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Coffee Stories And Questions!

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    Coffee Stories And Questions!

    This is a thread for telling you stories about coffee. And asking questions about it. I'll start with the first question as I don't really have any stories to tell you.

    So, what was the strangest coffee you ever drank? What is the rarest coffee you've ever drank?

    strangest has got to be very watery coffee.

    i'm a big fan of "coffee regulare", with milk, sugar (2 cubes), a spoon, and a cookie next to it (real cookie, not those self-crowned "coffee cookies").

    although i did create "coffee sledgehammer" which was really, really strong coffee. but we had a massive hangover so... coffee was so strong, it roundhouse kicked your taste buds and it nearly cracked the cup.


      I ordered some Kona Coffee once from a plantation in Hawaii. I'd had Kona coffee in Hawaii once and it was awesome, so I was expecting this coffee to be the same. It was awful, horrible; it tasted like flavored water, and I even made it stronger to suit what I like.

      The rarest coffee I've had is Jamaica Blue Mountain. I love that stuff. I'd get more of it, but it costs too much. So until I win the lottery I'll just have to stick with local coffee that's really good.


        I've had Blue Mountain, and it is quite wonderful. But my favorite coffee is Sumatra Mandheling. It's so smooth and non-acidic that I can even handle it black, which is unusual for me. And it's very rich-tasting.

        (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
        Sum, ergo scribo...

        My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
        now also appearing on DeviantArt
        Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


          the worst coffee I ever had was a mistake where someone refilled my tea cup with coffee. That sucked, to put it mildly.
          Also, cold coffee, not so great. And really, freaking bitter coffee...*full body shudder*. The best coffee is stuff I make at home, one press at a time.



            Drink Tea you bunch off coffee freaks .


              No. You get with the program and drink coffee. Those who drink tea will go the way of the Dodo.


                I have a great coffee story that I really wish happened to me. Several years ago, my mother was at a friend's house for a gathering of some sort and the hostess wanted to serve some coffee. Unfortunately, they were out of their normal coffee so she went to the freezer to get out a bag of their favorite Hawaiian coffee. Later that day, the hostess's husband came home and looked in the freezer to discover the coffee was missing. He asked where it was, and was informed that it had been used up earlier that day. In horror, he told his wife that was the bag he'd saved from their trip to Hawaii so he could remember what kind he liked. It turned out everyone at the party had been served 20-year-old coffee. The part I find funniest is that my mom thought it was some the best coffee she'd ever had. I guess Hawaiian coffee is the way to go.
                Sig and avi by yamiinsane


                  Strange coffee?

                  The strangest coffee cup was this:

                  It was in Uzbekistan where they usual drink tea, so there weren't enough proper cups. This is coffee, tea and a vodka



                    I've made ice cubes out of coffee to use in iced coffee in hot weather, so that icing it down doesn't weaken the flavor of the coffee. Just a helpful tip for those who enjoy iced coffee in the summer heat.

                    Right now, for a change of pace, I'm drinking a cup of strong tea. PG Tips, for the curious.

                    (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                    Sum, ergo scribo...

                    My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                    now also appearing on DeviantArt
                    Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                      This guy in the café I was just in put two shots of coffee in my chai tea latte. It was not good.


                        Originally posted by Galileo_Galilee View Post
                        No. You get with the program and drink coffee. Those who drink tea will go the way of the Dodo.
                        Hey stop blaspheming you heathen .


                          Hey stop blaspheming you heathen
                          No you rassin frassin rabbit. Heathens are the people who believe the same way everybody else does. So there. NYAH!


                            Originally posted by SF_and_Coffee View Post
                            I've had Blue Mountain, and it is quite wonderful. But my favorite coffee is Sumatra Mandheling. It's so smooth and non-acidic that I can even handle it black, which is unusual for me. And it's very rich-tasting.
                            I don't think it's Sumatra Mandheling, but I've had some Sumatra roast recently that's excellent. I love it.


                              Well, Sumatra isn't a roasting style like French roast; it's a bean varietal. So what you had probably was Sumatra beans, most likely the Mandheling. It isn't always labeled with the full varietal name; often, it's shortened to just 'Sumatra'.

                              (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                              Sum, ergo scribo...

                              My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                              now also appearing on DeviantArt
                              Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.

