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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
    Free? How unpopular is this decision over there?

    Well, there was a nationwide labor strike. 100 000 strong protest in Tel Aviv, protests in other cities. Israeli airlines allowed their crews to wear black instead of normal uniforms as a form of protest. Pretty much every single large company pledged financial support for LGBT employees seeking surrogacy. Microsoft Israel, for example, is offering $16500. Prime Minister Netanyahu is taking massive PR damage because he was very vocal in supporting LGBT right to surrogate parenthood... right up until the vote, and then voted against. Apparently religious parties threatened to topple the coalition over this law, so he caved in. It's a mess.
    If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


      This kind of thing really pisses me off.

      A new spate of incidents in which litters of kittens are being tossed from moving vehicles has sparked outrage among Florida animal rights advocacy groups.

      Volunteers in Volusia County say they're growing concerned after learning of multiple recent instances where kittens have been injured.

      “On Thursday between 3:30 and 4:00 pm a litter of kittens was tossed out on 44 close to Sugar Mill intersection,” the Southeast Volusia Humane Society said in a Facebook post. “This is one of a number of such acts of animal abuse reported in the last 2 weeks. Several on 92, Lake Helene and I4 just to name a few.”
      If they catch these bastards, I would like to see them punished by doing the exact same thing to them; throw them out of cars on the freeway.


        You don't like the 8th Amendment do you?
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          You don't like the 8th Amendment do you?
          If it's good enough for his victims, it's good enough for the perpetrator.

          I don't consider anyone who could torture and kill kittens/puppies/pets in general for the fun of it to be human anyway.


            well they could always change it from animal abuse, to straight abuse, legally, if we remove the distinction between humans and animal rights... of course then the whole farming and meat industry comes into question etc.. nature is cruel and i guess at times we ask why...

            apparently some people choose to deal with this by being crueler..... not really the right answere and its sad all around... because nature is good too, its not all sadness and cruelty, theirs actual compassion and kindness in nature too, much like the human spirit in general :/


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              If it's good enough for his victims, it's good enough for the perpetrator.

              I don't consider anyone who could torture and kill kittens/puppies/pets in general for the fun of it to be human anyway.

              The law does.
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                They are really into maintaining zombie jobs in America these days - and outsourcing the costs to the worker. San Fransisco wants to pass a law to force office workers- or their employers - to basically subsidize restaurants:

                San Francisco looks to ban free lunch at tech companies

                Lavish free lunches are the stuff of Silicon Valley legend, and a treasured perk in the roster of on-campus benefits that tech companies use to lure workers. But two San Francisco legislators are looking to do away with the practice, saying it hurts local businesses who can't compete, reports CBS San Francisco.

                "We see thousands of employees in a block radius that don't go out to lunch and don't go out in support of restaurants every day," said Ryan Corridor, owner of Corridor, a restaurant blocks from San Francisco's city hall. "It's because they don't have to."

                On the other hand, when Square, a nearby payment processing company, closes its cafeteria every other Friday, Corridor sees such a surge it sometimes has to increase its staffing, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

                "You can't compete with free. Free food is a wonderful amenity but doesn't do anything to extend the community around it," said Gwyneth Borden, executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Association.

                San Francisco Supervisors Ahsha Safai and Aaron Peskin introduced legislation Tuesday prohibiting in-house cafeterias in new office buildings and tech campuses. They insist the city has the legal right to do this through a zoning amendment using certain planning and public health codes.
                "This is the beginning of a conversation," said Safai. "We think it's an appropriate conversation to have now."

                If passed, this new law would only apply to new companies, not existing companies in the city like Google, Twitter and Levi Strauss & Co. There are currently 51 such employee cafeterias in San Francisco.

                Safai painted the measure as a boon to work-life balance. "This is also about a cultural shift," he told the Chronicle. "We don't want employees biking or driving into their office, staying there all day long and going home. This is about getting people out of their office," he said.

