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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    I don't believe the accusations against him for 1 millisecond. I will grant the possibility of faulty memories on the part of the accusers, after all it is alleged to have happened 30+ years ago. But that possibility does not warrant derailing a man's career, trashing his reputation and so forth.

    But the most likely situation is that the only "offense" is that the SCOTUS is going to be 5-4 Conservative. That is unacceptable to the left, and they will stoop to any depth to prevent that from happening. Trump could have nominated Snow White and if she was a Conservative, the Democrats would have accused her of sexually molesting the 7 dwarfs.

    As I said, you watch. During the coming week delay that Flake insisted upon, One or more Democrats will come forth with some new reason for further delay. When that happens, the Republicans ought to just close ranks, tell the Democrats to shut up and sit down, and confirm him.
    Good idea. Let's further divide the government. Sounds productive
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      Good idea. Let's further divide the government. Sounds productive
      Remind me again which side is trying to do an end run around the legal process for confirmation of a nominee that they can't stop by the rules in place?


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Ok, the dust has settled (for now) on the Kavanaugh confirmation.

        Flake, with Trump backing him, has called for a 1 week delay to allow the FBI to investigate Ford & the other one's claims.

        Trump orders FBI probe into Kavanaugh; Senate vote delayed

        I have no problem with that. Even though their charges are BS.

        But I'll bet dollars to donuts that during that week, the Democrats will pull something else out of their nether regions and demand a further delay. You mark my words. They will ring true.
        Heh. Roughly 24 hour hours.

        Bernie Sanders calls for FBI to investigate whether Kavanaugh told truth in hearing

        Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) on Saturday sent a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) demanding that the FBI, in addition to investigating sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, also examine the truthfulness of Kavanaugh's statements made under oath Thursday before the Senate panel.

        "In order for the FBI investigation regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to be complete, it is imperative the bureau must not only look into the accusations made by Dr. [Christine Blasey] Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, it should also examine the veracity of his testimony before the Judiciary Committee," Sanders wrote in the letter.

        Sanders, who tweeted the letter Saturday morning, wrote on Twitter, "Lying to Congress is a federal crime. … Kavanaugh's truthfulness with the Senate goes to the very heart of whether he should be confirmed to the court."
        Sanders also said the FBI investigation should not be constrained to one week, as has been agreed to by multiple Republican senators.
        A bat with a broken hearing aid could have seen this coming. Why didn't Flake & the Republicans?


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Remind me again which side is trying to do an end run around the legal process for confirmation of a nominee that they can't stop by the rules in place?
          None. Its already been established you see a giant conspiracy where their is none
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post

            A bat with a broken hearing aid could have seen this coming
            (since when do hearing aids affect vision)

            you're complaining that they're asking for a real investigation instead of a 1 week one?

            if this was Juanita Broad(rick) vs Bill Clinton you'd be calling for a Nuremberg-style trial

            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            Remind me again which side is trying to do an end run around the legal process for confirmation of a nominee that they can't stop by the rules in place?
            ja! who cares about morals, it's ze Law

            Government above all (sieg heil etc.)


              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              (since when do hearing aids affect vision)
              Bats do not see well. They rely on their version of sonar to hunt and navigate.

              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              you're complaining that they're asking for a real investigation instead of a 1 week one?
              As I've stated above, I believe the whole thing is something better not stepped in. Kavanaugh WAS investigated and vtted by the FBI over the summer, since his nomination He has also been investigated prior to his being seated in other judical positions, and he has come up clean.

              If someone has positive, provable proof, fine bring it. But all that we have seen to this point is 30+ year old unproven and more importantly UNPROVABLE accusations. For crying out loud, the corroborating witness Ford tried to bring denied everything about it.

              That is no where near enough to trash someone's career and reputation, as the Democrats have tried to do and have done with his reputation. Just become some woman opens her yap doesn't mean that she's telling the truth. Or maybe (slight possibility) that her own memory is foggy, as it was 30+ years ago.

