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When the h!@#$ is season 2 going to air in Canada?

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    When the h!@#$ is season 2 going to air in Canada?

    The title to this post is the question I'm askin'. I've been waiting with anticipation for the new 2nd season. I've been downloading the new episodes in the fear that I"ve been missing them somehow. Anyhooo, anyone can answer this, there'll be a little something extra in your paycheck at the end of the month.


    S2 starts in January. Space is reairing the miniseries on Oct 8th and 9th and then all of S1 starting on Oct. 15th.


      What kind of assinine network would do something like that? I want my Battlestar Galactica season two NOW!!! Almost makes me want to watch what I"ve downloaded and screw the Space channel.

      What is the justification in the lag, I wonder? Is it cheaper to air the second season of something when the third is probably already finished taping?

      I'll end this rant here, for fear of angering the gods above.



        honestly, I'm glad to hear that. When season 1 was airing, the UK got it something like 2 months before the US. I'm not sure where it's made, or where the production company calls "home" but I'm damn sure that there are more fans of the SG's and BSG in the US than Canada and the UK combined.

        Basically, it's your turn to wait.
        I'm a guy, from Ohio.
        Teal'c: "Chelnak!"
        Daniel: "Direct translation: Very


          Canada very rarely gets anything before the US. SGA is currently the exception although it airs on a specialty channel in Eastern Canada that not everyone gets (Western Canada is at episode 2 I believe. I don't get the channel so I can't say for sure). Space is starting SGA S1 in January. We didn't get Season 7 of SG-1 until Sept 2004 when the US was already halfway through S8. It does get a little frustrating seeing as how BSG is made in Vancouver, same as the SGs.

          The UK got S1 of BSG last year because Sky financed a large portion of it. It's only fair they got it first. As for why we have to wait for things here in Canada...I'm not entirely sure. I think it has to do with rights or something. wbte, if you email the people at Space I'm sure someone can give you a much better answer. They're pretty good about answering emails.


            UK has the wait until January for season 2 also; Sky's excuse is that their schedule is full (maybe they should drop some of the lame repeats or the 4 episodes of Simpsons a night...)
            James Lafazanos - Good for a Laf


              lol, so true. I was just telling my Mom the other day that if Space didn't air Andromeda 3 times a day we might have room for SGA.


                I'll email space. See what they say. This really "T"'s me off though. I've been really looking forward to the new season. So very little on TV is any good, and BG really struck a cord. God damn its good. Probably the best I've ever seen.

                Maybe if they stop playing the reruns of Dark Angel, or Buffy, or effing Angel, or Andromeda, they may have room for something better.



                  Isn't Sky still financing Battlestar? we are still in the production for season 2? but i'm yet to see the end credits with the studio logos at the end because we did get an in association with Sky logo at the end. Can anyone tell me if this was at the end of the broadcast in America or on the end of the season 1 episodes on the DVD? I've always wanted that question answered but never asked it!

                  Oh the reason its been put back to January is because of The 4400. Hex has taken up the Sunday spot and that why Atlantis isn't on after SG-1 on a Tuesday, its on a Wednesday.

                  I don't know why they don't put it onto one of their new channels like Sky Two?
                  Last edited by cubby14; 22 September 2005, 03:16 AM. Reason: Forgot to put something


                    Hi guys I understand as a fellow canadian I can't wait to see season 2 so I went on my pc to download the past three episodes via the net. Look at the bright side the NHL is back in business.
                    PS. 2period
                    Habs 1
                    Leafs 3


                      UK has the wait until January for season 2 also; Sky's excuse is that their schedule is full (maybe they should drop some of the lame repeats or the 4 episodes of Simpsons a night...)
                      WHAT?!?!! Well, that sucks. I was hoping for October, along with SGA and SG1. Those total, total *******s! And, yeah, they'd have plenty of room if they dumped those, you're right. Those gits!

                      Listen, we had General Ryan come on and do a little cameo for us, and he's a real live four star, one of the big guys. And I had to ask him point blank, because there's a certain irreverence that I bring to the character, and denseness, but while we were doing this scene, I just looked at him and said, "Do you have guys like me in...?" and he stopped me and said, "Yes, and worse, and you're doing a fine job, son."

                      Richard Dean Anderson