                While unusual, the law does have a precedent. In nearby Mountain View, local legislators barred Facebook from fully subsidizing on-site meals for 2,000 workers in the tech company's new offices, according to the Chronicle. It's an attempt to avoid the problem of empty streets and struggling restaurants that has plagued some parts of Silicon Valley. (Employers are allowed to pay for worker meals off-campus, of course.)

                "If we have all these restaurants, we want this to be a successful development. If employers pay for it, that's fine," Michael Kasperzak, a former Mountain View mayor, told the Chronicle.
                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                  Please. You expect sanity from California?


                    .... i guess we should make everyone get a mandatory flat rate per hour, regardless of industry or job, since some industries and corporations cannot afford to pay like hte higher end ones.... and make sure politicians and government jobs also pay the same rate.... i mean it can be a good rate... at least 15 dollars an hour... of course then the congress will just spend every day having long debates just to get overtime...

                    Fillibuster will become thier most favorite word ever.. and we will likely hear how every other week they have to have a roaving congressional session near florida or the west coast


                      Originally posted by AleksisMi View Post
                      .... i guess we should make everyone get a mandatory flat rate per hour, regardless of industry or job, since some industries and corporations cannot afford to pay like hte higher end ones.... and make sure politicians and government jobs also pay the same rate.... i mean it can be a good rate... at least 15 dollars an hour... of course then the congress will just spend every day having long debates just to get overtime...
                      So people who got simple non-skilled jobs just out of school and people who spent half their adult life studying to become doctors or scientists should make the same salary? Workers doing hazardous jobs like mining and toxic waste disposal should get the same money as people flipping burgers?
                      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                        Originally posted by AleksisMi View Post
                        .... i guess we should make everyone get a mandatory flat rate per hour, regardless of industry or job, since some industries and corporations cannot afford to pay like hte higher end ones.... and make sure politicians and government jobs also pay the same rate.... i mean it can be a good rate... at least 15 dollars an hour... of course then the congress will just spend every day having long debates just to get overtime...

                        Fillibuster will become thier most favorite word ever.. and we will likely hear how every other week they have to have a roaving congressional session near florida or the west coast
                        That's sort of like a pet idea I've had for a long time. Government leaders, representatives and such should be paid the average of every working age individual in their jurisdiction. Take the average of ALL working age people in their district, no exceptions, no BS, and that's what that representative earns.

                        Give them a true vested interest in raising the quality of life for the people they supposedly represent.


                          Originally posted by Womble View Post
                          So people who got simple non-skilled jobs just out of school and people who spent half their adult life studying to become doctors or scientists should make the same salary? Workers doing hazardous jobs like mining and toxic waste disposal should get the same money as people flipping burgers?
                          The politician can get the same as the burger flipper, the people at actual risk deserve more.
                          On further reflection, Would it be so bad if the doctor got 15 bucks an hour, but did not need to pay for their education, training and other associated issues?
                          They get 10 years at school as a free ride, plus refresher courses and continued education for free.
                          Ultimately, I guess I am wondering why money should be the driving force behind a career, rather than Ability.
                          I know you well enough to say that what you do as a job is a catastrophic WASTE of your intelligence and for what?
                          Would the world be better off, or worse off if people actually did jobs based on their ability, rather than their socio-economic constraints?

                          Would the world be better off, or worse off if we all got X amount to live on?
                          Last edited by Gatefan1976; 28 July 2018, 10:51 PM.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            That's sort of like a pet idea I've had for a long time. Government leaders, representatives and such should be paid the average of every working age individual in their jurisdiction. Take the average of ALL working age people in their district, no exceptions, no BS, and that's what that representative earns.

                            Give them a true vested interest in raising the quality of life for the people they supposedly represent.
                            How "lefty" of you.
                            I am Michelle of the resistance, and I will only say this once...……
                            I agree with annoyed.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              So why are politicians then paid way more then the average worker?
                              Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                                So why are politicians then paid way more then the average worker?
                                They are in charge of their own pay rate, so they vote themselves raises.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

