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The Iffy Fan Club Thread

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      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
      Unfortunately, no. I was a lowly sophomore and he was a senior...
      But back then it was normal for the guy to be older than the girl.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        yes, Mr. NM is almost 11 years older than me


          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
          ...ahem...Man crush anyone? Also known as a bromance when it is mutual. The manly none-romantic/sexual attraction one a man feels for another man. Can be triggered by a guy with awesome looks or a really manly disposition. The guy oozes cool and the man doing the crushing get sucked in by the excess cool. This is the none-romantic/sexual version of female pheromones attracting a guy.
          I see it happened to you before.
          *stays away from tood*
          Please keep your distance. This is creepy...


            I admit to having/had a few. But I have to admit to not having any 'man-crushes'.
            Ladies I have have/had crushes on include...Teryl Rothery, Jill Wagner, Andrea Corr, Megan Fox, Scarlet Johannson,

            But I admit the list is long...

            As for age differences, my mother was 14 years younger than my step father when they got married. Sadly my mother is no longer with us but they had been married for nearly 16 years when she died.
            "What do you mean by 'Oopps'?"
            Team Starfist protects all. But having a fully loaded P-90 helps...
            Reality is an illusion... Created by those who cannot handle Stargate...!
            Jankowski's Rules: Rule 1: Check your Six!
            I'm not perfect. But parts of me are excellent I also cook...!
            To thy own self... Be true
            May the odds.... Be ever in your favour..!


              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

              This is exactly why I was after clarification Tood.

              No, the reason they can get away with it is because males and females ascribe VERY different meanings to certain words and phrases.
              You mean like calling shirt "Cute?" I'm sure they have a very similar understanding of the word cute when it comes to men...I hope. Same thing but different approach. It's all context based. Actually, why can't men use cute the same way as women? I use the word "can't" because I'm speaking from a social perspective, if you want to call your shoes "cute" no one is stopping you.

              You honestly think women don't see guys as "boy toys" sometimes?? Oh dear.
              Helllllooooooooooo. Someone awake? Did I not say "society?" Think about it. Just turn on the TV to some shows out there and this is what you'll see, "Women are all prudes and never want intercourse while men always want it." Why? Because men aren't the sex object, the women are.

              Now what I think (As well as a plethora of men and women) is different than main societal norms. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say that there's some sort of big group of people trying to push one image, it's just the current that most aspects of the media follow. Feminists tend to catch on to this btw.

              There are plenty of tv shows and movies and so on that recognize than men and women objectify each other equally, and then proceed to abuse eachother at eqaul rates. But how many times has female on male abuse (sexual and physical and verbal) not been used for comedy while those exact same jokes would not fly if it was male on female? Why? Well....women being seen as sex objects turns them into perpetual victims. If you're a woman, you're a victim. And no one finds it funny to constantly beat on a victim (kicking an injured puppy). Think about the "Don't hit girls even though they are kicking me and pushing me" rule that characters tend to follow. Sometimes it's not because of the writers, it's because of the censors who pressure them into it.

              Yeah....I watched one too many feminists documentaries >.> Can we go back to talking about the 10th doctor?

              I have no problems hugging another guy, I have no problems saying another man looks "good", thats a function of me being secure in my own sexuality, not any kind of "sociatal contract"
              This is what I meant that sometimes you go off on weird tangets, I was talking about society. I hug my male relatives all the time. I specify relatives because I don't hug friends (male or female). Outside of my family, I am not a hugger. And I never say "No homo" when I say that I love another guy. So we are much the same in this area, but that doesn't change the general cultural outlook that has been structured by years of adherence to stereotypes about men and women and heterosexual/homosexual relationships and traits.

              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              You didn't put your hat on, I call foul!!
              Wearing hats inside is indecent. Shouldn't you be in the Cantina dungeon?
              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
              It is interesting to look at old photos and how men are posed with each other. Around the mid 1800's you often see pictures of guys who are friends pose with their hands on each others knee. You would not see them posed that way now. Of course photos for tghe most part are no longer as formal either.

              How did this happen we took a turn for the serious.
              If you read the Bible Isaac had Jacob up his hand under his thigh to swear an oath. Now, picture today how that image would appear to most. History is a real eye opener to how society to day operates, and how messed up it really is. Before little boys and girls wore the same clothing.
              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              But back then it was normal for the guy to be older than the girl.
              This is not normal anymore?
              Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
              I see it happened to you before.
              *stays away from tood*
              Please keep your distance. This is creepy...
              *pokes Prome*
              By Nolamom


                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                You mean like calling shirt "Cute?" I'm sure they have a very similar understanding of the word cute when it comes to men...I hope. Same thing but different approach. It's all context based. Actually, why can't men use cute the same way as women? I use the word "can't" because I'm speaking from a social perspective, if you want to call your shoes "cute" no one is stopping you.

                Helllllooooooooooo. Someone awake? Did I not say "society?" Think about it. Just turn on the TV to some shows out there and this is what you'll see, "Women are all prudes and never want intercourse while men always want it." Why? Because men aren't the sex object, the women are.

