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Tracking Earth's Future via Current Events, etc.

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    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
    Oooooooooooo! (drum roll / rim shot! or drum roll with cymbals crashing)

    'Cause I liked the humor in it..

    As for the real answer to----

    *Proceed with caution*? ..

    Sometimes, (the Tea Party folks) their ideas get a tad too extreme, even for me. I do read more web forums and blogs other than whatever is here at GW. I like to see what each side is thinking of, why, and what they may be doing about it. Some ideas are downright scary...Others are downright silly--depends on which political and morally bent direction the people involved are describing.

    I prefer a balance --happy medium-- something to help our world improve and be happy (not in a drunk way, but genuine joy), but getting to that sort of goal will either take a miracle of incredible proportions, or it will take a longer path or time-frame in seeing such a world-wide system actually achieve that level that I'm thinking of. Of course, in this life, even if such an idealistic goal was ever gained, there's always going to be a disgruntled someone (or disgruntled group) somewhere on the planet ruining life for the rest of us.

    I think the only sure moment of fixing the political system will be when Jesus (the Christ) lands on earth and starts cleaning up the mess that will exist at that time. That is a biblical *promise*.. but until that day comes, we gotta take what we've been given and work thru whatever that system of living is like, instead.


    I heard President Obama is fast tracking many regulatory issues to either make it easier for Hillary to work with, if she gets elected, or make it thousands times more difficult for Trump to undo and repeal any damage that is done to screw up future plans Trump may have administrative-wise that goes against whatever Trump may plan on "making America" return to some semblance of good standing with the rest of the world (again). Right now, there's just too much grumbling going on to destroy the USA --from within-- or see us end up getting silenced some other way.. too many scenarios to even imagine on the extreme bad end.

    Oh... and if VP Joe Biden thinks Donald Trump is too dangerous to handle the nuclear codes, etc., then maybe Biden should take a GOOD long look of himself (Biden) in the mirror.. While doing his own speech, Joe Biden pointed to the guy with the nuke codes!!! Camera directly shows the guy?? Who is MORE irresponsible? Now, the poor guy attached to the codes has to switch with some other unknown guy, or he'll end up being a marked target, and oops! bye-bye America.
    Thanks (NOT) Joe..!

    Joe Biden was always known as an idiot and blow-hard when he was in the US senate. He was a known plagiarist ( ) and was on the wrong side of history on so many issues. his whines about Trump are very similar to his whines about Ronald Reagan and Reagan wasn't impressed with Biden either - Biden began running for president in 1988 - those of us familiar with him are not surprised by anything he says no matter how stupid!


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      Tell me how it's better for those who make their livings in the coal industry who will find themselves out of work.
      They'll find new work. Something about a free market and such. When asbestos was banned, people had to change jobs. Coal will be considered the same in a few years.

      I'd start a program to help these people move on, but sadly i'm not in a political position to do so. Though personally i'd have banned coal plants and simply have the coal industry slowly fade out that way.


        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
        They'll find new work. Something about a free market and such. When asbestos was banned, people had to change jobs. Coal will be considered the same in a few years.

        I'd start a program to help these people move on, but sadly i'm not in a political position to do so. Though personally i'd have banned coal plants and simply have the coal industry slowly fade out that way.
        Have you looked at the regions that are known for coal production? There aren't any jobs for these people to go to.


          Let's do this... *stretches fingers*

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          [B]Most people discussing world issues *believe* the earth is getting warmer -- so the scientists reinforce by various data (deliberately skewed or actual-factual numbers), and gov't's have been trying to cram down our TAXible finances at every opportunity they find.
          A) It's not a believe fabricated by scientist. There's actual proof of the warming up, which for example they can see in ice cores.

          I give you Doctor Ed Hawkins, a climate scientist, animation to show you that the earth is indeed warming up.

          Climate change summed up in a single animation: GIF shows how the world has become significantly warmer since 1850

          I give you the basics of Ice Core Science: Ice core basics

          Everything you ever wanted to know about Carbon Tax and why it exists in the first place. It does have a purpose, you see: What’s a carbon tax?

