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    That is the Mother of all cosmic scale understatements.
    The season 2 finale is absolutely mindblowing.
    Now would you kindly get out of your god's face.


      Originally posted by USMCgrunt
      Hey man at least your country made half of the cool ass weapons that are used on the show. The FN five seven and the P-90.
      So they DO use P90s!!! I thought i had saw one of the gaurds holding one but i wasn't sure exactly.


        Originally posted by AthlonTom
        7 Months is truely gash, to pass the time I'm going to re-watch the mini series + season 1 & 2, 24 season 5 should get me part way though

        That's about the only way I can make it through. I haven't started watching 24 yet. Soon though. That will help keep things sedated for now. then I'll be rewatching BSG (mini, 1 & 2) to try and hold me over.

        Man, I'm jonesing already.


          Originally posted by Cesc
          I don't get it..erm, why don't they just start it in the summer, like usual, and air it at the same time everywhere else aswell? Instead of delaying it, i'm probably missing something though.

          Anyways, about the downloading thing, yeah, i'm from the UK and you can bet your ass i'll be watching the season finale tomorrow! Come on..Sky are more than ten episodes behind, and they can't just expect me to have patience with a show like BSG when i can get the episodes with just a few clicks and about an hour on top of that, if they show season three at the same time as the US then fine, i'll happily watch it on TV.

          I remember the pain when season one came out. I used to drool every tuesday waiting for the next posting.

          Well, you know, posters edit out commercials, so they can't have us downloading. It would be counterproductive to them convincing us we need Lunesta. Perhaps I could sleep better and I wouldn't need sleeping pills if BSG aired in summer instead of stressing me until October.


            Originally posted by nyuszi
            i am curious what the differences will be between what the US and Europe get. i own the US version of season 1, but i've heard that the UK version is a little bit different.

            also, what will be the differences between 2.0+2.5 and the full season 2 set? extra footage? more deleted scenes? different extras?

            i'm puzzled...

            I´m tired of the different (and poorer) UK editions, instead of making just one edition for all of us


              Originally posted by TheXym
              I'm hoping they release it in one full season set as well. If they do it as only 2.0 and 2.5 it's gonna be a horrid money-grab. Still, they might say the same if they do both the half-sets and the whole set. Season 1 (full) was $49.99 at the Circuit City where I moonlight ($42 after my discount). Season 2.0 is retailing for $39.99 - I'm hoping that a full season 2 is again going to be around $49.99 retail (or less, but that's doubtful) I'd rather not pay 70ish for all of season 2 by getting a 2.0 and a 2.5 set.
              I highly doubt a complete Season 2 will be the same retail price, because there's simply more content. Season 1 is essentially 17 episodes long (13 + the 4-episode long miniseries). Season 2 is 21 episodes in length (20 true episodes, but "Pegasus" and "LDYB pt. 2" will both be 90 minutes on the DVD). Not a huge difference, but it will require another 1 or 2 discs, and the price will go up as a result.

              I just hope that the complete s2 set doesn't take forever to come out, because I held off on buying 2.0 for just this reason. The way I see it, their release of 2.0 was a matter of convenience for fans who wanted to pay a premium to get the episodes on DVD that much sooner. To be fair to those fans, they should definitely release 2.5 as an option, so the fans don't have to spend even more money repurchasing 1-10... however, the fairest thing would be to release a complete season set as well, and at close to the same time.

              I'm also crossing my fingers that the DVDs will contain slightly longer, re-edited versions of some of the episodes so we can see the numerous scenes they filmed, cut, but included in later recap segments (like Starbuck talking about going back to Caprica). Seems it would strengthen these plot threads if they were actually dealt with in the respective episodes, rather than giving us a Cliff's Notes version in a later recap.


                Originally posted by titans
                Yea but you guys have awsome Waffles!!

                .:Humanity's Children Are Returning Home:.


                  It would make loads of sense to do this in order to stop downloading or to get stronger DvD sales. I would not be surprised if many of those who watched BSG and Stargate (SG-1 and Atlantis) switched to just downloading.
                  Fan of Sci Fi Fridays..... and I predict that Cally is a Cylon (but she doesn't know it, yet).


                    Thanks!!! Love the pictures....thanks!!!
                    Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                      From Digital Spy:

                      'Battlestar' season finale runs over timeslot

                      by James Welsh
                      Sunday, March 12 2006

                      The season finale of Battlestar Galactica ran over its timeslot on the US Sci-Fi channel on Friday night, igniting online protests among those who DVR'ed the show to watch later only to find the last few minutes of the show absent.

                      "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!," wrote one blogger, adding: "I hate when networks have to get off cycle on the schedules. Thanks to Sci-Fi's timing, I missed what was probably the last 30 seconds or so and probably 2 or 3 lines of dialogue for the Battlestar Galactica season ender."

                      "Frak," exclaimed another. "If you Tivo'd the season finale of Battlestar Gallactica you may have a heart attack when you get 2 minutes from the end and realize the show ran over and the last scene is chopped off."

                      The schedule run-over happened again on the west coast re-airing later Friday night; the channel is going to repeat the episode on Monday night.

                      Note: Cable and Satellite online schedules reflected the one minute episode overrun (91 minutes including the commercials). International versions of this episode will be 60 minutes/one hour.

                      It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


                        If these people were real fans they would have seen the dozens of adds the week before saying it was a 90 minute episode. Ah well. Get the DVD's or download it from iTunes.


                          I haven't heard anyone comment on this. Galactica is on iTunes! Come on. How freekin' cool is that? You can download the eps and watch them right after the debue on TV. We've never had that chance with any Sci-Fi in the past!

                          Who thinks this is cool? Lame? Opinions?

                          I can't wait to see more shows like the Stargates, Star Trek, Babylon 5, Farscape, etc. on iTunes.

                          Has anyone downloaded any eps. How do they look on the iPod?


                            Originally posted by Sci-Fi

                            Note: Cable and Satellite online schedules reflected the one minute episode overrun (91 minutes including the commercials). International versions of this episode will be 60 minutes/one hour.
                            maybe you should read the original post more carefully.


                              Oh, please... I only have an obsolete VCR, but I've learned the hard way to always program it to record a couple of minutes later than the published end time. Can't you do that with DVD-Rs or TiVo?

                              I am really P***ed-off that the "international" version is going to be 60 minutes, because it's going to be utterly incoherent at that length. I hope the full version will at least be offered to Three before season two screens down here in New Zealand, because they can re-arrange their schedules at a drop of the hat for 24, Lost and Desperate Housewives...


                                Uhhh... it's kind of old news, there were a couple of threads on this last year... The eps look good, but they don't compare to DVDs.

