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Tracking Earth's Future via Current Events, etc.

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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    Not my desire, my intent was simply to show SG's lens. Argue the biblical that the bible itself says no one will know the time or the place of the events of revelations. This thread, by definition of that, fails. SG is assuming knowledge she is biblicaly denied by GOD.
    She's playing at god, I think there are examples in the bible of people playing as god.
    No it's good you said so it made me realize how off topic we were, I did not understand the true purpose of this thread of Revelations. And then the cats, so time to let it go for me lol
    I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


      Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
      No it's good you said so it made me realize how off topic we were, I did not understand the true purpose of this thread of Revelations. And then the cats, so time to let it go for me lol
      Don't run off, pointing out the failures is important, weather we agree or not.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
        Don't run off, pointing out the failures is important, weather we agree or not.
        I'm running off because I know myself and if I keep at it it'll get ugly. I simply cannot remain stoic when people start seeing prophetic visions of the future in their coffee cups.
        I don’t want to be human. I want to see gamma rays, I want to hear X-rays, and I want to smell dark matter. Do you see the absurdity of what I am? I can’t even express these things properly, because I have to—I have to conceptualize complex ideas in this stupid, limiting spoken language, but I know I want to reach out with something other than these prehensile paws, and feel the solar wind of a supernova flowing over me. I’m a machine, and I can know much more.


          I wanted the rain to come and it came. I must be a god.
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Originally posted by Captain Yelland
            "Ahhh, Black Cloud, you've been doing unauthorized rain dances again."
            -- "The Final Countdown", 1980


              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
              I don't think you see the bigger picture, the US & China together make up for almost half of the worlds pollution and each of those countries won't budge until the other does. In other words, if the US doesn't move China won't either. If those two countries don't adopt radical pollution limitations regulations we are simply screwed...
              Well, I know since you won't include the Biblical prophecies into this, that you definitely do NOT see the BIGGER picture. If the symbolism of Revelation 9:15-19 is representing China's 200(plus) million-man army, China will become the world's worst enemy or most prominent military leader. That is regardless of what the other countries and the United Nations has to say about dictating what to whom and where.

              China will become a significant leader of military might. So, if Trump gets removed from his POTUS position, the Dems will step in and let China become FREE from Trump's clamping down on China's trade stuff. China will do whatever it chooses, and since China has already proven itself to have horrible air smog conditions, this may continue to be a problem in the future with China freed from Trump's (current?) "trade" grasp, etc.

              BTW, the USA has cleaned up its smog factors in mega proportions compared to what China now has. The 1960's and 1970's were smog city in the metro NYC area. It was awful. I remember those years too well, because my parents' car kept breaking down and stranded us in Staten Island (NY) too many times for an unwanted, weekend stayover. *cough, cough* ...I hated nearly every moment being there. No air conditioning in humid, HOT summers; and NO swimming pool to cool off in either... Just a hot, stuffy house that was over 150 years old. So, I know what pollution levels look and *smell* like.

              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
              Of course, all businesses and major corps of this world will desert one of the busiest and biggest urban center of the world bc of a tax increase... yea not happening.
              Maybe you're just too young to see history potentially repeat itself, but I lived thru NJ's (DEM) Gov.Florio's years. He TAXed our little state so high that it turned our NJ state into a *ghost* state, because businesses left for cheaper living areas in other states. Our little "strip malls" of stores and "Main Street" businesses closed up shop and half of both in too many places all over NJ were half empty. NJ residents who couldn't move because they chose to stay with a working spouse (who was still working in NJ), well, we tolerated the emptiness and prayed for businesses to move back in before conditions got worse. So, never say never... it is totally possible to lose businesses.

              Mostly, in NYC's situation, it will probably be the restaurants that will hike out because of how the "GREEN Deal" and NYC TAX will be distributed in the various neighborhoods. It's not just 5th and 6th Ave stores / businesses that will wilt, but the whole NYC island, along with businesses in Long Island. Sure, the bigger businesses will feel some sort of crunch in their financial pockets, but the smaller businesses simply won't be able to stay operational (for profit).

