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Is the world Ending?

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    Is the world Ending?

    I would like to know with so many natural disasters and other things happening to the world I would like to know if the world is going to end any times soon? Does anyone have any idea of when you think that might happen? I predict by the year 2100 the world will problably end. What do you think?

    Did you know natural diasters happen every year going back decades and centuries? A shocker I know
    Originally posted by aretood2
    Jelgate is right


      I think, that if the world is ending by 2100, I'll officially be too much of a corpse to care.
      ~ When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take back the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man who's gonna burn your house down! WITH THE LEMONS! I'm gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that BURNS YOUR HOUSE DOWN! ~

      ~ Burning people! He says what we're all thinking! ~


        people thought the world was going to end when bush got reelected too but look, we're still here! personally, i'd worry more about Stargate not being on TV being a sign of the apocalypse than anything!

        something one of my former college professors told me once that i'll never forget:

        Someone in the class said to him, and this was like 5 years ago, "professor, this is going on and this is going on and this is going on, has the world ever been this screwed up before???"

        Without missing a beat the professor came back with, "When i was your age we were so afraid of being hit with a nuke that we'd have bomb drills where we'd hide under our desks. Son, this is paradise!"


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          Did you know natural diasters happen every year going back decades and centuries? A shocker I know
          As Jelgate said, natural disasters have been happening for so long... and even when there were "mega" natural disasters (Krakatoa, etc), it did not mean the end of the world.

          Don't touch Lola


            yes, the world is ending. goodbye.




              ^ beat me to it

              Yes the world is ending, but dont worry soon we will all be ended

              yeah that sounded great in my head
              Last Movie Watched
              X-men - First Class

              Last Video Game Played
              Life is Strange


                Nah, it's just that with better communications we know more about disasters elsewhere in the world than ever before. Besides, there are more humans on this planet than ever before, and most of us live in areas prone to one kind of disaster or another.


                  If the world is ending, then I'm going to pull up a chair and then relax and enjoy the view because the end of the world is just the beginning.


                    I once got a kiss from a sparkly Unicorn.............
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by maneth View Post
                      Nah, it's just that with better communications we know more about disasters elsewhere in the world than ever before. Besides, there are more humans on this planet than ever before, and most of us live in areas prone to one kind of disaster or another.
                      that's a large part of it. cyclones can only kill 200,000 because there ARE 200,000 people there to be killed.

                      I do think the next couple of years are going to be very seismically active with lots of natural disasters and political upheaval because of it. We just have an unprecedented number of people on this planet to be effected by the various earthquakes, volcanoes, monster storms, etc.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        every ten thousand years or so a supermassive volcano erupts with such force that any human nuke is a firecracker compared to it. and life survived. a meteor hit the earth with a force that makes a supervolcano look like a puff of smoke. and life survived.

                        believe me, what's in the news is child's play.

                        but yea the one question i always ask myself is "did it increase, or did reporting such things increase?"

                        there is sufficient evidence that things change. there are ups and downs. the coming years probably will be an up in terms of disasters. who knows. and then there will be a down, so less disasters. although, considering the global population increase, deaths at the hands of nature will only increase.

                        i KNOW the world will certainly end in 4.5 billion years.


                          I agree with Cold Fuzz
                          It's all about startegy. Out-maneuvering the opposition, bending him to your will.


                            The world is gonna end in 2012. Didn't you watch the movie?

                            But seriously Earth has been having natural disasters since time began. The only difference now is the amount of media coverage and internet access we have, it just seems like it's happening more often.


                              Well the Apophis (great name I know) asteroid could end the world in 2029, and then again in 2036 if it misses the first time. Apparently there's 1 in 250,000 chance that it could hit the Earth in 2036.

