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'Galactica' a darker, bleaker trek into sci-fi

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    I wish people would quit saying "BSG is not Star Trek." What an inane comment. It's not as if all sci-fi had been generic for the 30 years, or all of it has been clones of Trek. There have been a lot of different type of sci-fi shows on over the years, including Babylon 5 and the much-lamented Farscape, all in varying degrees of Pollyanna and grit. Personally, I'm not necessarily a big sci-fi fan. There are only two of the Trek shows I even halfway liked, and I tried a few other SF series and couldn't get interested in them. Stargate is the only one I've watched consistently (both shows).

    So if viewers want to explain why they like BattleStar, that's fine. Talk about the good acting and the fine writing and the exciting action. But to try to defend their stance by saying "it's not Star Trek" is just ridiculous. It makes it sound like people can like EITHER Trek OR Battlestar. Get over it, people!!! Viewers can be fans of both Star Trek AND BSG. Or neither. Or just one.

    (And happy Easter to everyone who celebrates this holiday. Personally I'm going to go looking for my peeps.)


      It's probably compared to Star Trek the most because RDM worked on Star Trek, and much of what he's done on BSG is what he couldn't or wasn't allowed to do on Voyager. If you listen to the podcast and audio commentaries even he makes comparisons to Star Trek.


        Originally posted by jyh
        I wish people would quit saying "BSG is not Star Trek." What an inane comment. It's not as if all sci-fi had been generic for the 30 years, or all of it has been clones of Trek. There have been a lot of different type of sci-fi shows on over the years, including Babylon 5 and the much-lamented Farscape, all in varying degrees of Pollyanna and grit. Personally, I'm not necessarily a big sci-fi fan. There are only two of the Trek shows I even halfway liked, and I tried a few other SF series and couldn't get interested in them. Stargate is the only one I've watched consistently (both shows).

        So if viewers want to explain why they like BattleStar, that's fine. Talk about the good acting and the fine writing and the exciting action. But to try to defend their stance by saying "it's not Star Trek" is just ridiculous. It makes it sound like people can like EITHER Trek OR Battlestar. Get over it, people!!! Viewers can be fans of both Star Trek AND BSG. Or neither. Or just one.

        (And happy Easter to everyone who celebrates this holiday. Personally I'm going to go looking for my peeps.)
        its not a matter of having to choose one or the other, i like all the treks (except enterprise) and love BSG. the reason it gets compared to tek is because for the last 30 years star trek has been THE definitive sci fi power house. trek was the epitome of what was expected of sci fi. also the ORIGINAL battlestar galactica WAS a star trek rip off. it was no big secret, and its one of the reasons it did so poorlly, so thats why people are fond of saying its not star trek, but its not an exclusive statement. besides, if you are explaining it to a non sci fi geek like most of us are, what is the single most recognizable sci fi series? star trek! everyone has seen at least part of some episode of one of the series.


          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
          It's probably compared to Star Trek the most because RDM worked on Star Trek, and much of what he's done on BSG is what he couldn't or wasn't allowed to do on Voyager. If you listen to the podcast and audio commentaries even he makes comparisons to Star Trek.
          pod cast? what is that? and how are there audio commentaries? is it out on DVD somewhere already?


            Originally posted by spg_1983
            pod cast? what is that? and how are there audio commentaries? is it out on DVD somewhere already?
            Battlestar Galactica Podcast

            Podcasts are basically online commentaries. You download them and play them in sync with the episode which has the volume turned down. RDM provides podcasts for the last five eps of BSG. And FYI there are podcasts available for the last two eps of Atlantis (Martin Gero and Paul Mullie are very entertaining).

            Atlantis Podcasts

            As for the DVD commentaries, there is one available for the Region 1 version of the mini-series. The series haven't been released on DVD yet.


              Originally posted by Liebestraume

              But I do think BG distinguish itself in this aspect. Take, for example, the bedroom scene in Kobol's Last Gleaming. IMHO it was not about sex but all about Kara. It lent perspective to what transpired or alluded to in prior episodes and set up the rest of this episode. Even if I overlook the obvious "ship" aspect, I learned that Kara was somewhat self-destructive, which explains her dare-devil demeanor in general and her subsequent willingness to go on Roslin's suicide mission in particular. The juxtaposition with Lee's control issues worked really well in the teaser (as well as in the whole episode). Although the camera was panning over the flesh, what it (and the misic) really built was tension, not tantalization; until Kara dropped her bomb, I was going like "whoa? is that Lee? but he is sparring with dad! what's going on?"

