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Tracking Earth's Future via Current Events, etc.

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    Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

    BURN in hell!


    Horus is real, right?

    So is Ra only he doesn't look as girly as he does in the Stargate movie.
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      So is Ra only he doesn't look as girly as he does in the Stargate movie.
      Androgynous Ra...
      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


        Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
        Androgynous Ra...
        Not very intimidating.........
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          Under the wars and rumors of wars portion of this future earth topic...

          Thought the news of the Boco Haram having Africa in check by declaring one specific town/city now under its own Islamic Caliphate was serious enough as they declared they will kill everyone who is not of their own mindset, or something like that.

          "Boko Haram Says Its Ruling Nigerian Town Of Gwoza By Islamic Law"

          (excerpts from the HuffingtonPost-dot-com
          under "The World Post" dated August 25, 2014)

          Posted: 08/25/2014 7:37 am EDT Updated: 45 minutes ago

          By Isaac Abrak
          ABUJA, Aug 25 (Reuters)

          In the latest video released late on Sunday, the militant who says he is fighting to create an Islamic state in religiously-mixed Nigeria, said his forces had taken control of the hilly border town of Gwoza, near the frontier with Cameroon.

          "Allah has granted us success in Gwoza because we have risen to do Allah's work," Shekau says, reading out a statement off a notebook, with two masked gunmen on each side of him and three four-wheel-drive vehicles behind him in thinly forested bush.

          "Allah commands us to rule Gwoza by Islamic law. In fact, he commands us to rule the rest of the world, not only Nigeria, and now we have started."

          Shekau also taunts France, Israel and the United States in the video.

          "Democracy is worse than homosexuality, worse than sleeping with your mother," Shekau says. "You are all pagans and we will kill you, even if you do not attack us we will kill you ... Allah commands us to kill without pity."

          Note these statements (by Abubakar Shekau)
          *** "Allah commands us to rule Gwoza by Islamic law. In fact, he commands us to rule the rest of the world, not only Nigeria, and now we have started."
          AND ***
          "even if you do not attack us we will kill you"
          That implies everyone -- nice or not, and especially not of their own beliefs.

          And somehow, it seems doubtful to be able to pretend or fake their belief system, since they might pull some sort of testing ritual -- to see how faithful the "infidel" pretending to be one of them will kill someone they love or cherish in order to stay alive. Convert or die seems to be the I.S.' current motto. Paying a tax might not be enough to stay alive, regardless if one is a Christian or atheist. Mostly everyone reading the news about this stuff learned how well that worked out for the Christians who got slaughtered over these past few weeks between July and August (2014) in Iraq.

          But now, more news---

          The Islamic State (IS) now has drones?
          Seriously, that raises the threat levels significantly and *everyone* NOT of their mindset is in danger. With pretty much unlimited funds (now more than 2 billion USA equivalent dollars), which most were stolen from other people, IS can go anywhere and do anything at *any* time. Drones just uppppped that level several notches.

          Israel is being surrounded by IS supporters on all sides. Jordan has "ISIS" supporters within its boundaries, as well as the Islamic State pushing itself thru Lebanon towards Israel. Turkey is also in danger of getting hit.
          (Oh, dear Putin where R U?)

          This is getting VERY, VERY bad, not just for the Kurds, Iran and Israel, but head in any direction -- beware of the drones??! Which drone is friendly and which is foe? Give the techy toys to some barbarians H-bent on destruction, and watch how out of control the events might become..!

          "Now ISIS has drones?"

          By Peter Bergen and Emily Schneider
          updated 12:29 PM EDT, Mon August 25, 2014
          (CNN, © 2014 Cable News Network. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. All Rights Reserved.)

          "...But this video had something else in it that previous videos released by ISIS have not: Surveillance footage apparently shot by a drone."

          "That ISIS appears now to be using a relatively sophisticated surveillance drone to plan its military operations underlines an important development: Technology that was once the monopoly of states is now being used by terrorist groups. In April, for example, the Israeli military said it had shot down a drone off the coast of Haifa and that it was operated by Hezbollah, the militant Shiite group operating out of Lebanon.

          Hezbollah denied responsibility for the drone, but had claimed earlier that it had operated another drone that had flown 35 miles into Israel in October.

          Hamas, too, has drone capabilities....
          According to Hamas, its military wing, the al-Qassam Brigades, has engineered three different types of drones: ones for surveillance purposes; ones that can be armed; and ones that can operate as self-guided missiles -- a sort of "suicide drone."