              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
              Banning plastic bags creates another problem that grows out of control? What are you on about?
              California wants to ban ALL plastic bags, eventually.. not just single use bags. So, does that include the plastic garbage bags containing rotting food and other wastes? Some people don't like messy garbage cans, especially with exposed food and poopy wastes (used kitty litter, dog poop, people poop!). Ever try picking up someone else's pet's diarrhea poop that landed on your lawn or sidewalk, and the dog owner decided NOT to clean it up? It stinks! Put that into your garbage can container, and have some friends over who have to walk past the cans, because your property is tiny, and there is NO other place to park the container.

              Some people are super sensitive to foul odors caused by rotting foods or poopy waste, etc. Noro virus tends to dominate that now infected home/area. Noro virus is NOT easy to recover from, since there usually is no amount of food or liquids, including water that will stay down and keep the sick person hydrated. All I had to do was walk into an infected air restroom and breathe the air, and within hours, I was sick with whatever was lingering in those disgusting odors. I spent many weeks being sick and unable to get better. It's worse than the flu, because you cannot eat or drink and NEED to (it requires a special diet to recover, and recovery takes at least 2 to 3 full days).

              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
              Please provide links to the latest armadillo casualty. Ever heard of vaccines or antibiotics? Maybe that's why you can't find anything?
              It's NOT the latest casualty. It is a bacteria that the armadillos carry in their body that causes Leprosy. Hygiene is priority in sterilizing oneself after handling those critters, especially if they are in the wild. I'm not sure if the critters are born with the bacteria that causes it or if they pick it up from somewhere else.
              Here is a CDC link with armadillo and world map pictured.

              Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
              All those infections you speak of are entirely the fault of the idiocracy of the (some) religious movements or anti-vaxxers and else or, simply put, morons.
              There are times when I just want to walk completely away from this topic and let you folks in this entire world find out and fend for yourselves than be forewarned.
              Just because something dreadful isn't happening in greater numbers now, doesn't mean it won't ever happen in the future.


                Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                Gotta remember here dude, while this thread often gets side-tracked, SG is looking at things via biblical prophecy. Right or not, that's her lens for her thread.
                This entire topic is open to ALL forms of knowledge about future events and situations occurring on the earth, and perhaps beyond... to Mars or the Earth's Moon, or wherever people decide to colonize and settle down.

                That knowledge can include information from all religions, IF people would submit the data that has been written or recorded. Because I am familiar with the (future) prophecies noted within the (Judaeo-Christian) Bible, that is a source I will share more than the other religions. I have stated in the past, anyone on here can share about ANY religious or other source pointing out future events, so the problem isn't what I am sharing, but the POV perspective of the reader/receiver.

                Also, over 40 pages back, aretood2 and I were having discussions about "biblical" prophecies. Those issues were not settled, as I have not yet compiled the information that I wanted in responding to aretood2's comments. I had to walk away from this topic for various reasons, one being brain-numbed from too much info in the political arenas.

                But since those pages have been sitting in limbo, per say, I have since discovered other NEW items that have expanded what is needed to be explained into this topic. Some of those items were discovered thru videos that I just happened to stumble upon, and ended up watching more hours than I expected in absorbing what I think should be shared. So, basically, in recent weeks, I discovered I am sort of sitting on a mountain of info that some of it, I cannot yet share, but realized it is important stuff, IF it ever comes true, and should be shared, IMHO.

                So, in the meantime, while my numbed-out-brain reorganizes its thoughts, I will try to continue to drop little snippets of other info into this topic, because some of those items have their own degrees of importance and will affect at least some of us at some point in out future.

                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                The US pollutes just as bad, even more so considering what I've pointed out last time about Trump getting rid of the liability for American companies that free them from complying with environmental rules, pattern of migratory birds and oil spills. You've been enjoying an ultra-capitalist lifestyle for so long, it's time you pay the bill (you being the US).
                AFAIK, the USA has in general cleaned up a good portion of its air pollution. However, the wastes being found in the physical land and water has gotten much worse. Some of it is caused by people who simply choose to litter wherever they drop their trash. Industrial waste pollution is being addressed to businesses around the nation, but unfortunately, that usually happens AFTER they get fined (penalized) because they got caught dumping waste(s), or were simply ignoring a problem that went downstream and polluted some body of water.

