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    as of May 20, 2014

    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    sounds to me like Martin Luther was breaking the very rules set forth in the Scriptures by tearing out the Deuterocanonicals...esp. considering the fact that he added a word to a verse in the Bible that was not there previously...and basically told his followers that if anyone raises a stink over his addition that he would have it so and thus it is so or something to that effect....sounds like an egomaniac to me
    Note specifically Revelation 22:18-19 . . .
    for M-G, track these links--

    This one (web page) contains a nice, neat chart to follow which books went into which version editions--

    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    actually doesn't it say in sacred Scripture that "nothing shall be added to or taken away from this book?"
    That is a good question I doNOT have the authority to answer one way or another. I used to believe in the Catholic version, until I read the Septuagint with the Apocrypha books placed separately. When I read the Septuagint version, I was not aware of the controversies about Martin Luther vs. the Vatican of Rome. Yeah, it got mentioned in a secular college course, but the info never sunk into my brain as being significantly important. I later read the Septuagint from a child's POV, free from clutter as if I had never heard of the Bible before.

    Besides, in my Catholic upbringing years, I focused on Jesus' words in the Gospels and the prophecies mentioned in the book of Revelation. Anything else took a backseat -- it's there, but does it apply to me -- do I *really* need to know all that other stuff to gain entrance into "Jesus Christ's paradise kindgom"? The thief on the cross who asked Jesus to remember him, probably did not have the (Biblical) educational background that you and I have had. And yet, the thief was forgiven and is now there.. someone to meet and greet who has a thankful heart that on short notice, he didn't end up in that *other* place..!

    People learning from the Septuagint books in the jungles don't know the difference, so is God going to hold the jungle folks against what they were told or hold the persons teaching them accountable to the very dots and T's being crossed in their sharing of any Bible information..?

    again---m-g's quote in its entirety---
    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    actually doesn't it say in sacred Scripture that "nothing shall be added to or taken away from this book?"

    sounds to me like Martin Luther was breaking the very rules set forth in the Scriptures by tearing out the Deuterocanonicals...esp. considering the fact that he added a word to a verse in the Bible that was not there previously...and basically told his followers that if anyone raises a stink over his addition that he would have it so and thus it is so or something to that effect....sounds like an egomaniac to me
    (Possible) answer--then by using Martin Luther's additional *word* as the ultimate standard, the Amplified Bible is heresy, null and void--even where it over-explains in the same passage what item "such and such" is because some thick-headed person just couldn't grasp the concept without it being over paraphrased 3 different ways.

    No, I don't think that is what the verse in Revelation means (that is, reading the words in different paraphrases which still reach the same meaning or intent=ultimately, the same end goal).

    I have met nit-picky Bible readers who prefer reading one translation over another, and they've even debated the whole translation issues, and it was finally agreed that the point isn't whose translation is the better, but which one is telling the truth in accordance to God's Holy Spirit, etc.

    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    What I find quite interesting is that Protestants use the exact same Bible as the early Jews. In the days of the early Church the Jews were doing their darndest to at least halt, if not reverse, the spread of the then fledgling Christian faith. Thus the early Jews put out a law saying that in order for a Scripture work to be considered canonical (added to the Jewish Scriptural canon) there had to be an original Hebrew manuscript of the Scriptural work available (since by this time the relevant religious works were being translated into other languages like crazy). For some of these translated Scriptural works, the original Hebrew manuscripts were lost. Others, however, were original Greek works and thus an original Hebrew manuscript didn't exist. These works, known as the Deuterocanonical books, or the Apocrypha, were thus rejected from the Jewish Scriptural canon. I find it interesting that when Martin Luther went on his Bible-destroying spree the books he tore out were the very same Deuterocanonical books rejected by the early Jewish rabbis.
    Removing books which were not supposedly *inspired* by God's own Holy Spirit would also have to apply to the 4 main historical versions used, and not just the 2 denominational differences between Catholics and Protestants--

    Hebrew=24 books
    Protestant/Septuagint=39 books
    Catholic=46 books, and
    Eastern Orthodox=51 books.