          There are rumor comments on many news articles about these situations that *war* is unavoidable. These IS people are pushing for WWIII one way or another--meaning complete annihilation, and apparently if that includes their own people -- they'll use them, too, in the process. Question is who will stop it (this *insane madness*) and how? The clock is ticking on FAST TRACK mode, so it seems, at the moment.

          If Israel is going to accomplish having its 3rd temple built, whereby the "Antichrist" leader makes a treaty or covenant with (Jewish) Israel and breaks it 3&1/2 years or 42 months into a 7 year deal, it definitely needs a milder Muslim and form of Islam to be in control during that time, if such a time will *ever* come.
          That's not a good situation either, but it's the one in the (Judaeo/Christian) Bible, and so has a better ending than the current I.S. version (see Revelation 22).


            Who is funding ISIS?

            Where did they get the drones if this is true?

            That journalist that got his head cut off they think the guy that did it was a UK citizen
            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


              Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
              Who is funding ISIS?
              Groups like ISIS can fund themselves pretty well through plunder, extortion and donations from wealthy sympathizers in Muslim states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. They've earned some $100 million in ransom payments for hostages. ISIS currently also controls some oil extraction facilities which enables it to sell oil.

              They also very likely receive funds from governments interested in undermining the Assad regime in Syria, who fund the Al-Nusra front which then shares funds and resources with ISIS.

              Where did they get the drones if this is true?
              Basic models of surveillance-capable drones are commercially available and could be provided by ISIS' financeers, plus they may have captured some from the Syrian and Iraqi armies.
              If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                Originally posted by Womble View Post
                Groups like ISIS can fund themselves pretty well through plunder, extortion and donations from wealthy sympathizers in Muslim states like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar. They've earned some $100 million in ransom payments for hostages. ISIS currently also controls some oil extraction facilities which enables it to sell oil.

                They also very likely receive funds from governments interested in undermining the Assad regime in Syria, who fund the Al-Nusra front which then shares funds and resources with ISIS.

                Basic models of surveillance-capable drones are commercially available and could be provided by ISIS' financeers, plus they may have captured some from the Syrian and Iraqi armies.
                not to mention the financial aid we in the States give them....despite us being $20T dollar in debt


                  Apparently the CNN article is true, "Now ISIS has drones?"
                  See the chilling confirmation of sorts from Israel National News
                  and who's on the I.S.' *targeted* hit list--
                  Actually, the drone in the picture at the link looks similar to the one on Stargate-SG1 that Jack O'Neill liked watching taking off into the stargate.

                  "Islamic State Planning to Use Drones to Attack Israel"

                  By Dalit Halevi
                  (First Publish: 8/26/2014, 6:14 AM,
                  © Arutz Sheva, All Rights Reserved, Israel National News)

                  A member of the Islamic State (IS, formerly known as ISIS) has threatened that the organization would soon use unmanned drones to attack Israel.

                  The IS member, a Canadian...
                  ...said that engineers who studied in the West are working on the drones.

                  IS, expected to make use of these drones to attack targets in Baghdad, Kurdistan, Syria, "occupied Palestine" and the United States.

                  ...the drones used to attack targets in the United States would be launched from Mexico.

                  Other activists of the Islamic state recently repeated the message that the group would soon carry out attacks against targets in the United States and Europe.
                  It's been suspected for many months now that the USA is a sitting duck.
                  And may be attacked from within, not just from Mexico!
                  But Europe, wake up! According to the article Europe is also on this *hit* list.
                  (Generic) you folks "down under" (in NZ and Australia) might be a tad safer, unless the Indonesian / Malaysian I.S. supporters head into your direction. Not sure if (generic) you're all on the *menu* platter yet.

                  Wait til the Amazon drones start up. Which ones of those will be friendly or used for evil purposes? Apart from air transport congestion issues with *those* particular drones, if we're not all obliterated by then, how will anyone know the difference?

                  And another question is if the I.S. uses the al-Qaeda's suggestion of spreading their minions and weaponry out (as Hamas seems to do, and in populated areas), instead of HQ'ing them in one spot, that makes finding them all a bit more difficult.

                  uk(dot)reuters article asked the obvious question "why the United States and its allies had not cracked down on Islamic State fighters long before" the I.S. took control of Syria and Iraq.

                  Now, the wild guess might be----Ummm, gee, most of the USA gvt. admin was on vacation, and didn't want to be bothered by something happening on the other side of the planet? OMG, let someone else do the rescuing for a change... (which no one else was lifting any offers of help, either, until the massive slaughters began to occur...)