              I am actually surprised that no one has yet commented on the violence in BG, because the only time this show made me squirm was during the interrogation in Flesh and Bone. I have seen my share of TV violence, but bare-knuckled punch as well as the sound of flesh tearing and bones cracking are still rare (for me, at least). Yet I think the torture scene still served the whole episode -- it told the audience a great deal about Kara (and, to some extend, about Roslin) and made Kara's ultimate empathy for the humanoid cylon all the more poignant.
              The scene in Kobol's Last Gleaming did advance the plot, and did point to underlying issues for Kara. For that reason, it didn't bother me quite as much as some of the ones between Baltar/Six. Especially, the ones where he's out in public, and she starts making out with him. I know it's supposed to help show Baltar as possibly "nuts" to those around him, but that can be accomplished with more scenes of him appearing to be talking to himself.

              Still it hasn't stopped me from watching it, I just prefer not to watch it in mixed company, and that probably won't change. And when it really bothers me, I'm just grateful I have Tivo.

              As for the violence, I agree it can be a bit cringeworthy, but there again it does advance the plot, although I think I could have done without Lee/Kara punching each other out in the hanger.

              But, over all, it's a very well done show that I'll keep watching.


                Grace Park is the scene grabber in the finale....literally. This actress goes through so many emotions it makes you head spin.... Not only is she just
                gorgeous to look at...... Her acting just makes you believe everything she is going through....... Boomer is fighting her Cylon nature
                is very makes this show rise light years above most Sci fi shows
                and movies in the last 25 is drama..... real and thought provoking.

                Thanks R Moore for giving Grace the chance to make this character and show
                first rate.
                Actor:"A zombie has no will of his own. You see them sometimes, walking around blindly with dead eyes. Following orders." Not knowing what they do, not caring."Bob Hope :" You mean like Democrats?" Hope in the movie ghostbreakers.


                  As for the violence, I agree it can be a bit cringeworthy, but there again it does advance the plot, although I think I could have done without Lee/Kara punching each other out in the hanger.
                  Actually, I didn't think that was so bad, it's not outright violence, they were just both venting cause they didn't go further than their first punch.


                    Originally posted by spg_1983
                    also the ORIGINAL battlestar galactica WAS a star trek rip off. it was no big secret, and its one of the reasons it did so poorlly, so thats why people are fond of saying its not star trek, but its not an exclusive statement.
                    Actually, the original BSG was compared to Star Wars. Afterall, George Lucas sued them and produced a list of 80 or so "ripoffs". It was one of the reasons why it lasted only one season. The old TPTB was tired of fending off Lucas.


                      Originally posted by spg_1983
                      its not a matter of having to choose one or the other, i like all the treks (except enterprise) and love BSG. the reason it gets compared to tek is because for the last 30 years star trek has been THE definitive sci fi power house. trek was the epitome of what was expected of sci fi. also the ORIGINAL battlestar galactica WAS a star trek rip off. it was no big secret, and its one of the reasons it did so poorlly, so thats why people are fond of saying its not star trek, but its not an exclusive statement. besides, if you are explaining it to a non sci fi geek like most of us are, what is the single most recognizable sci fi series? star trek! everyone has seen at least part of some episode of one of the series.
                      I believe the original BSG was a ripoff not of Star Trek, but of Star Wars. Big difference. Also, I don't necessarily agree that Star Trek was the "definitive sci fi" model for the past 30 years. I think there have been enough different sci fi shows (both good AND bad) that there has not been a single model. I do agree that Trek may be the most well known/recognized by the masses, but I know that over the years there have been many types of sci-fi shows, and some did have long, on-going plots rather than self-contained episodes.

                      Well, that's okay. To each his own. I still watch Battlestar now & then when there's nothing else on, but I don't necessarily enjoy it as 'my' type of show. But, happy viewing to everyone.


                        I have an enormous problem with the Flesh & Bone episode - in fact, it turned me off Galactica entirely, which I have today written about at

                        A professor of communications studies and I have had a bit of a debate about it in the comments, and I would welcome further input.


