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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    So is it a threat, or a marketing ploy?
    I don't see where you get "marketing ploy" from,

    As far as threat goes, it certainly is one, but the powers that be are far, far too late in responding to this. The proper time to respond would have been January or so. As far as the movement of people, we should have slammed the doors on the country shut at the start & prevent it from getting a toehold in the first place. (cargo shipments and stuff don't carry viruses). Those cruise ships? They should not have been allowed to dock, let alone discharge passengers. Anchor offshore for a month or so & have food & supplies airdropped to them. If you were traveling overseas, sorry, sucks to be you, but you ain't getting back without a month or so of enforced quarantine.

    Draconian? Absolutely, But that is how we would have been able to stop this. And the US should not have been the only country to do this. All nations should have isolated themselves from China. It's only common sense.

    At this point in the game, all they can do is try to clean up the spilled milk, which is much harder than preventing the spill in the first place would have been, As you can see from the article I posted, as well as the many similar articles about govts. having to force bars/restaurants and such closed, people will not behave properly in situations like this. They will screw up every time. Some young skull full of mush was quoted in one article saying "I'm not going to put my Friday night on hold because a bunch of people are sick"

    And yes, there is a huge political aspect to this, but we can't discuss that.


      Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
      Try working in a supermarket right now.
      I do work in one LOL and yes it was crazy Thursday...near constant streams of people with practically overflowing carts. It was a little less busy yesterday but probably only because we're starting to run out of the stuff people are panic buying.


        The panic is what gets to me. The abundance people are buying stuff is going to far exceed the pandemic
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          People are shopping like they're going to be living in a post-apocalyptic world once everything is over.


            I'm a grocery store vendor (ask GF). All this raiding of grocery stores out of panicking is draining me
            Originally posted by aretood2
            Jelgate is right


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I'm a grocery store vendor (ask GF). All this raiding of grocery stores out of panicking is draining me
              I do nightfill, so I'm trying to stock shelves, imagine what that is like.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                I don't see where you get "marketing ploy" from,
                Certain right wing media news sources and people.
                As far as threat goes, it certainly is one, but the powers that be are far, far too late in responding to this. The proper time to respond would have been January or so.
                Yes, it should have. Good thing we did that here...……….
                As far as the movement of people, we should have slammed the doors on the country shut at the start & prevent it from getting a toehold in the first place. (cargo shipments and stuff don't carry viruses). Those cruise ships? They should not have been allowed to dock, let alone discharge passengers. Anchor offshore for a month or so & have food & supplies airdropped to them.
                Good thing we did that here.
                If you were traveling overseas, sorry, sucks to be you, but you ain't getting back without a month or so of enforced quarantine.
                Good thing we did that here
                Draconian? Absolutely, But that is how we would have been able to stop this. And the US should not have been the only country to do this. All nations should have isolated themselves from China. It's only common sense.
                You were one of the last countries to do it.

                At this point in the game, all they can do is try to clean up the spilled milk, which is much harder than preventing the spill in the first place would have been, As you can see from the article I posted, as well as the many similar articles about govts. having to force bars/restaurants and such closed, people will not behave properly in situations like this. They will screw up every time. Some young skull full of mush was quoted in one article saying "I'm not going to put my Friday night on hold because a bunch of people are sick"
                It's not just young people, stupidity is timeless, and ageless.
                And yes, there is a huge political aspect to this, but we can't discuss that.
                PM me.
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Here goes another peeve... VPN overloads!

                  Though, this is not something our company is to blame for. These are extraordinary circumstances, but nevertheless a wee bit annoying.
                  Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                  Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    The panic is what gets to me. The abundance people are buying stuff is going to far exceed the pandemic
                    YES. Totally agree...! . . .

