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Artwork for All - challenges, graphics, tutorials

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    Wonderful arties and tut everyone!


      Thanks about the gifs folks. Seems like once I get started on something, it's like eating popcorn - I can't stop! Although I *did* make one new texture this week, so that's something anyway


        Love Daffy!


          Yay! Tutorial week!

          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
          Hey, all. Dropping off my first entry for tut week.

          A friend of mine asked me for a sig using this particular quote. I started out using this tut on Shadowplay. As you can see, I went my own direction, using the basic design and only one of the stock pics provided. I'll try the tut again tomorrow or another day and try to stay a little more true. But here's what I came up with.

          That's really nice, lg, and thanks for the tut.

          Originally posted by Estrela View Post
          Oooooh, loved seeing all the icons posted together. They're wonderful. Thanks Sarai for your hard work this week.

          I really wish I could pass out more green. There's so many who deserve it.

          ladygris - I really like your latest sig. The layout and coloring are great and really compliment the text you used.

          Nola - Your gifs make me smile. I've lost count how many I've snurched. I adore the Tardis one.

          Nad - Yay! Does this mean you'll be contributing to more challenges? Please? I love the backgrounds on your icons. Care to share?

          I've been playing tonight and made these from a dingy, dark cap found here. I wanted her to look like she'd walked out of a painting.

          Wow! Gorgeous, Estrela.

          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          Fantastic Nola

          Nice lg - love the added touch with the jet

          I think it looks lovely Estrela, that certainly is a beautiful background effect

          I had a go at THIS TUT - which I found on the MASTER RESOURSES list.

          My finished attempt looks nothing like it should though - mainly because I didn't use some of the textures (I couldn't get the same effect with the pic I wanted to use) and some of the layer modes are set differently!

          Way to go your own way with that one. I love the end result though, nice work!

          Originally posted by ladygris View Post
          Another one, this time using this tut on Shadowplay. The model is a stock model from deviantArt, and the words are lyrics from "Always There" by Todd Agnew.

          ETA: Adding matching wallie. I did the wallie at a different time, so the coloring is a bit off. I also changed one of the stock images.

          Wonderful. Beautiful work.

          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post

          Tutorial and resources

          <Lazy snip>
          Thanks for the tut! I hope to try it sometime this week.

          I am just loving all your gifs, Nola. Keep it up.

          I also tried the tut lg shared. Here's what I ended up with:

          Sig and avi by yamiinsane


            Thanks, Rocket.

            And great sig!


              Your new look is fantastic lg! Pretty sig Rocket.


                Very nice Rocket! Nola, cute gif


                  Very awesome stuff!
                  I love lurking here. And being just a tad jealous

                  Originally posted by Estrela View Post
                  Nad - Yay! Does this mean you'll be contributing to more challenges? Please? I love the backgrounds on your icons. Care to share?
                  Well... with all the feathers you get up your bum in this thread...
                  Heh. I don't know. Maybe?

                  Sure I'll share, it's not mine. I snurched it from Google
                  I'll post later. If not, remind me. I might forget.
                  Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                  Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                    Originally posted by maneth View Post
                    Your new look is fantastic lg! Pretty sig Rocket.
                    Thanks, mane. I was ready for something non-Stargate related for a bit.


                      Hey, everyone! I need some help!

                      My daughter is getting a computer for her birthday in a couple of weeks, and I'm getting it set up. Part of that is putting Gimp on there since she's shown an interest in learning. I know there's a plug-in for using PS brushes in Gimp. I have it on my computer, but I have misplaced the link to download that to her computer.

                      Can anyone help??? *bats eyes and promises some artwork if necessary*


                        Originally posted by ladygris View Post
                        Hey, everyone! I need some help!

                        My daughter is getting a computer for her birthday in a couple of weeks, and I'm getting it set up. Part of that is putting Gimp on there since she's shown an interest in learning. I know there's a plug-in for using PS brushes in Gimp. I have it on my computer, but I have misplaced the link to download that to her computer.

                        Can anyone help??? *bats eyes and promises some artwork if necessary*
                        Do you need a plug-in to do that?? I have downloaded PS brushes and just put them into my GIMP brushes folder - they seem to work fine.

                        Okay, quickly looked it up. If the GIMP version is above 2.4 it should run PS brushes.

                        P.S is anyone else seeing almost bolded type in the posts (and 'normal' type in requotes)??
                        Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                          Made this for a challenge at Shadowplay. I'm manephelien over there.



                            And the second version...



                              I think I like the coloring a bit better in the second, but I like the roses in the first. Just being picky I guess


                                I guess people always like different things.