                The control of these polluted areas fall within regulated guidelines that half of the people in many businesses simply do not know how to be compliant with them. I've heard many horror stories about companies and industries NOT being compliant with what they are requested to observe and follow (but end up being fined and penalized). The list grows daily and gets bigger every year, too.

                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                So what? Does that mean we can't challenge her? Prophecies can be challenged just as much as political opinions, which are mixed in all her posts. I didn't even tackle the biblical stuff.

                You want to expose your religious views and prophecies on a public thread, be ready to face the music.
                That's a 2-way street. It works both ways.
                I'm not looking at this topic as a constant challenge of thoughts, even tho I have brought up items that should or need to be challenged, as well. Other items are about stuff to keep track of, because it just might happen...or not.

                Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                It's a legit question MG, I actually didn't know that until a couple years ago. Was wondering why paper bags had disappeared along with the plastic ones.
                I thought the paper bags were disappearing, because of the complaints in the tree logging industry killing off the trees. So, plastic bags became the popular method of carrying groceries, etc., back home. Plus, not all paper bags are strong, especially when they get wet..! I personally prefer the woven tarp bags, but need to find out how to recycle those when they wear out (fall apart or thin out and get thread-barren holes) from their many uses.


                  Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                  Maybe you're just too young to see history potentially repeat itself, but I lived thru NJ's (DEM) Gov.Florio's years. He TAXed our little state so high that it turned our NJ state into a *ghost* state, because businesses left for cheaper living areas in other states. Our little "strip malls" of stores and "Main Street" businesses closed up shop and half of both in too many places all over NJ were half empty. NJ residents who couldn't move because they chose to stay with a working spouse (who was still working in NJ), well, we tolerated the emptiness and prayed for businesses to move back in before conditions got worse. So, never say never... it is totally possible to lose businesses.

                  Mostly, in NYC's situation, it will probably be the restaurants that will hike out because of how the "GREEN Deal" and NYC TAX will be distributed in the various neighborhoods. It's not just 5th and 6th Ave stores / businesses that will wilt, but the whole NYC island, along with businesses in Long Island. Sure, the bigger businesses will feel some sort of crunch in their financial pockets, but the smaller businesses simply won't be able to stay operational (for profit).
                  No need to look that far into the past. Just look at NY State outside of NYC. NYC is a vastly different animal than the rest of the state. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent of the EC in state politics, so, due to 4/5th of the state's population residing downstate (NYC/Albany) they control state politics. And have for decades. This means exorbitantly high spending and correspondingly high tax rates for the rest of the state. A few years ago, the area where I live had the dubious distinction of being the most heavily taxed area of the entire country.

                  The entire nation saw an economic boom in the 1990's as the result of Reagan's policies and Republican control of the federal govt. (isn't it funny how they do that?) but that entire period of growth bypassed Upstate NY because businesses & the jobs they provide and people were busy leaving, fleeing the high taxes dictated by downstate (NYC/Albany)

                  But you don't even have to look that far back. Look at the situation after Trump's tax reform plan. Trump's plan eliminated the ability to deduct state taxes from your federal return. Up until that point, the impact of NY's (and other high tax states) high taxes had been at least partially offset by deducting from the fed taxes.

                  With that taken away, many people in higher tax brackets started to move out of the state to escape it's taxes. Governor Cuomo has been whining about that quite a bit. It never even enters their minds to cut spending and therefore taxes to become competitive with other states. They don't understand that people can and will move to escape excessive taxation.


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    This entire topic is open to ALL forms of knowledge about future events and situations occurring on the earth, and perhaps beyond... to Mars or the Earth's Moon, or wherever people decide to colonize and settle down.

                    That knowledge can include information from all religions, IF people would submit the data that has been written or recorded. Because I am familiar with the (future) prophecies noted within the (Judaeo-Christian) Bible, that is a source I will share more than the other religions. I have stated in the past, anyone on here can share about ANY religious or other source pointing out future events, so the problem isn't what I am sharing, but the POV perspective of the reader/receiver.