                  "British Muslims blame jihadi subculture after beheading video"

                  By Kate Holton and Raheem Salman
                  (LONDON/BAGHDAD Thu Aug 21, 2014 11:26pm BST)
                  (Thomson Reuters -- international multimedia news agency)

                  Horror at the video spanned from the West to Baghdad, where Iraqis asked why the United States and its allies had not cracked down on Islamic State fighters long before they captured large areas of Syria and Iraq.

                  Ghaffar Hussain, managing director of the counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, said it was almost inevitable that men who had fought in Syria would return to plan attacks in Europe.

                  "It is disturbing that people born and raised in Britain and who have gone to the same schools as us could have been essentially indoctrinated to the extent where they can justify raping women and chopping heads off," he said.
                  In a Washington briefing on Thursday, Hagel said Islamic State was as sophisticated as any group the United States had seen and posed an imminent threat "to every interest we have, whether it's in Iraq or anywhere else."

                  "They are beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of ... military prowess," Hagel said. "They are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything we've seen."

                  General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, suggested Islamic State would be a danger until it could no longer count on safe havens in Syria.

                  "This is an organization that has an apocalyptic, end-of- days strategic vision and which will eventually have to be defeated," Dempsey said.
                  "The killing is the crime of all crimes, whoever the victim is," said Kareem Jamal, 55, an Arabic language teacher at a secondary school.

                  "I wish the world superpowers had fought these criminal groups in their incubators. The U.S. should have hit Islamic State when they first appeared in Syria. Why didn't they hit them when they first entered Mosul and other cities?"

                  What took so long?
                  (wild guesses here...) Well, for one thing, rumor claims Senator John McCain wanted to support the underdog rebels who were pre-ISIL at that time, and still did--but others did not want to support it--so there was conflict on the gvt. voting floor... and McCain was in full support until he realized they became a threat to everyone not of their same (extreme Islamic Sharia Law) mindset (that was after the mass slaughters of innocent people, Shia, Christian, and Yizadis in Iraq were beginning to occur).

                  Eventually within that same time frame, (also) the jihadists seemed to break some of their own moral code rules just to *justify* their destructive behaviors, etc. Realistically, they certainly broke at least 4 or 5 of the traditional (Jewish) Ten Commandments given to Moses. So, they put their conquests on Fast Forward, because the rest of Islam was apparently patiently waiting for the 12th Imam to show up... and Jesus with him, and that was simply taking too long for the I.S. to approve and accept to take control over the entire earth. Unless there is another reason??


                    Surveillance drones - they have.

                    It seems their scare tactics are working exactly the way they were hoping for.

                    It's the crusades all over again.
                    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                      So First Blood moon of the 2014-2015 Tetrad cycle of the Jewish Holy-days has passed and Hamas went to war against Israel within 2 months of that lunar "blood moon" occurrence. If these Blood Moon occurrences have some sort of connection with Israel and its Holy-days (Passover and between Yom Kippur and the eve of Feast of Tabernacles?) with impacting historical events, will this Tetrad cycle also follow a similar pattern of having some sort of impacting event surrounding Israel's (Jewish) existence?

                      Second Blood moon comes October 8, 2014. Feast of Tabernacles is October 9, but begins sundown on the previous day (so, mild translation would imply that it occurs overnight within that time frame? And Hamas claims to have stopped firing rockets at Israel, which began within 2 months of the first 2014 Blood Moon occurrence.

                      Is Israel out of danger *and able to relax a bit and have genuine peace* as so many radio talk show folks keep harping about??
                      Don't think so. Even some Israelis watching there own borders being encroached by the I.S. aren't so gleeful, as the Palestinians in Gaza seem to have been celebrating over the recent days.

                      For the current (August 30, 2014) record, on the northern border of Israel, a very strategic Golan Heights entrance has been seized and is now controlled by the Islamic State (I.S.). That's NOT including the IS supporters within the Muslim communities of Israel, south of Jerusalem in Lebanon and among Hamas and other Palestinians within the Gaza strip itself.

                      The I.S. made a threat a while ago and reinforced that threat against Israel again according to the following Jerusalem Post article--
                      "Islamic State vows to reach 'Palestine' and 'kill the barbaric Jews'"

                      The following article might require a subscription.
                      Please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                      "Islamic State vows to reach 'Palestine' and 'kill the barbaric Jews'"
                      By LEV SELMON
                      08/30/2014 04:10 (The Jerusalem Post...)
                      http : // www .jpost. com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Islamic-State-vows-to-reach-Palestine-and-kill-the-barbaric-Jews-372796

                      The organization calling itself the Islamic State has risen from the fog of war in Syria and Iraq in recent months and drawn the attention of the world with major victories on both sides of the Euphrates River that have claimed swaths of territory for its declared caliphate, or Islamic State.

