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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Do you gargle with preparation-H?
    Most stand your ground or castle law applications don't need to result in death either, but because it's "easier", or "safer" they do, a lot of the time.
    Most people seeking abortions don't WANT to have them, they are not looking for an excuse to have one, much like most gun owners don't want to shoot an intruder.
    SOME gun owners see it as an easy out, much like SOME women or men see it as an easy out, and I think if you looked at the real statistics, it's probably around par.
    I find BOTH of these positions distasteful, but in your constructed world, one is better than the other. No negative is "better" than the other one.
    And in the case of pregnancy, it's really, really easy to achieve no negative outcome. Keep your pants on.


      That line of thinking only works if you make the assumption that the only reason a woman wants an abortion is because she made a foolish choice
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by jelgate View Post
        That line of thinking only works if you make the assumption that the only reason a woman wants an abortion is because she made a foolish choice
        What, she just wants to commit murder?


          Sure if the alternative is she dies
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            Details from my end would help clarify... It was mis-phrased (sorry!). Thus, (I believe) it should instead read--
            "The majority of anti-Trump/Never-Trumpers would (instead) have us backing a candidate who's platform reads like everything revealed in Romans 1:18-32."

            The Dems *seem* to have no problem with approving of such activities (things that God rejects), especially when their own social groups *do it*. And apparently, the "establishment", elites, and some Republicans approve of such behaviors as well as long as they don't look at their own life-- *any* excuse is used --just to get Trump out.

            No, in response to your (aretood2) comment -- except maybe stating it here in this topic on THIS here GW forum. There are others speaking about this on the radio and elsewhere on the internet "accusing" and attaching these list(s) of "sins" to the DEMs. I'm just echoing what those people have brought out into the proverbial light, even tho I do agree with *most* of their comments.
            Trump: Lies, Pride (Never asks God for forgiveness), Fornication, Adultery, Bribery, Foul language, Vindictiveness, Greed, pushes away the orphans, widows, and foreigners, divides families, finds that there are "good people" within neo-nazi groups, never reads the bible (you can tell by the way he speaks of it and quotes it), never attends Church, lascivious. He is no keeper of God's commandments. And this is just to name a few.

            I know the verse. But if *you* are going to be legalistic and pristine as the wind-driven snow, then you (aretood2), too, shouldn't be voting at all. No candidate is without some tainting of "sin" in their life... if one is comparing their entire life with how the Ten Commandments read. That also would include us here, as well.
            Afterall, how many people
            * have NEVER talked back disrespectfully to their own parents, elders or guardians..? (Honor your parents...)
            * have NEVER EVER lied, even that of a teeny "white lie" level..? (i.e., bearing false witness against others) Distorting the truth or with-holding major details (as the MSM was often guilty of during Obama's term as POTUS) is (biblically) as bad as a bold-faced lie (before a "Holy" God).
            Only Christians who don't take the Bible seriously throw around accusations of "Legalistic and pristine". The problem here is that I am not advocating for voting based on how "Christian" a candidate is. Nowhere in the Bible could you find any such requirement. Governments are not there to enforce God's will or commandments. They are their to maintain law and order in a just manner. That is the only requirement.

            I'm going to guess that only Jesus ever qualified for obeying the 2 commands, plus the other 8, during his entire youthful toddler and teenager ages.

            That is only two of the Ten commandments. Even if in breaking both of those, what Jesus said in John 8:7 would be just as applicable as breaking any other of the Ten Commandments. So, [b]who among ALL of Trump's accusers are without "sin" (the biblical Ten Commandments version - Exodus 20:1-17)..? Those people need to look in the mirror first, before casting proverbial or real stones.
            Just pointing out that the 2 commandments that Jesus mentioned that you are referencing are not part of the "10 Commandments". Those 2 commandments are a summation of the entire Law. That's an issue I have, you are good with slapping doomsday theories to random prophecies, but beyond that you seem to come short

            Besides, in God's WORD, ALL of us have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. That includes ALL presidents, kings, emperors. No one is exempt, except He (Jesus) who died in our place, because he was "sinless" but became "SIN" for us. For "cursed" is a man (anyone) who is hung from a tree. Thus, the penalty of sin was PAID in FULL at the cross Jesus died on...with every sin ever committed down thru
            Present, &

            Note the cross or + crossroads exists in the t in all 3 tenses. ALL of
            ...HiStory... is covered from beginning to end
            . God knew the English language would come in handy someday to illustrate
            Jesus IS the "Alpha" and the "Omega". There are no other humans//people who qualify.
            The problem is that you are the one that is looking for perfection, I am looking for someone who can provide law and order in a just manner.

            aretood2, you are well gifted at legalizing the scriptures so that a person would end up forever waging personal battle(s) living out what Romans 7:7-24 states! Besides, President Obama started the whole mess of splitting up the families, and not just those coming from beyond our southern USA border. People tend to forget that part.. almost too conveniently.
            This has nothing to do with anything, but I'll bite. What you call legalizing I call not cherry picking. You are good at cherry picking. Your faith is "a la carte" where you pick and choose.