          A carbon tax is a fee intended to make users of fossil fuels pay for climate damage their fuel use imposes by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and also to motivate switches to cleaner energy. Because CO2 is released in strict proportion to the fuel’s carbon content, the carbon tax can be levied “upstream” on the fuel itself.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Question-- how effective will future reactivation of these manure digesters and separators affect the growth of our food crops, which in turn feed the animals to make more fertilizer for more food crops, etc.?
          It's the future of farming.
          I notice there's plenty of research done to make the process even better and recycling manure has a lot of growing potential. Google results are plenty, filled with a couple interesting research papers too.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Anywho. . . I have a question about using paper plates that get tossed into the garbage after use, or dinnerware that requires being washed. I'm forever torn between the two.
          If you want to use paper -- most of it is recycled anyway so no trees had to die for it. But better yet, is the actual use of dinnerware. It's water and soap to clean them, and your soap can be eco-friendly too --> Make Your Own Eco-Friendly Dishwasher Detergent

          Water can be recycled as well -- just need a recycling station.

          I give you the environmental report of 2015 of the national airport of Belgium (2016 isn't available online yet) as an example what a company can do (on any scale) to lower their ecological footprint -- Brussels Airport Environmental Report 2015

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          I've been hearing more and more of that in various news reports, even in places were rainy days occur every few days, but only for an hour, if that much (excluding those excessive always flooding zones). It just seems strange that what waters are underneath the earth's ground/crust are disappearing, at the same time there are outcries that our oceans are *rising*...
          The rising sea level is the result of the icebergs and glaciers melting. All that drinkable water going lost in the salty sea...

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
 it requires a lot of water...
          The growing of the bamboo, or the processing of it?
          Cause it sure doesn't need that much water to grow.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          For a more serious moment -- If the topic title is confusing in exploring the deeper cores of this topic, would it help to change the title from
          "Tracking Earth's Future Prophecies with Current Events"
          "Tracking Earth's Future -- Prophecies, Current Events, & etc."
          This one's the better choice... just my opinion.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          [COLOR="#B22222"]BTW, seems our USA is about to have a MAJOR energy *crisis* because President Obama just shuttered down 400 coal mines -- shut them closed -- sort of a Labor Day workforce gift -- obviously a gift to the environment, per EPA ruling.. Now, approximately 83,000 jobs are lost...
          Nope, the closing of the coal mines will not lead to a major energy crisis. It will lead to an update of the system and thus working on cleaner energy. Those 83,000 people will find other work -- possibly even healthier work than breathing in all sorts of junk in the mines and working themselves into an early grave due to lungs no longer able to process oxygen.

          The US has finally signed the Paris Climate Agreement, and that was about time too. Get with the program.

          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
          Anyway, "Climate Change" is being used as part of the excuse for authorizing this end to the (entire?) USA coal industry. Saving the earth's climate.
          Coal is bad -- see my reply in the political thread.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Tell me how it's better for those who make their livings in the coal industry who will find themselves out of work.
          Because other companies will rise up in its place, and those people will find new jobs.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Tell me how it's better for those who depend upon coal for their energy needs, who will now have to replace that energy with other, probably more expensive sources.
          The more people using different sorts of energy resources, the cheaper those resources become. Coal is a thing of the past. Get with the program.

          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Sorry, it's good for the agenda of the enviros, but not so good for those who are directly involved in its use. But we already knew the LSoS doesn't give a rat's **** about the people who it will directly affect.
          Yeah, cause working in the mines is such a healthy occupation, right.

          Coalworker's pneumoconiosis

          He clearly doesn't care about the people as much as he does about the environment. Or clean energy.

          Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

          Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Let's do this... *stretches fingers*

            A) It's not a believe fabricated by scientist. There's actual proof of the warming up, which for example they can see in ice cores.

            I give you Doctor Ed Hawkins, a climate scientist, animation to show you that the earth is indeed warming up.

            Climate change summed up in a single animation: GIF shows how the world has become significantly warmer since 1850
            Fair enough. But it would carry far more weight if the Earth didn't have a habit of going through cooling and warming periods many times over through its history. The energy output of the sun is not constant. We know of an 11 year cycle, who is to say that it doesn't have other, longer duration cycles that we don't know about yet?

            Jan. 8, 2013: In the galactic scheme of things, the Sun is a remarkably constant star. While some stars exhibit dramatic pulsations, wildly yo-yoing in size and brightness, and sometimes even exploding, the luminosity of our own sun varies a measly 0.1% over the course of the 11-year solar cycle.