                      Now in the organization's new English language publication, Dabiq, aimed at young Muslims in western states, the extremist organization declared, "Islamic State will do everything within its means to continue striking down every apostate who stands as an obstacle on its path towards Palestine."

                      (for my own sanity--edited this again) Just don't look too closely at the background stuff in the picture (from Reuters).
                      Not sure *what* was in there, but it's disturbing if it was what it looks like it might be. Hoping it's just the angle of the photo and nothing else.

                      And on another side of the wars and rumors of wars--
                      Figured this would happen sooner or later.
                      "Islamists inform UN that Golan peacekeepers were seized 'for their protection'"

                      The following article might require a subscription.
                      Please remove B L A N K spaces in beginning of web address to access article/link for complete details)

                      "Islamists inform UN that Golan peacekeepers were seized 'for their protection'"
                      By REUTERS
                      08/30/2014 02:38 (The Jerusalem Post...)
                      http : // www .jpost. com/Arab-Israeli-Conflict/Islamists-inform-UN-that-Golan-peacekeepers-were-seized-for-their-protection-372795

                      "UNITED NATIONS - The United Nations on Friday said it had been informed that the Islamist militants who seized 44 Fijian peacekeepers in the Golan Heights did so "for their own protection"...

                      "The United Nations has received assurances from credible sources that the 44 peacekeepers from the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) who were taken from their position on the morning of Thursday, 28 August, are safe and in good health," the UN press office said in a statement.

                      Question is -- are the Islamists who *seized* the UN peacekeepers the good (moderate) Muslims or the ones who are part of the same mindset group(s) known for recently chopping heads off, etc..?

                      PS--- 2 more Blood Moons of this particular 2014-2015 Tetrad cycle are to occur on April 4, 2015 and the last on Sept. 28 2015.
                      Last edited by SGalisa; 31 August 2014, 11:56 AM. Reason: spoiler comment & Tetrad clarification


                        Just had to edit previous post for sanity's sake. sorry. I don't like seeing articles like that and other things that *might* be implied within, but the text was important, if not imperative (for Israel's survival).
                        UN article was also a bit disturbing, too.. that could open up a whole can of worms if the UN peacekeepers find themselves surrounded by the extreme radicalists over there..

                        Anywho.. USA has been blamed in the past for creating the entire ISIS/ISIL, I.S. conflict *problem* when in 2009, or thereabouts, the USA admin released a quiet and sort of compliant prisoner, who is now the self-proclaimed leader of the entire Islamic State (Caliphate).

                        Next bit of news----

                        "Iraq crisis: Sunni rebels 'ready to turn on Islamic State'"

                        By Jim Muir, BBC News, Irbil
                        29 August 2014 Last updated at 06:14 ET

                        "Stifled by the Islamic State (IS) militants in their own areas, Iraqi Sunni rebels who took up arms against the Shia-dominated government of Nouri Maliki are signalling for the first time that they are ready to turn against IS if Sunni rights are enshrined in a reformed political order in Baghdad.

                        "We don't want guns from the Americans, we want a real political solution, which the US should impose on those people it installed in the Green Zone," said Abu Muhammad al-Zubaai, referring to the Iraqi political leaders who took over after the US-led occupation in 2003.

                        "The IS problem would end. If they guarantee us this solution, we'll guarantee to get rid of IS," said Mr al-Zubaai, a tribal leader from Anbar province speaking on behalf of the rebels, using a nom de guerre.

                        "The Sunnis feel that everybody is ganging up on them, that they are targeted by everybody," said Mr al-Zubaai.

                        "The worst thing is to realise that you have nothing to lose any more. The situation is very bad and getting worse. It's enough to make you blow yourself up. This is where the political process has taken us.

                        "Our biggest concern now is a political solution. A security solution will achieve nothing. The bombing has to stop."
                        They say they have written to the Americans, but received no substantive response.

                        Mr al-Zubaai warned against allowing the situation to drift.

                        "If things stay the same, a new generation will emerge, beyond the control of the US or Iran or Syria - hundreds of thousands of young men will join up with IS," he said.

                        "This is a danger the West should be aware of - they have millions of [Muslim] youths, free to embrace the ideology of IS, to wave its flag in the streets."

                        {end of quote}

                        Which if the bombing, etc., stops, thus the *proverbial* door opens for who-knows-what-next..?!
                        (The current form of the I.S. is believed to be mostly *Sunni* with conversions from other individuals.)

