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War Wounds

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    War Wounds

    From TV Zone Magazine:

    War Wounds

    by Jenny Eden

    With Commander Adama gravely wounded, we talk to the women of Battlestar Galactica – the good, the bad and the conflicted…

    Click on the link to read the entire article (spoilerish)

    Some excerpts:

    Tricia Helfer as Number Six
    With one version of Number Six having been killed in a huge fight with Starbuck at the first season’s conclusion, it’s time to introduce another Number Six. This time she’s wearing a tracksuit, and that’s just the first of some big surprises.

    Mary McDonnell as
    President Laura Roslin

    “The power in Laura grows up out of the obstacles and the circumstances, it isn’t something she just pulls out of the hat or had to begin with,” says the actress, who’d previously come closest to power as Bill Paxton’s First Lady in Independence Day. “She’s dying of breast cancer, she’s not ambitious politically, she wasn’t trained to be in this position, she doesn’t know a thing about being out in Space, so if you really line up your ducks, you go ‘Who is going to follow her?’ But they keep supporting her sincerity and commitment, she’s a long haul kind of girl.”

    Grace Park as Sharon ‘Boomer’ Valerii
    Tere’s the good Sharon on Caprica, the bad Sharon on Battlestar, the naked Sharon clones and even more Sharons we’ve yet to meet. And of course, there’s the argument that the good Sharon can’t really be good, because she is, after all, a Cylon. It’s not surprising actress Grace Park admits she’s getting confused.

    Get the full interviews and a complete episode guide in
    TV Zone Special #65

    It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.