            There is, however, a dawning realization among researchers that even these apparently tiny variations can have a significant effect on terrestrial climate. A new report issued by the National Research Council (NRC), "The Effects of Solar Variability on Earth's Climate," lays out some of the surprisingly complex ways that solar activity can make itself felt on our planet.
            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            I give you the basics of Ice Core Science: Ice core basics
            As I mentioned in the political thread, just how accurate are those core samples at reading temperature? The article I found on the matter said it was horribly inaccurate. Reading a 10 degree change, with a plus or minus range of 5? that's little better then a rough guess.

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Everything you ever wanted to know about Carbon Tax and why it exists in the first place. It does have a purpose, you see: What’s a carbon tax?

            A carbon tax is a fee intended to make users of fossil fuels pay for climate damage their fuel use imposes by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and also to motivate switches to cleaner energy. Because CO2 is released in strict proportion to the fuel’s carbon content, the carbon tax can be levied “upstream” on the fuel itself.
            Ok, suppose that is really the goal. Financial incentives to use less or different forms of energy. If that is truly the case, then part of the plan is offsetting tax credits or lower taxes of other sorts, right? Because if not, it's just a smokescreen for a tax increase to put more money into the hands of a ever-larger and more intrusive government.

            Enviros are constantly citing "science" as the basis for their arguments.

            But until they can PROVE their assertions by scientific standards; demonstrated by experiments that anyone can carry out and get the same results, the only thing they have are THEORIES.

            Even though they can't make up their minds on which direction the temperature is moving, for the sake of argument, I will concede that the climate is changing, it has done so for thousands of years before the arrival of mankind, and I see no reason why it should have stopped now.

            And there is no way on Earth that they can prove that these changes, whatever they may be are the result of mankinds activities. The very fact that it has been going on for thousands of years makes that proof impossible.

            So all they have, and ever can have are theories.

            Sorry, I don't think mangling our economy based on theories is such a good idea.

            And we can also discuss the many other reasons that the enviros shouldn't be trusted, such as their proposed solutions always costing the US more $, their uneven application between countries (does it really matter where the carbon is emitted? Seems they are willing to give a pass to smaller and some not so smaller nations such as China.) and the outright admission by their own people that the whole shebang is just a clever wealth redistribution scheme.


              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Fair enough. But it would carry far more weight if the Earth didn't have a habit of going through cooling and warming periods many times over through its history. The energy output of the sun is not constant. We know of an 11 year cycle, who is to say that it doesn't have other, longer duration cycles that we don't know about yet?
              Except that it's happening faster than before.

              We've had a tiny ice age in the middle ages even.

              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Enviros are constantly citing "science" as the basis for their arguments.
              Please, for once, WHO are these enviros you are always refering to?

              Climate scientists? Greenpeace? The Sea Shepherds (though they are on the list of eco-terrorists)? Tree huggers (no idea who I have to put in that category)? Al Gore?

              Who are they?

              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              And there is no way on Earth that they can prove that these changes, whatever they may be are the result of mankinds activities. The very fact that it has been going on for thousands of years makes that proof impossible.
              Err... dude, the population is growing. Industry is polluting -- noooo, we could never have anything to do with it. Manmade it might not be, but we sure as hell are guilty of helping it along at a faster rate.

              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              So all they have, and ever can have are theories.
              So, you are all for polluting the planet then?
              Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

              Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                The problem with these alternative energy sources are that they aren't very economical compared to what we have now, at least in certain areas. For example the tendency to hype solar power as the answer to the energy crisis when such a source isn't practical in all areas, like for example Western NY state in the middle of winter, when the sun becomes this foreign entity that shows itself maybe once the whole season

                Which is why in WNY we utilize hydroelectric power instead, utilizing the kinetic energy of the Falls to provide our electricity.

                Solar power might have more of a market in areas that tend to see sunlight a lot more often, like desert areas, and with thin-film photovoltaic cells (PV cells using less material than conventional ones to achieve the same result) the cost of utilizing solar energy in these areas could be pretty low (consider that this is all conjecture mind you).

                And maybe the Hawaiian Islands might one day be able to find a way to safely tap into all that geothermal energy they're sitting on

                But the tendency of so-called "environmentalists" to basically do things without considering the situation from every angle possible means that, with their government allies willing to indulge them, our tax burden generally winds up suffering net increases with every asinine proposal they make.