              These accusations are BS, and the Democrats are just trying to delay till after the election, hoping they gain control of the Senate. But they've mis calculated that, tool Even if they do stop Kavanaugh, and take the Senate, the Republicans are still in power till next January. Plenty of time to nominate Amy Coney-Bennett & get her confirmed.

              As far as I am concerned, they can take the vote Monday, and if Flake doesn't want to vote yes, that might leave a tie, at worst.

              Guess who breaks tie votes in the Senate?


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                Heh. Roughly 24 hour hours.

                Bernie Sanders calls for FBI to investigate whether Kavanaugh told truth in hearing

                A bat with a broken hearing aid could have seen this coming. Why didn't Flake & the Republicans?
                Bernie is the one calling an investigation?

                Sh*t just got real.
                I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  Bats do not see well. They rely on their version of sonar to hunt and navigate.

                  As I've stated above, I believe the whole thing is something better not stepped in. Kavanaugh WAS investigated and vtted by the FBI over the summer, since his nomination He has also been investigated prior to his being seated in other judical positions, and he has come up clean.

                  If someone has positive, provable proof, fine bring it. But all that we have seen to this point is 30+ year old unproven and more importantly UNPROVABLE accusations. For crying out loud, the corroborating witness Ford tried to bring denied everything about it.

                  That is no where near enough to trash someone's career and reputation, as the Democrats have tried to do and have done with his reputation. Just become some woman opens her yap doesn't mean that she's telling the truth. Or maybe (slight possibility) that her own memory is foggy, as it was 30+ years ago.

                  These accusations are BS, and the Democrats are just trying to delay till after the election, hoping they gain control of the Senate. But they've mis calculated that, tool Even if they do stop Kavanaugh, and take the Senate, the Republicans are still in power till next January. Plenty of time to nominate Amy Coney-Bennett & get her confirmed.

                  As far as I am concerned, they can take the vote Monday, and if Flake doesn't want to vote yes, that might leave a tie, at worst.

                  Guess who breaks tie votes in the Senate?
                  Repetition does not make your claim anymore true
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Bats do not see well. They rely on their version of sonar to hunt and navigate.
                    spoilsport (technically sonar's not sight though it's still hearing)
                    the whole thing is something better not stepped in
                    you mean your country as it is now? definitely wouldn't step there :|
                    Kavanaugh WAS investigated and vtted by the FBI over the summer
                    looking for **** where there was none & they didn't find **** ? no ****

                    how about stepping where there is **** & looking there?
                    If someone has positive, provable proof, fine bring it. But all that we have seen to this point is 30+ year old unproven and more importantly UNPROVABLE accusations.
                    ditto for Cosby Weinstein & Bill Clinton (cf. Broadrick)
                    For crying out loud, the corroborating witness Ford tried to bring denied everything about it.
                    he wants to stay alive

                    the one being accused is basically the Government
                    That is no where near enough to trash someone's career
                    career? he's already got a top position (appellate judge) he's whining because he might not ascend to the very top of the Deep State?

                    that's like a cherubim complaining about not being promoted to seraphim
                    and reputation
                    I say his demeanour at the hearing did more to undermine his reputation than the accusations themselves
                    These accusations are BS,
                    Godvernment can't do wrong
                    and the Democrats are just trying to delay till after the election,
                    that's what stray dog Lindsay Graham said what's wrong with that?

                    the Democrats don't want a bad person getting an unelected lifetime position in the Supreme Deep State (by bad person I don't mean just a high school kavanaughty boy I mean a Koch-appointed POS who won't hesitate to undermine the people's constitutional rights while enabling a president to act as a king)

                    they're damn right to do everything they can to delay it's their moral duty
                    As far as I am concerned, they can take the vote Monday, and if Flake doesn't want to vote yes, that might leave a tie, at worst.

                    Guess who breaks tie votes in the Senate?
                    I thought there were 2 more potential rogue senators mentioned?


                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      they're damn right to do everything they can to delay it's their moral duty
                      Pity slander and character assassination are not part of their job description.

                      And the Democrats might pay a high price for this game. I hope they do. The voters elected Trump, knowing full well that the Senate was in Republican hands and there was an open seat on SCOTUS at that time. Seems clear they prefer the court go towards the right. A good many people might be pissed at the dems for this smear job they're pulling.

