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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    I do not advocate giving a pass to adults who have sex with minors, consensual or otherwise. They should be smacked.
    Well, it's a good thing absolutely no one did then, isn't it.

    But I think there is a pretty big difference between a sex act being rape because it violates a statute, hence the term statutory rape, and a person physically forcing themselves upon someone else, overpowering them and having sex with them without their consent.
    I think you do not know what rape means.
    Statutory rape is a legal definition, not a moral one. Given your desire to inject your morals into the legal process however, I am not surprised you missed it.
    The situation with the cheerleader, where the 15 year old was an eager participant is hardly the same as a situation where a man forces himself upon and into an unwilling victim, and does not justify the same penalty. I was just commenting that had the genders been reversed, and it was a 15 year old female cheerleader eagerly participating with an adult male player, the court's penalty would have been much different.
    Yes, it most probably would have, because women can't defend themselves against men, and all men just want their knobs rubbed.
    I wonder who built that little construct...........
    Regarding the males level of interest and the mechanics of the process, my experience differs. I've only had one experience in my life where I rose to the occasion inappropriately, an extremely embarrassing moment that I'm glad has never repeated itself. But it happened when I was 13, and was the result of who I was thinking of at the time. I shouldn't have been entertaining such thoughts in that situation. An important lesson learned there.
    As far as I can tell from living in this body for damn near 60 years, it is most definitely not an automatic reflex.
    Your anecdote VS scientific fact.............
    Survey says, you should have seen a doctor 30 years ago.
    (side question, answer if you want or not) Are you in a relationship with anyone, or had a long term relationship?)
    Therefore, to me, at least, it would seem impossible for a physical aggression type rape to occur, at least as far as normal male/female sex goes. If I'm not interested, I'm not interested, and it isn't going to happen.
    To -you- perhaps, to the other 48.999995 percent of males, different story.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Britta View Post
      Oh dear. What have I done?
      Given an angry, angry man the ability to complain about multiple things at once

      Bad Water Filter! *hits Britta with a rolled-up newspaper*


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
        Given an angry, angry man the ability to complain about multiple things at once

        Bad Water Filter! *hits Britta with a rolled-up newspaper*
        I find no evidence to support Annoyed being "angry"
        The reasons he may have to be annoyed however is quite debatable.
        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
          I find no evidence to support Annoyed being "angry"
          The reasons he may have to be annoyed however is quite debatable.
          I think "quite debatable" means "the product of his own paranoia" Most of the things he's complaining about aren't really problems. Just things that annoy him personally. *shakes cane at the evil Commies stealing the morning newspaper*


            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
            I think "quite debatable" means "the product of his own paranoia" Most of the things he's complaining about aren't really problems. Just things that annoy him personally. *shakes cane at the evil Commies stealing the morning newspaper*
            I cannot go that far PH.
            How much do you do, or NOT do out of your own fears?
            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
            The truth isn't the truth


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post

              But I think there is a pretty big difference between a sex act being rape because it violates a statute, hence the term statutory rape, and a person physically forcing themselves upon someone else, overpowering them and having sex with them without their consent. The situation with the cheerleader, where the 15 year old was an eager participant is hardly the same as a situation where a man forces himself upon and into an unwilling victim, and does not justify the same penalty. I was just commenting that had the genders been reversed, and it was a 15 year old female cheerleader eagerly participating with an adult male player, the court's penalty would have been much different.
              Are you describing both as a case of statutory rape or just one being statutory and the other not? I do believe that statutory rape does carry different sentencing. If you're lucky either the prosecution or the judge will be more lenient if it's just a case of a couple with an unfortunate sense of timing and age difference. But an old man/woman having sex with a 15 year old . Yes she wasn't given the time she deserved. But how much is that also based on her status (rich and stuff) than her gender too? Sure, if she was a regular woman chances are she could still ended up with a lighter sentence than usual. But not as light as this particular person.

              Regarding the males level of interest and the mechanics of the process, my experience differs. I've only had one experience in my life where I rose to the occasion inappropriately, an extremely embarrassing moment that I'm glad has never repeated itself. But it happened when I was 13, and was the result of who I was thinking of at the time. I shouldn't have been entertaining such thoughts in that situation. An important lesson learned there.
              As far as I can tell from living in this body for damn near 60 years, it is most definitely not an automatic reflex.
              That's not a good sign...medically. Unless you're simply an exception. Otherwise that doesn't seem to be a good sign at all. It could be a sign of unhealthy cardio-vascular system. Interestingly enough, random erections do happen from a randomly reacting to the fabric of your undies or pants. Which proves the point of it being reflex like. You see, this is the stuff they should teach in health class. Maybe poor johnny won't be made fun of when he has to stand up to write a math problem on the board as much .

