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    Actually what I said above isn't entirely correct, here's a lot more information.

    Here's another article.


      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
      It sounds like the two hour Caprica pilot will air before they decide if it's going to series- I read that somewhere today, can't remember where.
      the caprica thread?


        Originally posted by kharn the betrayer View Post
        the caprica thread?
        No, it was a different site.

        I added another TCA article link to my post above.


          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
          No, it was a different site.

          I added another TCA article link to my post above.
          I saw... rightafter I posted my message~




            SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
            SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
            Morjana's Blog Twitter


              There is an absolute ton of new interviews/articles/etc., too many for me to link, so I'll just pass the link over to Galactica Sitrep.

              Most important info
              Finale: the finale is at least two hours long, could still be three for the television airing, and whatever happens there will be a longer cut still on the DVDs.
              Caprica: will air in 2009 if it goes to series (from reading everything the chances sound pretty good), the two hour pilot movie will air in the fall if it doesn't, if it goes to series it will be something that could potentially go for several years, not a limited one season series of thirteen eps.
              BSG DVD movie: written by Jane Espenson and directed by Edward James Olmos, will air after the series finale, and be set somewhere in the middle of the series, like Razor.
              Webisodes: will air in the weeks leading up to the 4.5 premiere.

              So it looks like we won't get much to whet our appetites between now and 4.5..... *sigh* However come year looks to be a good year.


                The beautiful Emmy consideration pages for the visual effects category have been posted by Darth Mojo on his blog, they're definitely worth taking a look at (and Darth Mojo invites fans to save them).

                Who could possibly turn down giving this package an award?


                  SciFi Wire: Battlestar Finale Will Answer All:

                  From SciFi Wire:

                  (Please follow the link for the complete SciFi Wire article.)

                  12:00 AM, 23-JULY-08

                  Battlestar Finale Will Answer All

                  Jamie Bamber, who plays Lee "Apollo" Adama in SCI FI Channel's original series Battlestar Galactica, told SCI FI Wire that the upcoming final 10 episodes will wrap up all the outstanding questions and mysteries. Everything.

                  "Yeah, yeah, everything," Bamber said in an interview at the Television Critics Association summer press tour in Beverly Hills, Calif., over the weekend. "I can't really think of a really loose thread. ... Not off the top of my head. I'm sure there are a couple, but I can't think of one."

                  The final new episodes of the fourth and final season kick off early next year and will pick up the story (spoiler ahead!) from the shocking midseason finale, when the survivors of the ragtag fleet arrived on a burnt-out Earth.


                  SG1/SGA/SGU - Saving Earth/Atlantis/?, one mission at a time!
                  SG1-Spoilergate Richard Dean Anderson Fans Abydos Gate Morjana
                  Morjana's Blog Twitter


                    Thanks for the updates!


                      Two questions.

                      Is anyone else collecting the BSG Origins comic book?
                      Are you having difficulty in finding it?

                      I seem to be missing #5-6 "Adama, pts. 1-2".
                      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                        New BSG action figures on the way!

                        This time including President Roslin, Admiral Adama, President Leland, and Admiral Cain. No pics yet.


                          No sign of a Cally action figure then?
                          Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                          To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                          Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                          And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                            EW's Popwatch report from the BSG Comic Con panel! Including spoilers for what appeared in the NEW COMIC CON 4.5 TEASER.

                            And never fear, despite the article title, it doesn't give away anything about the final cylon.


                              Comic Con coverage. Excerpts only; click on links for full articles (may contain spoilers)


                              Originally posted: July 27, 2008

                              'Battlestar' at Comic-Con: A clue about the final Cylon
                              Why am I not surprised that the most entertaining moment of the “Dollhouse” Comic-Con panel revolved around “Battlestar Galactica”?

                              Tahmoh Penikett, who stars on Joss Whedon’s new show, “Dollhouse,” alongside Eliza Duskhu, got a few “Battlestar” questions during the session. One of them was, “Does Eliza’s spine glow?”

                              Penikett laughed, and Dushku, who apparently hasn’t watched “Battlestar,” looked confused. A moment later, when Whedon was answering a question, Penikett leaned over to explain when, exactly, Cylon characters’ spine glow on “Battlestar Galactica.”

                              REST AT LINK ABOVE


                              Comic Con: Teasing The Final Epic War in Battlestar Galactica
                              Posted on Sunday, July 27th, 2008 at 11:37

                              When the panel first began, we were introduced to a teaser trailer for season “4.5?. It started off with clips from the previous seasons. Then about half way through, we started to see BS crew and Cylons on a destroyed earth.



                              SDCC 08: Battlestar's End Begins
                              Cast, crew call series finale a "perfect" one.
                              by Phil Pirrello

                              July 27, 2008 - "Frakkin' A!" Those two words best describe the sold-out crowd's reaction to the footage writer-producer Ronald D. Moore screened at the BSG Comic-Con panel. The trailer contained scenes from the series' final episodes.



                              Comic-Con: Want to know who the final Cylon will be on 'Battlestar Galactica'?
                              Jul 26, 2008, 09:56 PM | by Adam B. Vary

                              The cast and exec producers of Battlestar Galactica dropped mere crumbs of real info about the final 10 episodes of the series at their Comic-Con panel, but no one in the capacity audience seemed to mind a whit. The hour, in fact, concluded with a spontaneous standing ovation that surprised and clearly moved panelists Katee Sackhoff, James Callis (pictured, right), Tricia Helfer (pictured, left), Michael Trucco, Jamie Bamber (a surprise, unlisted addition), exec producers David Eick and Ronald Moore, and last-minute drop-in Tahmoh Penikett -- and they stood and applauded right back.


                                Battlestar Galactica Panel - Comic Con 2008

                                Kevin Smith is great
                                Stolen Kosovo