                    Also, over 40 pages back, aretood2 and I were having discussions about "biblical" prophecies. Those issues were not settled, as I have not yet compiled the information that I wanted in responding to aretood2's comments. I had to walk away from this topic for various reasons, one being brain-numbed from too much info in the political arenas.

                    But since those pages have been sitting in limbo, per say, I have since discovered other NEW items that have expanded what is needed to be explained into this topic. Some of those items were discovered thru videos that I just happened to stumble upon, and ended up watching more hours than I expected in absorbing what I think should be shared. So, basically, in recent weeks, I discovered I am sort of sitting on a mountain of info that some of it, I cannot yet share, but realized it is important stuff, IF it ever comes true, and should be shared, IMHO.

                    So, in the meantime, while my numbed-out-brain reorganizes its thoughts, I will try to continue to drop little snippets of other info into this topic, because some of those items have their own degrees of importance and will affect at least some of us at some point in out future.

                    AFAIK, the USA has in general cleaned up a good portion of its air pollution. However, the wastes being found in the physical land and water has gotten much worse. Some of it is caused by people who simply choose to litter wherever they drop their trash. Industrial waste pollution is being addressed to businesses around the nation, but unfortunately, that usually happens AFTER they get fined (penalized) because they got caught dumping waste(s), or were simply ignoring a problem that went downstream and polluted some body of water.

                    The control of these polluted areas fall within regulated guidelines that half of the people in many businesses simply do not know how to be compliant with them. I've heard many horror stories about companies and industries NOT being compliant with what they are requested to observe and follow (but end up being fined and penalized). The list grows daily and gets bigger every year, too.

                    That's a 2-way street. It works both ways.
                    I'm not looking at this topic as a constant challenge of thoughts, even tho I have brought up items that should or need to be challenged, as well. Other items are about stuff to keep track of, because it just might happen...or not.

                    I thought the paper bags were disappearing, because of the complaints in the tree logging industry killing off the trees. So, plastic bags became the popular method of carrying groceries, etc., back home. Plus, not all paper bags are strong, especially when they get wet..! I personally prefer the woven tarp bags, but need to find out how to recycle those when they wear out (fall apart or thin out and get thread-barren holes) from their many uses.
                    and ironically a lot of the littering is being done by a lot of the same people who lecture US about needing to take better care of the environment...gee...wonder just who the hypocrites are


                      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                      No need to look that far into the past. Just look at NY State outside of NYC. NYC is a vastly different animal than the rest of the state. Unfortunately, there is no equivalent of the EC in state politics, so, due to 4/5th of the state's population residing downstate (NYC/Albany) they control state politics. And have for decades. This means exorbitantly high spending and correspondingly high tax rates for the rest of the state. A few years ago, the area where I live had the dubious distinction of being the most heavily taxed area of the entire country.

                      The entire nation saw an economic boom in the 1990's as the result of Reagan's policies and Republican control of the federal govt. (isn't it funny how they do that?) but that entire period of growth bypassed Upstate NY because businesses & the jobs they provide and people were busy leaving, fleeing the high taxes dictated by downstate (NYC/Albany)

                      But you don't even have to look that far back. Look at the situation after Trump's tax reform plan. Trump's plan eliminated the ability to deduct state taxes from your federal return. Up until that point, the impact of NY's (and other high tax states) high taxes had been at least partially offset by deducting from the fed taxes.

                      With that taken away, many people in higher tax brackets started to move out of the state to escape it's taxes. Governor Cuomo has been whining about that quite a bit. It never even enters their minds to cut spending and therefore taxes to become competitive with other states. They don't understand that people can and will move to escape excessive taxation.
                      You never have, nor has MG
                      Sucks when reality smacks you in the face yeah?
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                        Just drop it in a dedicated trash bin outside without plastic bags? It ends up in the same exact spot dude, the landfills and biodegradable litter actually feeds the soils.