                  Originally posted by jazzy72 View Post
                  Joe Biden was always known as an idiot and blow-hard when he was in the US senate. He was a known plagiarist ( ) and was on the wrong side of history on so many issues. his whines about Trump are very similar to his whines about Ronald Reagan and Reagan wasn't impressed with Biden either - Biden began running for president in 1988 - those of us familiar with him are not surprised by anything he says no matter how stupid!
                  Hi jazzy72
                  Welcome to GateWorld's forums! =)
                  Thank you for sharing your note about Joe Biden. I didn't remember him being in the 1988 election. A bit of trivia forgotten.

                  I was probably too preoccupied at that time with my own set of disasters.. I think that was the year my hubby & I became homeless (long story--we had the money but the moving process just didn't work out, AND no thanks to our bank screwing up our accounts that caused us to lose our new apartment).


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    aretood2--will reply to your question later, since I came up with several different answers. In the meantime...
                    aretood2, I haven't forgotten you.. I keep getting distracted. Plus, I'm still trying to figure out how to word my thoughts on your question about--
                    What does he mean by "this generation?.

                    I started to respond, and then stopped myself, because it got more complicated than when I first started to reply.

                    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                    Let's do this... *stretches fingers*

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    For a more serious moment -- If the topic title is confusing in exploring the deeper cores of this topic, would it help to change the title from
                    "Tracking Earth's Future Prophecies with Current Events"
                    "Tracking Earth's Future -- Prophecies, Current Events, & etc."
                    This one's the better choice... just my opinion.
                    *Thank You!!!*
                    I was actually trying to shorten it, but considering everything that's been tossed into here already, the longer one does make better sense.

                    Otherwise, if I left the title just hang with --
                    "Tracking Earth's Future . . . "
                    God only knows what would end up in here... . . .

                    I'll have to tackle the other info at a later moment in the week (if I have time).
                    Thank You!!!! *awesome* =)

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Wow. So much happening lately.
                    Posting it here, than in the politics topic, because some of this goes waaaaaaaaaaaay off topic there. Okay here to skid down some new bunny trails--all possibly connected with historical prophecies regarding the New World Leader/United Earth-World Gov't still yet to come... Considering some of this info under the "conspiracy" category, because that is exactly what this is at this point.. pure speculations by many who have stumbled upon these items..
                    Besides, imagine the field day Alex Jones and Michael Savage will be having with THIS news-packed week this week coming! oy!

                    *Conspiracy* meaning = for the info here, the question has been pondered if anyone in the Soros family (who are of Jewish descent) is (going to be) connected to the future antichrist? Or (since the Islamic State takeover) will that *antichrist* (anti-christian enforcer-believer) be a Muslim person who reaches out some sort of peace agreement with Jewish Israel..?

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    What the hell did I just read?
                    Well, that whole posting was based on a bunch of other discussions I had encountered in my reading or what I heard on the radio, and speculated on who the Anti-christ might be, and if that person is alive, yet.

                    Oh, and if it's any comfort, personally, I don't believe that persona is either Hillary Clinton or George Soros. Both of them are on the old enough side, that it's probably neither of them. However, several folks were guessing it might be someone related to George Soros... hmmm. mystery deepens. Don't mind the rambling.. da brain is processing a *biblical* puzzle.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    What do you think of the Tea party SG?

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Where is your refutation of the tactics of the TEA party?
                    Where is you repudiation of "them Saul Alinsky" people now?
                    re: Tea party and Saul Alinsky people.
                    I'm not really into those sorts of people. Tea party has a few areas I disagree with, because they take a super HARD, extremist position on some items, which I really don't want to discuss on my own. If you want to discuss it, fine, go ahead. But I'm probably going to avoid getting involved more than a surface level there.

                    As for Saul Alinsky, he learned how to steal and get away with it; and then taught others how they too could steal thru deceit. He may be viewed by others today as taking advantage of someone else's soft spot for a financially destitute soul.
                    I grew up around people who did that. I seem to be a magnet for being gullible in that area, so I have tried to caution myself against falling into those traps (too often).

