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    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
    hey @Annoyed this the latest from the Land of the Free(tm) I mean USSRA I mean United S-holes of America I mean w/e it is King Don has turned your country into:
    As much as I'd like to blame this on Mango Mussolini...those laws are from the US Customs Dept. They've been on the books since before Mango Mussolini groped, grabbed, and conned himself to power.


      yet never heard of such a scandal before Trump (can she appeal? get compensation?)


        btw there's a new one on the block who's even more befitting of a nickname like Mussolini: Rudolph Mussolini] Giuliani the italian fascist & former mayor who turned NY into a fascist lab experiment in the 90s (a big fan of both Trump & Bush jr. who would've guessed)


          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
          hey @Annoyed this the latest from the Land of the Free(tm) I mean USSRA I mean United S-holes of America I mean w/e it is King Don has turned your country into:

          What does that have to do with Trump? We've had controls established on fruits/vegetables and other food products for decades.

          Or do you retroactively blame Trump for everything?


            Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
            yet never heard of such a scandal before Trump (can she appeal? get compensation?)
            Yes, I'm sure she will attempt to appeal, but as Annoyed said...the rules have been on the books long before Mango Mussolini groped, grabbed, and conned himself to power. As I tell my own kid, ignorance of the law doesn't mean you're exempt from following it.


              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              As much as I'd like to blame this on Mango Mussolini...those laws are from the US Customs Dept. They've been on the books since before Mango Mussolini groped, grabbed, and conned himself to power.
              Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
              Yes, I'm sure she will attempt to appeal, but as Annoyed said...the rules have been on the books long before Mango Mussolini groped, grabbed, and conned himself to power. As I tell my own kid, ignorance of the law doesn't mean you're exempt from following it.
              Bonks LtColCarter on the head. The record's stuck! The Record's stuck!


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                What does that have to do with Trump? We've had controls established on fruits/vegetables and other food products for decades.

                Or do you retroactively blame Trump for everything?
                so it just so happens that this sort of extreme only happens under King Don?

                Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                As I tell my own kid, ignorance of the law doesn't mean you're exempt from following it.
                (really tempted to go full Godwin) don't forget to add "except if you belong to one of the elite classes"


                  Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                  so it just so happens that this sort of extreme only happens under King Don?

                  (really tempted to go full Godwin) don't forget to add "except if you belong to one of the elite classes"
                  Here is the law on such things:


                  You must declare all food products. Failure to declare food products can result in up to $10,000 in fines and penalties.
                  She got off light with her $500 fine.


                    Without commenting on their (apparent) decision to allow Trump's travel bans to stand, haven't these guys learned not to telegraph their move to their enemies?

                    Supreme Court appears ready to uphold Trump's travel ban

                    This decision is likely to touch off a firestorm of controversy. Why would they want to rattle the cages beforehand?


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      She got off light with her $500 fine.
                      yeah man $500 for an apple is a light sentence
                      imagine the damage she could've done with it
                      btw technically Delta Airlines was an accessory to the crime since they gave her the apple they should be fined too - ho wait it's a multi billion$ company so they're innocent nvm

                      less risky to pick on people who have an apple in their bag than to pick on real criminals like terrorists (or corporate billionaires who dodge taxes. talk about apples & "oranges")

                      btw anyone who who that coward POS customs officer is? so we can repost his name & mug all over the web (his home address too)


                        Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                        yeah man $500 for an apple is a light sentence
                        imagine the damage she could've done with it
                        btw technically Delta Airlines was an accessory to the crime since they gave her the apple they should be fined too - ho wait it's a multi billion$ company so they're innocent nvm

                        less risky to pick on people who have an apple in their bag than to pick on real criminals like terrorists (or corporate billionaires who dodge taxes. talk about apples & "oranges")

                        btw anyone who who that coward POS customs officer is? so we can repost his name & mug all over the web (his home address too)
                        And yet again, no. The airline provided the apple while outside the United States, presumably for consumption on the flight. They broke no US law.

                        The only lawbreaker was the woman, who failed to declare the apple. Yes, it was a stupid mistake. But stupidity has consequences. Perhaps, if in general, more people had to pay the consequences of their stupid mistakes, we would have fewer stupid mistakes?

                        Why do you wish to take action against the customs officer? He was simply doing his job. Or is anyone who enforces the law a "coward POS" in your eyes? You do realize that in order to have a society, you have to have laws, right? And that having laws requires people to enforce those laws, right?
                        Last edited by Annoyed; 25 April 2018, 05:49 PM.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          Why do you wish to take action against the customs officer? He was simply doing his job. Or is anyone who enforces the law a "coward POS" in your eyes? You do realize that in order to have a society, you have to have laws, right? And that having laws requires people to enforce those laws, right?
                          Well...stop the world from spinnin' and let me off! I never thought I'd would say this, but I have to agree with Annoyed here. The customs officer was upholding the law that he swore to enforce. That is sortta like at my school. Kids aren't supposed to wear ripped jeans. I don't care if it is last period or first...if a kid comes to my room with ripped jeans..I send them to the discipline office. I always like the excuse, "But no one said anything." I always tell them, "I'm saying something now."

                          Since the airline provided the apple, I wonder where they got it? I know I wouldn't think to declare an apple that I received on the flight. Did I get it in France or where ever I was traveling? No. I got it on the airplane.


                            Originally posted by LtColCarter View Post
                            Well...stop the world from spinnin' and let me off! I never thought I'd would say this, but I have to agree with Annoyed here. The customs officer was upholding the law that he swore to enforce. That is sortta like at my school. Kids aren't supposed to wear ripped jeans. I don't care if it is last period or first...if a kid comes to my room with ripped jeans..I send them to the discipline office. I always like the excuse, "But no one said anything." I always tell them, "I'm saying something now."

                            Since the airline provided the apple, I wonder where they got it? I know I wouldn't think to declare an apple that I received on the flight. Did I get it in France or where ever I was traveling? No. I got it on the airplane.
                            I thought the apocalypse would have more locusts
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              The airline provided the apple while outside the United States, presumably for consumption on the flight.
                              and they let a passenger carrying dangerous illegal cargo into the US! that plane should've either destroyed the bomb drugs apple before entering US territory or turned around while that apple was still around
                              so there was wrongdoing on their part

                              Yes, it was a stupid mistake. But stupidity has consequences. Perhaps, if in general, more people had to pay the consequences of their stupid mistakes, we would have fewer stupid mistakes?
                              exactly remember to be careful not to have a snack in ur bag everyone knows this can have yuge consequences. I mean who goes around with a snack in their bag
                              common sense 101

                              Why do you wish to take action against the customs officer? He was simply doing his job.
                              it's at their discretion he could've chosen to give her a simple reminder

                              you know like the SS in your country choose not to fine each other when they catch an offduty colleague speeding or something

                              or at least give her a symbolic fine, punishment fitting the crime if that rings a bell

                              funny how with the neocons "the law is the law" only applies to the commonfolk

                              Or is anyone who enforces the law a "coward POS" in your eyes? You do realize that in order to have a society, you have to have laws, right?
                              yeah man how can a society function normally if apples are legal
                              common sense 102

                              And that having laws requires people to enforce those laws, right?
                              and the Gestapo were also just doing their job right?
                              and those in the Reich who didn't know they'd to wear a yellow star were criminals too right?
                              and the "I waz chust followink orders!" line at the Nuremberg trials was also a valid argument right?


                                That police offer that shot the Australian woman who phoned for help.

                                He's now claiming self defense.

                                Wondering what kind of threat she posed.
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