            If we based every action advised in your POV of what the Bible states, but leaving out other pertinent verses, such as John 8:7, what you are implying sounds like ALL Christians should NOT be voting at all in gov't issues, because our gov't often works against the very Ten Commandments (pro-abortion =murder, regardless of what the excuse or degree level it is given). Gov'ts also encourage its citizens to *Join the Military*... but a person who takes the biblical command NOT to murder should respond by what you ((aretood2)) are implying as a NON involvement reaction, because it involves "murdering" anyone the gov't considers is the enemy... and so forth.

            Basically, what I see as your (aretood2) standards, we can go back and forth on this forever, and never get anywhere with a postive outcome for the world's best interests. Based on today's current "PC" standards, I hear many Democrats (in actual face-to-face encounters) spouting out this sort of (logic) stuff all the time. End result would have THEM (Dems) appear *right* and ruling forever, because (especially "born-again") Christians should just have no say nor any part of this, outside of paying one's taxes and being obedient little lambs to the ultimate, proverbial slaughter (i.e., being worked to death).
            I am not the one demanding a certain spiritual standing from politicians, you are. You are putting words in my mouths.

            Anyway, whenever I have voted, the future and security of Israel comes first. If there are any signs/signals that convey a candidate does not support Israel, or has put Israel in danger of its enemies, I cannot support that person/candidate because of the *death-nell* curse given in Numbers 24:9 (this would apply to all nations). If Trump supports Israel, but Hillary Clinton would toss Israel under the proverbial bus, Trump would get the vote. Why? Biblically, Jewish ISRAEL's blessings and curses outweigh ALL "sins" from every candidate. *Screw* with Israel, expect our country not to last much longer, lest the judgement of God fall upon us.
            So Trump could have cursed Jesus in the most obscene of manners using the most egregious profanity but as long as he supports Israel, you'd vote for him? Because that is in essence what you are saying here. That if someone supports Israel you'd vote for them no matter what.

            Oh, and speaking of judgement, the USA doesn't have to look too far for it. Got plenty of nasty people already burning down neighborhoods and destroying property. Plus, if that's not enough from the inhuman side of life, there is also this----
            someday, Yellowstone's super volcano just might blow it's roof off the caldera it is residing upon. Half of the USA would be directly affected and probably wiped out from the super volcano wrecking havoc, especially in the western and midwestern states.
            I think you are misscatigorizing that verse.
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              Sure if the alternative is she dies
              I have not objected to abortion to save the mother's life. It's a damned unpleasant choice to have to make, but I understand it.


                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                And in the case of pregnancy, it's really, really easy to achieve no negative outcome. Keep your pants on.
                In the case of guns, it's really, really easy to achieve no negative outcome. Have no guns...……….
                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Still no response I see.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Still no response I see.
                    From whom? and about what?

                    (I already stated why I go MIA now and then... and now is an MIA, not in *mood* to write/etc., issue...)
                    One of these days I just might turn this whole topic over to aretood2 or maybe someone else...


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      From whom? and about what?

                      (I already stated why I go MIA now and then... and now is an MIA, not in *mood* to write/etc., issue...)
                      One of these days I just might turn this whole topic over to aretood2 or maybe someone else...
                      Not you dear, annoyed.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        In the case of guns, it's really, really easy to achieve no negative outcome. Have no guns...……….
                        You need a response? How are you going to accomplish that? The only thing banning guns will do is take them away from people who obey the law. The criminals, you know, the people who are more likely to shoot people? are not going to turn their guns in.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          You need a response? How are you going to accomplish that? The only thing banning guns will do is take them away from people who obey the law. The criminals, you know, the people who are more likely to shoot people? are not going to turn their guns in.
                          So the people, wanting abortions are just going to go to back ally illegal providers to get one.
                          You are merely taking away the same level of choice being legal, safer and controlled to a degree.
                          I think guns should be legal, safe and controlled.
                          You just wanna ban what you don't like.
                          Are you getting it yet?
                          Do you need it spelled out?
                          You claimed to be a smart cookie, you just proved you are not.
                          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                          The truth isn't the truth


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            So the people, wanting abortions are just going to go to back ally illegal providers to get one.
                            You are merely taking away the same level of choice being legal, safer and controlled to a degree.
                            I think guns should be legal, safe and controlled.
                            You just wanna ban what you don't like.
                            Are you getting it yet?
                            Do you need it spelled out?
                            You claimed to be a smart cookie, you just proved you are not.
                            You are refusing to accept the concept that outside of rape situations, people have the choice of whether or not to get pregnant. If you choose to keep your pants on, you don't get pregnant. Plain and simple. But you act as if that choice doesn't exist.


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              You are refusing to accept the concept that outside of rape situations, people have the choice of whether or not to get pregnant. If you choose to keep your pants on, you don't get pregnant. Plain and simple. But you act as if that choice doesn't exist.
                              And you act like guns are a right.
                              If you choose not to have a gun, barring exceptional event's, you won't get shot either.
                              And those that DO get shot?
                              Have NO choice, and even don't get moments of bliss.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                                And you act like guns are a right.
                                If you choose not to have a gun, barring exceptional event's, you won't get shot either.
                                And those that DO get shot?
                                Have NO choice, and even don't get moments of bliss.
                                Guns ARE a right, according to the Constitution of the US.

