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Anders' the Galactica Smith/Antilles?

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    Anders' the Galactica Smith/Antilles?

    I was rewatching the mini today and the scene in the pilot briefing room dropped a familiar name.

    The CAG said that Starbuck was being replaced in the flying order by Lt. Anders (since she was in the brig).


    As we all know the Resistance leader on Caprica's name was Samuel T. Anders...

    Cylon or coincidence?

    Coincidence. I think they'd notice if one of the pilots aboard the galactica looked like a famous pyramid player.


      Heh. I noticed that too when I was watching the mini a couple a days ago.

      Yeah, I think that’s just a coincidence as well. Someone wasn’t paying attention to what names had been used. S2
      I think Starbuck would have noticed if she was with a guy who was a fellow pilot. Maybe Pyramid Anders has a brother in the service.....
      But I'm still going with coincidence.
      IMO always implied.


        Or the simple explaination that there might be more than one family with that surname.


          I noticed that as well. I did some checking on IMBD, and there is no Anders listed in the credits for the miniseries or series up until season two's Resistance. It does, however, list Flat Top's last name as Sanders in episodes three and four.

          It's entirely possible the actor screwed up his lines, or the writers forgot about that incident. Hell, the pronunciation of Gaeta changed between the miniseries and the regular series.
          Last edited by Kaija; 23 August 2005, 05:43 PM.

