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How many Galactica Vipers left?

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    How many Galactica Vipers left?

    I have been wondering. After watching "Pegasus" I have to admit that Pegasus' forces may kick Galactica's forces' butt. Pegasus seemed to have a huge amount of Vipers. What about galactica? How many Vipers?

    I noticed the ammount of Vipers Galactica has are very variable. I used to think there was only 1 or 2 of the new mark 7 vipers (the new ones), but in recent episodes, you see a bunch of them.

    This might be one of those things that the creators dont care much about. But as for numbers, i think BSG has about 21 to 25 pilots.


      RDM has said that they pay close attention to things like that. It's his pennance for the farce that Voyager became with its shuttle of the week deal. But I think someone said that Flight of the Phoenix had 42 Vipers onscreen, which is the most that Galactica has fielded thus far. While they haven't ever said just how many Vipers they actually have, it does seem strange that there were so many more in that sequence. Maybe they threw Raptor pilots and ECOs into Vipers because it was an emergency? (Of course, when ISN'T it an emergency? Hrmmm...)


        Also, they may have been training new pilots all this time as well. Hotdog seems to be a very competent pilot now, and im sure theyre bringing in new blood.


          Yeah. Maybe I shoud not wonder about these things.


            On other forums, ive heard speculations that BSG had several Mark VIIs, but never utilized them because of their computer vulnerability.


              It has been stated from the very beginning that they were keeping a close eye on the #'s. It was also stated by Adama that there was a shortage of pilots not vipers. In the mini they knew the Mark VII was comprimised and feilded the museum pieces. I believe they have been retrofiting the Mark VII's and training new pilots.

              You can also assume the Pegasus has a larger airwing being newer and larger than Galactica and coupled with the Galactica's Museum wing and decomissioning in progress (total lack of ammo)to be operating at about half its normal strength as well.

              I would love to se the Peggy firing all its guns and going toe to toe with some Basestars. That must be one hell of a site.

              LEE IS NOT A CYLON


                something tells me that galactica has a lot of vipers yet..i don't know why i think that but i do