                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    As far as threat goes, it certainly is one, but the powers that be are far, far too late in responding to this. The proper time to respond would have been January or so. As far as the movement of people, we should have slammed the doors on the country shut at the start & prevent it from getting a toehold in the first place. (cargo shipments and stuff don't carry viruses). Those cruise ships? They should not have been allowed to dock, let alone discharge passengers. Anchor offshore for a month or so & have food & supplies airdropped to them. If you were traveling overseas, sorry, sucks to be you, but you ain't getting back without a month or so of enforced quarantine.
                    . . .
                    Yes. Trump *did* try to put a stop to incoming travelers spreading this bug in the USA, but certain PTB, including the media, and other high profile celebrities bitterly complained about NOT letting those people go home and live *normal* lives... Sorry, but their life stopped being *NORMAL* the moment they got stuck with exposure to this bug. People in past history got put in quarantine (for months, in some cases) at Ellis Island BEFORE they were permitted to go into the rest of the USA, if they were "positive" with some horrid illness.

                    I already did a rant about this whole COV-ID19 virus "Lockdown" / "Shelter in place", etc. on a major discussion site elsewhere. As of yesterday (March 22, 2020)---- Apparently, according to the "U.S. News & World Report" AND Daily Mail --in great detail-- the (potentially mandatory) order for ALL NON-essential businesses to shut-down MAY last as long as TEN to 12 weeks (or MORE)... at least in the USA.

                    That length of time to "shut-down" certain businesses, will not only destroy most 401K's AND crash the OMG stock market, it will destroy the entire monetary systems world-wide. There have been other comments on other websites noting this problem. Oh, and guess what... Bill Gates wants everyone to get a "chip" (microchip), so that any contaminated physical money can be destroyed and all things can be processed electronically... hmmmm... didn't I say that was coming? How soon this gets put into place in reality, will be soon determined...

                    Now, back to the virus bug stuff.. Some of the other countries around the world already afflicted in greater "positive" tests/etc. have already made announcements of NON-essential businesses, etc., to STAY SHUT-down longer than 3 to 5 weeks.

                    Yes, the rest of us can blame whoever let the people carrying these bugs out in mass droves. The USA could have *isolated* incoming people with this bug in the very beginning, but Oh NO... TPTB above in control (CA, NY and other states) complained that wasn't fair to them or their families.

                    What they could have done, BUT didn't do, was sent those potentially afficted people into some SAFE quarantine area, let those people notify the rest of their family or neighbors or whoever, to please do what was needed to take care of their pets, or mail, or whatever... and IF something needed to be sent over to those people, to send it... leave it in a place for those people to physically access, and then go on with life until they were over the bug or cleared from no longer being a "danger" to exposing the rest of society / community with this virus. Track those people for several more weeks, if necessary to use "social distancing" and/or wear protective gloves or masks, and Monitor them for further health issues.

                    But instead this whole situation has escalated ALL over the entire planet -- OUT-OF-CONTROL. Now, *everyone* suffers. There is no guarantee for those in ESSENTIAL workforces won't get afflicted with this bug, either, especially people "sheltering" at home who MAY have or be carrying this bug. The whole mask thing has blown out-of-control...
                    So, who is at fault? TPTB that allowed this to be unleashed... and they *know* who they are, but keep blame-shifting other persons (aka Trump) for either doing too much early on, or NOT enough NOW.


                      Addendum. Just got word this morning our office (small business) is closed. Done. Kaput. My job and most (if not ALL) of the company has been laid off. NO Thank you to (NJ-D) Gov.Murphy, and all of the other states going into PANIC mode of this extreme "shut-down". NO one is open elsewhere in the area, so no one is going to hire outside of their current staff if this remains the situation. Except maybe night-stock clerks to keep the stores supplied to the public.

                      Our friend just wrote to us this very morning with
                      ---- "Yikes! The mighty USA brought down by a tiny virus."

                      Maybe now the rest of the world can be happy... it got its wish to destroy America (USA). ...and half or most of the rest of this planet.
                      Oh, and now more USA states are getting the Stay-At-Home order. Thank you to all those who thought it was *more* compassionate to let sick people roam about in our streets with this virus, than to isolate them for a few weeks, until they got cleared to go... Now the rest of the world suffers. It's not just in the USA, either.