    So then the next obvious question would be, which version is the absolute correct one?
    If the Catholic version falls short of the Orthodox, then whoever compiled it and teaches it as the absolute final WORD of God will be subject to curses mentioned in Revelation 22:18-19. Same thing vice-versa, and so forth.


      Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
      Guh....How much time in the intelligentsia do people like ^ spend!?
      Far less time reading than it does to write replies to these things up.
      Helps more when one is *NOT* looking for it, but the info just happens to land onto one's desk with the words -- READ THIS -- on it!
      (my) reaction is (sometimes) more of "Oh brother, now what?!"

      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Wait, how old are you exactly?
      ha, ha! very funny. But then, you've already said that the words in the Bible are just a myth, so time is irrelevant..!

      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      I have to laugh when people come out with these predictions.


      Do you want the world to end?

      Seriously, I didn't want to grow up with my family being exposed to the problems the prophecies of the end of the age were revealing. Times are tough now, but will be horrible when the full force of the "it" hits the fan.

      As for predicting anything... not predicting anything yet, except realizing if the so-called SEVEN years of "Great Tribulation" (that many bible study classes and books discussed about) are to occur, then unless we've already entered that time frame, there are still SEVEN more years to come, before Israel sees her/its true Messiah (still a long way off, IMHO). Daniel's 70th week prophecy. 69 weeks of that prophecy have been fulfilled. The 70th week (which equals 7 years...1 year for each 1 day of the week) got cut off until the "time of the end".. and then the clock starts ticking again. No one knows when that time will begin. Lots of speculation over it, but nothing firm yet.

      Jesus dropped a bunch of bread crumb hints as to what to look for.. little things like increase in earthquakes (yep, that just started a few years ago with the fracking oil/gas).. and Revelation with the oceans getting polluted and Marine life dying from various reasons (yep, another fairly obvious signal).

      Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
      I would prefer all the giant monsters from the Godzilla franchise snap into being and destroy the world.

      An Apocalypse that puts on a good floor show.

      And then all the zombie fans can go SUCK IT!
      Skip the zombies. Oh the other extreme--
      You must have either missed or forgotten about my Godzilla story in relation to the Apocalypse.
      I really don't feel like repeating it. It'll take too long to write up again.


        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        But then, you've already said that the words in the Bible are just a myth, so time is irrelevant..!
        Not myths, stories.

        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
        Jesus dropped a bunch of bread crumb hints as to what to look for.. little things like increase in earthquakes (yep, that just started a few years ago with the fracking oil/gas).. and Revelation with the oceans getting polluted and Marine life dying from various reasons (yep, another fairly obvious signal).
        This is all part of the industrial revolution. A concept strange to the people who lived during Roman reign. Sure, they had industry and revolutionized in their own way, but I doubt they would ever have thought about or conceived the idea of oil and gas being used to make machines go round. Plastic polluting the oceans.

        An industrial revolution the more modern human beings set into motion around the 18th century and onward.

        We are the ones killing the planet. We are the only ones responsible for the heatwaves, the melting of glaciers, the killing of the marine life, the extreme weather conditions we get to see more often. WE, human beings, and it should also be US, human beings, that should take responsibility for our actions.
        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


          Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
          Not myths, stories.

          This is all part of the industrial revolution. A concept strange to the people who lived during Roman reign. Sure, they had industry and revolutionized in their own way, but I doubt they would ever have thought about or conceived the idea of oil and gas being used to make machines go round. Plastic polluting the oceans.

          An industrial revolution the more modern human beings set into motion around the 18th century and onward.

          We are the ones killing the planet. We are the only ones responsible for the heatwaves, the melting of glaciers, the killing of the marine life, the extreme weather conditions we get to see more often. WE, human beings, and it should also be US, human beings, that should take responsibility for our actions.

          But why do that when you can have a god being save you ?
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
            But why do that when you can have a god being save you ?
            If that were true, wouldn't that also mean we wouldn't have to deal with this in the first place - hunger, war, famine (oh wait, that's hunger), draught, disease (ebola, and the like - Spanish Flu has been revived, perhaps that's an option too), ... wait, those were punishments... nevermind.
            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


              Genesis 1:26 "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth."

