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    Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
    No, what concerns me is the rollback of social policy, the few deciding that because they find "XYZ" not in alignment with their social beliefs that they have a right to deny them to others -even when those rights have no impact on their lives at all-
    Back to the dark ages... and the Earth is still flat.
    Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

    Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


      Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
      Back to the dark ages... and the Earth is still flat.
      Despite popular belief, the POTUS/PM does very little in terms of overall economics of a nation. They can affect trade deals and such, and they can muck about with regulations. The most damaging thing they can do to economics is declare or continue existing wars. On the whole however, the machinery of economics just marches on the way it is designed to do. This is why I don't care if it is a Repub or a Dem, or Liberal or labour here running the show on that level. Social policy however is where the person in charge can have the most visible and lasting effect. THAT is my problem with Trump, not the party he claims he is representing.
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        As SQ pointed out, both sides have their hands in the cookie jar.
        And one other thing that SQ alluded to earlier on.. No matter who wins, one side or the other is going to be pissed and have to suck it up.
        For 8 years, it's been the right that has been sucking it up. Now it's the left's turn. Nothing wrong with that.
        Or as some say it matters not who's in power, all us 'little people' suffer..


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          Or as some say it matters not who's in power, all us 'little people' suffer..
          but wait it's about to get "better" hehe...


            Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
            It is my understanding that while they retain ownership of their assets, they are supposed to be placed in a blind trust.
            And Trump was supposed to persecute (not a misspelling) Clinton. But it looks like he isn't going to be doing what he is supposed to be doing.
            By Nolamom


              Originally posted by garhkal View Post
              Or as some say it matters not who's in power, all us 'little people' suffer..
              Mostly, it doesn't.
              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
              The truth isn't the truth



                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                The truth isn't the truth


                  Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

                  Oh that's not at all surprising....... Our own politicians do this kind of rubbish.
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    I'm just going to say the following about Trump and wish the media, etc., would just back off of this nonsense until AFTER we start seeing how Trump will be officially running things as President--
                    not as "President Elect".

                    I do not remember Obama being *grilled* thru this absolute despisement of his policies and proposals while he was "President Elect" -- so, it would be considerate enough to give Donald Trump some *wiggle* room BEFORE he starts dishing out orders for *real* -- after the transference of Presidential powers is finished... Surely there were misgivings about his credentials about how little time Obama spent in an official gov't position before he became president, but (I think) Obama's policies were quiet, until the first slam dunk came with the huge package of the ACA.

                    So, please--"patience is a virtue" that seems to be missing in this 2016 election. Give it at least 6 months after the 2017 USA Presidential inauguration, since we already get the instant impression that the 1st 100 days are going to be non-stop MSM bashing of Trump's "this" "Trump that.." Besides, we still don't even know 100% if Trump will be the next "Commander in Chief*.

                    Also, regarding Hillary Clinton getting "pardoned" or not -- if Obama "pardons" her, as someone noted elsewhere, that would be an Admission of her committing a crime, thus would put a stain on Obama's legacy. Also, she can only be charged for what she was accused of in both acquittals (for "treason" and *carelessness of confidential information*).

                    Anything beyond that would end up falling under a NEW investigation, which cannot take place until AFTER Trump is inaugurated into the office as President. It should NOT either be *officially* revealed as investigated either, until AFTER Obama is out, because if there was something MAJOR found, and it was really, really super bad/evil, wrong, whatever
                    (*connect the dots*), then all actions taken, searched about, etc., would be for nothing. Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin were already given immunity, so it's doubtful they can be charged for anything that was additionally found on Weiner's computer that belonged to Huma Abedin.

                    In other words, and I think the following should be said NOW, because it is VERY disturbing + still about 60 days away from entering into the new elected Presidential admin isn't here YET, and what has happened during these past few weeks in various blog sites isn't helping anyone if there is a genuine problem underneath--
                    So, anyone digging up dirt on something called "Twittergate (2016)" or "Pizzagate" -- please let the proper authorities do it -- and do it on their own time frame, etc.
                    NY Times came out and publicly debunked these stories, claiming that the

                    Comet Ping-Pong pizza place (in DC, USA) was receiving dozens, if not hundreds of (vicious) threats, to which the owner and staff claim to have no idea of what was going on..
                    if they're guilty of anything, there's approximately 60 days still in Prez.Obama's Admin still..