                Now what I think (As well as a plethora of men and women) is different than main societal norms. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say that there's some sort of big group of people trying to push one image, it's just the current that most aspects of the media follow. Feminists tend to catch on to this btw.

                There are plenty of tv shows and movies and so on that recognize than men and women objectify each other equally, and then proceed to abuse eachother at eqaul rates. But how many times has female on male abuse (sexual and physical and verbal) not been used for comedy while those exact same jokes would not fly if it was male on female? Why? Well....women being seen as sex objects turns them into perpetual victims. If you're a woman, you're a victim. And no one finds it funny to constantly beat on a victim (kicking an injured puppy). Think about the "Don't hit girls even though they are kicking me and pushing me" rule that characters tend to follow. Sometimes it's not because of the writers, it's because of the censors who pressure them into it.

                Yeah....I watched one too many feminists documentaries >.> Can we go back to talking about the 10th doctor?

                This is what I meant that sometimes you go off on weird tangets, I was talking about society. I hug my male relatives all the time. I specify relatives because I don't hug friends (male or female). Outside of my family, I am not a hugger. And I never say "No homo" when I say that I love another guy. So we are much the same in this area, but that doesn't change the general cultural outlook that has been structured by years of adherence to stereotypes about men and women and heterosexual/homosexual relationships and traits.

                Wearing hats inside is indecent. Shouldn't you be in the Cantina dungeon?

                If you read the Bible Isaac had Jacob up his hand under his thigh to swear an oath. Now, picture today how that image would appear to most. History is a real eye opener to how society to day operates, and how messed up it really is. Before little boys and girls wore the same clothing.

                This is not normal anymore?

                *pokes Prome*
                There is a very popular books series based on that now. *blushes 50 shades of scarlet*

                Not a big Bible reader. There is a whole thing in Roman society with men that says it is better to be the doer than the receiver while doing certain non PG things.


                  Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                  *pokes Prome*
                  *looks disgustingly at tood then walks away*


                    *looks disgustingly @ ^^ and walks away ! *




                      Don't you just love it when Tood comes back from being away for awhile and has to post his little heart out
                      That's what happens when he suppresses the Multitood too long
                      no means no, and so does pepper spray
                      Sig by The Carpenter


                        love is a bit strong !




                          Originally posted by PrometheOSS View Post
                          *looks disgustingly at tood then walks away*

                          Aww, someone needs a hug
                          Originally posted by billyd797 View Post
                          *looks disgustingly @ ^^ and walks away ! *
                          But...but...I loved you. I even hijacked a fanclub for you
                          Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
                          Don't you just love it when Tood comes back from being away for awhile and has to post his little heart out
                          That's what happens when he suppresses the Multitood too long
                          Some Toods ought not to watch certain films >.>
                          Originally posted by billyd797 View Post
                          love is a bit strong !
                          By Nolamom


                            Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                            You mean like calling shirt "Cute?" I'm sure they have a very similar understanding of the word cute when it comes to men...I hope. Same thing but different approach. It's all context based. Actually, why can't men use cute the same way as women? I use the word "can't" because I'm speaking from a social perspective, if you want to call your shoes "cute" no one is stopping you.
                            Nothing is specifically stopping men and women from using "cute" in the same context, it's just that they don't. Men simply think differently than women do and vice-versa. Now, WHY they think differently may well be affected by social constructs true, but not only social constructs.

                            Helllllooooooooooo. Someone awake? Did I not say "society?" Think about it. Just turn on the TV to some shows out there and this is what you'll see, "Women are all prudes and never want intercourse while men always want it." Why? Because men aren't the sex object, the women are.
                            Sure, if I wanted to only take *some shows* and *some books* I could make a case for that, but thats not the overall situation is it? I've read enough books and seen enough shows where the woman is the "sexual initiator" (and in real life as well) to think that *that* particular perception is still valid. What you are more likely to find however is that *as a rule* men are far more willing to admit to looking at women as sex objects than women are to do the same.

                            Now what I think (As well as a plethora of men and women) is different than main societal norms. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to say that there's some sort of big group of people trying to push one image, it's just the current that most aspects of the media follow. Feminists tend to catch on to this btw.

                            There are plenty of tv shows and movies and so on that recognize than men and women objectify each other equally, and then proceed to abuse eachother at eqaul rates. But how many times has female on male abuse (sexual and physical and verbal) not been used for comedy while those exact same jokes would not fly if it was male on female? Why? Well....women being seen as sex objects turns them into perpetual victims. If you're a woman, you're a victim. And no one finds it funny to constantly beat on a victim (kicking an injured puppy). Think about the "Don't hit girls even though they are kicking me and pushing me" rule that characters tend to follow. Sometimes it's not because of the writers, it's because of the censors who pressure them into it.
                            You just shot your own argument

                            Yeah....I watched one too many feminists documentaries >.> Can we go back to talking about the 10th doctor?
                            Do you now speak in monologue?