              That to me gives a fair indication, even in the old testament that what God was saying is that we rule and are responsible for our actions on this planet. We can cause animals to become extinct so I don't see why it so inconceivable that humanity can cause damage to the environment.
              Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                I'm all for going green, just not at the expense of complete government micromanagement of our lives


                  Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                  I have to laugh when people come out with these predictions.


                  Do you want the world to end?

                  ummm, no, not me. Remember, Godzilla's Biblical "ten-horned seven headed" Gidra-like monster was about to devour me and my neighbors in our sleep one hot summer night...had me scared out of my sleep for the rest of the night... until my mom scared the creepy beasties away by throwing a glass of water on them..!... life returned to semi-normalcy after that.
                  Until 2001. Then, for many people, the world turned upside down and has never recovered since.

                  And for the record, this little world called planet earth won't be ending soon--- not in our lifetimes.. got a few generations to go at least on that----if read correctly, then,
                  the Bible claims that there will be SEVEN years of "great tribulation" known as Jacob's Trouble (for Israel's Jewish population) before their true Messiah shows up. Half way thru that seven year period, something really, REALLY terrible is going to happen that will make those (Jewish) folks in the region flee to safer grounds--which has been prepared for them (and don't ask me, cause I've heard lots of theories, but some of the details just aren't adding up, except one-- and that one is based on a HUGE iffy matter...)

                  Anywho, after those 7 years, there will still be another 1,000 years of which most of that will restore peace and healing to the lands of the earth, and then after that -- then the last great war on planet earth will occur. Not sure if it is physical or merely spiritual then, either.

                  As for me personally making any predictions --- here is my best (favorite) answer---
                  hmmmmmm . . . . I'd prefer to pick out the winning lotto numbers for my family than focus on "end world" events.
                  So far, those winning numbers seem to have been very elusive, because I've only been able to pick out the losing numbers instead..
                  Nice relaxing retirement with needed body-ache therapy supplies and financial backing to cushion secure modes on all sides could be very helpful, but doesn't even seem hopeful at the moment.
                  Never is being more realistic...
                  Never got the soothing pool nor the dream home with greenhouse garden (and pest-free) yet. May have to work for the rest of my life (thus, no enjoyable retirement ever). *sigh*

                  So forget me doing any world-wide predictions on anything... What is written here is merely stuff I'm repeating or paraphrasing what I've come across in reading or hearing by radio or some other past event, unless something seriously unique tickles those very distant thought waves... I'm not a sooth-sayer.. don't plan on becoming one; and I have a bad talent for misreading some words dyslexic-ly, so it takes me extra longer to read and write --- even the simplest of thoughts or sentences...

                  Also, just a note--- during my entire teenage childhood after I got introduced to the whole prophecy stuff, I kept praying, pleading with and BEGGING God, to PLEASE don't let the world end (according to Bible scriptures) during my generational life-time. Whether I was here or not, my family still is or would be, and it just hurt my heart to even think about such things.

                  I figured if there was any delay on earth's future fate to my pleading prayers, that I might be able to enjoy a reasonably pleasant retirement as some of my relatives have. But of course, when our 401k's got half wiped out, that crushed any inklings of such a fantasy. World news now can certainly change for the better, but even if there is a temporary peace on earth, it's still going to be a struggle environmentally because our food supplies are dwindling, the meat industry is facing contamination issues, veggie supplies are facing famines and drought, fruits are dying off from new parasite infections, the fishery industries are getting wiped out from over fishing and other issues contaminating our food supplies, and even our *treated* water supplies (bottled and well waters) are being compromised from the water treatment processes not being efficient enough.

