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My Journey through Babylon 5

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    Originally posted by Savatage View Post
    Totally agree. When you look at how the chatacters were at the beginning of the series and the end, you see how much they changed and developed. Yet it was always a natural progression given the events that had occured.
    Absolutely! Events always had a lasting impact - it wasn't as if something would occur in one episode and then be totally forgotten about three episodes later. I think the best example was Londo. He was totally shaped by his decisions and the ultimate results of those choices. Seemingly minor things could always have repercussions.


      Yeah, and that's the main reason why Babylon 5 remains one of my absolute favorites. All actions, no matter how minor, have consequences.


        2x17 - Knives

        After such an epic episode last time this one just felt like a weak filler plot. I understand not all episodes can be as important plot-wise as ep 16 but I really found this one hard to get interested in. However, I'm sure this was just a blip in an otherwise strong season 2.

        The Captain's story line sort of tied back in to a previous episode and some of the stuff with Babylon 4. We are seeing mentions of this event from time to time but I'm not sure if its just a side plot or if it will actually play a larger role in what is to come. Nevertheless, apart from the baseball and talks with Garibaldi I didn't find this one all that great.

        Londo's storyline was a little bit more interesting. I see it was meant to give us a closer look about what sort of impact his decision had back on Centari prime and more importantly, on his friends and family. As we see, he basically ruined the life of one of his best friends because he had no idea of the implications a new ruling body would have. The resolution though was obvious from the moment the challenge was issued. Again, can't really feel sorry for Londo because he has nobody to blame but himself for his ambitions which totally clouded his rational judgment.


          Originally posted by magictrick View Post
          2x17 - Knives

          After such an epic episode last time this one just felt like a weak filler plot. I understand not all episodes can be as important plot-wise as ep 16 but I really found this one hard to get interested in. However, I'm sure this was just a blip in an otherwise strong season 2.

          The Captain's story line sort of tied back in to a previous episode and some of the stuff with Babylon 4. We are seeing mentions of this event from time to time but I'm not sure if its just a side plot or if it will actually play a larger role in what is to come. Nevertheless, apart from the baseball and talks with Garibaldi I didn't find this one all that great.

          Londo's storyline was a little bit more interesting. I see it was meant to give us a closer look about what sort of impact his decision had back on Centari prime and more importantly, on his friends and family. As we see, he basically ruined the life of one of his best friends because he had no idea of the implications a new ruling body would have. The resolution though was obvious from the moment the challenge was issued. Again, can't really feel sorry for Londo because he has nobody to blame but himself for his ambitions which totally clouded his rational judgment.
          Yeah, it's not the best episode, but as the series goes along, there are fewer and fewer of these. Londo's story was more relevent to the overall story. It's an good example of what Maneth said in the post above - that every choice in the B5 universe has consequences. There's a whole lot of sowing and reaping going on.


            Hey! That was my first post without having to go through moderation! Woo-hoo! So naturally I have to use my new instant posting powers to write something off-topic. Better fix that...Yes, I didn't like the captains storyline in this episode.


              The story of the Centauri has often been compared with that of the Roman Empire (just wait until you meet Emperor Cartagia!), but the resolution of the battle reminded me a lot of the Japanese samurai honor code.


                Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                2x17 - Knives

                After such an epic episode last time this one just felt like a weak filler plot. I understand not all episodes can be as important plot-wise as ep 16 but I really found this one hard to get interested in. However, I'm sure this was just a blip in an otherwise strong season 2.

                The Captain's story line sort of tied back in to a previous episode and some of the stuff with Babylon 4. We are seeing mentions of this event from time to time but I'm not sure if its just a side plot or if it will actually play a larger role in what is to come. Nevertheless, apart from the baseball and talks with Garibaldi I didn't find this one all that great.

                Londo's storyline was a little bit more interesting. I see it was meant to give us a closer look about what sort of impact his decision had back on Centari prime and more importantly, on his friends and family. As we see, he basically ruined the life of one of his best friends because he had no idea of the implications a new ruling body would have. The resolution though was obvious from the moment the challenge was issued. Again, can't really feel sorry for Londo because he has nobody to blame but himself for his ambitions which totally clouded his rational judgment.
                Just a bit of Trivia about "Knives" you'll find interesting. This is the final episode not written by creator J. Michael Straczynski all the way until season 5. That's probably the main reason why "Knives" felt a lot out of whack. From here on in, JMS takes the reins fully with the writing. This is a great thing as season 3 is spectacular with its drama and action.

