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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    But Annoyed's generation produced one of the highest number of offspring
    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
    Maybe that's why he's so angry. He missed out on all the fun
    having ****loads of kids is fun?

    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    She should pay with her job at the least, at most she should be in jail for negligent homicide, possibly even manslaughter.
    don't say "she" for someone who's not really a woman (choosing a job that consists in killing)
    sacred rule says don't hit women- but there'd be nothing morally wrong in bashing that killer's face to a pulp, it's consistent with the rule
    Last edited by SoulReaver; 20 September 2016, 02:30 PM.


      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
      Maybe if you offer proper sex education instead of just telling them not to do it..

      The areas which use the "abstinence only" teaching method have the highest teen pregnancy rates..

      They're also mostly in the Republican controlled states.. so I guess you're all for it. If Trump wins you'll have a lot more kids to support
      so teaching kids about personal accountability is wrong now....perhaps that's why we have so many entitled brats that seem to enjoy making a career out of living off government handouts


        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
        so teaching kids about personal accountability is wrong now....perhaps that's why we have so many entitled brats that seem to enjoy making a career out of living off government handouts
        There is nothing wrong with teaching accountability, using birth control is being just as responsible as abstinence. Procreation is a drive that lives in all forms of life and it is not like any other behaviour we have. Trying to compare the two is foolish.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          don't say "she" for someone who's not really a woman (choosing a job that consists in killing)
          So being a cop is only (or should) be a man's job? What of the military?


            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
            so teaching kids about personal accountability is wrong now....perhaps that's why we have so many entitled brats that seem to enjoy making a career out of living off government handouts
            If you only teach children to never have sex, they'll never be prepared for when they actually want it. Besides, we live more than ever in a sexed-up world. It's easier, more available and more mainstream than it ever was.


              So is that why Millennials have less Da Sex then their parents?
              I like Sharky


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                I don't keep it in the closet.
                It's in the kitchen.
                *runs out of closet and into kitchen*

                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                I drank it to give myself an immunity next time Trump, Clintion, or Trump says something stupid
                I wonder what he drank instead.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Pot I assume, although he ate it not drink it
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                    If you only teach children to never have sex, they'll never be prepared for when they actually want it. Besides, we live more than ever in a sexed-up world. It's easier, more available and more mainstream than it ever was.
                    so just because it's more available means we shouldn't teach our kids to control their urges...gotcha....and I never said that they shouldn't be taught to NEVER have sex...just don't do it if you don't want any kids out of wedlock

                    but I guess that's the other part of the these days don't get any discipline from their parents......and generally suffer no negative consequences if they did something wrong these days


                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                      ...just don't do it if you don't want any kids out of wedlock...
                      LOL -- so no sex before that first wedding night.
                      Oldfashioned much.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        LOL -- so no sex before that first wedding night.
                        Oldfashioned much.
                        that and I'm a firm believer in taking responsibility for controlling your own actions


                          Yes, and by providing a decent sexual education, one can contribute to that responsibility.

                          Oh, the giggles I remember when they demonstrated that condom on a banana.
                          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Oh, the giggles I remember when they demonstrated that condom on a banana.
                            **** I didn't know protection was required when eating bananas

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post

                            if you don't want any kids out of wedlock
                            these ones might as well embrace a life of crime since they're going to Hell anyway right?


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              LOL -- so no sex before that first wedding night.
                              Oldfashioned much.
                              And just what is so wrong with "old fashioned" ? As I recall, (and you don't, you're not old enough) there wasn't anywhere near the levels of teenage pregnancies, kids growing up with no or poor parenting if any, I could sit here all day making lists, but suffice to say that all of these problems have grown by a large margin since we abandoned the "old fashioned" ways.


                                Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                                So is that why Millennials have less Da Sex then their parents?
                                Millennials have less sex than their parents for the same reason why they save less for retirement and why they are less likely to buy houses or diamonds - because they're broke, basically,

                                Millennials, on average, make $2000 less than Generation X-ers. They are more likely to live with their parents, less likely to buy cars, less likely to hold a steady job - all that in an economy in which the cost of living is significantly higher than what Generation X-ers had to deal with. Not having your own place and/or financial independence limits opportunities for sex from both supply and demand side.
                                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.