                  On top of all that, the waters within the lands are either suffering from massive flooding (and molds resulting in damaging good crops before harvest) or severe drought (and blight). Yet, the oceans are supposedly rising... There's a verse in the Bible that states
                  *Men's (mankind's) hearts will fail them for the rising of the seas*.
                  I've heard it repeated so many times, that I've forgotten where the verse is. Every time I heard about Global Warming, that paraphrase is all I kept thinking about. Was it the rising of the sea of nations that bothered people living at that time, or the actual ocean waters rising, thus making it a literal issue?

                  The Bible does say that the earth will get hotter, but not be destroyed by flood next time around. So, if global warming is true indeed, the earth will be getting warmer, but are the oceans really rising or is the land sinking from all of the earthquakes and thus making the water appear to rising against the coastlines...?


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Currently under wars and rumors of wars, etc.

                    News from the BBC that Iraq's latest terror squad ISIS has been making threats against the USA.
                    Also, news all weekend stating that Iran knows that ISIS is on Iran's doorstep, so to speak, so Iran will not (or should not) hesitate to act in stopping ISIS from threatening Iran. Iran WILL blow ISIS away, if push comes to shove and rather sooner than later. And since President Obama basically took the weekend off and was noted to be playing golf somewhere in California (it *was* FATHER's Day in the USA afterall), hey IRAN, don't wait for the USA to sort thru its paperwork.. your hides are literally in danger! (and not from the USA)
                    After reading some of the M.E.'s updates from this latest weekend (June 20-22), I expect the radio stations and news to be buzzing for the next few days between oh gosh, who won or was eliminated from the world cup ... while part of the rest of the planet was focused on the Middle East...!

                    israelnationalnews (dot)com (First Publish: 6/12/2014, 8:52 PM) posted an article claiming that ISIS has threatened to slaughter King Abdullah and conquer Jordan.
                    Next stop might be Israel.

                    According to one of the prophecy tracking sites I read on a fairly regular basis (because they post too much info to let a few days or weeks lapse in between those reading sessions!), well,
                    Psalm 83 is important to the Middle East prophecy wars against (Jewish) Israel. It is believed that Jordan will attack Israel, but at the moment that news was posted, Jordan was sort of tolerant of (Jewish) Israel.

                    As of June 22, 2014, the BBC posted news that ISIS has compromised Jordan's border, thus prepping for further attack against Jordan. If the current kingdom in Jordan falls into ISIS' control, there might not be any question of whether or not ISIS would attack Israel from Jordan's geographical location. THUS, Jordan attacks Israel and fulfills the Psalm 83 prophecy.

                    see news articles at--
                    (Caution---any videos at below links may be active or have commercials)

                    "Jordan Jittery as Islamists Advance in Iraq"
                    By Ari Yashar
                    (First Publish: 6/12/2014, 8:52 PM)

                    and the BBC--
                    "Sunni militants 'seize Iraq's western border crossings'"
                    (22 June 2014 Last updated at 17:31 ET)

                    Also, about 2 weeks ago, Iran was *possibly* considering working with the USA on attacking ISIS in Iraq (via intelligence, drones, weapons support or whatever was needed to stop the Sunni's from advancing). Now that our USA administration has decidedly sent some 300 experts over to Iraq and have basically done nothing useful yet, since the city of Baghdad (Iraq) is currently surrounded like a sitting duck by ISIS troops, not sure if that is why Iran is now telling the USA to stay out of Iraq's affairs, because nothing good is coming of this current situation. Iran may take matters into their own hands very soon, and use their so-called nuke arsenal against ISIS in Iraq. That might make the prophecy against the entire Babylon region being blown into eternity possible...
                    Bible prophecy states that Babylon would never be habitable again... nuking it into eternity would surely make that true.
                    So, does that include Baghdad and Babylon or just Babylon? The prophecy is specific to Babylon (which is believed to be the ancient Babylonian regional area).


