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Dr. Baltar's litle ruse is getting old.

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    Dr. Baltar's litle ruse is getting old.

    BSG's plot twists and seemingly endless parade of "who's the cylon now" is really starting to annoy me. While I like the show, it is starting to look like another incarnation of "Twin Peaks".

    It is time for the good doctor to either start correcting his error of making everyone pass, or for Adama and Roslin, neither of them are stupid, to toss him out an airlock. Perhaps it would be best for the doctor to pass a few tests correctly in front of several people, including those with large billy clubs to help focus the good doctor's self-preservation need.

    After he passed Boomer, that should have sent red flags through the fleet. Who has he passed that is actually a Cylon? Roslin already has her doubts about him and has told him so from the episode, "Six degrees of seperation". She went to see him in the cell and told him that she believes he had something to do with the Cylon attack.

    So now what does Adama and Roslin do? Nothing? The first thing I'd do is have a set of double blind conditions. Get samples from the still alive Sharon, even three or four of them, and 10 other women on board Galactica. Have the good doctor find out who is what. If I were Adama, I'd make sure Ellen Tigh's sample was included.

    Let the good doctor PROVE his Cylon detector works. Better yet, after he proves it, have 4 people trained, who passed the double blind test, on it and get someone you suspect is not right have nothing to do with it. That takes Baltar out of the equation and lets the good doctor know he better think about the rest rest of the fleet before they sho him an airlock.

    It is little things like this that make me worry that BSG is going down the road the show "Twin Peaks" took us on 15 or so years ago.

    I will respond to this post only to say NO!


      Does anyone other that Baltar and Six know that he tested Boomer?


        yea, everyone knew i believe....i mean they all found out that she was a cylon


          Originally posted by awgneo
          I will respond to this post only to say NO!
          It's your right to do so. But if you're old enough to remember "Twin Peaks" and all of the crap that people, such as myself, followed to learn who "Bob" was, well I don't want to see a repeat.

          As I said, it is your rightto disagree but I'd like to know why you feel Baltar's actions are not red flags to the rest of the fleet, especially Adama and Roslin.
          Originally posted by hyzmarca
          Does anyone other that Baltar and Six know that he tested Boomer?
          I believe it was Col. Tigh who read Baltar the riot act in Episode 201. It is the reason Tigh is not a member of the Baltar Fan Club. That and the way his wife looks at the popular Baltar who is a doctor and VP.


            When the show first started I was expecting and even wanted to see a resolution to Baltar's "visions" early on in the series so that he could be a more normal character. However I now think that Baltar and Six play an important role in the show.

            However seeing as how he is vice-president and acts so strangly you would think there would be more people taking a close look at him.


              Originally posted by LCD2YOU
              After he passed Boomer, that should have sent red flags through the fleet.
              Very good point, although IDK if anyone else knew that he passed her.
              I'm from Iowa, United States


                They actually mentioned this sometime in the past couple episodes. Someone, I believe it was Tigh, accused him about the fact that he passed Boomer, and he replied that she was his first experiment, a Beta Test, and the results would have been unreliable. He also made some mumbo-jumbo explanation that he had since refined the test, so that mistake couldn't happen again.
                Feel the Boom


                  Don't quote me on this, but I don't expect Baltar will be sticking in the position he is for more than a full season from now. One of the nice things that BSG does is take its time exploring the nooks and crannies, but it doesn't always dwell on them. It explores the point and moves forward to the next. (i.e.
                  We've stood on Earth. We've proved its existence. Now we can go and find it.

                  Something the writers fully intend to do is evolve Baltar. "Kobol's Last Gleaming II" proved this. They've aleady started to emphasize it in the dialogue in S2, so if you're not paying attention, you should be told that something's going to happen to Baltar to take on a more assertive role with the Cylons. Something is coming. And if consistency has any longevity, it's going to kick ass.