                        I here say we are done talking about your cats. I will also take act of GF's post and neutralize myself from this thread. When Bible leads to cat you know SatanSoros is coming.
                        Wait a minute!!
                        Kitty litter.... yuck. I used to scoop up the used litter into a "plastic" sandwich baggie. My mom and I would fill the baggie up, and tie it if it was still useful, and then fill it up completely, then discard it along with the toilet paper bag. Because we had a septic tank that required scheduled clean-ups, my parents decided to create a toilet paper can to hold the "mellow yellow" pee. Poopy toilet paper went into the toilet. We never put cat poop into the toilet, because of the litter chunks possibly clogging up the pipes. So, that's why we resorted to the sandwich sized bags for dirty kitty litter (pee and poop).

                        As for future clean-ups, I'm going to guess that paper bags will still be available (since we can always grow MORE trees!), so try this suggestion--
                        it's possible to put the kitty litter into a paper bag (fill lunch sized bag?) and dump that into the regular trash can. That way, the used cat litter won't glue itself to the sides of the garbage can and require constant cleaning after the "sanitation engineers" (PC!) remove it from the cat owner's property.

                        See? No Soros yet. However, *Beware of GREEN New Deal* methods becoming enforced, tho...

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        Not my desire, my intent was simply to show SG's lens. Argue the biblical that the bible itself says no one will know the time or the place of the events of revelations. This thread, by definition of that, fails.
                        Correction to that portion of your comment. Jesus said that NO one knows the day NOR the hour, but he also said to be aware of what *SEASON* you are in, when the events he mentioned in Matthew 24, etc., DO occur. Many people who read it, literally understood it as the specific "midnight hour" time as in hour, minutes and seconds, he was referring to (such as 6:17PM on August 21, plus *year*).

                        I used to fall for that totally unknown timetable, when I was growing up in the Catholic Church. But when I met up with Messianic Christians who were Jewish and thus KNOW their "scriptures" front to back and all in between, I began to start seeing a different image and timetable forming. The Messianic Jewish Christians use the FEASTS in the Gospels (of Jesus) as their guideline. So, the various "Feasts" become their clue for knowing what specific *SEASON* they are in or near.

                        There are numerous passages where Jesus warns about knowing what SEASON to look for and be aware of. He gave the "signs" as signals to knowing about approximately "when" those signs were coming together signaling HIS ultimate return. Matthew 25:1-13 is mentions about knowing when the bridegroom shows up for his bride and the "wedding" takes place... so it is with KNOWING when the approximate time of Jesus's return (as bridge-groom) is for his "bride".

                        This (has always been and) will be important to remember in some future postings (of mine) if I am ever able to get it written out. It's just that it got expanded with more info that I was not aware of, and need or *should* include it...and to
                        mad_gater ... this does interconnect directly with both ARK incidents I recently found out about. VERY important info!!! Yes, I got very excited when I heard about what was going on and what has happened over the recent decades regarding both ARKs and how they sort of relate to each other on a spiritual level, as well.

                        Just dropping a hint to the above *timing* item/event per say... something I came across over the recent months, was stated by several people (including the Israeli religious and gov't officials), that something very important on the calendar of (Biblical) events will occur within the next 3 years. I am being deliberately vague at the moment, because even tho I brought *something about it* up many pages prior to where this posting here exists, this is a definite date, but is not the same date that will bring Jesus back to earth. Sorry.. you'll all have to wait some more on that one.

                        In the meantime, I'm being generous in the time here, because it is actually less than that. But God can always change their (Jewish Israel's) plans in the timing of things. It's the whole timing of this situation that I am hesitant about because the political spectrum of the world keeps changing from month to month (or week to week!). *Politics* of current events will dictate when this particular event will actually be permitted to occur, too.

                        The situation that makes this *event* different, is knowing about the other "coincidences" that are also occurring within this particular cycle of other events. Eventually, the entire cycle will have occurred within 80 years, but that depends on where the beginning of the cycle actually began, of course..!

                        Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                        No it's good you said so it made me realize how off topic we were, I did not understand the true purpose of this thread of Revelations. And then the cats, so time to let it go for me lol
                        Actually, not really OFF topic, especially if something can be offered to help make life better for someone else -- in the positive sense. I was going to go back to page 1 of this topic and make a refresher note specific to the many varieties of items this topic was designed to discuss AND *challenge* (pro's and con's, and "what if's"), but this post is already long and I have to leave to take care of *home* things... Sorry... ...FYI, I realized the word *challenge* does apply to this topic, but it's more of a challenge for people who don't think like me, than what I've posted, other than to defend it -- especially, if it has the potential to come true.