                          It gets even more 'morally ambiguous' during later episodes when they do a reversal
                          turning the Cylons into Americans and turn the Colonials into Afghan suicide bombers

                          Let it be known for all times there were once two planets in this system. The planet Lister made great television shows. The planet Liber made crap
                          They had to fake the ratings
                          They had to fake the ratings.
                          Let it be known for all times there were once...


                            Originally posted by twoshedsmcginty View Post
                            I have an enormous problem with the Flesh & Bone episode - in fact, it turned me off Galactica entirely, which I have today written about at

                            A professor of communications studies and I have had a bit of a debate about it in the comments, and I would welcome further input.
                            In part, I agree with you. The current torture porn fad, demonstrated in such gems as Hostel and the like, really presents a sad commentary on modern culture. However, I believe you've seriously mis-read 'Flesh and Blood'. Far from torture porn, 'Flesh and Blood' provided a harsh, confronting opening to an arc that would stretch across multiple seasons. For instance, in contrast to your perceived 'morally ambiguous' portrayal of torture in this episode, the mid-Season 2 finale sees the issue of "unconventional interrogation" brought to the forefront as a major issue. Heck, Galactica almost gets in a shooting war with another Colonial warship over the attempted rape of a Cylon prisoner that many on Galactica have come to perceive as something more than just a robot.

                            I respect your choice to stop watching, but may I suggest you give the series another chance? While the rest of season 1 doesn't directly relate to the issues faced in 'Flesh and Bone', much of the first half of season 2 directly confronts the idea of torture and what it is to be human, culminating in the aforementioned mid-season finale where the issue comes to a head.

                            Originally posted by Kick-Kinsey View Post
                            It gets even more 'morally ambiguous' during later episodes when they do a reversal
                            turning the Cylons into Americans and turn the Colonials into Afghan suicide bombers
                            Right, because all suicide bombings, ever, have been against the United States. Not only that, but any portrayal of suicide bombing - past, present or future - invariably relates to that of the current US/Middle East situation. I can't believe I never noticed this before!

                            The fact of the matter is that occupations and insurgencies have occurred throughout history. While the parallels with modern day Iraq (Afghani suicide bombers?) are undeniable, Eick and Moore have maintained they actually looked much further back into history when breaking the New Caprica arc.

                            Anyway, why do you think it's a bad thing? It's a fantastic role-reversal that really gets you thinking! Western society has always held the notion of 'the fair fight', which is directly challenged by the tactics behind suicide bombing and similar forms of asymmetrical warfare. As such, these acts seem inherently foreign and negative to individuals brought up to never stab someone in the back, never kick a man when he's down, never hit below the belt, etc. Seeing these sort of tactics employed by the good guys - and to considerable success, no less - turns the entire issue on its head, forcing the viewer to think of it in a light they've likely never even considered before. The ultimate aim of science fiction is to get you to think, to challenge preconceived notions, and no better is this demonstrated than the first hour of Galactica season 3.

                            Anyway, by writing it all off without a second thought, you're missing out on some of the tightest and most original writing we've seen on the telly in a good long time.
                            Jayne - Ain't logical. Cuttin' on his own face, rapin' and murdering - Hell, I'll kill a man in a fair fight... or if I think he's gonna start a fair fight, or if he bothers me, or if there's a woman, or if I'm gettin' paid - mostly only when I'm gettin' paid. But these Reavers... last ten years they show up like the bogeyman from stories. Eating people alive? Where's that get fun?
                            Kaylee - Shepherd Book said they was men who just reached the edge of space, saw a vasty nothingness, and went bibbledy over it.
                            Jayne - Oh, hell, i've been to the edge. Just looked like... more space.
                            - Serenity


                              BSG's dark gloomy atmosphere is what got me hooked on the show in the first place. I like that nobody is a classic "good guy" and that everybody in the show makes serious mistakes and will do things that I feel might be wrong. I like that they show torture but not, as mentioned above, in that porno sadistic way, I like what they turned humanity into on New Caprica, not because I might necessarily agree with it, but because the show actually did it and because it made me think. I watch other shows to get my "away from real life fantasy world" fix, but I watch BSG because it IS real life shown at angles I normally wouldn't really see. I think thats what makes it such a good science fiction show.
                              "Did you really expect some utopian fantasy to rise from the ashes?" - Tom Zarek

