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    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
    I wouldn't be so quick to count Trump out. The level of support he has had from the voters on the right has been a surprise to everyone.
    Not really.
    A surprise to pundits and political commentators, sure.
    Nobody, myself included, expected that he would win the Republican nomination, let alone win it by a large enough margin that the RNC is grudgingly accepting that he has won.
    I thought he would, I thought he would months ago.
    Stupid is as stupid does.
    Combine that with Hillary's very high negative rating, and it's quite possible that he could beat her. There have been polls recently that show a dead heat in several important states.
    Both of them are disliked by their various "bases", both have crappy approval ratings already. They have the highest disapproval rating of any candidate who has ever run, for either side of US politics.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      They have the highest disapproval rating of any candidate who has ever run, for either side of US politics.
      but that's the thing, how did Hillary trump Sanders? ( )

      if Sanders's so much more popular among the left why is Hillary poised to win? something stinks about these whole internal elections (foul play? or is that the way "american elections" are organized?)

      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      I don't like her, I don't trust her, but to say she is just "Bill's arm candy", you have been asleep for a good few years. Her one or two stuff ups, no matter how bad are, are based on her, not Bill.
      au contraire I meant she only has the name going for her but she's nothing like her husband

      IF he wins however, well, I would say let the hilarity ensue
      yup outside the US (most americans won't be in a mood for laughing hehe...)

      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      I wouldn't be so quick to count Trump out
      dismissive attitudes tend to backfire disastrously

      so GF stop saying he'll never be elected k m8?
      else if he does get elected I'll hold you too accountable -_-


        Would someone care to give me the nickle tour rundown on this Clinton email big evil thing, or whatever else she is supposed to have done? For us outside the US we don't know a lot about it, about all I know is she used an insecure PC to access her email or something like that and did something in Tehran (or something like that).



          Here you go: Hillary Clinton's 'emailgate' diced and sliced

          Shortly before she was sworn in as secretary of state in 2009, Hillary Clinton set up an email server at her home in Chappaqua, NY. She then relied on this server, home to the email address hdr22[at]clintonemail[dot]com, for all her electronic correspondence - both work-related and personal - during her four years in office.

          She also reportedly set up email addresses on the server for her long-time aide, Huma Abedin, and State Department Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills.

          She did not use, or even activate, a email account, which would have been hosted on servers owned and managed by the US government.

          Mrs Clinton's email system became a national story the first week of March, when the New York Times ran a front-page article on the subject. The article said that the system "may have violated federal requirements" and was "alarming" to current and former government archive officials.
          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Basically, she operated her own private mail server in order to sidestep government oversight of her official activities as secratary of state. A Big no-no in and of itself.

            But there are security concerns, too. A fair bit of the content was classified material.


              And continuing on the Democratic side...

              Seems that Sanders is doing quite well as of late. I hope he continues to do well, and eventually gets the nod instead of Clinton. I know, not bloody likely, but I'd rather see Sanders than Clinton.


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                Seems that Sanders is doing quite well as of late. I hope he continues to do well, and eventually gets the nod instead of Clinton. I know, not bloody likely, but I'd rather see Sanders than Clinton.
                Bernie as candidate would mean Trump doesn't even have to run... he'll get squashed for sure.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  *waves Bernie Sanders flag*


                    ^^ I think we'd all be waving that flag if he were to run.

                    Thanks for the nickel tour, seems she doesn't like following rules, oh well good luck America if she gets in.


                      if the left prefers Sanders then why the hell's Hillary winning? (election fraud? (is she secretly working for Trump? +_+ (I'm willing to entertain any conspiracy theory at this point)))


                        I though the theory was Trump was working for her so the only competition she'd have to worry about was from her own party?

                        I guess the Trump supporters didn't get that memo.


                          Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                          if the left prefers Sanders then why the hell's Hillary winning? (election fraud? (is she secretly working for Trump? +_+ (I'm willing to entertain any conspiracy theory at this point)))
                          If you recall, Hillary was the leading contender in 2008. And then Obama came along, and she sort of sat down to give him his chance, first black president, and all that.
                          You can bet there was an understanding between her and the party leadership that she would get the nod in 2016.


                            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                            Basically, she operated her own private mail server in order to sidestep government oversight of her official activities as secratary of state. A Big no-no in and of itself.

                            But there are security concerns, too. A fair bit of the content was classified material.
                            IMO that's the bigger issue than the whole operating a server at home.. THat she has already been found to have had at least 300+ classified documents on an UNCLASSIFIED server, not in government hands, should be a Major issue. To combine that, the fact she has lied on oath TWICE now about it, saying she never had classified data there, when she HAD, should have her in an orange jump suit. BUT since Obamas lackey Lynch is in charge of the dept of injustice, she won't get held to account no matter what the FBI recommends imo.

                            Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                            I though the theory was Trump was working for her so the only competition she'd have to worry about was from her own party?

                            I guess the Trump supporters didn't get that memo.
                            Several people here make that claim, but i see NO proof of that to take it with any level of seriousness.


                              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                              IMO that's the bigger issue than the whole operating a server at home.. THat she has already been found to have had at least 300+ classified documents on an UNCLASSIFIED server, not in government hands, should be a Major issue. To combine that, the fact she has lied on oath TWICE now about it, saying she never had classified data there, when she HAD, should have her in an orange jump suit. BUT since Obamas lackey Lynch is in charge of the dept of injustice, she won't get held to account no matter what the FBI recommends imo.
                              I'm hoping she's in irons by about, oh, October-ish. An indictment that close to the election will mean the Republicans could run dog food and win. But even if not, this scandal is certainly going to give pause to a lot of fence straddlers.

                              If I was running the Democratic party, I would tell her to take a flying leap, and run Sanders; without the baggage, he's got the better shot of beating Trump in November. But alas, Hillary sat down in 2008 and they may be fearful of what beans she could spill if they back out on her now.
                              In fact, if she is indicted, you can bet there will be a presidential pardon forthcoming.


                                Originally posted by Ian-S View Post
                                Thanks for the nickel tour, seems she doesn't like following rules, oh well good luck America if she gets in.
                                Too bad all of them have skeletons in their closet then -- no idea why Hillary's are so much more put in the spotlights. Is it because she's a woman and held to different standards?
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

