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    The new Wolfenstein game came out and some people are upset over the fact you kill Nazis in the game which is about Nazis and if you didn't know the series was about killing Nazis well I don't know....

    People are upset over this.
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
      I'm not Trump. I passed elementary school geography
      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      Yeah, you will still end up in Austria
      They wouldn't find us, we are too small.

      Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
      By using that Logic North Korea will probably hit them with Nukes before the U.S...
      I doubt their nukes would reach that far.


        Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
        The new Wolfenstein game came out and some people are upset over the fact you kill Nazis in the game which is about Nazis and if you didn't know the series was about killing Nazis well I don't know....

        People are upset over this.
        I'm more concerned about the ongoing American cop game............
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          Not revoked. You will have to pay a penance.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Testimony, shmestimony. If it had all that big an impact, she wouldn't be able to bring herself to kill her unborn child.
          And make no mistake, you can't sugar coat it, that's exactly what she would be doing.
          Oh yeah... really... sugarcoat a life altering decision... sure... a decision they probably took between making their coffee in the morning and putting butter on their toast, like choosing the color of your shirt.

          Instead of assuming something, I suggest you actually read a testimony.
          Go find them, if you dare. But I guess, it takes courage to see past that narrowminded view of yours.

          Here's a good start:

          "I Had an Abortion" - Real stories from real women.
          BY ELLE.COM, OCT 16, 2014

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          I mean this ACORN that community activist group that got busted, had to 'shut down', but in reality all they did was close doors for a few months then reopened under a new name.
          Ah... yeah, not the kind I was thinking of.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Isn't that still how things are these days? Marry for money?
          Most people marry for love these days, but yeah, marrying for money hasn't gone out of style either.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          I've often said the govt needs to get OUT Of marriages, and restore it to just a church thing.. Which would (or should) take care of those legal issues.
          You got that backwards -- it's the church which needs to get out of marriage, not the government.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Generally it may be seen that way.. However, I unfortunately knew a woman who had 4 of them during her hubby's naval career. Didn't make her psycho.
          So, much like Annoyed's one state union problem, you base your opinion on one case.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          No i didn't.. I called the right out on that. Just as i expect those on the left to do with their folk being that way.. BUT THEY ARE NOT..
          And the "left" calls it out all the same but that is not reported on the "newssites" you read, sweetie, so naturally you think that way.

          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Yes they are SUPPOSED to get a paternity test, but even then, i've known the court to award child support, based on just the woman's word.
          No, it won't.

          "Custody Paternity & Child Support

          Child custody issues are involved in many cases at family court. A court must address paternity, child custody, visitation, child support, and other child-related matters whenever parents file a court action. When parents are married, these issues are handled as part of a divorce, separation, or annulment. When parents are not married, these issues are handled as part of a custody or paternity case.

          Concerning paternity:

          When a man and woman are married and have a child, the husband is presumed to be the child’s father. When an unmarried couple has a child, paternity can be established through one of the following ways:

          Voluntary Declaration of Paternity: If a mother and father agree that the man is the legal father of the child, they can sign a Declaration of Paternity. Both parents must sign the form in person at the Office of Vital Records or at the Southern Nevada Health District.

          District Attorney Family Support Division: The Division can file a case to establish paternity and child support at no cost to either party. Their office does not handle custody or visitation matters. Visit District Attorney Family Support for more information about the services they provide.

          Complaint to Establish Paternity: Parents may file a case with the family court to establish paternity. The judge can determine paternity based on DNA testing or other statutory presumptions. The court usually has to set child support once paternity is established. The judge may or may not also decide custody and visitation as part of the case.

          Child support:

          "Child support is set based on a percentage of the parents “gross monthly income.” Gross monthly income includes pre-tax income from all sources, including employment, tips, overtime, unemployment, and retirement. Each parent will have to provide the judge and the other parent with a financial statement, paystubs, and possibly prior tax returns so each parent’s income can be determined."

