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Babylon 5 - The Complete First Time Watch (Spoilers) First watch/Rewatch

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    Originally posted by jmoz View Post
    Have to agree.

    Seems she mostly wants him to become Minbari. I have yet to see Delenn participate in some Earth cultural thing. It's too smooth. Think there could have been a little more struggle and clash of culture there.
    Of course she has. For starters she became half human anyway, secondly when she and sherridan first met she went out on a dinner date with him, even wearing human clothing. No doubt activities in the bedroom are largely human as well........................I'm just sayin'
    Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


      lol, okay fair enough about Delenn and Sheridan. Both made sacrifices, but the transition was a bit too smooth and I don't know. Gagaing all over each other isn't really romantic, why I guess I don't really like it. But doesn't matter to me much, they're still good together.

      To Fuzz's reply and got up to "Darkness Ascending"
      Let's just forget the Byron thing ever happened, lol. Nah.

      Yea, I get the whole following the law even though they maybe unjust. Sorry Fuzz but gonna disagree on a few points, but the corps are clearly the whole government in 1984, Big Brother and secret police and one dimensional, unwavering loyalty. Some rules are meant to be followed, some have to be rewritten for changing times and injustices.

      Ok, with the new stuff. Great intrigue is back with the whole Centauri angle. Londo is being ostracized slowly even though it is not his doing, his own government is keeping him in the dark which is resulting to his current situation. I feel this is going spiral badly when Londo becomes emperor.

      Vir was awesome. Londo watched him swing that sword at the vendor guy, and says now he's ready, lol. That was awesome. Leneer was kinda cool too when he handles his training and stays vigil to his quest of getting the proof. I stopped at that because I'm drawing out finishing the series. Will feel a massive void when I'm done, so delaying it, lol.

      G'Kar and bible thumpers, ummm ok. Nah, his philosophies are some of the best. Leaves lots of room open for growth rather than confining philosophical/religious works of other cultures. I do like it and would probably like to read his book since I'm interested in philosophy.


        Originally posted by jmoz View Post
        lol, okay fair enough about Delenn and Sheridan. Both made sacrifices, but the transition was a bit too smooth and I don't know. Gagaing all over each other isn't really romantic, why I guess I don't really like it. But doesn't matter to me much, they're still good together.

        To Fuzz's reply and got up to "Darkness Ascending"
        Let's just forget the Byron thing ever happened, lol. Nah.

        Yea, I get the whole following the law even though they maybe unjust. Sorry Fuzz but gonna disagree on a few points, but the corps are clearly the whole government in 1984, Big Brother and secret police and one dimensional, unwavering loyalty. Some rules are meant to be followed, some have to be rewritten for changing times and injustices.

        Ok, with the new stuff. Great intrigue is back with the whole Centauri angle. Londo is being ostracized slowly even though it is not his doing, his own government is keeping him in the dark which is resulting to his current situation. I feel this is going spiral badly when Londo becomes emperor.

        Vir was awesome. Londo watched him swing that sword at the vendor guy, and says now he's ready, lol. That was awesome. Leneer was kinda cool too when he handles his training and stays vigil to his quest of getting the proof. I stopped at that because I'm drawing out finishing the series. Will feel a massive void when I'm done, so delaying it, lol.

        G'Kar and bible thumpers, ummm ok. Nah, his philosophies are some of the best. Leaves lots of room open for growth rather than confining philosophical/religious works of other cultures. I do like it and would probably like to read his book since I'm interested in philosophy.
        This is probably the greatest tragedy about the Psi Corps. People were afraid of telepaths and what they could do to normals, which is why, in Garibaldi's own words, they were "stuffed into a big black box called Psi Corps." All of their rights were taken away for the sake of normals, hoping that the Psi Cops would police their own kind. To a certain degree, that's what's happened. But you're correct that some rules that are unjust to begin with need to be re-written. The coming Telepath War is this conflict of over a century of injustice and thought policing finally coming to a head. Normals come to realize very quickly that free telepaths are a much lesser threat to everyone than a bunch of telepaths constantly policed by fascists among their own kind. Unfortunately, this major B5 conflict is never seen on the screen. This is perhaps one of my biggest complaints about the B5 universe.

        As for the Centauri/Drakh situation, I won't say too much at the moment as the wonderful plot is much better impact-wise when unspoiled. The only thing I will say is that Londo becoming emperor is loaded with tragic ironies. He gets everything he ever wanted while simultaneously getting absolutely nothing that he ever wanted.

        I think you'll like the coming episodes even more. Everything with The Ragged Edge and after is much more consistent with the quality we came to expect from seasons 1-4. By the time you get to The Wheel of Fire, the final arcs for the series are well underway. I would hold off on watching Sleeping in Light until you've watched all the other TV movies as well as Crusade.


          Ahh, gotcha. Look forward to it. Also I don't like the elitist view that psycorps has.


