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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    No.. Just that 'having anything purely white' is racist..
    Be a bit more tidy with your quotes...your post made it look like my words were from Annoyed's post.

    Can you elaborate a bit more? I did some binging (since its owner is a republican, and I also use bing on occasion) and binged "white heratige festival" the first link to show up is this (warning, clicking this might attract the attention of the FBI, they you'll have a NSA snooper and an FBI snooper looking at your private stuff while wiping their butts with the constitution).

    Seems pretty fair (pun intended) then I noticed the "Bring your confederate flag because we certainly don't want to seem racist". After that a set of links of which include the Knights, as in KKK and the infamous stormfront nazi website!!! Among a few other questionable links...and then the word "pride" being thrown around which is a big no for heritage things (once again, only LGBT events use the term "pride" not cultural/minority events, except for this one!).

    The next one is which also includes a link to the KKK...because they didn't want to be accused of being racist?

    A few are, interestingly enough, Hispanic stuff (more on that later). There are also links for white Christian festival (I guess Jesus doesn't get an invitation? I could elaborate on this heresy but that's totally a theological issue, but a heresy nonetheless). However if I swap "white" with European nation names, I do get positive results.

    Now to Bing "European Heritage Festivals":
    That just gives me the first link above, some facebook links, and something related to a Ukrainian Cultural Center which looks pretty cool (If I were you I'd get in contact with them) But it seems to be dedicated to some European groups, not all. Though question, do Mestizo and White Hispanics join in? You know, because Spain....if not, then I call shenanigans. My point is the only real race based festival is for black Americans, and do you know why? Because no one knows what culture or heritage they hail from. That information was lost to them because slavery. They have no choice but to call it simply "Black heritage" and talk about black Americans mostly and general cultures of Africa.

    I mean, there's no Mestizo heritage festival for me to attend, so we are kinda in the same boat, bub.

    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    Gotta agree with garhkal on this one. Considering the demonstrated tendancy of the left to physically attack people they disagree with (and yes, it happens the other way too, but far less often), they were completely justified in arming themselves in case they needed to defend themselves. If I were going to attend a "right wing" demonstration of some sort, you can be sure I would definitely be armed as well, for the same reason. Self defense, if needed. Better to have it available and not need to use it than to need it and not have it.
    A question for both you and Garhkal. Is this a fact or an impression?
    By Nolamom


      It's confirmation bias. They get all of their news from extreme right wing news sites and blogs so they're going to see the left reported as more violent.


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
        It's confirmation bias. They get all of their news from extreme right wing news sites and blogs so they're going to see the left reported as more violent.
        That would be my assumption. But in full disclosure, I don't know for a fact that they are equally violent or one is more violent than the other. But I do have the impression that they both are mostly not violent (that is, the groups in general, not the fringe groups).

        Garhkal, I found this!

        It looks legit. But I think it's the same Ukrainian one...because that one is also in Los Angeles. I also found some links, but in Europe...several of them.
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          A question for both you and Garhkal. Is this a fact or an impression?
          It's based on many more incidents where the left physically assaults right-side rallies/events/etc. being reported (in all media, not just Fox) than there are incidents where the right physically assaults left-side rallies/events/etc.

          And its not just me; for example, there have been situations where venues have cancelled appearances of people on the right because they are fearful of violence from the left.


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            It's based on many more incidents where the left physically assaults right-side rallies/events/etc. being reported (in all media, not just Fox) than there are incidents where the right physically assaults left-side rallies/events/etc.

            And its not just me; for example, there have been situations where venues have cancelled appearances of people on the right because they are fearful of violence from the left.
            It really depends on your parameters. Violent acts, you could be right, I don't know, Domestic terrorism however has a higher right side inspired body count.
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              After the mass protest in Boston the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists saw how vastly outnumbered they are and cancelled 67 planned events.

              That's what he's talking about. The extreme right are scared of others doing to them what they thought they were now free to do, now that they have representation in the White House..


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                It really depends on your parameters. Violent acts, you could be right, I don't know, Domestic terrorism however has a higher right side inspired body count.
                I'm strictly referring to violence committed for purely political reasons, attempts to silence people who are at political events to support their side of the fence by using violence to disrupt the event or silence the speaker, whatever the case may be.


                  Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                  After the mass protest in Boston the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists saw how vastly outnumbered they are and cancelled 67 planned events.

                  That's what he's talking about. The extreme right are scared of others doing to them what they thought they were now free to do, now that they have representation in the White House..
                  Don't put words in my mouth. That is not what I meant.


                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    Don't put words in my mouth. That is not what I meant.
                    Perhaps not, but she is not wrong either.
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                      After the mass protest in Boston the Neo Nazis and White Supremacists saw how vastly outnumbered they are and cancelled 67 planned events.

                      That's what he's talking about. The extreme right are scared of others doing to them what they thought they were now free to do, now that they have representation in the White House..
                      is that what you call the terrorist acts of burning and rioting whenever a speaker whose views yo don't agree with is scheduled to speak at a venue near you?

                      if I was in charge of any of those venues I'd be well within my rights to have the violent rioters forcibly don't get to cause destruction on MY property just because I'm hosting someone whose views you don't agree with


                        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                        It's based on many more incidents where the left physically assaults right-side rallies/events/etc. being reported (in all media, not just Fox) than there are incidents where the right physically assaults left-side rallies/events/etc.

                        And its not just me; for example, there have been situations where venues have cancelled appearances of people on the right because they are fearful of violence from the left.
                        So it is an impression? Because news reports hardly constitute a representative sample. Take for example on how the news reports missing children. If you simply go by news reports, you'd think that the only kids that ever get kidnapped or lost are white girls. Rarely boys and almost never minority kids. But statistically, that's not the case, not by a long shot.