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          If it wasn't physically possible (which would have been the case, having sex with someone is not an accident by any stretch of the imagination) I would have asked her to leave, closed the door, and then called the cops to see if any criminal charges could be placed. A Pre-emptive strike, so to speak. Just in case she decided to pursue her BS in the courts.
          What criminal charges?

          Rape? Cheating on you?
          The first would be a criminal offence, the second not so much.

          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          By wheels Annoyed means hooves from a horse
          Don't drink and ride -- don't drink and drive
          Same difference though.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          You wouldn't believe some of the circus stunts I've pulled. In one respect, I'm damned lucky to be alive. The details are not for publication on the 'net. But I've never done anything which would hang a life-altering situation on someone else. Like carelessly planting seeds. The consequences have always been mine to pay.
          Now, I'm intrigued.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          But abstinence is. How long have I been saying that it IS a practical solution?
          Because it's not a solution -- that's a utopia.
          That's akin to sticking your fingers in your ears and singing "Can't hear you!".

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Being an adult in 1976, the year of the US Bicentennial, early on in college, a few friends and I thought it would be a good idea to steal 76 flags. What made it fun was we chose to steal them from firehouses, police stations/barracks and other govt. facilities.There are certainly a few nice stories associated with that, but enough said on the 'net is enough.
          You stole some flags?!
          Is that it?!

          Wow, that's rather tame. That's just above a student prank.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          I don't think you can force people to vote. You can do everything you can to encourage him to do so, but in the end, the choice not to vote is a way for someone to express their views, and should not be taken away. I have abstained in several elections, 2008 and 2012 most recently.
          And I think people who don't want to vote or who choose not to vote should be dropped in the no-rights zone and see how they like it there, and why voting matters. And be educated on voting rights.

          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          And Belgium unless FH has been lying to us.
          Nope, from the age of 18 we gain the right to vote and are mandatory to show up at the booth. What you do in the booth, is entirely up to you -- vote, don't vote -- nobody's gonna know.

          Originally posted by Gatecat View Post
          They wouldn't find us, we are too small.
          But you just cleaned up some WW2 bombs in the Brennerpas.
          My Dad was stuck there this weekend, on their way to Italy.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            The new Wolfenstein game came out and some people are upset over the fact you kill Nazis in the game which is about Nazis and if you didn't know the series was about killing Nazis well I don't know....

            People are upset over this.
            The terminally whiny. I wonder who is paying these people to sit around all day and look for things to be offended about. Dollars to donuts that we taxpayers are in a great many cases.


              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              You got that backwards -- it's the church which needs to get out of marriage, not the government.
              Nonsense. The religious aspects of marriage promoted by the various christian-based religions are good for our society as a whole and good for the individuals involved as well. If their beliefs help them stay together during rough patches, that's a good thing too.
              You only disagree because you don't agree with the Church's definition of marriage. As far as other religions, I suspect most of them have a beneficial effect as well.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              What criminal charges?

              Rape? Cheating on you?
              The first would be a criminal offence, the second not so much.
              If they report it to authorities, on charge would be "falsley reporting an incident", others would be slander, etc. I just want it on the record someplace, in case it ends up in court.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
              You stole some flags?!
              Is that it?!

              Wow, that's rather tame. That's just above a student prank.
              Hardly. But as I said, the details of my sordid past are not for publication on the 'net.


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                I'm more concerned about the ongoing American cop game............

                Yes I just saw that on The Project and how in the hell does that happen. Not only that but somehow both the car cameras and their body cameras were turned off during this. Also it was the other cop sitting in the car that shot her from what was said on TV. How in the hell does that happen?

                Don't US cops get good training?
                Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                  Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                  The terminally whiny. I wonder who is paying these people to sit around all day and look for things to be offended about. Dollars to donuts that we taxpayers are in a great many cases.