                        Can these particular *Sunnis* be trusted, or is their plea for help (etc) just a ruse (deception) to gain entry into Baghdad and hit it (hard, and furiously) from within when the time is least expected..? Bible *prophecy* doesn't hold much hope for that regional area, at all. If it is considered any part of biblical Babylon, that area was prophesied to become completely deserted and uninhabitable ever again for a very, very long time. (hate to say what is implied in that, if a certain 21st century weaponry is used.)
                        Maybe the (good guy) leaders already within better think twice and then some, before ending up getting compromised for the ultimate fall.

                        Maybe if this whole situation ends up merely being a ploy for the rest of the I.S. to gain a backwards method of entry into that area, then maybe Iran and Russia will finally move into the scenario and stop it themselves? On one extreme, that *might* be good for Russia to finally come to the rescue. On the other, further down the road, not such good news for Russia (Gog and Magog).
                        Last edited by SGalisa; 31 August 2014, 12:32 PM.


                          The US gets blamed for everything. Its best to just ignore it and move on
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

                            It's been suspected for many months now that the USA is a sitting duck.
                            And may be attacked from within, not just from Mexico!
                            It's more likely for it to come from 9/11. Getting into Mexico from the Middle East isn't as easy as a Salvadorian walking across the southern Mexican boarder (And even now that has become rather hard in the first play with the immigration crackdown down there).

                            These would be akin to the claims that Jews are communists in the 1950's. Just spoke tactics.

                            The real danger is American overseas holdings, like embassies. And then domestic born terrorists. Just keep in mind, the same people who say ISIS is in Mexico are the same ones to think that Obama is a terrorist and that Mexico is part of a multinational war against the US.
                            By Nolamom


                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              The real danger is American overseas holdings, like embassies. And then domestic born terrorists. Just keep in mind, the same people who say ISIS is in Mexico are the same ones to think that Obama is a terrorist and that Mexico is part of a multinational war against the US.
                              uhhh, Libya.. evacuated USA embassy there. Saw this tidbit news first from the Blaze about the
                              "Dawn of Libya group, Moussa Abu-Zaqia, told the AP that his forces had entered and been in control of the compound since last week..."
                              The incident is now in other news articles (just google the group's name). *sigh*

                              Anyway, a whole week, ehhh? what is still on those computers? Identity Passport info?
                              ...any other stuff not for unauthorized eyes to see???

                              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                              It's more likely for it to come from 9/11. Getting into Mexico from the Middle East isn't as easy as a Salvadorian walking across the southern Mexican boarder (And even now that has become rather hard in the first play with the immigration crackdown down there).
                              Canada, yeah, that's possible. Enter from the least suspected area. However, it's been said in our local newspapers that the Mexicans, Native Americans and some Middle Easterners look similar enough that it'd be easy for a M.E. to walk past the average USA citizen, and not get noticed as a M.E.

                              Anywho, Minnesota and Michigan both have very high "Sunni" populations, tho, which according to various news reports over the past 2 years, they've wanted Sharia Law implemented.. and hinted that other states *might* soon follow, as well.

                              With Senator McCain and Gov. Perry keeping the southern border open, NOW they are getting concerned??? duh. They should have realized the danger signals ages ago, when MS-13 started beheading various folks, including law enforcement along the TX border!

                              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                              The US gets blamed for everything. Its best to just ignore it and move on
                              Easy to do when not living in or near any of the #1 targeted zones (NY/DC). Easier said than done to just ignore what is out of sight and out of mind. Thus, people forget -- when not in *their* neighborhood, so...

                              A few years ago, either an actual MS-13 persona or wannabee(s) left a lovely calling card note on one of the buildings a few blocks from a library I used to go visit on a regular basis. Suburbia type of area. Local residents believed it was probably a bunch of marauding teenagers mimicking their more horrific, Mexican/American druggie neighbors. *Surveillance* got increased after that incident. Still, that is a tad tooooooooo close for comfort..!

                              There's also been a few headless bodies found over these past few years, too in the woods (NY area), and none of the locals seem to know who are behind these hideous crimes. Every now and then it keeps happening.. lately more often, tho. Some of the bodies were eventually deemed to be prostitutes or runaways.
                              One recent story was probably a definite psychopath who killed her landlady. Morbid details of where pieces of the body were found. But that's only one known background to these deranged murders.

                              Makes (generic) yah wonder what Jack-the-Ripper's true (spiritual) background was. Too many copycats nowadays. Kidnappings are also on the rise (within the USA) and happening in places people wouldn't expect.


                                You make a lot of accusations without even knowing me. That's just like what a lot of people do when they bash the US
                                Last edited by jelgate; 31 August 2014, 07:39 PM.
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

