the pilot, 6 in the head said they really should make a copy of his neural pathways, maybe the cylons did and Baltar will be resurected as a cylon. Wouldn't that play into his ego to become basically immortal and in control of the cylons. Basically a god. They kill him off in episode 3 and then bring him back as a cylon a few episodes later, hunting humans for revenge for killing him. With the hero 6 on the planet now, she is in love with Baltar, Baltar is in love with her. I could see 6 making him a cylon somehow if he was killed. But then again the theme that human's are betrayed by another human is really a central theme in the show. So I think Baltar is safe.

                      That leaves us with Tigh, Dee, Tyrol, Helo, and Cally. I don't want to count Anders, he's not that central to the plot unless in episode 1 and 2 of the new season he becomes bad ass freedom fighter but as ShadowMaat pointed out, it would be a cop out to kill Anders off. I don't think Tigh will die just because of what Eick said in the interview about introducing a new character from Adama's and Tigh's past. Cally is a possibilty but is she really central to the plot? The same with Dee, she really isn't central to the plot, she's really just been either Billy's lady or Lee's lady, her death really wouldn't make an impact on the audience.

                      Helo or Tyrol, both of have found wide audience support. Helo's role in the plot is really over, he fathered the child. Now he just seems to be a love sick puppy, pining away over Sharon. So I could see them killing Helo off just to make an impact with the audience. Tyrol at least from the season finale seems to be coming into his own as far as plot. He seems to be the leader of the union which could easily transform into the cylon resistance.

                      I don't think RDM and Eick would do a real cop out and kill a cylon off since they don't really die and their deaths are essentially meaningless unless there is no resurrection ship near the planet.

                      So I think it will be either Helo or Tyrol that will die as those two will resonate more with the audience.


                        What about Cottle? Seems to be the only doctor around, it'd be a huge hit to the fleet to lose him.

                        Of all the other characters mentioned, the Chief is the only one I'd be emotional about. He's one of my favorite characters. Which makes me wonder if it'd be him.


                          Cottle isn't central. Helo on the other hand, I've been worrying about him since mid-season 2. I'll be crushed if he gets killed, though he does seem to be one of the most likely targets. *sigh*

                          It'll severely impact my judgement of the show if Helo's the goner. He and Cally are my favorites.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                            Cottle isn't central. Helo on the other hand, I've been worrying about him since mid-season 2. I'll be crushed if he gets killed, though he does seem to be one of the most likely targets. *sigh*

                            It'll severely impact my judgement of the show if Helo's the goner. He and Cally are my favorites.
                            But again, neither Helo or Cally are really central to the story, of course we don't know what RDM considers central either.


                              When Eick said, "the big surprise is the fact that a very central character will no longer be with us by the end of the third episode," in a video interview on SciFi Pulse, Baltar said that he would no longer be secretly plotting against the humans on Galactica, instead he would be with the Cylons-that is probably what he means. He never says anything about a character dying, I think if a character were to die, that would say-"a character is going to die within the first three episodes"


                                Hmm... That's a good possibility. At least it makes one pause to consider just what "no longer with us" might mean. Death? Defection? A Don Quixote-like mission to the far ends of space? Or maybe Baltar gets rid of the phantom in his head and we're left with "just" Caprica Six.