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post

                      Skip the zombies. Oh the other extreme--
                      You must have either missed or forgotten about my Godzilla story in relation to the Apocalypse.
                      I really don't feel like repeating it. It'll take too long to write up again.
                      Me?! Miss something?! How redunkfulouse! .....What are we talking about agin?
                      I like Sharky


                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        And for the record, this little world called planet earth won't be ending soon--- not in our lifetimes.. got a few generations to go at least on that----
                        Earth will be around long after humanity has either killed one another or died out through some catastrophy, think dinosaur-catastrophy. Bible or any other book won't have a say in the matter, unless it's tis ridiculous notion of faith that causes the end of humanity. One religion claiming superiority over another -- history repeating itself but with better weapons at hand.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        Also, just a note--- during my entire teenage childhood after I got introduced to the whole prophecy stuff, I kept praying, pleading with and BEGGING God, to PLEASE don't let the world end (according to Bible scriptures) during my generational life-time. Whether I was here or not, my family still is or would be, and it just hurt my heart to even think about such things.
                        Your god won't have anything to do with the world ending -- the people inhabiting it do the destroying in your god's name. Or in Allah's name, or J'hwe ... which is one and the same but still. For god and country - isn't it?

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        World news now can certainly change for the better, but even if there is a temporary peace on earth...
                        As long as humans have roamed the planet, since our very first stone age tribe, we've had 250 years, give or take a few years, of "known world"-peace. And those are not even 250 consecutive years... over 100 of thousands of years -- that pretty much seals the deal. World-peace is a utopia.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
              's still going to be a struggle environmentally because our food supplies are dwindling, the meat industry is facing contamination issues, veggie supplies are facing famines and drought, fruits are dying off from new parasite infections, the fishery industries are getting wiped out from over fishing and other issues contaminating our food supplies, and even our *treated* water supplies (bottled and well waters) are being compromised from the water treatment processes not being efficient enough.
                        All of the above are things that we can do something about, but most folks stick their head in the sand and pretend nothing's wrong and continue on the path of destroying nature.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        ...Global Warming, that paraphrase is all I kept thinking about. Was it the rising of the sea of nations that bothered people living at that time, or the actual ocean waters rising, thus making it a literal issue?
                        FYI, global warming isn't anything new... every ice age was preceded by a period global warming. We're just expediting things a little with our heavy industrial way of life.

                        Besides Gilgamesh got to deal with floods, and several years later Noah reenacted that with his own arc.

                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        The Bible does say that the earth will get hotter, but not be destroyed by flood next time around. So, if global warming is true indeed, the earth will be getting warmer, but are the oceans really rising or is the land sinking from all of the earthquakes and thus making the water appear to rising against the coastlines...?
                        How about you pay closer attention to science, or in this case geology instead of that book of yours... Earthquakes explained & Sea Level Rising explained.

                        Earthquake source: earthquake.usgs.gove
                        Sea Level Rising source: national geographic
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          ^ What she said..........

                          The Earth will be around long after we humans have either died off, or killed ourselves off. Or so polluted this planet that nothing lives, and then new life will evolve once the planet regenerates.
                          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

                            How about you pay closer attention to science, or in this case geology instead of that book of yours... Earthquakes explained & Sea Level Rising explained.

                            Earthquake source: earthquake.usgs.gove
                            Sea Level Rising source: national geographic
                            ! FH! This was our chance to learn about Christian "science"!

                            And Ragnarok was February 22nd 2014.. so the world has already ended

                            If the Bible is based on fact and has any effect on the way the universe works, then all religions have to be equally as valid.. So.. The world ended thousands of years ago when the first gods created by people looking for easy answers to difficult questions thought them up and wrote the end to the story of Earth.. Because that's what humans do.. they like closure and things having a beginning, middle and end. The idea of something just continuing to exist with no conclusion or even an outline for the last chapter just makes humans feel all uncomfortable because they want to feel like they played a part in some kind of bigger story.. If there is no story and things just exist.. and continue to exist after they're gone, then what's the point? They need to feel like a part of something, and a story with an ending means they can play a part and get a mention in the end credits or something