              Therefore, to me, at least, it would seem impossible for a physical aggression type rape to occur, at least as far as normal male/female sex goes. If I'm not interested, I'm not interested, and it isn't going to happen.
              Luckily for you, you don't have a wealth of money and a horny gold digging wife who wants you to heir her a son for the inheritance money even though it'll kill you but you don't know any better cause you're getting old and senile....I should stop watching so much TV...Just ignore this last part >.>
              By Nolamom


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                That's not a good sign...medically. Unless you're simply an exception. Otherwise that doesn't seem to be a good sign at all. It could be a sign of unhealthy cardio-vascular system. Interestingly enough, random erections do happen from a randomly reacting to the fabric of your undies or pants. Which proves the point of it being reflex like. You see, this is the stuff they should teach in health class. Maybe poor johnny won't be made fun of when he has to stand up to write a math problem on the board as much .
                Present day, medical certainly has a lot to do with it. Diabetes has certain minor side effects.
                But I'm basing my views on the 40+ years between puberty and the disease. For me, aside from the one time when I was 13, I never had any inappropriate responses. Maybe I am an exception to the general rule. I never had a malfunction when I was interested, so everything worked as needed. But to me, it was never an automatic response.


                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Then why are not all the European immigrants having "their beliefs/values etc celebrated?
                  Christmas? Easter? Thanksgiving? Columbus Day? St. Patrick's Day? Halloween?

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  How can someone reign in their feelings/separate them? As i said before, you can't just stop being a Christian/Catholic at work...
                  True, you cannot but depending on the work you do or the service you offer, you do have to put aside your religion and do your job. If you can't do that, then perhaps the job isn't the wisest career choice and you should find something that better fits what you like and/or don't like to do. If serving a particular group of people is too hard, than your boss will not be happy. And if you're the boss, your income might dip a little, or a lot depending on where you have your commercial service hidden.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  ...and not any of the other religions that also feel Homosexuality is wrong (like Islam)?
                  I'm afraid I may have to correct you on that. The Islam doesn't say anywhere that homosexuality is wrong. I recently learned this when I came out to a Muslim friend of mine, who was so over excited about it that I was quite literally dumbstruck. And it was repeated again in a news article about a gay couple being harrassed by Muslim men and women in their neighborhood. So, while they do oppose it, it isn't stated anywhere in their teachings.

                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Over on the Military times forums we are having a (somewhat heated) argument about that case (and others that have been similar to it) where people seem to think, cause it was a 15 yr old guy who was 'raped' its all ok, he wanted it/loved it etc..
                  Where me and a few others are feeling that it shouldn't matter the respective sexes. If one is underage, the overage one should get 'smacked'.
                  Maybe he might have been in 7th heaven, but his parents probably weren't too thrilled with his new girlfriend.

                  I didn't read the article so I could be wrong, but I remember an article about a gay couple where one was overage by a year or two. The other girl's parents, the underage one, filed a complaint when they learned of their daughter's relationship and most important that intercourse had taken place. Even if it was consentual, there was a rape charge filed.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    I didn't read the article so I could be wrong, but I remember an article about a gay couple where one was overage by a year or two. The other girl's parents, the underage one, filed a complaint when they learned of their daughter's relationship and most important that intercourse had taken place. Even if it was consentual, there was a rape charge filed.
                    That's one thing I have problem with the current laws. Two years is not uncommon for a couple and just because one is 18 its seems wrong to be charged with these crimes. If they were both adults or both teenagers no one would think its rape or improper.
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      You are being judged on an unfounded preconception. If you are called a homophobe, just because you say no, it is they forming the preconception, If you feel that gays are "bad", you too are acting on a unfounded perception.
                      It's either ignorance, or wilful aggression, take your pick.
                      But 'cause the bible says so' is not an 'unfounded perception' though..

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Like who?
                      Like say having a scots-american celebration, or germanic-american day.