                      We're all being FAST-TRACKED into the destruction of the world's economy and mandatory tracking of other issues. I've harped on this stuff for months (no... years, actually) and no one cared or else mocked the whole idea(s). Now it's the entire world's problem.

                      If I seem a bit peeved, yeah, only because I can only do so much, and no more.


                        I agree with most of what you say.

                        But unfortunately, politics has a great deal to do with this, and under the current rules of this board, I don't want to too far into that field.

                        I would like to see some clarification from the management of this anthill as to whether or not the political aspects of this crisis are allowed topics here. Maybe management could start a thread for discussion of the virus and it's effects, including the political aspects?


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          I agree with most of what you say.

                          But unfortunately, politics has a great deal to do with this, and under the current rules of this board, I don't want to too far into that field.
                          I'm not interested in the political nonsense our gov't (D letter mostly!) are pulling. Started with CA, then NY followed in panic mode, then NJ copied NY's footsteps, and then other states like ILL and CT soon followed shortly after. Now, almost all of the states are in complete mandatory shut-down mode.

                          My concern is obvious that I have to live thru this dark adventure that our wonderful world has stepped into, and (this crazy, INSANE situation) is now dragging every last person --"rich and poor, small and great"-- into this whole thing as well.

                          Oh, and just an FYI, don't forget what Bill Gates is suggesting for our world's monetary systems to go forth and process. That was also part of the warning(s) that I mentioned in those closed down topics. The only difference was -- as to HOW such events would become instituted into being processed. If China is the KEY initiator in all of this world's economic meltdown, that was a blind curve I don't think those of us who were tracking this sort of news ever anticipated... would happen that way. But perhaps, here it is. Now, the rest of the proverbial axes are about to come down... and probably hard and fast, too.


                            Trying, with very little success I might add, to explain all this to my elderly mother.

                            She's 90, had a stroke three years ago (which has scrambled one or two things in her brain IMO), and she's very hard of hearing.

                            She keeps going into what I call "Daft little old lady" mode, and getting upset about trivial things.

                            I love her dearly, but by GOD she's irritating the HELL out of me.
                            Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                            To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                            Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                            And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              I'm not interested in the political nonsense our gov't (D letter mostly!) are pulling. Started with CA, then NY followed in panic mode, then NJ copied NY's footsteps, and then other states like ILL and CT soon followed shortly after. Now, almost all of the states are in complete mandatory shut-down mode.

                              My concern is obvious that I have to live thru this dark adventure that our wonderful world has stepped into, and (this crazy, INSANE situation) is now dragging every last person --"rich and poor, small and great"-- into this whole thing as well.

                              Oh, and just an FYI, don't forget what Bill Gates is suggesting for our world's monetary systems to go forth and process. That was also part of the warning(s) that I mentioned in those closed down topics. The only difference was -- as to HOW such events would become instituted into being processed. If China is the KEY initiator in all of this world's economic meltdown, that was a blind curve I don't think those of us who were tracking this sort of news ever anticipated... would happen that way. But perhaps, here it is. Now, the rest of the proverbial axes are about to come down... and probably hard and fast, too.
                              The states are struggling with an issue that should never have been theirs in the first place.

                              As I've said, the proper solution would have been to slam the doors on the country shut in January or earlier, and that would have been the task of the national level executive(Trump). Certainly, there would have been opposition, but this clearly falls within the scope of the use of executive orders. This should have been done, and Trump should have just told the opposition to sit down and shut up. And he need not have been polite in doing so.

                              The fact that he didn't do that is on him, and him alone.

                              I don't think we have to worry about mandatory chipping at this point or anytime soon. There are simply too many folks that won't go along with that.


                                @ SGAlisa -- my sister is currently temporarily unemployed, due to economic reasons or sometimes also called "technical unemployment". Doesn't the USA have a similar thing?
                                For 3 days a week, she goes on forced unemployement.

                                She also had to go to the food store today... and found that a lot of people still don't get the meaning of "keeping that mandatory" distance.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