                The dialogue between Sheridan and Garibaldi on the baseball field was one of my favorite moments of the episode. Aside from that, I also agree that I enjoyed seeing Londo starting to reap the consequences of his actions. What is maddening about him is that he has mindset of starting down a certain path and then committing to that path so fully even when that path is utterly ruinous to himself and everyone around him. The idea that you can exercise free will and extricate yourself from a situation just never really occurred to him. It's that kind of foolishness that get him where he's ultimately going.

                Edit: Yes, there's a big point to Babylon 4. That mystery won't be put out into the open until the latter half of season 3 though.

                Originally posted by Savatage View Post
                Hey! That was my first post without having to go through moderation! Woo-hoo! So naturally I have to use my new instant posting powers to write something off-topic. Better fix that...Yes, I didn't like the captains storyline in this episode.
                Congratulations. Getting off Probie moderation is a relief ain't it?.

                Originally posted by maneth View Post
                The story of the Centauri has often been compared with that of the Roman Empire (just wait until you meet Emperor Cartagia!), but the resolution of the battle reminded me a lot of the Japanese samurai honor code.
                I thought Cartagia was one of the most interesting guest characters on Babylon 5, like Refa. I was hoping he would have the same accent as Refa and Londo though.
                Last edited by Cold Fuzz; 31 October 2011, 05:28 PM.


                  Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                  2x17 - Knives
                  The Captain's story line sort of tied back in to a previous episode and some of the stuff with Babylon 4. We are seeing mentions of this event from time to time but I'm not sure if its just a side plot or if it will actually play a larger role in what is to come. Nevertheless, apart from the baseball and talks with Garibaldi I didn't find this one all that great.
                  Everything has a point.


                    Congratulations. Getting off Probie moderation is a relief ain't it?.

                    Thanks, it is a relief. Back on topic, I didn't realize this was the point JMS assumed all the writing duties. I knew he wrote everything in season 3 and 4. Did write all of season 5 too?


                      Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                      Just a bit of Trivia about "Knives" you'll find interesting. This is the final episode not written by creator J. Michael Straczynski all the way until season 5. That's probably the main reason why "Knives" felt a lot out of whack. From here on in, JMS takes the reins fully with the writing. This is a great thing as season 3 is spectacular with its drama and action.
                      Good to know. Though I think the writing thus far has been great. The fact that it gets better only means I have more to look forward to.

                      I thought Cartagia was one of the most interesting guest characters on Babylon 5, like Refa. I was hoping he would have the same accent as Refa and Londo though.
                      Refa is interesting, but at the same time that makes him a huge d-bag. I really hope he gets what's coming


                        Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                        2x17 - Knives

                        After such an epic episode last time this one just felt like a weak filler plot. I understand not all episodes can be as important plot-wise as ep 16 but I really found this one hard to get interested in. However, I'm sure this was just a blip in an otherwise strong season 2.

                        The Captain's story line sort of tied back in to a previous episode and some of the stuff with Babylon 4. We are seeing mentions of this event from time to time but I'm not sure if its just a side plot or if it will actually play a larger role in what is to come. Nevertheless, apart from the baseball and talks with Garibaldi I didn't find this one all that great.

                        Londo's storyline was a little bit more interesting. I see it was meant to give us a closer look about what sort of impact his decision had back on Centari prime and more importantly, on his friends and family. As we see, he basically ruined the life of one of his best friends because he had no idea of the implications a new ruling body would have. The resolution though was obvious from the moment the challenge was issued. Again, can't really feel sorry for Londo because he has nobody to blame but himself for his ambitions which totally clouded his rational judgment.
                        At least you got to see good old Jacob Carter again

                        Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                        Good to know. Though I think the writing thus far has been great. The fact that it gets better only means I have more to look forward to.

                        Refa is interesting, but at the same time that makes him a huge d-bag. I really hope he gets what's coming
                        Ohhhh, Refa... yes, I believe you'll enjoy his story arc.
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                          Originally posted by s09119 View Post
                          At least you got to see good old Jacob Carter again
                          Yea I couldn't believe it was him with all that hair!


                            2x18 - Confessions and Lamentations

                            This episode started strong for me but then just veered off course for several reasons. Lots of uncharacteristic plot gaps in this one, see below.