                        Oh, and BTW (to Chaka-Z0),
                        I *am* a cat person, so I have a deep fondness of the little critters, especially the utterly *adorable* kitten varieties and stunningly beautiful, longer haired/fur adults. My little one (beautiful auburn & white Maine Coon) passed away in the early 1990's, and I merely get to see other people's cats to keep me happy. Can't get another one, because hubby is allergic to cats. And I won't get a hairless one, because --I think they are ugly-- and I simply cannot get too attached to something I won't invest my emotional heart into...


                          Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                          and ironically a lot of the littering is being done by a lot of the same people who lecture US about needing to take better care of the environment...gee...wonder just who the hypocrites are
                          How can you possibly tell? I mean as far as littering goes.
                          By Nolamom


                            Originally posted by Chaka-Z0 View Post
                            So what? Does that mean we can't challenge her? Prophecies can be challenged just as much as political opinions, which are mixed in all her posts.

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Challenge her all you like, I certainly have.
                            Challenge is okay. When dealing with situations that affect our world, "challenging" in discussions / debates exposes or shows the pros and cons of the item or situation in question. I did bring that up on page 1 of this very topic, so it is GOOD to go forth and discuss, even to *ad nauseam*... which happens many times... probably more than most of us would like to get involved, but nevertheless, finding a true or the best possible answer is the ultimate goal in most cases.

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Challenge her all you like, I certainly have.
                            All I am saying is that, that is HER lens. Yours and mine might be on data, but hers is not, nor is it the point of her thread.
                            Start a thread about the reality of climate change.

                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Not my desire, my intent was simply to show SG's lens...
                            Seriously, I forgot to say "THANK YOU!!!" to you, GF. At least you thought enough of what I've written to understand what I write is thru the "lens" of what I see or think I see, and that includes dragging the Bible into it, if I've noticed the item(s) in question being in there, as well. So, I do appreciate your comment and how you presented it, as noted.
                            ...Of course, the other portion of your/GF quote, I tackled in my previous post that addressed that specifically.

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            and ironically a lot of the littering is being done by a lot of the same people who lecture US about needing to take better care of the environment...gee...wonder just who the hypocrites are
                            I tend to have to agree with that. Most of the people I see doing it, are of that particular political mind-set regardless of how they actually vote. It's usually the conservative "Church" people who voluntarily end up cleaning up everyone else's litter, unless the Sheriff's office comes by and has the prisoners cleaning up the litter along the sides of the highway and within a certain distance into the wooded areas by the roadside.

                            The only other time I've seen a group of individuals actually clean up someone else's trash is when it's a school project or special club (boys/girls scout type) making a special day project out of the cleanup effort. Otherwise, the trash just sits there in the woods, along the roadsides, or wherever until someone gets sick of looking at it and moves it into a real trash container. The idiots who like to toss their dinners from fast food/whatever places off to the animals, also often toss the entire bag and containers holding the food, too.

                            Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                            and ironically a lot of the littering is being done by a lot of the same people who lecture US about needing to take better care of the environment...gee...wonder just who the hypocrites are

                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            How can you possibly tell? I mean as far as littering goes.
                            Please read my rather lengthy comment above this one about who (I have seen) usually picks up the litter that *other* litterbugs toss onto places that are NOT designated garbage containers. Also, an additional note below.

                            Aside from which side of the political spectrum these people might be from ("liberal"), one can guess (and it's usually correct), but, I can also state (for a fact) that it's also the reckless teens/adults, drunks and drug addicts who *often* do the dirty deeds of dumping trash wherever they feel like it. Because I used to watch (from my window) who was passing by, I *knew* which types or groups of people were the culprits planting their tea, beer, and other bottles into my garden plants... and I mean wedged it into some of the plants to hide it from a casual view. Had to use thick, handyman gloves to pluck it out of the prickly, sharp edged plants many times... grrrrrrrowl.
                            ...I used to wonder how the persona who did the cruel deed (damaged my plants, too in the process!) also managed to not hurt themself... or maybe they did, which is why I always hear them swearing out (very LOUD) those nasty F,S,D words.