                      Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                      I thought there were 2 more potential rogue senators mentioned?
                      And there will be rogue Democrats; up for election this year, and running in very red states that supported Trump. Translate as: If they vote against, they will get tossed out on their arses in a month.


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        Pity slander and character assassination are not part of their job description.
                        the Dems were actually soft on the slandering with Blasey Ford doing most of the heavy lifting during her testimony (would you tell her to her face what you just said?)

                        for the real deal look to your King he sets the example when it comes to slandering. he's not above doing that to private taxpaying citizens which I say is a lot worse than doing this to a high paid Gman
                        The voters elected Trump
                        And there will be rogue Democrats; up for election this year, and running in very red states that supported Trump. Translate as: If they vote against, they will get tossed out on their arses in a month.
                        then this will be a good opportunity to test their integrity won't it

                        (how does that work anyway - you say if those rogue Dems vote against K they'll lose red votes - but if they vote for K they'll lose blue votes won't they? unless the red voters outnumber the blue voters in which case how did those Dems get elected in the 1st place?)
                        Last edited by SoulReaver; 30 September 2018, 06:00 AM. Reason: url


                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          the Dems were actually soft on the slandering with Blasey Ford doing most of the heavy lifting during her testimony (would you tell her to her face what you just said?)
                          Yes, I would. Sorry, dear, but you are either flat out lying or maybe misremembered something. You have no idea of where it happened, when it happened, how you got there or how you got home. The guy you said was going to back your story up denied it. That story is BS.

                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          (how does that work anyway - you say if those rogue Dems vote against K they'll lose red votes - but if they vote for K they'll lose blue votes won't they? unless the red voters outnumber the blue voters in which case how did those Dems get elected in the 1st place?)
                          Political landscapes change. Sometimes, a Dem can get elected, but the people in the state change. There has been a shift to the right as a backlash to Obama in many states.
                          Sometimes that results in a congresscritter from one party running for office in a state that goes the other way. Several Democrat senators are in this pickle now. They're running in areas that were blue enough to get them elected 6 years ago, but has since shifted to the right. At this time, red voters outnumber blue voters by a significant amount, so they don't dare vot against Kavanaugh.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Yes, I would. Sorry, dear, but you are either flat out lying or maybe misremembered something. You have no idea of where it happened, when it happened, how you got there or how you got home. The guy you said was going to back your story up denied it. That story is BS.
                            and Juanita Broadrick?

                            Political landscapes change. Sometimes, a Dem can get elected, but the people in the state change. There has been a shift to the right as a backlash to Obama in many states.
                            Sometimes that results in a congresscritter from one party running for office in a state that goes the other way. Several Democrat senators are in this pickle now. They're running in areas that were blue enough to get them elected 6 years ago, but has since shifted to the right. At this time, red voters outnumber blue voters by a significant amount, so they don't dare vot against Kavanaugh.
                            so you think red voters will vote for a Democrat out of gratitude? if anything they'll be wary of someone willing to betray their own camp & vote for the real deal ie. a red candidate


                              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                              so you think red voters will vote for a Democrat out of gratitude? if anything they'll be wary of someone willing to betray their own camp & vote for the real deal ie. a red candidate
                              You're overthinking this. It's really really simple.

                              All politicians want to get re-elected. It's their primary motivation in life, second only to pushing back the frontiers of their bank accounts. Several Dem. senators are in states that are generally red or are split at this point in time and that voted strongly for Trump. If those senators vote against Kavanaugh, they risk the wrath of the voters. So they're not likely to vote against him.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Bats do not see well. They rely on their version of sonar to hunt and navigate.

                                I hate to be that guy but most bats have perfectly good eyesight but they use echolocation to hunt at night as it's easier, they don't use sonar (sonar is the use of sound waves under water to see, bats can't swim).

                                But other than that, yeah a deaf and blind bat could see this stitch up coming a mile off, she's had what? 30 years to come forward, but saved it until now? Highly suspect timing.