                    of course those walls in the NY Times article look like they've been suddenly and mysteriously stripped from huge blocks of images.. not the same photo of pristine walls that was shown in a different article.. complete with ping-pong tables to play the actual ping-pong game on (don't remember where the pristine wall photo came from either)

                    so anyone bringing such stories to MSM --even *now*-- would be compromising any investigations of the info within. There is still around 60 days to go before new elected officials begin office.. Those *noble* amateur Sherlock Holmes sleuths are probably hindering both themselves and the ones they are trying to *rescue*; and if there *is* or *was* anything in question -- the courts might laugh it right out of sight, because of the stories now being turned into a media circus.

                    This may also be why Donald Trump said what he did about appointing a "special prosecutor" to Hillary Clinton's mail, and wherever those connected dots trail may lead into.

                    Articles (with links in article titles) are--
                    "Fake News Onslaught Targets Pizzeria as Nest of Child-Trafficking"
                    By CECILIA KANG
                    NOV. 21, 2016 (© 2016 The New York Times Company)


                    "The Intersect
                    Fearing yet another witch hunt, Reddit bans 'Pizzagate'
                    By Abby Ohlheiser
                    November 23 at 1:26 PM (

                    Recently, I saw a lot of *stuff* (text with a few pics and drawings--of children in cages! supposedly drawn by other *rescued* children) on Twitter feeds, Reddit and some Australian news piece.. Scary if true for "who" is being involved (*innocent* souls being targeted). Gross doesn't even come close. Once (generic) you "see" you "cannot unsee". Let me just say it was likened to some horrors that the Islamic State had pics of, which a Catholic news agency had shown something similar a few years back.. blech!
                    Last edited by SGalisa; 23 November 2016, 09:00 PM. Reason: fix typos; expanded info


                      Leave the media alone this is fun......

                      Why are some people so upset ?
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                        I do not remember Obama being *grilled* thru this absolute despisement of his policies and proposals while he was "President Elect" -- so, it would be considerate enough to give Donald Trump some *wiggle* room BEFORE he starts dishing out orders for *real* -- after the transference of Presidential powers is finished...
                        I certainly don't remember anywhere NEAR this level of grilling by the media of Obama..


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Despite popular belief, the POTUS/PM does very little in terms of overall economics of a nation. They can affect trade deals and such, and they can muck about with regulations. The most damaging thing they can do to economics is declare or continue existing wars. On the whole however, the machinery of economics just marches on the way it is designed to do.
                          I submit Obamacare as pretty strong evidence to the contrary.

                          The POTUS may not have the formal authority to directly introduce legislative proposals that impact the economy, but he controls a vast array of agencies which can introduce a huge amount of regulations designed to influence economy with little oversight from Congress. They can veto congressional legislation and they can reinterprete the living daylights out of said legislation (like Obama declared that he intended to do with Congress' opposition to the Iran deal) or indefinitely postpone the execution of that legislation (as every USA President has done with the law which demands that the USA embassy in Israel be moved to Jerusalem; every year its execution gets delayed to the next year by Presidential decree).
                          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                            Noooooo? Really?!

                            [end sarcasm]
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              I'm just going to say the following about Trump and wish the media, etc., would just back off of this nonsense until AFTER we start seeing how Trump will be officially running things as President--
                              not as "President Elect".
                              He's already been exposed as the biggest liar there is. And right now it's clear that many of his campaign promises are lies too. How long before people *realize* he's a pathological liar? How long are republicans going to swallow this ****?

                              People hated and questioned Clinton for her alleged Wall Street ties. Well Trump's directly filling his cabinet with billionairs and hundred-millionaires right now. Why does Trump get a free pass? Clinton gets grilled for her shady practices. Why does trump get a free pass? Clinton gets grilled over her "basket of deplorables", why does Trump get a free pass for insulting everyone?

                              Why is it that Trump gets away with everything people hate about Clinton? Cause he's not establishment? Because he is. The economic establishment, that is, and right now in stead of the "bribing /pay to win" that people suspected Clinton of doing, he's cutting out the middleman and putting himself (that very billionaire elite people hate) in a position of grand political power.


                                Target to announce record sales after protesters plan holiday boycott

                                If it's anything like the boycott of Starbucks.. Protesters are spending more money there..

