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JAG vs Crew of the Pegasus

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    JAG vs Crew of the Pegasus

    It would be interesting if Cain and her crew where brought before the JAG office for the crimes which they may of commited what sentence other than a Dishonorable Discharge would they get via a general courtmartial if found guilty?

    I'm not entirely familiar with the military court system, but i can assure you, the crew of the pegasus would be court martialed for something.


      Harm and Mac would open up a can of WA on cain


        The crew of Pegasus are a bunch of psychotic lunatics...I hope they all die in some freak least the fleet would still get the battlestar


          If that was the case Cain would get into so much trouble.

          But this raises the question: would Cain and the crew of the Pegasus have acted the same if they thought they would later have been made to account for thier actions to a higher authority?


            I'm thinking Chegwiden would lay the smack down.

            Originally posted by Carbito
            If that was the case Cain would get into so much trouble.

            But this raises the question: would Cain and the crew of the Pegasus have acted the same if they thought they would later have been made to account for thier actions to a higher authority?
            That's a difficult question to contemplate. However...spoilers for "Pegasus"
            Considering the fact that they showed no remorse for their actions once they found the fleet, I doubt they would have conducted themselves differently. Not only did they show no remorse, they even bragged about systematic rape and torture to the crew of the Galactica.

            It's a tough issue, because humans are capable of deplorable acts even in the best of circumstances, let alone in such dire ones. My guess would be that some of the crew would have behaved differently, but not all.


              I think the most important question here why did admiral Cain not report to Ragnare Station like all the civilian ships did with the galactica. I know that I am not a vet but when an unforseen event happens the first thing you do is gather intel. So Cain should of heard Adama say to the rest of the fleet to regroup at Ragnare Station.


                They made a blind jump so presumably they were out of range of the broadcast.


                  We are way beyond courts-martial here because their is no military to speak of outside of the two battlestars. Admiral Cain is the highest convening authority in existence, effectively negating the military justice system writ large. Some sort of special tribunals from the constitutional Colonial government are the only means of exerting law enforcement authority over Pegasus.


                    Originally posted by Giorgio
                    It would be interesting if Cain and her crew where brought before the JAG office for the crimes which they may of commited what sentence other than a Dishonorable Discharge would they get via a general courtmartial if found guilty?
                    I would imagine that the sentence can be pretty much anything since most Judges have flexibility in sentencing. There are probably certain mandatory or expected punishments for certain crimes though. From what I've seen, a DD is typically the starting point. I know that just because someone in the US Armed Forces is DD, they are not precluded from still serving time in a military prison.
                    "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                    I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                      Clearly how ever you cut this legal matter certain crimes will be unpunished while others depending on the evidance presented most of the crew of the Pegasus will recieve a Dishonorable Discharge while few officers may have to do some time in prison including Admiral Cain and the others get to walk free with maybe a mark on their service record. One thing is certain it would an interesting court case if the writers of BSG wanted to do this.


                        Originally posted by Giorgio
                        Clearly how ever you cut this legal matter certain crimes will be unpunished while others depending on the evidance presented most of the crew of the Pegasus will recieve a Dishonorable Discharge while few officers may have to do some time in prison including Admiral Cain and the others get to walk free with maybe a mark on their service record. One thing is certain it would an interesting court case if the writers of BSG wanted to do this.
                        Hmmm.....maybe a Perry Mason episode where someone is being tried and at the last minute one of the witnesses breaks down on the stand confessing. I seem to recall an BSG:OS episode where Starbuck was on trial for murder.
                        "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                        I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                          Considering their limited resources they need all of the personel they can get, even psychopaths. Executions and long-term imprisionments are out of the question. I doubt the Astral Queen has the space for an entire Battlestar Crew and Adama certainly doesn't have enough spare personel to crew the Pegasus. The best and most fitting punishment would be to let Cain remain in the service but bust her down to Ensign. It would be torture for someone who is so used to being in command. She may be able to stage a mutiny with the adherants of her personality cult but such humilation would make her politically weaker. I would recomend giving Tigh command of the Pegasus, but I wouldn't wish that crew on him. It would be better to just promote the Pegasus' current XO