                    Of course, if someone I'm sitting next to does have lots of moolah, whether or not I am aware of that, yet that person forgot to bring a sweater in an air-conditioned room, I've often lent them my spare jacket (yes, I sometimes carry 2, no thanks to hot&frigid cold flashes menopause! =). I've even shared my own jacket on and off, too. I've given away new and clothes, too, to people I didn't even know, but they needed them more at the time.

                    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                    Where is your refutation of the tactics of the TEA party?
                    Where is you repudiation of "them Saul Alinsky" people now?

                    This is WHY people disregard your points, you make little to no serious attempt to address them, it is ALSO why politics bleeds into this thread, you attempt to make -political- points in here based on prophecy, which is perfectly fine, but that belief -also- bleeds into any discussion in the political thread...
                    Actually, the inquiry about a topic title was my fault. I got ahead of things. Besides, FH did offer a suggestion, to which I'm thinking about further. (short version or long..)

                    On to other items -- I understand why people don't (sometimes) reply -- at least not right away (time management!). It sometimes takes me a while to think about something; especially if I really shouldn't just say the first thing that pops into my mind.

                    But as to the confusion mentioned in your comment ---- I think you (GF) misunderstand this whole topic in a nutshell. It's mostly the non-political part of earth's future, while at the same time, knowing there are certain overlaps between the two.. In other words, obviously, this topic also includes *some* religious areas and persons, but it doesn't dwell on itemized details as the "Religious Help Desk" and the other religions topic were devoted to.

                    Maybe I need to be more detailed (aghhhhhhhhhh!), and clarify to the utmost simplicity, which seems like a miracle if I could ever achieve *that* ---- on specialty subject items like the Anti-Christ, who's life crosses into both RELIGION *and* politics, but neither of those topics are geared to discuss the speculative data material as it is presented here (in this topic) in the same manner on the Politics and Religion topics, which were started by other GW members starting those topics.

                    However, I thought that it is okay to do that here in this topic, and shy away from the excessively detailed debates in say, e.g., the USA or UK election process, and the issues of each candidate -- unless someone here wanders off into doing exactly that. It's not a case of disorientation. It's just a bunny trail that probably won't go on for 20 pages, unless there is a fascinating reason for it. Does it apply to anything that was on page 1 of this topic? If yes, by all means, please continue!

                    Well, that's my POV on that. So, yes, sometimes political people and some of their agenda(s) might pour over into this topic, but I just didn't want to personally get sidetracked in discussing a biblical Anti-Christ or Islamic Mahdi in the Politics topic to ad nauseum. Nor, did I feel it proper to discuss politics in the Current religions topic, wherever that disappear off to.
                    Does that make sense?


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Well, that whole posting was based on a bunch of other discussions I had encountered in my reading or what I heard on the radio, and speculated on who the Anti-christ might be, and if that person is alive, yet.

                      Oh, and if it's any comfort, personally, I don't believe that persona is either Hillary Clinton or George Soros. Both of them are on the old enough side, that it's probably neither of them. However, several folks were guessing it might be someone related to George Soros... hmmm. mystery deepens. Don't mind the rambling.. da brain is processing a *biblical* puzzle.
                      You can -speculate- all you want, that's fine.
                      My -only issue- is when you seem to pass the "saint or sinner" decree, then form political opinions on that basis. Political opinion is -not- personal, you can affect the world with it.

