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    I always find it amusing to see people who flame topics, threads, reviews, etc. but, yet, give very little basis to do so. It's usually more so for intentional attention seeking. The reason why I say that is if you go to the link above and read the replies to that review, the responses are: "NAH C MINUS!" or "BAHHHHH NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Worst episode so far". I can understand disagreement and I can understand negative views, but what I can't understand is no explanation at all. I guess there will always exist flamers on the internet and there will always be a distaste for them as well.


      Thanks For The Not So Subtle Title !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


        Anyone bought BSG eps from the iTunes store? I'm thinking about doing that myself (it's cheaper than buying the boxsets) but I need to know a few things before I buy.
        Is the quality good? I'm not looking for pristine here (though that'd be nice ) but if it plays without jumps or without being too pixelated at fullscreen, that's great.
        Also, do you download them or what? I'm supposing you do, but I'll bet they'll be huge. Precisely, how big?


          From The Houston Chronicle:

          Birth and rebirths, Galactica style

          Battlestar Galactica Season 2 - "Epiphanes"

          by Louis B. Parks
          Jan. 20, 2005

          President Roslin goes from sure death to new health.

          Sharon's fetus goes from near destruction to new lease on birth.

          Vice President Baltar goes from traitor to hero and back to traitor faster than you can say unstable egomaniac.

          And Pegasus Number Six goes from tormented escapee to destructive infiltrator.

          A lot is crammed into this week's episode, Epiphanies.

          It's several space weeks after the Pegasus/Resurrection story arc and things have moved on. Suddenly the fleet has a new internal rebellion, a peace movement that is using sabatoge and terror to try to force the fleet into making peace with the Cylons. Calling Neville Chamberlain, it's appeasement time. The peace faction wants to sue the Cylons for peace, on the grounds that the only reason the Cylons attacked and tried to wipe out humankind was that they had been mistreated.

          Click on the link to read the rest of the article.

          It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.


            The episodes are mean't to be played on an Ipod video, so the quality will be excellent on an Ipod, but not on anything larger than that. If your looking to put them on VCD's or something, it won't work too well. You'll have bad pixelation problems.

            The files are about 250mb.

            Best bet is to just get the DVD's. The picture quality is amazing, moreso than most.
            Music Profile: 83710 Songs --- 3714 Artists --- 7051 Albums


              I was surprised at how good an episode it was. The President being cured through a Cylon Blood transfusion, all I can say is "The plot thickens". Maybe too much, we'll see where it leads.

              I sure thought, on the last sceen, Baltar was going to put a bomb in that suitcase, to give to give the peace activists. He didn't......surprise!

              AND, I'm pleased, a LOT LESS of the shaky camera work


                Originally posted by Polygon44
                I was surprised at how good an episode it was. The President being cured through a Cylon Blood transfusion, all I can say is "The plot thickens". Maybe too much, we'll see where it leads.

                I sure thought, on the last sceen, Baltar was going to put a bomb in that suitcase, to give to give the peace activists. He didn't......surprise!

                AND, I'm pleased, a LOT LESS of the shaky camera work
                I'm not sure what the reason on the shakey cinematography is for, but I am definately sure it is intentional. I remember they did that with the movie/mini-series and I liked it alot because it gave some 'realism' to a science fiction series. Though, now I have become accustomed to it, so it really doesn't have the same effect as it once did but I don't think it would be much different without either.


                  Ahh, okay. Well if I had the money for a video iPod I would have bought the boxset a long time ago...
                  Thanks for the info!


                    I've been downloading them from iTunes since Resurrection Ship Part 1, and I've found that I'm happy with the quality. I watch them on my laptop or TV - both 15 inch screens, and it looks very near cable quality. If you forget to record Friday's episode, iTunes is an excellent way of catching up.


                      Thanks a lot for the link
                      gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                      so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                      love Torri


                        The episodes on iTunes is what I have watched for all of the mini and season 1 and the first half of season 2. I have to agree though that if you want good quality you should go with the dvd's.


                          Get the DVD's its only a little bit extra for the whole season and you get better quality and special features

                          I supposed itunes is ok if you miss an ep and want to catch up legally and quickly
                          gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                          so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                          love Torri


                            Well here is my first post here, I liked the ep. and I thought it was an interesting way to cure Roslins cancer.

                            I have lurked here for awhile and finally decided to join. BSG is by far the best show on TV right now.
                            Without Science Fiction, where would our ideas for Science Fact come from?


                              Originally posted by voigtstr
                              I checked last night, but wasnt able to find BSG listed on the Australian iTunes Store (we've only just got iTunes store btw, a year or so behind the U.S.).

                              Its possible that no agreement was made (or even saught) with channel 7 / southern cross television.
                              Not sure what Ch 7/Southern Cross has to do with it?


                                From TV Guide:

                                "Save the attitude for someone who cares"

                                by Michael Peck
                                January 23, 2006

                                Click on the link to read about the other shows covered in the article.

                                Battlestar Galactica

                                "Save the attitude for someone who cares," Starbuck says to Kat — right before Kat's cannon explodes. Yeah, and save the "fracking," too, OK? I just want to say once again that I hate the whole "frack" thing. It's a distracting holdover from the original show, and it's not even a necessary one, no matter how many other fans insist on using it. There. Rant over. Just that rant, I mean. You guys know I love this show, and this was yet another great episode: spoilers for 213
                                Roslin's memories of Baltar making out with Number Six, the whole Baltar-Number Six drama in the present, Sharon's baby being a hair away from being aborted and then Baltar's discovery that its blood could be used to cure Roslin's cancer, etc.
                                But the best thing about Galactica is that it's always avoided the trap other sci-fi shows fall into: that of so much going on that there's no room for character development and human-level drama. (Well, that and bad dialogue like, "You do not comprehend what you trifle with when you challenge the Frith, Earthling!") The writers have managed to avoid that, and I have faith that they'll continue to do so. But still: Zarek's rebellion, the al Qaeda-like uprising that now has its hands on a nuclear warhead, Number Six in Baltar's head, Prisoner Number Six and the rebels, etc. If anyone can juggle it all, storywise, it's the Galactica crew. I just hope they don't try to put any more balls in the air for now.

                                Last edited by TameFarrar; 24 January 2006, 07:11 AM. Reason: adding spoiler tags
                                It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