                    Originally posted by David
                    Don't quote me on this, but I don't expect Baltar will be sticking in the position he is for more than a full season from now. One of the nice things that BSG does is take its time exploring the nooks and crannies, but it doesn't always dwell on them.
                    That my issue. I call that writing yourself into a corner and then dropping it when you see what you had wrought. It's called "Unintended Consequences". You want to make a scene really explosive but you paint yourself into a corner. That means the writers have to tighten things up a bit.
                    Originally posted by David
                    It explores the point and moves forward to the next. (i.e.
                    We've stood on Earth. We've proved its existence. Now we can go and find it.
                    Who said that? I don't remember that part.
                    Originally posted by David
                    Something the writers fully intend to do is evolve Baltar. "Kobol's Last Gleaming II" proved this. They've aleady started to emphasize it in the dialogue in S2, so if you're not paying attention, you should be told that something's going to happen to Baltar to take on a more assertive role with the Cylons. Something is coming. And if consistency has any longevity, it's going to kick ass.
                    Baltar's change seems to be for the worse. I get the feeling he's looking at humanity more from a biological breeding perspective, I am going more from the spawning like fish than the physical act here, than anything else. They're cutting him off from humanity.

                    If that is because he's special to their plans, I don't know. As I am of the opinion the 6 in his head is all in his head, I am not even sure the Cylons have any regard for him. At best he's the yahoo who thinks with his little head in more cases than not and was easy to manipulate. It was easy to seduce him with sex and he allowed them to destroy, inadvertently but anyone in that position should be more careful, the colonies.

                    Besides, your the stinkin' moderator. We don't need no stinkin' moderators

                    Good bye all as this is most likely my last post. = just kidding on both parts =


                      ... We're here to play, too.

                      Who said that? I don't remember that part.
                      Watch "Home, Part 2." Kara gives the line: "We're standing on it." And the evidence overwhelmingly supports it.

                      In regards to whether or not No. 6 is a chip in Baltar's head, the answer is given in "Home 2" as well. I do believe that 6 is real, but I agree with Helfer's take on the character, that the copy in Baltar's head is a rogue who realized she fell in love with the man and has gone off to achieve her own objectives, often puttin the Cylon collective in harm's way, but overall still remaining loyal to them.


                        Originally posted by David
                        I do believe that 6 is real, but I agree with Helfer's take on the character, that the copy in Baltar's head is a rogue who realized she fell in love with the man and has gone off to achieve her own objectives, often puttin the Cylon collective in harm's way, but overall still remaining loyal to them.
                        Then this avatar of 6 must be in the fleet. Unless the Cylons have sub-space transceivers, the time delay between galactica and even a Cylon ship out of sensor range would make realtime two way communication next to impossible.

                        That could only mean that the 6 from "Six Degrees of Seperation" is the 6 that loves Baltar. Then we have another issue. The 6 who was showing contempt for Helo's Sharon on Caprica was obviously pained when talking about true and deep love with the avatar of BSG's PR guy (forget his name).

                        A few plot holes. The biggest is if they are having the 6 on Caprica be the 6 that is in love and in contact with Baltar. The problem with transmitting between 6 and Balter is huge. A smaller plot hole is if the 6 from the episode "Six degrees of seperation" is used as what about the 6 on Caprica. Unless all 6s are in love with Baltar. The smallest hole is if the hole is in Baltar's mind and psyche.


                          I very-much doubt that the Sixes on Caprica are connected to Baltar in any way. It is not hard to believe that there are thousands of copies of Sixes, and the other models, throughout that galaxy. The only reason we saw the Six and Doral copies from the point you're referencing is because they needed a point of reference from the Cylons who were dealing with Rogue Sharon. & they weren't ready to introduce other models. & it helps when you have a Cylon as a regular

                          Added to that, this Six showed regret and sadness from not knowing love. Baltar's Six does know love.

