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The GateWorld Cantina MKII

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    Originally posted by Ukko View Post
    Joking or not, you would be wrong. A week living under a true tyrant, and you'd be dreaming of the good old days with Obama.

    Thats noble.
    OK Who is a true Tyrant and what are the attributes of a true tyrant?


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      if you think we don't have tyrants here you are sadly mistaken....
      If you think you know tyranny, you are mistaken.


        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        gotta love Eminent Domain...

        I'm gonna give what *I* think is fair market value for the Cantina and dispossess everyone!

        Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
        OK Who is a true Tyrant and what are the attributes of a true tyrant?
        You can find examples of tyranny all over the world and throughout history. You go to college. Read a book.


          Originally posted by Ukko View Post

          You can find examples of tyranny all over the world and throughout history. You go to college. Read a book.
          Not what I asked. *I* can find examples of tyrants throughout the world in varying degrees throughout history. But I asked for you to define it and for you to find examples. I can even find examples of tyrants in today's world, and dicators, autocrats, take your pick.


            it's the "varying degrees" that is the sticking point for most folks


              Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
              OK Who is a true Tyrant and what are the attributes of a true tyrant?
              People who opress other people. We may not like what is going on but its not opression. The Cuban or North Korea leaders are tyrants
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                it's the "varying degrees" that is the sticking point for most folks
                Perhaps. But there is where we get into the argument. Not everyone has to be 'Hitler' or 'Saddam' to be a tyrant. if you accept the argument that there is a continium between Liberty and Tyranny and that anything that grows Government control in your life is tyranny, and anything that takes it away is Liberty, you can have a lot of tyrants, to varying degrees. FDR I would consider to be a tyrant. But he as nowhere near the levels of tyranny expresses in the Nazi or Soviet Regimes at the time.


                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  gotta love Eminent Domain...

                  I'm gonna give what *I* think is fair market value for the Cantina and dispossess everyone!
                  works for me... i'm a vagabond who takes up odd jobs i have no actuall real estate claim in the cantina
                  I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    People who opress other people. We may not like what is going on but its not opression. The Cuban or North Korea leaders are tyrants
                    OK so then we have to define oppression.

                    But lets look at the debate that started all of this. Eminent Domain. Eminent domain is the forcable taking of property by the Government to satisfy some other interest, in this case usually buisness. IS that not oppression? Is our Government not being tyranical for allowing such a practice to continue? Is that not using force to influence one group in favor of another?


                      Originally posted by Col.Foley View Post
                      Not what I asked. *I* can find examples of tyrants throughout the world in varying degrees throughout history. But I asked for you to define it and for you to find examples. I can even find examples of tyrants in today's world, and dicators, autocrats, take your pick.
                      Actually, you didnt. You simply asked who is a tyrant, and what are their attributes.


                        and that's where you'll get a HUGE argument from most folks - tyranny is not just the normal use of governmental power to most people. However, some folks will resist ANY form of control over their lives, even that which contributes to the stability and furtherance of the entire society


                          Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                          Actually, you didnt. You simply asked who is a tyrant, and what are their attributes.
                          that is just what I said.
                          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                          and that's where you'll get a HUGE argument from most folks - tyranny is not just the normal use of governmental power to most people. However, some folks will resist ANY form of control over their lives, even that which contributes to the stability and furtherance of the entire society
                          But that is part of the point. Eminent Domain favors one group of people over another. Social Security favors one group of people over another. Social Security also is a contributing factor in the rest of our fiscal irresponsiblity and instability which our fiscal solvency is much more imporant to the health of society then anything else.


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            and that's where you'll get a HUGE argument from most folks - tyranny is not just the normal use of governmental power to most people. However, some folks will resist ANY form of control over their lives, even that which contributes to the stability and furtherance of the entire society
                            Seems to me that people nowadays cry tyranny (or something similar) whenever the government does some (anything) that they disagree with. Like a child throwing wobbly when he doesnt get the sweets he wants.


                              argh - take it to Politics!

                              and back to our regularly scheduled mayhem...


                                okay.... the tone of this thread has become far too heavy... i thought we were supposed check our politics by the door.... -serves everyone tankards of mead-
                                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.

