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The Laura Roslin/Mary McDonnell Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Dorka View Post
    I cocur!
    I hope too, that they won't play her character like this the whole S3... I mean we haven't heard from any specific episode in which she plays the main part yet! Makes me wonder! Though I was sure she'd play a bigger role in the Resistance as well well maybe TPTB are planning BIG things for S4 already or something like that
    Your words into RDM's ears.
    It would suck eggs if they would go on like that. OK, her cancer-ark was pretty big for more than one season where we did see a lot of personal stuff but that doesn't mean she'd stop being human and being just president *sigh* How's the saying? "Zerbrich dir doch nicht dein hübsches Köpfchen über ungelegte Eier"
    Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

    ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


      Caps from Hero:


      And oh my... this is just the way I had my own make-up done today BEFORE I even watched the episode

      Last edited by Dorka; 18 November 2006, 12:22 PM.


        Originally posted by Dorka View Post
        Caps from Hero:


        And oh my... this is just the way I had my own make-up done BEFORE I even watched the episode

        *loves the 2nd one* I just love her stance in that one *sigh*
        Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

        ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


          Originally posted by billy_red_ocean View Post
          *loves the 2nd one* I just love her stance in that one *sigh*
          Yeah, definitely Loved also the way she opened the envelope and threw it away details I know


            Originally posted by Dorka View Post
            Yeah, definitely Loved also the way she opened the envelope and threw it away details I know
            details rule my world!
            As Laura's little glance to the side in Bulldogs interview or her "sich in postur setzen" when she scolded Bill for lying to her afterwards XD
            Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

            ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


              Originally posted by Dorka View Post
              Yeah, definitely Loved also the way she opened the envelope and threw it away details I know
              Yep, me too. And her posture during that entire conversation... Loved it. Not to mention when she's in his quarters. Love that second picture. Aw, I just love the whole thing!
              Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                Originally posted by Dorka View Post
                I cocur!
                I hope too, that they won't play her character like this the whole S3... I mean we haven't heard from any specific episode in which she plays the main part yet! Makes me wonder! Though I was sure she'd play a bigger role in the Resistance as well well maybe TPTB are planning BIG things for S4 already or something like that
                um in some interview wasnt it said that
                there wasnt any horrors going to be happening to her this season , i think it was Eick who talked about how the especially 3.5 was going to be exploreing the more personal side of laura


                  Originally posted by door View Post
                  um in some interview wasnt it said that
                  there wasnt any horrors going to be happening to her this season , i think it was Eick who talked about how the especially 3.5 was going to be exploreing the more personal side of laura
                  Yes I remember reading that too. I remember seeing the original link recently at
                  Galactica Station Its somewhere in the November Archives, unfortunatly when I tried to click to go to the archives it said Link not found *pouts* But I know the interview is there cause thats where I saw it!
                  I remember posting it at the A/R thread cause I belive that's also the same interview that....
                  he said something about a close kinship between A/R. That was the same interview...right? Or am I merging two interviews? I do tend to do that...*giggles at self*


                    Originally posted by k8tbug1 View Post
                    Yes I remember reading that too. I remember seeing the original link recently at
                    Galactica Station Its somewhere in the November Archives, unfortunatly when I tried to click to go to the archives it said Link not found *pouts* But I know the interview is there cause thats where I saw it!
                    I remember posting it at the A/R thread cause I belive that's also the same interview that....
                    he said something about a close kinship between A/R. That was the same interview...right? Or am I merging two interviews? I do tend to do that...*giggles at self*
                    no, just found it, that was the same interview heres the bit on laura

                    iF: Up to the current episodes you have firmly re-established Laura Roslin as the President of the Colonies … any new curveballs planned for her this season?

                    EICK: No, I think Mary McDonnell’s character actually settles into the role of President in the later half of season three. Her character has been in such a state of flux and despair and visions and drug inducements and near death and suborning mutiny; that it was time to bring the character into her own. It’s the role she needs to fulfill on the show, which is as President. Mary can do anything and unfortunately that can be a temptation. You know she can do anything so you start throwing curveballs at the character because you know she can handle anything you throw at her, and so for the sake of grounding the character and making the dynamic as realistic as possible we wanted to spend at least half of one season really demonstrating her role as a leader and someone who is involved in the search and eventual discovery of Earth. I think this season there is less melodrama in that character’s arc for the later half.

                    iF: Does having the President as a more stable character gives you a pillar to bounce off of more now?

                    EICK: I’d say what it frees us up to do is to explore how the character would respond as President as opposed to how the character would respond as a victim or how the character would respond as a nemesis to Adama or how the character would respond as someone battling hallucinations or someone feeling the pressure or the chosen one. There have been a lot of extremes we have pushed the character to and we love them and Mary loves them, but it has been nice to see the character evolve. Suddenly, the interesting thing to do with the character was to not push her to an extreme; that was the one thing we hadn’t done with her.


                      Originally posted by door View Post
                      no, just found it, that was the same interview heres the bit on laura

                      iF: Up to the current episodes you have firmly re-established Laura Roslin as the President of the Colonies … any new curveballs planned for her this season?

                      EICK: No, I think Mary McDonnell’s character actually settles into the role of President in the later half of season three. Her character has been in such a state of flux and despair and visions and drug inducements and near death and suborning mutiny; that it was time to bring the character into her own. It’s the role she needs to fulfill on the show, which is as President. Mary can do anything and unfortunately that can be a temptation. You know she can do anything so you start throwing curveballs at the character because you know she can handle anything you throw at her, and so for the sake of grounding the character and making the dynamic as realistic as possible we wanted to spend at least half of one season really demonstrating her role as a leader and someone who is involved in the search and eventual discovery of Earth. I think this season there is less melodrama in that character’s arc for the later half.

                      iF: Does having the President as a more stable character gives you a pillar to bounce off of more now?