                      re: Tea party and Saul Alinsky people.
                      I'm not really into those sorts of people. Tea party has a few areas I disagree with, because they take a super HARD, extremist position on some items, which I really don't want to discuss on my own. If you want to discuss it, fine, go ahead. But I'm probably going to avoid getting involved more than a surface level there.
                      SG, the backbone of the TEA party is right wing, yes.
                      The "tactic's" they employ are textbook leftist idea's, and they -embraced- them, and built on them. The real question is, how can you decry your "enemy", then use their idea's?
                      Do you convert saints by using the tactics of Sinners?
                      As for Saul Alinsky, he learned how to steal and get away with it; and then taught others how they too could steal thru deceit. He may be viewed by others today as taking advantage of someone else's soft spot for a financially destitute soul.
                      I grew up around people who did that. I seem to be a magnet for being gullible in that area, so I have tried to caution myself against falling into those traps (too often).
                      Your "personal story" is irrelevant.
                      Of course, if someone I'm sitting next to does have lots of moolah, whether or not I am aware of that, yet that person forgot to bring a sweater in an air-conditioned room, I've often lent them my spare jacket (yes, I sometimes carry 2, no thanks to hot&frigid cold flashes menopause! =). I've even shared my own jacket on and off, too. I've given away new and clothes, too, to people I didn't even know, but they needed them more at the time.
                      This is -beyond- irrelevant.
                      Actually, the inquiry about a topic title was my fault. I got ahead of things. Besides, FH did offer a suggestion, to which I'm thinking about further. (short version or long..)
                      This has zero relation to what I said.
                      On to other items -- I understand why people don't (sometimes) reply -- at least not right away (time management!). It sometimes takes me a while to think about something; especially if I really shouldn't just say the first thing that pops into my mind.
                      This is an excuse, nothing more.
                      But as to the confusion mentioned in your comment ---- I think you (GF) misunderstand this whole topic in a nutshell. It's mostly the non-political part of earth's future, while at the same time, knowing there are certain overlaps between the two.. In other words, obviously, this topic also includes *some* religious areas and persons, but it doesn't dwell on itemized details as the "Religious Help Desk" and the other religions topic were devoted to.
                      I know the topic, thank you.
                      Maybe I need to be more detailed (aghhhhhhhhhh!), and clarify to the utmost simplicity, which seems like a miracle if I could ever achieve *that* ---- on specialty subject items like the Anti-Christ, who's life crosses into both RELIGION *and* politics, but neither of those topics are geared to discuss the speculative data material as it is presented here (in this topic) in the same manner on the Politics and Religion topics, which were started by other GW members starting those topics.
                      No, you need to stop telling irrelevant, personal stories that dominate your responses.
                      However, I thought that it is okay to do that here in this topic, and shy away from the excessively detailed debates in say, e.g., the USA or UK election process, and the issues of each candidate -- unless someone here wanders off into doing exactly that. It's not a case of disorientation. It's just a bunny trail that probably won't go on for 20 pages, unless there is a fascinating reason for it. Does it apply to anything that was on page 1 of this topic? If yes, by all means, please continue!
                      Well, that's my POV on that. So, yes, sometimes political people and some of their agenda(s) might pour over into this topic, but I just didn't want to personally get sidetracked in discussing a biblical Anti-Christ or Islamic Mahdi in the Politics topic to ad nauseum. Nor, did I feel it proper to discuss politics in the Current religions topic, wherever that disappear off to.
                      This has nothing to do with what I say, so........
                      Does that make sense?
                      Not much, no.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Too much to write into one post, so I'll have to come back later to add the rest. (Sorry!)

                        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                        Please, for once, WHO are these enviros you are always refering to?

                        Climate scientists? Greenpeace? The Sea Shepherds (though they are on the list of eco-terrorists)? Tree huggers (no idea who I have to put in that category)? Al Gore?

                        Who are they?
                        Oh, don't forget some folks within the Sierra Club.

                        I'm going to take a wild guess on the question. They are ALL of the earth-hugger people whining about the earth is dying from society building this and that up, and that the monkeys and gorillas have rights too (that was implying to exist in a legal court of law!), and people need to enforce this law and that law against the polluters of the whole total environment, etc.

                        Yeah, well, the U.S.EPA is taking care of the enforcement and penalty issues.
                        And just an FYI, New Jersey (USA) was the first state that became the prototype for the EPA to base much of its regulatory rules upon. Just drive thru Union, NJ and you'll understand the worst of that pollution (look at the sky and smell the lovely icky air). blech. Except for being financially strapped from economic reasons, I simply do not understand how people can actually live in that area without being sick most of the time.

                        When American Cyanamid was at the peak of its operations before or by the (NJ, USA) Bound Brook exits near Route 287, that was another primo example of wretched smells (air pollution) plus whatever they had poured into their waste ponds -- PeeeeeUuuuuuu! Stinky.. ... I'm not sure about the other parts of the state, but the residues from the ground pollution is clearly evident in the rivers and lands the closer it is to NYC, NY. We call the water in that area as mud-holes, because that is what it still looks like.

