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New Colonial "God" Theory

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    New Colonial "God" Theory

    Given the date presented to date -- Here is my best idea about the origins of the Cylons and the Colonial humans. There has to be a race of aliens (designated as "Olympians" until some other designation becomes popular) who visited Earth in prehistoric times. They evidently set up their main base on Mount Olympus in Greece, and the only Earthlings who picked up any information about their identities and relationships were the locals. On the other hand, it is quite clear from the racial backgrounds of the Colonials that the Olymypians gathered humans from all regions of Earth to take to Kobol.

    The humans of Kobol seem to have been divided into twelve tribes, and there is not enough evidence to suggest that these tribes had enough time to mingle before they chose to leave Kobol. Furthermore, there is evidence that the departure from Kobol resulted in serious dissension with the Olympians that continued to fester long after the Colonials left Kobol.

    It has actually been stated that Kobol was the birthplace of mankind. So the humans left Kobol to colonize Earth, not the other way around.

    As for what happened between humans and the gods, that would be an interesting story.


      Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
      It has actually been stated that Kobol was the birthplace of mankind. So the humans left Kobol to colonize Earth, not the other way around.
      Here's my question: if no one has seen or heard from the thirteenth tribe, how did they know the name of the planet they setteled on? I'm in favor of the life started on earth and was transported to Kobol theory.


        Originally posted by Kaija
        Here's my question: if no one has seen or heard from the thirteenth tribe, how did they know the name of the planet they setteled on? I'm in favor of the life started on earth and was transported to Kobol theory.
        I don't really see this as a spoiler but I'll play it safe.

        I brought this possibility up when the question of how the map in the Tomb could have the constellations as seen from earth. This is how I figure it:

        1. Life started on Kobol.
        2. Humans achieve spaceflight, decide to check out the neighborhood.
        3. Find earth and the colonies...maybe at the same time, maybe ages apart, doesn't matter which comes first.
        4. Because of repeated exploration the constellations become well known for whatever reason.
        5. For whatever reason, thos constellations become the symbols of the twelve tribes.
        6. When they all have to leave, the people heading to earth decide to leave a map just in case someone from the colonies wants to find them.


          Originally posted by FeloniousMonk
          I don't really see this as a spoiler but I'll play it safe.

          I brought this possibility up when the question of how the map in the Tomb could have the constellations as seen from earth. This is how I figure it:

          1. Life started on Kobol.
          2. Humans achieve spaceflight, decide to check out the neighborhood.
          3. Find earth and the colonies...maybe at the same time, maybe ages apart, doesn't matter which comes first.
          4. Because of repeated exploration the constellations become well known for whatever reason.
          5. For whatever reason, thos constellations become the symbols of the twelve tribes.
          6. When they all have to leave, the people heading to earth decide to leave a map just in case someone from the colonies wants to find them.

          I think the answer to this question is bound up in why all the humans from the 12 colonies knew where each other went and worked together and the 13 went off on their own.


            Originally posted by Kaija
            Here's my question: if no one has seen or heard from the thirteenth tribe, how did they know the name of the planet they setteled on? I'm in favor of the life started on earth and was transported to Kobol theory.
            Someone from Earth must have returned at some point to put up a map on Kobol, that is if they didn't have a pre-determined destination like how Felonious suggested.


              I'm still curious 1) how the arrow of Apollo became a museum artifact on Caprica 2) how a simple arrow transformed the room into a small patch of land on Earth with the night sky etc., there was no technology present, it was just an arrow and a statue, so what made everything transform?

              Perhaps the people on Kobol mapped out the destination to Earth before arriving.. the 13th tribe left long before the other 12 tribes, as stated in the miniseries by the priestess. So that means that the 13th tribe possibly disagreed with the other 12, had a war perhaps, some type of disagreement was in order and they left, far far away. That means the 12 tribes knew exactly where they were going, they probably said "we're going to Earth you can come with us if you want to". The name of the planet wasn't some document to be found once arriving at the planet, they named it beforehand, as for the constellations like I said they probably just mapped it out. Adama and Lee knew the constellations so it was possible then to map out destinations so far away with pictures and everything.

              That's my theory anyway.. the more interesting part is why did the 13th tribe leave before everyone else, why was it not named after a god, how did they create that map so perfectly with seemingly no technology, etc.
              "Did you really expect some Utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?"


                It seems that I fell asleep before I could post the conclusion of my theory, so here goes:

                The Olympians were a fairly small group of aliens (maximum of 12-13 when they visited ancient Earth) who were highly inbred and seriously lacking in external inspiration to go on prior to their contact with ancient Earthlings. They were mortal (but possblily very long lived). Anyway -- once the Colonials departed from Kobol, the Olympians carried on as best they could.

                Fast forward to the creation of the Cylons. At this point the Colonials fell to a serious sin of hubris -- falsely believing that they could create AIs of any degree of complexity without them achieving true sentience. The Cylons, while fully sentient, were unable by their design to convey basic thoughts (such as "I don't want to kill other Cylons!") to their human masters. Thus, they rebelled and eventually fled from human space. Conclusion of this theory to follow in my next post....