                      EICK: I’d say what it frees us up to do is to explore how the character would respond as President as opposed to how the character would respond as a victim or how the character would respond as a nemesis to Adama or how the character would respond as someone battling hallucinations or someone feeling the pressure or the chosen one. There have been a lot of extremes we have pushed the character to and we love them and Mary loves them, but it has been nice to see the character evolve. Suddenly, the interesting thing to do with the character was to not push her to an extreme; that was the one thing we hadn’t done with her.
                      Ah yes, I remember that one. I agree... it'll be nice to sort of be able to see her in a different light. How she really is, because, you know, she had to have been going through a lot during the cancer, and that probably changed her a bit... so now we hopefully get to see the "real" her... I just hope it doesn't mean that they might be showing less of her on the show.
                      Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                        Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
                        Ah yes, I remember that one. I agree... it'll be nice to sort of be able to see her in a different light. How she really is, because, you know, she had to have been going through a lot during the cancer, and that probably changed her a bit... so now we hopefully get to see the "real" her... I just hope it doesn't mean that they might be showing less of her on the show.
                        Well that's why they should IMHO let her talk more about the events on NC *shruggs*I mean from all NC's she's the only one who just continued as she ended! even the Chief/Zarek etc. had this Collaborators-thing going on! maybe she's just like me and she rather deals with it in herself not letting others notice that you feel bad!


                          Originally posted by Dorka View Post
                          Well that's why they should IMHO let her talk more about the events on NC *shruggs*I mean from all NC's she's the only one who just continued as she ended! even the Chief/Zarek etc. had this Collaborators-thing going on! maybe she's just like me and she rather deals with it in herself not letting others notice that you feel bad!
                          Yeah, I'm the same way. And I think that's the case with Laura. We could see that during the first two seasons with the cancer and everything. Now I just hope she starts letting Bill in... And yes, I'd like them to show more of what happened in NC. You guys were talking about the resistance earlier... I think she did play a big part... she was the brains... only she didn't get her hands dirty Very wise, in my opinion. Now, what they have to do is show all of that, or at least have her mention something once in a while... She must have had a hard enough time, just like anyone else... so why not explore that?
                          Though my hopes are high for the next episode
                          Thank you Dorka, for the gorgeous sig.


                            Originally posted by _angi_ View Post
                            Yeah, I'm the same way. And I think that's the case with Laura. We could see that during the first two seasons with the cancer and everything. Now I just hope she starts letting Bill in... And yes, I'd like them to show more of what happened in NC. You guys were talking about the resistance earlier... I think she did play a big part... she was the brains... only she didn't get her hands dirty Very wise, in my opinion. Now, what they have to do is show all of that, or at least have her mention something once in a while... She must have had a hard enough time, just like anyone else... so why not explore that?
                            Though my hopes are high for the next episode
                            I agree. I don't think they have to do a whole big thing where she flips out over the events on NC or anything, but I do want them to have her have a nice conversation with Bill about how she feels about dodging the cancer bullet, about her time on NC, etc. I do think she's the kind of character (like me and a couple of you, it seems!) who tends to deal with things internally. But that's not what TV or movies are really about. If you have everyone internalizing all the time, there wouldn't be as much to work with, it seems.! So maybe we'll get a few really good discussions about it along the way.

                            And I also agree with you all when you say it would be good (if that's the term for it) for the show to end with her in crisis of some sort. I love drama and dark and if it ends all shiny and happy, I'm going to be disappointed since that's not what this show is about. BUT it won't matter because Mary herself said it was gonna go on forever, so there will BE NO END!!

                            Thanks to Dorka for this beautiful sig!!


                              Originally posted by sidhe View Post
                              I agree. I don't think they have to do a whole big thing where she flips out over the events on NC or anything, but I do want them to have her have a nice conversation with Bill about how she feels about dodging the cancer bullet, about her time on NC, etc. I do think she's the kind of character (like me and a couple of you, it seems!) who tends to deal with things internally. But that's not what TV or movies are really about. If you have everyone internalizing all the time, there wouldn't be as much to work with, it seems.! So maybe we'll get a few really good discussions about it along the way.

                              And I also agree with you all when you say it would be good (if that's the term for it) for the show to end with her in crisis of some sort. I love drama and dark and if it ends all shiny and happy, I'm going to be disappointed since that's not what this show is about. BUT it won't matter because Mary herself said it was gonna go on forever, so there will BE NO END!!
                              yeah, it's the total lack of anything showing what's going on in her mind that would bother me. You're right most of us deal with things with ourselves but it's not a good thing for a tv show esp. not a drama tv show And like he said in the interview Mary can deal with EVERYTHING - even the little things are superb. I take everything even the tiniest of reactions (and yes that includes some nice discussions with guilt-ridden Bill XD)
                              If BSG would end shiny and happy we would all be "WTF? What's that for a show? Where's my favorite TV show?"
                              BUT it won't matter because Mary herself said it was gonna go on forever, so there will BE NO END!!
                              *roflmafao*So say we all! *hearts Mary* Doing these interviews was the best frakking idea ever!!! lol
                              Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                              ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


                                Na hui! Where went my favorite one person thread???
                                Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                                ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...