            Originally posted by jmoz View Post
            Ahh, gotcha. Look forward to it. Also I don't like the elitist view that psycorps has.
            Elitist doesn't even begin to describe the way the upper echelon Psi Corps personnel view things. Mundanes are utterly disposable to them. In the end though, things get set right. Once you get to Objects at Rest, I'll tell you what Bester's ultimate fate is.


              All my Dreams....

              Excellent episode. Lots of powerful moments. I really hate how Londo is put in the dark. He is somewhat innocent in this, but he still carries out the orders of his government that's basically screwing him over.

              I love the G'Kar funny moments here. Delenn goes, Londo likes to sleep on his ride and hates talking to the person next to him. G'Kar goes that's why I booked the seat next to him. LOL, but awesome powerful friendship moment happening between the two when he goes to the cell with G'Kar.

              This is just me overthinking stuff. I think JMS is trying to bring this whole series to a satisfying closure. Cause lets face it, the Centauri got off easy for all the crimes they've done. This whole plot arc is isolating all the guilty parties of the Centauri factions responsible for war crimes in both the military and the political field. The aggressive ones are all one sided and are going to war. It's sort of dealing with them. Although, Londo is part of that aggressive group, but he's a changed man. Why it'll be all the more tragic when he gets his.

              Garibaldi's getting really annoying. I dislike the character directions he's going. I mean the whole psycorp brainwashing sorta brought the original Garibaldi back, and did some really powerful dark moments especially the one where he sells out Sheridan in that bar. But this relapse into alcoholism just grates on my nerves.

              Again, excellent episode.


                Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                Elitist doesn't even begin to describe the way the upper echelon Psi Corps personnel view things. Mundanes are utterly disposable to them. In the end though, things get set right. Once you get to Objects at Rest, I'll tell you what Bester's ultimate fate is.
                Nooo please don't tell. Let us find out for ourselves! I beg of you!
                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                  Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
                  Nooo please don't tell. Let us find out for ourselves! I beg of you!
                  It won't be divulged here. It will be PM'd.


                    Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                    All my Dreams....

                    Excellent episode. Lots of powerful moments. I really hate how Londo is put in the dark. He is somewhat innocent in this, but he still carries out the orders of his government that's basically screwing him over.

                    I love the G'Kar funny moments here. Delenn goes, Londo likes to sleep on his ride and hates talking to the person next to him. G'Kar goes that's why I booked the seat next to him. LOL, but awesome powerful friendship moment happening between the two when he goes to the cell with G'Kar.

                    This is just me overthinking stuff. I think JMS is trying to bring this whole series to a satisfying closure. Cause lets face it, the Centauri got off easy for all the crimes they've done. This whole plot arc is isolating all the guilty parties of the Centauri factions responsible for war crimes in both the military and the political field. The aggressive ones are all one sided and are going to war. It's sort of dealing with them. Although, Londo is part of that aggressive group, but he's a changed man. Why it'll be all the more tragic when he gets his.

                    Garibaldi's getting really annoying. I dislike the character directions he's going. I mean the whole psycorp brainwashing sorta brought the original Garibaldi back, and did some really powerful dark moments especially the one where he sells out Sheridan in that bar. But this relapse into alcoholism just grates on my nerves.

                    Again, excellent episode.
                    Touché my friend. The Centauri have much to answer for, especially considering they allied themselves with the Shadows. However, that alliance came back to haunt them as the Drakh...well, you'll see very shortly what they're planning for the Centauri...and Londo.

                    The thing about Garibaldi is complicated to explain. When a person feels powerless, they'll lash out, become abusive, or turn to an addiction because they feel trapped. I've seen this play out with people in real life and there are times when I've felt myself pulled in that direction in the distant past. It's a dangerous thing because you don't realize you're slipping down that path and that's what's happening to Garibaldi now. It gets worse yet.


                      Eh, whenever I feel bad, I get drunk too I guess. And ice cream. Ice cream's good. Plus chinese food. Plus good movie with buddies. Or bbq. Hmm, making myself hungry.


                        Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                        Eh, whenever I feel bad, I get drunk too I guess. And ice cream. Ice cream's good. Plus chinese food. Plus good movie with buddies. Or bbq. Hmm, making myself hungry.
                        There is a cure for this J: Spoo.


                          hmmmm, what's spoo?


                            Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                            hmmmm, what's spoo?
                            It was talked about at length with one of the earlier season 5 episodes: A View from the Gallery. Mack and Bo, the maintenance guys, are eating their respective lunches. Bo has a hard salami sandwich, while Mack is trudging on with some kind of spoo sandwich thing-y. He claims that the Centauri love spoo, and it's priced at 10 credits an ounce. Londo and G'Kar also briefly talk about spoo while they're on Centauri Prime, just before they get Na'Toth out of the Royal Palace.


                              Ohhhhhhh, lol. I sorta wasn't paying a lot of attention to the first few episodes in season 5. Guess I missed it, only remember one of the guys tricking the other guy into trading. That was a pretty fun episode though.


                                Spoo, the other blue gray meat, as seen on Babylon Park.