                            This is what I meant that sometimes you go off on weird tangets, I was talking about society. I hug my male relatives all the time. I specify relatives because I don't hug friends (male or female). Outside of my family, I am not a hugger. And I never say "No homo" when I say that I love another guy. So we are much the same in this area, but that doesn't change the general cultural outlook that has been structured by years of adherence to stereotypes about men and women and heterosexual/homosexual relationships and traits.
                            I WAS talking about society as well Tood. You said you are " constrained by the social cultural belief that women are nothing more than sex objects and men are more than their gender"
                            To which my response was Garbage, and it still is. Social conventions are not "laws", and it is up to the individual to determine weather they wish to adhere to those conventions or not. I choose not to because I find many of them stupid and dated.

                            Wearing hats inside is indecent. Shouldn't you be in the Cantina dungeon?
                            A) When have I ever said I was decent?
                            B) Shouldn't you be torturing some poor innocent?

                            This is not normal anymore?
                            It's become more likely these days for there to be much less of an age gap these days I believe. You also have the reverse (older woman, younger man) becoming more common as well.
                            A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                            The truth isn't the truth


                              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                              Nothing is specifically stopping men and women from using "cute" in the same context, it's just that they don't. Men simply think differently than women do and vice-versa. Now, WHY they think differently may well be affected by social constructs true, but not only social constructs.
                              That brings to memory, what did Iffy mean when she said cute? IFFY.......We're waiting......

                              Sure, if I wanted to only take *some shows* and *some books* I could make a case for that, but thats not the overall situation is it? I've read enough books and seen enough shows where the woman is the "sexual initiator" (and in real life as well) to think that *that* particular perception is still valid. What you are more likely to find however is that *as a rule* men are far more willing to admit to looking at women as sex objects than women are to do the same.
                              The overall situation, I think it is the overall situation. There are plenty of exceptions but it all gets mixed into a giant soup. I am one of the first people that will tell you that people and societies are extremely complex (Which is why I refute any argument that gives just one motivator as a cause of something). The way I see it is that there are different aspects moving in different directions. How men behave with each other is still held by the constructed restrictions that I described. How women act with each other or how men and women act with each other is irrelevant to what rules "dictate" behavior between men.

                              I mean, I've used "cute" for women plenty of times and not always as a euphemism for "hot" or baby type cute.

                              You just shot your own argument
                              Trigger happy censors does not qualify as a conspiracy. Censors are just narrowminded people who have knee jerk reactions. Let me illustrate: On Nickelodeon's iCarly you have a girl (Sam) who constantly beats up a boy, berates him, humiliates him, and bullies him (Freddie) and it is played for laughs. Now, if the genders were reversed, would iCarly get away with it?

                              When I said that I am not pushing a conspiracy theory is because I see it as a natural aspect of our society. The issue of violence against women has been ingrained in our minds. We still like slap stick humor (hints Sam attacking Freddie) but we have to balance it with the atmosphere attached to issues. So if we see a boy just attacking a girl and expecting everyone to laugh, it wont seem as funny. The censors are ourselves. It'll be like this until people start accepting what society preaches, that women aren't weak things that can never hurt men. That both genders are on equal playing fields, thus it is okay to have slap stick humor with a boy beating on a girl.

                              It's easier to get us to accept other things, like women objectifying men, because we as a society aren't as mortified by the idea of a guy pursuing lots of women as we are about guys hitting women (even in the context of just self defense. There have been some cases where guys who called the cops for domestic abuse got arrested for domestic abuse even though they are the victims. Fan responses to fictional representations of these things have been similar). It's a balance that society is trying to achieve. Unfortunately instead of heading towards modesty, we are still progressing towards immodesty. I see it like economics, it's going to reach an equilibrium at some point where the media depicts all aspects of men and women equally. But for now there will be imbalances.

                              What I am trying to say is that we are still structured by old stereotypes and beliefs about women being the lesser gender.

                              Do you now speak in monologue?
                              I know not of what you speak.

                              I WAS talking about society as well Tood. You said you are " constrained by the social cultural belief that women are nothing more than sex objects and men are more than their gender"
                              To which my response was Garbage, and it still is. Social conventions are not "laws", and it is up to the individual to determine weather they wish to adhere to those conventions or not. I choose not to because I find many of them stupid and dated.
                              Do you call guys cute?

                              A) When have I ever said I was decent?
                              B) Shouldn't you be torturing some poor innocent?
                              The decency police does not care *fines GF for resisting fines*

                              It's become more likely these days for there to be much less of an age gap these days I believe. You also have the reverse (older woman, younger man) becoming more common as well.
                              I wonder why. I know several women who would prefer guys to be older. I would have thought that that would have been the case. This is interesting.
                              By Nolamom


                                Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                                Aww, someone needs a hug

                                But...but...I loved you. I even hijacked a fanclub for you
                                Not me!!! Maybe you do.

                                Oh!! There it is. You finally came out. Now I can avoid you without feeling guilty. I just wasn't sure.