                        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                        The problem with these alternative energy sources are that they aren't very economical compared to what we have now, at least in certain areas. For example the tendency to hype solar power as the answer to the energy crisis when such a source isn't practical in all areas, like for example Western NY state in the middle of winter, when the sun becomes this foreign entity that shows itself maybe once the whole season
                        Love that *sun* as foreign entity comment..!
                        So True!!! LOL. yeah. Now, for wind, you also have to factor in keeping any windmills clear of ice, because of the constant Lake Effect storms that keep passing thru and then down to NJ and NYC,NY areas too.

                        Pennsylvania also has the same Lake Effect problems for the exact same reasons. My niece has to get a roofer in to shovel the snow off, before it ices up and gets even heavier. Most folks near the Great Lakes get average 7 foot snows, plus with additional storms on the way.. might as well dig a tunnel instead. And that is NOT including the snow banks piled up on the sides of the snowplows and people just generally shoveling, too..!

                        Originally posted by mad_gater
                        Which is why in WNY we utilize hydroelectric power instead, utilizing the kinetic energy of the Falls to provide our electricity.

                        Solar power might have more of a market in areas that tend to see sunlight a lot more often, like desert areas, and with thin-film photovoltaic cells (PV cells using less material than conventional ones to achieve the same result) the cost of utilizing solar energy in these areas could be pretty low (consider that this is all conjecture mind you).

                        And maybe the Hawaiian Islands might one day be able to find a way to safely tap into all that geothermal energy they're sitting on
                        Yes, but sadly, the last visit my hubby and I made to the Niagra Falls, Canada area, we were reading about how the fresh water Rivers going into the Falls (both American and Canadian sides) are shrinking, thus, Niagra is going to eventually dry up -- so, there goes another power source.

                        If the oceans are rising, why are the rivers and lakes and waterfalls regions shrinking?
                        That makes no sense except for output power usage being increased during seasonal demand moments.


                          Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                          If the oceans are rising, why are the rivers and lakes and waterfalls regions shrinking?
                          That makes no sense except for output power usage being increased during seasonal demand moments.

                          Rivers flow into the ocean from a higher elevation (mountains) to a lower elevation (the mouth of the river that empties into the ocean at sea level). Ocean water cannot fill into river..."canions" because...gravity. There would just simply be a beach at what was the river mouth. And in the case of rising ocean levels...that will only push back that beach as far as any other beach/coastline.
                          By Nolamom


                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            Rivers flow into the ocean from a higher elevation (mountains) to a lower elevation (the mouth of the river that empties into the ocean at sea level). Ocean water cannot fill into river..."canions" because...gravity. There would just simply be a beach at what was the river mouth. And in the case of rising ocean levels...that will only push back that beach as far as any other beach/coastline.
                            Yep, that'll do it.
                            I forgot the rivers fall / flow downhill into the oceans from higher elevations, thus the whole Niagra Falls (Canada) region is totally screwed if the rivers and tributaries flowing into it start to dry up.

                            First, some background is needed for the below quotes, before I reply.

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            What do you think of the Tea party SG?

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Where is your refutation of the tactics of the TEA party?
                            Where is you repudiation of "them Saul Alinsky" people now?
                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            re: Tea party and Saul Alinsky people.
                            I'm not really into those sorts of people. . . . If you want to discuss it, fine, go ahead. But I'm probably going to avoid getting involved more than a surface level there.
                            . . .
                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            You can -speculate- all you want, that's fine.
                            My -only issue- is when you seem to pass the "saint or sinner" decree, then form political opinions on that basis. Political opinion is -not- personal, you can affect the world with it.
                            Your "personal story" is irrelevant.
                            You (GF1976) originally asked me an inquiry based on "personal" preference, or so I thought. Yes, I evaded a direct answer, because I've seen you do that upon occasion.. So why is it not okay for me to evade a satisfactory-to-you type of response when I deem to do it, but it is often approved and *honked on by the other geese* (people here doing the *honking*, tho) as okay when you or any of the other GW members on here to do it "and get away with it"..? Even when I thought I was having a writer's block type of day then, and so, I gave you a personal reaction and story to boot. Therefore, my additional *personal* experience *is* relevant to your original question, from my own POV.

                            When you ask me to react in a certain way, and I do, why go on and on with silly nothingness type of comments..? You could have saved yourself plenty of time management by simply stating that mostly everything I previously wrote meant very little to you (my hubby says very sarcastically "that's nice"), and was irrelevant to whatever you were attempting to say. Besides, I think you've made your point very pointed prior when you hammered at attacking various points, basically explaining that this topic is *meaningless* to you as well as many others, from your own POV..