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Are you kidding me?
                      It's the Christians who are kicking up the fuss, they are -putting- themselves into the firing line! It's like slapping someone and asking what you did wrong.
                      As for Muslims, those who -do- act the same way are probably being judged a lot harsher for being far worse things than being bigots.
                      If you want a "belief focussed" argument, consider this.
                      I want a hamburger with the lot, I pass the Muslim and the Jewish hamburger store, cause I want bacon on my burger dammit!!. I pass them because due to their beliefs, they don't stock bacon. If I don't want bacon however, I can go to them fine. The "Christian florist or bakery" is not being asked to stock some ingredient that they don't have as a matter of course, they are -choosing- to discriminate based on someone else's sexuality by not selling them something they make anyway.
                      So in the 'gays' case, why then don't they just 'skip' over the christian baker/florist and go on to a more 'friendly environment'?

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      People only tend to care about things if they are either humanized, or affect them directly, I don't know why this is suprising to anyone.
                      Which i am not discounting. I just find it messed up that to some, if you DON'T support it, its because you are 'against it' to the level of being phobic..

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      This is the difference between organizations and corporation/businesses dude. Organizations exist to support a cause, and that is fine. It's not like they lied to you at any point to get your money is it?
                      But i am wondering, if i was to say set up a heart cancer org, that only worked on men, how soon it would be before i got sued for being 'discriminatory..

                      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                      A women being raped can get "wet" for crying out loud, doesn't mean she likes being raped, but hell, it has been used in rape defence cases.
                      I laughed by butt off when i heard that for the first time.. "She had an orgasm, so she wanted it"..

                      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                      Then there are no religious beliefs for Garhkal to worry about not being celebrated..
                      What about their culture getting celebrated? Their history/achievements?

                      Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                      That's one thing I have problem with the current laws. Two years is not uncommon for a couple and just because one is 18 its seems wrong to be charged with these crimes. If they were both adults or both teenagers no one would think its rape or improper.
                      Which is why a # of states do have Romeo and Juillette laws in place.


                        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                        But 'cause the bible says so' is not an 'unfounded perception' though..
                        Yes, it is.
                        Same for -any- holy book, don't want to be seen as picking on anyone.

                        Like say having a scots-american celebration
                        National Tartan Day, April 6th.
                        , or germanic-american day.
                        German American day, October 6th
                        How many holidays do you want?

                        So in the 'gays' case, why then don't they just 'skip' over the christian baker/florist and go on to a more 'friendly environment'?
                        Is not sure if does not really know, or is being obtuse.................

                        Which i am not discounting. I just find it messed up that to some, if you DON'T support it, its because you are 'against it' to the level of being phobic..
                        It's an unfortunate, but hardly unexpected result of long term societal prejudice.

                        But i am wondering, if i was to say set up a heart cancer org, that only worked on men, how soon it would be before i got sued for being 'discriminatory..
                        There is a chance of it, sure, much like the other one you listed could be sued as well.
                        I get what you are saying, and I am not a fan of the apparent double standards either, but it's something that will pass.
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                          Christmas? Easter? Thanksgiving? Columbus Day? St. Patrick's Day? Halloween?
                          Highland games and Oktoberfest, Hanukkah. Hell even the names of the days of the week and the months.


                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            Like say having a scots-american celebration, or germanic-american day.

                            What about their culture getting celebrated? Their history/achievements?
                            You're being deliberately obtuse now.

                            European-Americans (no point listing all the countries, and I really think the American part should go first so eventually you'll forget the Irish/German/African part and just be "Americans", maybe then you'll stop all the "them and us" stuff and get along a little better), your history is celebrated everywhere. You have monuments to your achievements. Your history is re-enacted in every school at every major holiday. Adults recreate your wars for entertainment in the park. Every movie celebrates your culture. Your history is even printed on the money.

                            You are not being discriminated against.

                            If you think about American history, the right movements that you're so concerned about, in the terms of a football (or handegg if you prefer) game, you're so worried about the last 5 points being scored by minorities that you've forgotten the score was already 75-0 in your favour. The minorities are just trying to catch up to what you already have.

                            They're not taking anything away from you. You are not going to lose out because someone with darker skin moves into your neighbourhood. Two men being more than good friends takes nothing away from your relationships.

                            Why is the fact that some people are different so terrifying to you?


                              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                              Why is the fact that some people are different so terrifying to you?
                              Shut up, thats why!

                              I have waited years for an opportunity to say that *Ends life on a high*


                                I somehow always knew Ukko would die from an overdose
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