                            The Good: The scene with Delenn, Lennier and Sheridan having dinner was great with some humor mixed in as well made it really enjoyable. I'm also intrigued by this sudden closeness between Delenn and John. Is this foreshadowing for something in the future? That scene before she goes into isolation kind of made it really obvious that the writers are hinting at something here.

                            Franklin had another strong episode as well. The part where he's getting his doctors in line when they seem reluctant was awesome. I'm really liking the Doc's character.

                            The Bad: This show is taking place in the year 2200+ where Earth has achieved interstellar travel and colonized other planets but they haven't been able to develop hazmat suits?? All the doctors have are the surgical masks, so it is no wonder none of them want to step in with the infected patient.

                            The Ugly: Ok this is the part that really stood out for me, and not in a good way. The disease originates with the Markab, a race that has achieved a level of science and technology that allows them to travel the galaxy in spaceships. This is obviously signs of an advanced race. Are they telling me that out of 2 BILLION Markabs they could not secure enough help to research the disease in over a year? The doctor mentioned the ruling body wouldn't allow funding which again I think is ridiculous. I find it unfathomable that they would not recognize the disease for what it is and do all they can to find a cure when there are MILLIONS of Markabs dying presumably each day.

                            I understand that they viewed the disease as a sign from greater places but once they saw what was happening I think it is ludicrous that the majority of them would still hold this same train of thought. I would find this acceptable if it was a primitive race, like humans during the dark ages, who looked at anything to do with science as witchcraft. But this is an advanced race who must recognize the importance of science for them to be where they are now in terms of technological capabilities.

                            There is no way they can convince me that a race who has come so far would genocide themselves over a belief that they are immoral and thus must die.

                            And to add to all this, we have a HUMAN doctor find the cure to the disease in 48 hours? I know this is Sci-Fi but come on.


                              I agree with you on the Markabs, luckily they're probably the most unconvincing plot in the entire series.

                              I won't spoil you on Sheridan and Delenn.


                                Originally posted by magictrick View Post
                                2x18 - Confessions and Lamentations

                                This episode started strong for me but then just veered off course for several reasons. Lots of uncharacteristic plot gaps in this one, see below.

                                The Good: The scene with Delenn, Lennier and Sheridan having dinner was great with some humor mixed in as well made it really enjoyable. I'm also intrigued by this sudden closeness between Delenn and John. Is this foreshadowing for something in the future? That scene before she goes into isolation kind of made it really obvious that the writers are hinting at something here.

                                Franklin had another strong episode as well. The part where he's getting his doctors in line when they seem reluctant was awesome. I'm really liking the Doc's character.

                                The Bad: This show is taking place in the year 2200+ where Earth has achieved interstellar travel and colonized other planets but they haven't been able to develop hazmat suits?? All the doctors have are the surgical masks, so it is no wonder none of them want to step in with the infected patient.

                                The Ugly: Ok this is the part that really stood out for me, and not in a good way. The disease originates with the Markab, a race that has achieved a level of science and technology that allows them to travel the galaxy in spaceships. This is obviously signs of an advanced race. Are they telling me that out of 2 BILLION Markabs they could not secure enough help to research the disease in over a year? The doctor mentioned the ruling body wouldn't allow funding which again I think is ridiculous. I find it unfathomable that they would not recognize the disease for what it is and do all they can to find a cure when there are MILLIONS of Markabs dying presumably each day.

                                I understand that they viewed the disease as a sign from greater places but once they saw what was happening I think it is ludicrous that the majority of them would still hold this same train of thought. I would find this acceptable if it was a primitive race, like humans during the dark ages, who looked at anything to do with science as witchcraft. But this is an advanced race who must recognize the importance of science for them to be where they are now in terms of technological capabilities.

                                There is no way they can convince me that a race who has come so far would genocide themselves over a belief that they are immoral and thus must die.

                                And to add to all this, we have a HUMAN doctor find the cure to the disease in 48 hours? I know this is Sci-Fi but come on.
                                I agree with you - especially on "The Ugly" part. I can see them being reluctant to admit the virus is happening to them - at first! But pretty soon they'd have to realize it aint striking down the immoral, it's wiping out the entire race. The episode was science VS. religion - or more to the point religion hindering science. I think the human doctor finding a cure so quickly is sort of the writer's way of adding insult to injury to the whole thing. Sorta like saying "Yeah, if you people had pulled your heads outta your butts for 2 seconds, you could have found a cure!"

                                In fairness Franklin, did have 2 species the disease effected and a few that it didn't to narrow things down a bit, AND he didn't actually know if it would work.

