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    Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
    let me know when that happens and I will stay away LOL's not that bad. I actually liked Star Wars until they marketed to death and disneyfied it all up
    Anakin and Luke are the Mary Sues.. The pod race which he won as a child against experienced adult racers, flying the ship by accident and saving the day, by accident.. Luke destroyed the Death Star on his first time flying an X-Wing. Learned how to use exactly the right force power exactly when he needed it after a 10 minute lightsaber lesson with Obi-Wan and an afternoon in the swamp with Yoda.

    What I know of Rey, they explained how she got to be as good at surviving and flying ships as she did. But with Luke and Anakin it was all just "the force did it" and everyone accepted it. No one called them out as Mary Sues.

    And you think Disney was bad for their marketing? Don't you remember how crazy the marketing was for Episodes five and six and the prequels? Disney was holding back compared to what it was like before...


      It seems like you can't win with Star Wars. The fans how terrible the prequels are. Some just continue the tradition. I don't understand people who watch things just to complain. I have the same problem with some people on GW in the Arrow folder.
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
        Anakin and Luke are the Mary Sues.. The pod race which he won as a child against experienced adult racers, flying the ship by accident and saving the day, by accident.. Luke destroyed the Death Star on his first time flying an X-Wing. Learned how to use exactly the right force power exactly when he needed it after a 10 minute lightsaber lesson with Obi-Wan and an afternoon in the swamp with Yoda.

        What I know of Rey, they explained how she got to be as good at surviving and flying ships as she did. But with Luke and Anakin it was all just "the force did it" and everyone accepted it. No one called them out as Mary Sues.
        Granted, I'm not entirely sure what a "mary sue" is aside from a cardboard cutout hero character, so I may be missing something here, but as I recall, during Ben Kenobi's first lessons to Luke about The Force, in the Falcon, was that it "guides your actions"
        I've always taken it as a given that The Force was guiding Luke's hand in the Trench. It wasn't Luke's skill, but The Force itself that controlled that shot.


          So a giant deus ex machine?
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Could be looked at that way, but it fits in well with the mythos of the franchise, so it doesn't bother me.


              That sounds like the same excuse BSG fans had about the finale.
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                They could have done a better job with BSG's finale.

                Unless it was a way to bring in the Seraphs (Beings of light) from TOS.
                EJO had it in his contract that he was out the door the first time any alien critter appeared. He had RDM locked up tight with that.

                RDM somehow incorporated every other major and most minor aspects of TOS into his version in some way or another. Proper homage to the original source was apparently one of his goals.

                The absence of any reference to that entire part of TOS is in stark comparison to the rest of it.

                I have always attributed the supernatural events towards the end regarding Starbuck as RDM's way of bringing in the Seraphs, but not in an obvious way so he didn't have his William Adama walk out on him.

                There was also a possible reference to the Seraphs earlier, S2 or S3? season finale, where Starbuck was in command of the garbage scow, and she painted a mural on her cabin wall that was quite reminiscent the one of the Ships of Light.


                  Rey is not a Mary Sue. Each time she did somthing, she reacted with shock, she's not supoosed to understand wookies or fly old buckets of bolts or use mind tricks. She kept saying she didn't know how she did it and to me seemed surprised that she knew what Chewie said. Star Wars Rebels' Ezra has this connection with life through the force, in the Book Dark Desciple Vash had the ability to learn events and emotions tied to an object. Rey might have a somewhat similar deal wih the Force.

                  I think there's a new turn in making the Force more mystical. It wasn't necessarily Rey doing all of those things anymore than Luke blowing up the Death Star out of inborn skill. She is the awakening of the Force, and thus is able to use it on a much more instinctive level.
                  By Nolamom


                    Can I Force choke aretood?
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      Let me just say I liked TFA but I felt the plot was weak and predictable and regardless of how you want to explain Rey's abilities they came off as sort of conveniently contrived. But I still liked her character and the actress did a great job.
                      Originally posted by jelgate
                      This brings much pain but SQ is right


                        I hate that word. TV and movies by definition are contrived
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by squirrely1 View Post
                          Let me just say I liked TFA but I felt the plot was weak and predictable and regardless of how you want to explain Rey's abilities they came off as sort of conveniently contrived. But I still liked her character and the actress did a great job.
                          Return of the Jedi and The Phantom Menace basically have the same plot as A new Hope. Why aren't you calling them out as unoriginal or contrived?

                          And if you look for it you'll find the same basic plot in films like Stargate, Independence Day, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, The Avengers... etc..

                          It's what they do with the plot that matters not the basic structure underneath. There are only so many ways to structure a story.

                          The Back to the Future trilogy, considered one of the best film series basically ever, is literally the exact same movie three times with a different time setting.


                            My DeLorean doesn't work properly
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              Great Scott!!


                                Leave Dray out of this
                                Originally posted by aretood2
                                Jelgate is right