                              SG, I don't need to agree with you to understand you, nor you with me, and I'm good with that, I always have been.
                              This is what I have been trying to get into Annoyed's head, our "problem" is not whether a problem exists or not, it's how to deal with it. I think your -focus- is more on the metaphysical, and that's fine and all, but when the people discussing the problem are gone, you are not going to get a solution, are you?
                              I have beliefs, you have beliefs, but they don't mean a damn thing if no one can discuss them.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Should be writing code but... meh...

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Rats scurrying everywhere for food. Fleas hopping off the rats and onto people. Drug users and homeless tossing needles wherever they are discarded.

                                NBC, of all news agencies, posted an article about the amount of filth that exists in LA, California. The mayor of LA let the garbage and filth pile up. Here is the article.

                                ...Public health experts say those rats carry fleas that have spread typhus and could spread salmonella and even bubonic plague....
                                I'd like to point something out to you.
                                While rats in the city are problematic and should be dealt with accordingly, same as with trast which contracts far worse things than just rats, they are no responsible for whatever plague could befall citizens coming in contact with a diseased rat or its fleas.

                                I refer to the following scientific study which build three models to determine whether rats were or weren't responsible for the bubonic plague in medieval Europe -- more commonly known as the Black Death:

                                The classic explanation for the Black Death plague is wrong, scientists say

                                While fleas on rats transmit the bacteria Yersinia pestis, it's actually humans themselves who are responsible for the spread and therefore the plague. It might start with a flea, but it's humans who spread it wide.

                                According to the California Department of Public Health, the US averages approximately 300 cases of flea-borne typhus a year. Most cases occur in Texas, California and Hawaii, but in the grand scheme of the US population that's literally nothing.

                                As I was looking for fleas spreading salmonella, I came across this article:

                                CDC: Snuggling Pet Hedgehogs Can Spread Salmonella

                                "As of Jan. 23 [2019], "11 people infected with the outbreak strain of SalmonellaTyphimurium have been reported from eight states," according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention."

                                (none in California by the way)

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                If diseases that were common during the ancient plagues of Europe and the UK, make a comeback and increase in our 21st century right in the USA, the people guilty of causing this are the ones dumping it AND the government systems claiming to be helping the American people, and end up harming and destroying the very people they claim to *want to* protect and advance into a better "society".
                                Yes, because our personal hygiene hasn't evolved since those dark days when blood sucking was an excellent treatment for the most common ailments. I mean, medicine and science alone could give those dark ages a run for their money.

                                For example from the World Health Organization, dated 2004: Water, sanitation and hygiene links to health

                                And let us not forget that the USA is currently dealing with a measles outbreak: (from the CDC) Measles Cases and Outbreaks

                                At the top of the reasons why this outbreak is happening, there's this: The majority of people who got measles were unvaccinated.

                                So who is at fault here?
                                The government? The states? The people?

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                ...the "socialism" agenda can be fully achieved.
                                I think a refresher course is in order here...

                                Definition of socialism according to

                                The last paragraph seems most relevant here:

                                "f socialism has a future, it may well lie in some form of market socialism. Market socialism promises neither the utopia of the early socialists nor the brave new world that Marx and his followers envisioned as the fulfillment of history. But it does promise to promote cooperation and solidarity rather than competitive individualism, and it aims at reducing, if not eliminating, the class divisions that foster exploitation and alienation. In these respects, this modest, decentralized version of socialism continues to sound the themes that have long inspired people to take up the cause of socialism. Even in Latin America and other places where socialists continue to call for direct, public ownership of natural resources and major industries, they nevertheless leave room for private competition for profits in the marketplace. In one way or another, socialists now seem more interested in bringing the free market under control than in eliminating it completely."

                                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                                Ever hear of the bubonic plague? It wiped out thousands of people during the middle ages.
                                Millions actually... 25 million, give or take a few, over a course of 50 years in the first half of the 14th century.

                                Black Death (

                                Fun fact about why Jewish communities remained largely spared from the disease: they washed up quite a few times a day.
                       -- The Black Death.

                                --- To be continue... ---
                                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1