                  Actually the people complaining were neo nazis.... Fancy that.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    I'm more concerned about the ongoing American cop game............
                    Jelgate already said He was all for the killing of Australians, and this did take place in Minnesota which is Jel's neck of the woods so.....
                    I like Sharky


                      Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                      Republicans in Arizona are more than welcomed to offer a primary challenger.
                      But that's the thing. The Republican party is the one (iirc) that has been pushing against anyone who DOES run against Mccain (and Graham) in their primaries.. So it winds up being the GOP that dismisses anyone NOT the established person there...

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Ah... yeah, not the kind I was thinking of.
                      Which type were you thinking i was on about??

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Most people marry for love these days, but yeah, marrying for money hasn't gone out of style either.
                      I know many who married for money, before love.. Maybe that's why our divorce rates are so high these days.

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      You got that backwards -- it's the church which needs to get out of marriage, not the government.
                      Exsqueeze me? Marriage has been a church thing since LONG BEFORE governments got involved. So why should THEY Remove themselves from marriage, and it only go to a state sanctioned thing??

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      So, much like Annoyed's one state union problem, you base your opinion on one case.
                      That's the only one i know of PERSONALLY.. I know of dozens of others through 'the grape vine' on ships, friends and acquaintances.

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Child custody issues are involved in many cases at family court. A court must address paternity, child custody, visitation, child support, and other child-related matters whenever parents file a court action. When parents are married, these issues are handled as part of a divorce, separation, or annulment. When parents are not married, these issues are handled as part of a custody or paternity case."
                      It might be that way LEGALLY/On the books, but not how some courts have ruled.. Even when a father's been proven via paternity tests as NOT THE DAD, cause the FIRST COURT awarded child support based on "Well you be the hubby, so it must be yours so you PAY!", the LATTER court even after seeing the paternity test PROVE the hubby was not the father, the court still ruled "You owe and will still pay"..

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      Don't drink and ride -- don't drink and drive
                      Yup. I know several who have gotten done for drunk riding (two amish and three in the UK).. Also know of several who got busted for riding on those sit down mowers for drinking beer while cutting the lawn...

                      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                      And I think people who don't want to vote or who choose not to vote should be dropped in the no-rights zone and see how they like it there, and why voting matters. And be educated on voting rights.
                      And would you say those who live on the governments teet should also lose the right to vote, since in essence they are wards of the state?

                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      The terminally whiny. I wonder who is paying these people to sit around all day and look for things to be offended about. Dollars to donuts that we taxpayers are in a great many cases.
                      More than likely.

                      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                      Yes I just saw that on The Project and how in the hell does that happen. Not only that but somehow both the car cameras and their body cameras were turned off during this. Also it was the other cop sitting in the car that shot her from what was said on TV. How in the hell does that happen?

                      Don't US cops get good training?
                      Saw that on this afternoon's news.. WHAT THE HELL is the point in having those costly body cameras if they are not gonna be turned on.
                      BUT i wonder why the news media was making a big deal out of him being the first somali refugee who became a cop that did the shooting??


                        I've been thinking about after reading the past posts
                        I'll marry FH for power and that land she has. Plus it will drive Soul crazy
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Soul is already crazy.


                            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                            The new Wolfenstein game came out and some people are upset over the fact you kill Nazis in the game which is about Nazis and if you didn't know the series was about killing Nazis well I don't know....

                            People are upset over this.
                            It's not so much the killing of Nazis that is getting them all upset, but how Nazis are being portrayed as racist genocidal other words they are mad that Nazis are being portrayed as Nazis doing Nazi things. This is twice as bizarre than just simply being mad that the game is about killing Nazis. In essence they say it portrays "White Nationalism" in a negative light...but I'm sure we all know just how negative racial nationalism (also known as tribalism)
                            is. But what gets me the most is that they feel that this outrage of theirs is legitimate.
                            By Nolamom


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              I is already crazy.
                              Fixed that for you
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                I've been thinking about after reading the past posts
                                I'll marry FH for power and that land she has. Plus it will drive Soul crazy
                                FH is already betrothed to me but I'll keep you on my future land as a loyal serf