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              Also, about 2 weeks ago, Iran was *possibly* considering working with the USA on attacking ISIS in Iraq (via intelligence, drones, weapons support or whatever was needed to stop the Sunni's from advancing). Now that our USA administration has decidedly sent some 300 experts over to Iraq and have basically done nothing useful yet, since the city of Baghdad (Iraq) is currently surrounded like a sitting duck by ISIS troops, not sure if that is why Iran is now telling the USA to stay out of Iraq's affairs, because nothing good is coming of this current situation. Iran may take matters into their own hands very soon, and use their so-called nuke arsenal against ISIS in Iraq. That might make the prophecy against the entire Babylon region being blown into eternity possible...
                              Bible prophecy states that Babylon would never be habitable again... nuking it into eternity would surely make that true.
                              So, does that include Baghdad and Babylon or just Babylon? The prophecy is specific to Babylon (which is believed to be the ancient Babylonian regional area).
                              Forgot to mention the following---

                              Many of the blog comments on various (ISIS & company) articles were suggesting for Iran to use whatever they've got in their bag of goodies to wipe out ISIS -- and to NOT wait for the USA's help. Russia might come to aid Iran's plight, but that's a big maybe.
                              Plus, the UN might try to roadblock the whole mess and end up giving ISIS opportunities to just run amuck and make things potentially worse for the region, if not the world.
                              On the other extreme, when Iran is done with ISIS, who'll be next?

                              Israel might end up alone and totally on its own mighty fast, as well (and looking to the heavens above for divine intervention)...

                              There is no good or safe answer to this situation.

                              Plus, I've read or heard radio callers question what our current USA administration will be leaving behind, should President Obama (and his team{s}) ever leave office.
                              (The rumors claim -- a huge mess of various issues will be sinking the USA in all directions.)

                              One step closer to the one world governing system.. don't bother replacing the political parties, just put the world leader in charge next 2016 election -- the USA and other parts of the world are probably that close to doing such an event anyway.
                              Next on the list to look out for would be Revelation 13:16-17.. the mark of the "beast" who causes everyone (or nearly everyone) to use this mark in order to buy or sell. Thanks to massive forgeries of ID cards and theft of physical money/cards, etc., we're mighty close to that "mark" (or computer chip) being installed or attached to our hand or forehead. Personally, I don't think it will resolve the ID theft issues, because the system will work similar to electronic credit/debit. The only difference is the means of scanning the info would be physically placed onto or built into your body somehow.

                              But, based on skeptical commentaries, that's just another (Bible) story that was written nearly 2000 years ago, so it shouldn't come true, either.


                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Forgot to mention the following---

                                Many of the blog comments on various (ISIS & company) articles were suggesting for Iran to use whatever they've got in their bag of goodies to wipe out ISIS -- and to NOT wait for the USA's help. Russia might come to aid Iran's plight, but that's a big maybe.
                                Plus, the UN might try to roadblock the whole mess and end up giving ISIS opportunities to just run amuck and make things potentially worse for the region, if not the world.
                                On the other extreme, when Iran is done with ISIS, who'll be next?

                                Israel might end up alone and totally on its own mighty fast, as well (and looking to the heavens above for divine intervention)...

                                There is no good or safe answer to this situation.

                                Plus, I've read or heard radio callers question what our current USA administration will be leaving behind, should President Obama (and his team{s}) ever leave office.
                                (The rumors claim -- a huge mess of various issues will be sinking the USA in all directions.)

                                One step closer to the one world governing system.. don't bother replacing the political parties, just put the world leader in charge next 2016 election -- the USA and other parts of the world are probably that close to doing such an event anyway.
                                Next on the list to look out for would be Revelation 13:16-17.. the mark of the "beast" who causes everyone (or nearly everyone) to use this mark in order to buy or sell. Thanks to massive forgeries of ID cards and theft of physical money/cards, etc., we're mighty close to that "mark" (or computer chip) being installed or attached to our hand or forehead. Personally, I don't think it will resolve the ID theft issues, because the system will work similar to electronic credit/debit. The only difference is the means of scanning the info would be physically placed onto or built into your body somehow.

                                But, based on skeptical commentaries, that's just another (Bible) story that was written nearly 2000 years ago, so it shouldn't come true, either.

                                But it is only a story........ it proves nothing
                                Go home aliens, go home!!!!