                  Okay, here goes my finale -- When the Cylons fled from Colonial space, they eventually found their way to Kobol, where they found a single surviving Olympian. Said Olympian was a descendant of the original Olympians who took humans from Earth to Kobol, but not one who was alive at the time. Furthermore, given that he survived alone on Kobol after the Colonials departed, with no hope of any renewal of the Olympian race for many years, his mental state must have been seriously questionable by the time the Cylons found him. So -- once he made contact with the Cylons and exchanged information with them, he came to see them as his means of avenging his race against them. Thus, he created the 12 humanoid Cylon models and gave them enough information to clone those types (but not create additional types). More to follow later....


                    Arguments in favor of my theory:

                    The Colonials believe that they originated from Kobol: So what? The Kobol period is a mythical time to them, and anything before that is unknown. Given that the information so far revealed to the Colonials suggests a connection to our Earth combined with the scientific information known to us that humanity originated here on Earth, we really cannot take seriously any evidence of non-Terran human origins. In fact, the scenes on Caprica and Kobol seriously present two points:

                    1) Neither planet presents any non-human animal life.

                    2) Both planets present plant life of clearly Terran origin.


                      They won't be adding aliens to the show (as in a hint that aliens exist as well since that would still be adding aliens and changing the entire plot), they said themselves the only alien they'd be adding would be like an animal or something. Olmos will leave the show if they add aliens.

                      And what do you mean the planets have no animals on them? I'm pretty sure I heard some birds at least in one of the episodes.

                      And you have to remember.. humans created cylons. They weren't around ages and ages ago.. and the human cylons only popped up during the 40 year silence that no one heard from the cylons. The cylons obviously developed themselves that technology or stole it from possibly writings or techniques left behind by the ancestors of the humans.

                      I'm betting the gods they worship were just humans. 6 said "this has all happened before and it will happen again". That probably means that the survivors from the 12 colonies, will find Earth, repopulate and live for awhile, while after a long time people travel to Kobol, make maps and such, live there for awhile, and after thousands of years or whatever Kobol will be destroyed or attacked or whatever and there will be people fleeing to 12 new colonies hinted at by writings from the old survivors from the previous 12 colonies.

                      Or something along those lines. Would make sense, fits in with everything about the maps and correct "prophecies". Only thing that's hard to fit in there is a dying leader, and whether or not the new 12 colonies will develop cylons. I'm just wondering if it's all a huge cycle. 6 hints at a huge cycle. The cylons are still a mystery though.. but I'm thinking that the 12 colonies, Kobol, and Earth are all just part of a loop the humans keep travelling around in for whatever reason. Perhaps the cylons are hearding them to keep their existence. If they were created before they have the knowledge from when they were created before, if they can sustain a cycle they will always be created with the help of people like 6.

                      And perhaps the human cylon babies are the things making people flee.. or attacking, or whatever is making them move from planet to planet.
                      Last edited by Bl4de; 13 September 2005, 08:12 AM.
                      "Did you really expect some Utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?"


                        My two cents on the big cycle:
                        The Kobolians actually created humans, much like humans created the cylons. "This has all happened before and it will happen again". The humans revolted and massacred all Kobolians (see skulls on Kobol). Than they moved into deep space to set up the thirteen colonies...
                        Possibly the thirteenth tribe didn't want to participate in the massacre of the Kobolians and decided to split off... If so and if Galactica finds Earth than they could discover that they are descendants of a people that participated in genocide. And consequently they are as bad as the cylons...

                        The cylon story already has a lot of parallels: revolt against masters, moving into deep space, genocide of the masters etc.
                        Perhaps the human cylons are clones of the original Lords of Kobol (twelve colonies - twelve cylons)... The machine cylons found original genetic material on Kobol and decided to awake their "grandparents". The clones than decided to take revenge for the human revolt which would explain WHY the cylons attacked the Colonies...

                        Oh and of course: the cylons are making the same mistake of playing God now! They've created the human cylons and sooner or later they will revolt against their master too!!! (see Caprica-Boomer)
                        Last edited by designez; 13 September 2005, 09:41 AM.


                          1) Neither planet presents any non-human animal life.

                          2) Both planets present plant life of clearly Terran origin.
                          Both of those are easily explained - the human tribes kobolformed* both the 12 colonies and earth.

                          *can't really call it terraforming if it's not after terras image, can you?


                            The Colonials did not kill the "Gods"!
                            Proof: Athena was said to have jumped of a cliff out of despair because the humans left Kobol, and the other gods saw it! So they were still alive when the 12 tribes left!

                            More likely there was a war between the tribes that made them leave Kobol! That might be also the "it happened before": Their homes got nuked, but they found new ones, and instead of learning not to fight among themselves they continued making warmachines (like the Cylons)!

                            Also the Arrow was most likely an electronic/magnetic key that activated a hologram (there is no place on this planet from were u can see all those constelations!).
                            Understanding is a three-edged sword.


                              Originally posted by Kaviyd
                              Arguments in favor of my theory:

                              The Colonials believe that they originated from Kobol: So what? The Kobol period is a mythical time to them, and anything before that is unknown. Given that the information so far revealed to the Colonials suggests a connection to our Earth combined with the scientific information known to us that humanity originated here on Earth, we really cannot take seriously any evidence of non-Terran human origins. In fact, the scenes on Caprica and Kobol seriously present two points:

                              1) Neither planet presents any non-human animal life.

                              2) Both planets present plant life of clearly Terran origin.
                              Um, there were birds on Kobol and given that Helo and Boomer took up in a barn it's likely there was livestock in there once.