                        Do you see what I mean by impression vs fact?
                        By Nolamom


                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          So it is an impression? Because news reports hardly constitute a representative sample. Take for example on how the news reports missing children. If you simply go by news reports, you'd think that the only kids that ever get kidnapped or lost are white girls. Rarely boys and almost never minority kids. But statistically, that's not the case, not by a long shot.

                          Do you see what I mean by impression vs fact?
                          Yes, but unless you have an awful lot of free time to record every such incident, arrange them for easy comparison and such, (or it's your job) that's the best I and most people can have; their overall sense of how things go.


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I suggest you try searching for "Black heritage festivals" or "Black heritage events" -- those will get you some really cool festivals celebrating African culture with music, arts, dance, food and lots more.
                            Which proves my point. THere are plenty of those events out there. You don't really see any for 'white' folk though (and i don't consider st paddies day or octoberfest white specific).

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            You can't agree on something that you can't know for sure. They too came armed and caused destruction to their surroundings.
                            I didn't see/hear of any violence/vandalism PRIOR to the two groups being pushed into one another..
                            And if you are keeping abreast of it all, you would know that there are a # of you tube videos from eye witnesses that show/say that BOTH groups of protestors seemed to come in OFF THE SAME busses, and Antifa now has another video calling on ALL of their people, to DEMAND Soros pay up what he ows them for PAYING THEM To go protest..

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                            There was intent on both sides to cause trouble and when one goes looking for trouble, one shall find trouble.
                            And i have never denied BOTH sides were violent. I have just said if both sides weren't pushed together, that there wouldn't have been any.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Hire a PR-team to water down your tact.
                            With as much crystal light i drink its plenty watered down

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I understand that sometimes vandalizers are hard to catch, or identify but it doesn't mean we should just accept it.
                            Thing is falcon, its NOT that they are hard to catch/id, but that the authorities seem to not be bothered actually punishing them when they do get them. Or what punishment they get amounts to merely a slap on the wrist.

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Reminder that only security personnel, cops and military are allowed to openly carry firearms in Belgium.
                            As it is in a # of other EU countries.. Doesn't mean you should feel threatened by their presence. Have you ever been to the US and attended a gun show?
                            I've rarely ever heard of violence or people being shot willy nilly at them. THOUGH I do remember one where someone accidentally discharged a weapon and wounded two people, which the media reported as "GUN violence at gun appreciation day gun show"...

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            Good news then, Microsoft's CEO (owner of Bing) is a republican, you're safe.
                            Which is why i use Bing to search rather than google..

                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                            I'm going to heaven for this, but I agree.
                            Na.. You just need to condemn him ten times in the next 4 days to ween off the attaboy you gave him with the agreeing..

                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            It's based on many more incidents where the left physically assaults right-side rallies/events/etc. being reported (in all media, not just Fox) than there are incidents where the right physically assaults left-side rallies/events/etc.

                            And its not just me; for example, there have been situations where venues have cancelled appearances of people on the right because they are fearful of violence from the left.
                            Same here. During Bush Jr and then through Obama's terms, i rarely heard of violence from right side rally's.. OR threats to any pro-left rally, causing it to get shut down. DURING this election's run up though we saw PLENTY of violence from the left to people, who even LOOKED like they might be trump supporters, and a # of rally's get shut down cause antifa made threats..


                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              Which is why i use Bing to search rather than google..
                              I can't stand that sorry excuse for a search engine. It's primary function is to show you whatever ads MS wants to show you.

                              I know, Google and other engines are ad-revenue driven too, but at least they let you go where you want to go. Even if you type the exact URL into a bing-equipped browser's address bar, half the time you get a screenful of ads from Microsoft.

                              Na.. You just need to condemn him ten times in the next 4 days to ween off the attaboy you gave him with the agreeing..

                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              Same here. During Bush Jr and then through Obama's terms, i rarely heard of violence from right side rally's.. OR threats to any pro-left rally, causing it to get shut down. DURING this election's run up though we saw PLENTY of violence from the left to people, who even LOOKED like they might be trump supporters, and a # of rally's get shut down cause antifa made threats..
                              And even more since the election.

                              There is an old saying about a man using violence only after he can't think of anything else.
                              It never even entered their minds that they would lose last fall, let alone lose so big. Their mindset was/is that they are simply entitled to govern (because they consider themselves superior?)
                              I suspect that is one reason there has been so much violence from them since then; they just don't know what else to do.


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Yes, but unless you have an awful lot of free time to record every such incident, arrange them for easy comparison and such, (or it's your job) that's the best I and most people can have; their overall sense of how things go.
                                That's the thing, other people already did that. And another question, don't you think it is a bit unreasonable to fashion strong opinions based on simple impressions and then present them as fact?
                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                Which proves my point. THere are plenty of those events out there. You don't really see any for 'white' folk though (and i don't consider st paddies day or octoberfest white specific).
                                Didn't I already say that the only racial group like that are blacks? And you haven't answered my question about Hispanics. Why isn't there one for African/Indian Hispanics? Or Asian/European Hispanics? Or Indian/European Hispanics like myself? Why should only white people get one? What about those of us who aren't simply "one race"?

                                Also, about ignoring my post, didn't I mention that the only reason black things exist is because all traces of their cultures were erased. They have no national/cultural heritage to fall back unto other than inventing one American one. How is that comparable to white people? Most can trace their cultures back hundreds of years.

                                Which is why i use Bing to search rather than google..
                                It's my browser's default. I've been using both Bing and Google and to tell you the truth...I haven't seen much of a difference.
                                By Nolamom

