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Who Would YOU Be???

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    Who Would YOU Be???

    Hey there every one, I had an odd thought while purusing the board.

    So, here goes.

    If you could have the chance to be on either SGA or SG1, as your own charecter, and you decided your role, who would you be? Would you be an enemy, a freind, or just some dude in the shot? Would you want to be a recurring charecter, or would you want to dissapear after the episode was over? What role would you play overall in the show?

    Anywho, I just thought this might be an interesting idea for eveyone to play with.

    I remember being in a thread just like this about being cast as an enemy or friend. Hmm, oh well *shrugs his shoulders* I might as well post it here as well. I would be one of the Nox just so I could call everyone young. Added advantages of casting me as a Nox would be that my hair is already that wild so less time in make-up.
    The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Stalin
    The viewpoint of one person is not the viewpoint of all - ShadowMaat
    Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori - Horace
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
    Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something - Plato
    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Gandhi
    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napoleon


      Thats funny.

      Maybe I should have started off to break the ice. So, here goes.

      I would want to be cast as one of the Athosians in SGA. They seem to have life down pat, and even thought they live in fear of the wraith, they are happy. I would probably be a younger one, maybe early 20's, who is obsessed with trees.


        I would like to be a nice minor recurring character. Maybe after several seasons I get to do something important.

        That would make me happy.

        by stargatefangurl at LiveJournal


          Gotta be Jack's love-interest Cheesy I know, but given the choice, that's who I'd want to be - & DEFINATELY a recurring role...
          sorry if I've dragged this thread down somewhat!!


            Originally posted by couchpotatergater
            Gotta be Jack's love-interest Cheesy I know, but given the choice, that's who I'd want to be - & DEFINATELY a recurring role...
            sorry if I've dragged this thread down somewhat!!
            Ohhh, good choice! Yummy RDA.


              Originally posted by Anya_Ginny
              I would like to be a nice minor recurring character. Maybe after several seasons I get to do something important.

              That would make me happy.
              Hmmm. Kinda like the Tok'ra did? Wormed their way in slowly, till they were irreplaceable?


                Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
                Hmmm. Kinda like the Tok'ra did? Wormed their way in slowly, till they were irreplaceable?
                Yea, something along those lines. I was planning on being from Earth and having the Ancient gene ::goes off to think more::

                by stargatefangurl at LiveJournal


                  I'd be my self i.e The Wormhole Alien, that can abduct Dr.Weir's conciousness just to have a chat every now and then.

                  But I don't think I'll help though, I'll just be annoying:

                  Me: The Weir must prepare atlantis. The Weir must protect atlantis.
                  Weir: We are trying. We need help.
                  Me: The Weir must raise shields.
                  Weir: We don't have enough power. If we had a ZP...
                  Me: The Weir must aquire potentia. potentia will power shields.
                  Weir: We know. We don't know where to get one
                  Me: The Weir must get me date with Athar.
                  Weir: What?
                  Me: The wraith are coming. The Weir will not like the wraith. The Wraith WILL like The Weir.

                  P.S. You'd need to have watched a few episodes of DeepSpace 9 to know who Wormhole Aliens are.
                  Parap pup pup paaa ... I'm Lovin' It!


                    Originally posted by WormholeAlien
                    P.S. You'd need to have watched a few episodes of DeepSpace 9 to know who Wormhole Aliens are.
                    I was wondering why I didn't understand what was going on.
                    The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Stalin
                    The viewpoint of one person is not the viewpoint of all - ShadowMaat
                    Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori - Horace
                    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
                    Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something - Plato
                    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Gandhi
                    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napoleon


                      Originally posted by WormholeAlien
                      I'd be my self i.e The Wormhole Alien, that can abduct Dr.Weir's conciousness just to have a chat every now and then.

                      But I don't think I'll help though, I'll just be annoying:

                      Me: The Weir must prepare atlantis. The Weir must protect atlantis.
                      Weir: We are trying. We need help.
                      Me: The Weir must raise shields.
                      Weir: We don't have enough power. If we had a ZP...
                      Me: The Weir must aquire potentia. potentia will power shields.
                      Weir: We know. We don't know where to get one
                      Me: The Weir must get me date with Athar.
                      Weir: What?
                      Me: The wraith are coming. The Weir will not like the wraith. The Wraith WILL like The Weir.

                      P.S. You'd need to have watched a few episodes of DeepSpace 9 to know who Wormhole Aliens are.
                      Thats kinda odd... Although it could be because I have no clue as to what you are talking about.

                      'The Weir.' Heh.

                      *Shuffles off to get a clue...*


                        <shakes head>
                        ooooooooh kay....

                        In deep space 9, the commander of the space station was cmdr (and later, captain) Benjamin Sisko.

                        The station was next to the only known stable wormhole. The wormhole is home to some highly advanced aliens seen as prophets by the inhabitants of the local planet, because they help the folks of the planet through emmisaries.

                        Benjamin sisko was the emmisary of that period. So the aliens would tap into sisko's mind and warn him about things etc. They would call him "The Sisko".

                        make a little bit more sense now?

                        Come on people, you could've got at least the gist of the conversation without this explanation?
                        Parap pup pup paaa ... I'm Lovin' It!


                          Originally posted by WormholeAlien
                          <shakes head>
                          ooooooooh kay....

                          In deep space 9, the commander of the space station was cmdr (and later, captain) Benjamin Sisko.

                          The station was next to the only known stable wormhole. The wormhole is home to some highly advanced aliens seen as prophets by the inhabitants of the local planet, because they help the folks of the planet through emmisaries.

                          Benjamin sisko was the emmisary of that period. So the aliens would tap into sisko's mind and warn him about things etc. They would call him "The Sisko".

                          make a little bit more sense now?

                          Come on people, you could've got at least the gist of the conversation without this explanation?
                          I get it now...


                          A little, but good enough for the usual level of understanding that my brain reaches.


                            I'd totally be a brunette military scientist, or maybe a dr, but definitely military, and of course I would be Shep's love interest (sorry Weir ). I'd have the ancient gene in full force like Shep too and together we would control the technology of the ancients.

                            And I'd be around all the time.


                              I think I would like to be one of the military gals that operates the stargate. That way I'd get to see what was happening when a team came back in trouble or something. Of course I would be in almost every episode, whether I had lines or not, cause who would run the stargate otherwise? Get to see the O'niell in action, so to speak.
                              O'Neill: It's all fun and games til someone breaks a nail.