                          As to the transmission distance issue, I don't think the writers will sacrifice good strorytelling to a distance problem that may or may not exist. Why would they bind themselves in it? Just create a phenomenon or Cylon relay network to get the job done. Fact is we really know nothing about Cylon technology. Even the discus-shaped transponders haven't really been explored.

                          You do raise a good point about the Cylon in Six Degrees of Separation. If Six is a rogue then it was likely her that appeared on the Galactica. But since I saw that episode I really believed that she was a sleeper, i.e. she was programmed with the knowledge that she took to the ship. The performance was so convincing of this. She possessed the information convicting Baltar and she believed it. When Six though Baltar had been redeemed, she likely disposed of the agent or "woke" her and she got the heck out of there. If there is a Six in the fleet, she's hiding in some small locker from the population (she's likely got her face out there with Doral and Leoben now).

                          Hopefully the second half of the season will reveal more about the Cylons in this respect.


                            Originally posted by David
                            I very-much doubt that the Sixes on Caprica are connected to Baltar in any way. It is not hard to believe that there are thousands of copies of Sixes, and the other models, throughout that galaxy. The only reason we saw the Six and Doral copies from the point you're referencing is because they needed a point of reference from the Cylons who were dealing with Rogue Sharon. & they weren't ready to introduce other models. & it helps when you have a Cylon as a regular
                            Makes sense. It makes even more sense if, as seen in "Six degrees of Seperation", that the Cylon 6 model does know what Baltar is doing. Remember they haven't found her yet.
                            Originally posted by David
                            Added to that, this Six showed regret and sadness from not knowing love. Baltar's Six does know love.
                            I think she's missing what she thought was his love. She wants him but wants to remain a Cylon.
                            Originally posted by David
                            As to the transmission distance issue, I don't think the writers will sacrifice good strorytelling to a distance problem that may or may not exist. Why would they bind themselves in it?
                            So we don't have the issues of inconsistancies like there was in "Twin Peaks". The storyline twisted so often as to make the whole thing fall apart. As BSG has been fairly consistant and devoid of the techno-babble that usually dooms a show, I hope they keep the 6-Baltar thing on the up and up. To require the Cylons to have some form of "Tachyon Transmission Capability" that uses a "Sub Space Field inverter with Graviton Pulse generators" would really suck and it would, IMHO, bring down the quality of the show to a certain Star Trek Executive producer's level.
                            Originally posted by David
                            Just create a phenomenon or Cylon relay network to get the job done. Fact is we really know nothing about Cylon technology. Even the discus-shaped transponders haven't really been explored.
                            True. But if those things were emitting anything and the crew of the BSG can't or just haven't found out about it, then the show should be renamed from "Battlestar Galactica" to "Lab rats in space".

                            The Cylons would be so totally in control of the fleet as to make anything suspenseful impossible. If it is known by the audience that the Cylons are not only able to wipe out the Colonials with one attack, then where's the suspence? The only suspence would be, "Are the Cylons going to attack this episode".
                            Originally posted by David
                            You do raise a good point about the Cylon in Six Degrees of Separation. If Six is a rogue then it was likely her that appeared on the Galactica. But since I saw that episode I really believed that she was a sleeper, i.e. she was programmed with the knowledge that she took to the ship. The performance was so convincing of this. She possessed the information convicting Baltar and she believed it. When Six though Baltar had been redeemed, she likely disposed of the agent or "woke" her and she got the heck out of there. If there is a Six in the fleet, she's hiding in some small locker from the population (she's likely got her face out there with Doral and Leoben now).
                            I am starting to wonder if she is the one who is in Baltar's mind. Note how she popped in when Baltar was hurling his greatest blashemies and went away when he stopped.
                            Originally posted by David
                            Hopefully the second half of the season will reveal more about the Cylons in this respect.
                            I hope so.


                              I sooo cannot wait to find out what happens with
                              Gina...the *real* six so-to-speak from Pegasus
                              there should be a lot of Baltar's development dealing with that

