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ABC's of Stargate ver.1

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    V - Very well, but the other way around is also true. And I have been on the receiving end of more than one religious person not to be too trusty of them in the first place. Sorry about that.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      W - Worry not, as it's okay. I understand.

      XYZ says that it's raining outside a little bit. They forecasted it though.

      A - And here we go again.
      Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
      (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


        B -- Brrr... it's kinda chilly at the office. Sun isn't shining, otherwise it would have been quite cosy cause lots of windows.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          C - Can't complain here. Sun is shining, but it's chilly.

          D - Do feel lousy as I have a bad cold. I had to miss work, too.

          E - Enough fluids I'm getting, as well as meds and cough drops.
          Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
          (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


            F - Finished my artwork for the SGA Reverse Bang, and I'm quite pleased with the result (which hardly happens since I'm a perfectionist when it comes to creating things so I'm never satisfied with myself). Hoping there's an author out there who feels inspired by my stuff and goes off to write a 10K story to go with it.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              G - Good luck!
              Total syffy posts: 36,690
              (Chosen One)

              Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
              Matthew 5:9


                H - Have to say I'm feeling better. Throat still hurts a little, but is better.

                I - I also have a runny nose, but that's better, too.

                J - Just a cloudy, rainy day here where I live. Dreary day.
                Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


                  K - Knowing one thing and doing it, are two different things. Random, I know, but it's a K. I probably know more Dutch words starting with a K than English words. Dutch is my native language - that does help.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    L - Lots of overtime at work. Feeling very tired.
                    Total syffy posts: 36,690
                    (Chosen One)

                    Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
                    Matthew 5:9


                      M - My mouth says good for you, pscard, but try to get some rest.

                      N - Not good right now. It still hurts to swallow, and Wed. Morning about 5:15 my time I woke up and felt like I swallowed glass shards. Oy!

                      O - On another note, it snowed here for the first time this season! It didn't stick long and melted right away, but it made everything wet. It was cold, too.
                      Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                      (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


                        P - P'od today, and pretty much yesterday too. People I consider friends disappointed me in a big way.

                        Q - Quitting the group I belong to in real life, to build costumes and props, has never been more appealing.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          R - Really wish the OT was good.

                          S - Seriously it isn't because I don't get paid for it.

                          T - To Falcon - It's sad when friends disappoint each other. Was there a misunderstanding that brought this about? Perhaps it can be resolved.
                          Total syffy posts: 36,690
                          (Chosen One)

                          Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
                          Matthew 5:9


                            U - Unfortunately no misunderstanding. About 90% of the group is a member of the 501st (Star Wars fanclub - the dark side) and as you know there's a new film on the way. And apparently there's a rule that non-501st members can't be part of any costume event (help out, or borrow a costume and make the group bigger)... Up until last year, there were no issues, cause I've been on troops with them, but then all of a sudden it seemed like no new events were coming in and all went silent. No communication, nothing. I thought it weird of course, that we didn't have any birthday parties or charity events to go to (which I love to do - make people happy). As it turned out, they had closed ranks. And now that Disney has endorsed them, it's apparently even worse than before.

                            V - Via my sister I knew that there was going to be a Star Wars related event at the national airport. ANA is flying in with their R2-D2 plane, so they thought it would be fun to organize a little Star Wars event with actual R2-D2's and perhaps some people dressed up. So, I gave them the addresses to contact the R2-D2 builders (which I'm far better friends with these days), and told them to contact the group I belong too.
                            Since, it didn't appear on the group, not even a peep. I grew suspicious and asked them about it. They were annoyed I mentioned it - even more annoyed I think that I was in the know on the event.

                            W - Whatever the case, after my complaint, they changed the setting of the group on Facebook. The Belgian Costume Division is now only for prop-building and events which hire our props (Star Wars, Stargate, Jurassic World) and nothing to do with costuming. Personally, I feel they should rename the group to Belgian Prop Division in that case. So, no more costuming at events for me cause all that is now going through the 501st Garrison and basically that's Star Wars only.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              XYZ says I never got into things that heavy. I mean, I like the movies, don't get me wrong. But Star Trek and Stargate SG1 are more my thing.

                              A - As for other news, my boyfriend is hurting, and it's his back right above his kidneys. He says it's just scoliosis of his back, but I think it's more than that. So I suggested he go to the ER because he's in so much pain. But because he also has diabetes and his sugars are all sky-high, he's afraid they'd put him in the hospital for that. And he doesn't want that to happen. So I gave him three Advil, put him in bed with an ice pack on the sore spot, and let him go to bed early. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

                              B - Besides that, his sinuses are acting up, too.
                              Turas Sábháilte, Baile Sábháilte
                              (Safe Journey, Safe Home.)


                                C - Complaints (i.e. raising a concern) should be constructive. The fact that they made those changes means they knew you were suspicious. Hopefully, someday they'll change their minds and be the group you always known them to be. Maybe a change of leadership will happen.
                                Total syffy posts: 36,690
                                (Chosen One)

                                Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
                                Matthew 5:9