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Does that make sense?

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Not much, no.
                            Then it's kind of pointless for me to interact replies, etc., with your *irrelevant* and etc. remarks -- with the exception of the below.

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Your "personal story" is irrelevant.
                            . . .
                            This is -beyond- irrelevant.
                            . . .
                            This has zero relation to what I said.
                            . . .
                            This is an excuse, nothing more.
                            . . .
                            I know the topic, thank you.
                            . . .

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            Maybe I need to be more detailed (aghhhhhhhhhh!), and clarify to the utmost simplicity, which seems like a miracle if I could ever achieve *that* ---- on specialty subject items like the Anti-Christ, who's life crosses into both RELIGION *and* politics, but neither of those topics are geared to discuss the speculative data material as it is presented here (in this topic) in the same manner on the Politics and Religion topics, which were started by other GW members starting those topics.
                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            No, you need to stop telling irrelevant, personal stories that dominate your responses.
                            Maybe what I add is irrelevant to you personally, but possibly *NOT* to someone else reading it. When I write on an open, public discussion forum, I am writing to every person who ends up reading this.. lest I get snagged again into another conversation by someone else who picked up on something and wants to know about such and such. It *HAS* happened (to me) on GW forums before. I'm just bracing myself for any potential, additional readers impact. Sorry if it has turned into a habit on my part, but that's what happens when I sometimes get sidelined, especially when least expected.

                            Also, on the side stories note -- I used to get frustrated when people never explained some personal-encounter side stories (not always their own, but someone they found interesting enough to share) that would have made the topic more intriguing enough to capture my attention. Irrelevant issue below probably you-GF, here (in this topic), but it's an important one to me and I know it is to many others out there with similar experiences. I do get some positive feedback, but for my eyes/ears only.

                            BTW, just an addendum, noted below, to your (GF1976) political - personal rambling rant.
                            I thought it would be better to discuss detailed info about the so-called future "Anti-Christ" into this topic here even if s/he does bend into a political nature of sorts, because I didn't want other people on the "Politics" topic to feel like their real politics "topic" was being invaded by a hypothetical figure that the non-Biblical reading population doesn't even believe in to begin with. Do they believe in the Mahdi? Both persons might have political bents in their personal goals, but they are also spiritual in nature, which the realm of spiritual is often frowned upon in a topic of world government types, unless it is a spiritual type of governing system, where the division lines tend to often blur.


                              I predict that I am going to drink a few more beers.
                              I like Sharky


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Oh, don't forget some folks within the Sierra Club.
                                Some folks?

                                I think most of us can agree that this is an excellent cause to fight for:

                                The Sierra Club is proud to support Native American allies who are trying to protect their water and ancestral lands from the dangerous Dakota Access oil pipeline.

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                They are ALL of the earth-hugger people whining about the earth is dying from society building this and that up, and that the monkeys and gorillas have rights too (that was implying to exist in a legal court of law!), and people need to enforce this law and that law against the polluters of the whole total environment, etc.
                                Animals have a right to exist and thrive.* Too bad we're destroying their eco-systems for our own gain, and most are not realizing that by destroying the eco-systems we are well on our way towards a self-destruction of gigantic proportions.

                                Then again, with mankind gone, nature can take back what was once rightfully hers.

                                Most people don't want to hear the ugly truth, and deny that which is happening right in front of their eyes, but we are destroying our home. And you only have look at BP's spill in the Mexican Gulf to know that such laws need to be in place and enforced.

                                For the record, I grew up near a zinc factory and an amunitions factory, which poluted the area with a lot of unsavory chemicals. We weren't even allowed to eat any of the vegetables we were growing in our gardens, due to the arsenic in our ground. Not that we cared about it -- plenty of vegetables were consumed in my youth which were grown in our yards.
                                Also, the nuclear waste plant was only 15km away, so we were in that awesome radius where if anything at either side of us would happen, we would be royally screwed.

                                So, yes... I support the tree-huggers and those fighting to save Earth.

                                * our current animal rights groups are making a case to outlaw butchering animals for meat consumption without anaesthesia -- you know, the halal way as Muslims and Jew do.
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

