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    Funny how places that do have a living minimum wage have not collapsed, have the most liveable cities, get more bang for their tax dollar and even take home more money than people in the US despite their "outrageous" tax rates.

    But no, it just won't work................

    Oh, and Annoyed, I found this the scariest thing you have -ever- written
    Originally posted by Annoyed
    In times of recession, there are far more workers than available jobs. So employers do not have to compete for workers, and can hold the line on wages or even force cuts.
    That is.......... disturbing.
    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
    The truth isn't the truth


      Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
      I would have no objection to providing a free ride to their entry point. After that, they are the responsibility of their country of origin.
      What do you do with refugee's?
      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
      The truth isn't the truth


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        That's exactly what I'm counting on. Market forces. If there is a scarcity of any resource, the price of it rises. Look at the price of energy. At numerous times over the past 50+ years, as various issues have made crude oil more or less scarce, the price of it has risen and fallen. The same with many other resources. And it is the same with labor. (wages). In times of recession, there are far more workers than available jobs. So employers do not have to compete for workers, and can hold the line on wages or even force cuts.
        But as of late, when business activity picks up, instead of having to offer more $ to get employees because there is more competition for workers, businesses are using imported labor and offshore production to artificially relieve the pressure for increased wages.

        If the supply of workers willing to work at sub standard wages dries up, employers will face a shortage of labor, and therefore the price of it (wage rates) will rise.
        Or "employers" (that term always amuses me because it suggests that jobs creation is or should be a priority for businesses as opposed to straightforward profit making) will move their business to an economy where they can make greater profit margins.

        The world is bigger than your country and always will be, Outsourcing and imports are something you cannot avoid. If your economic model cannot cope with them, it is time to change the model.
        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


          Originally posted by Womble View Post
          Or "employers" (that term always amuses me because it suggests that jobs creation is or should be a priority for businesses as opposed to straightforward profit making) will move their business to an economy where they can make greater profit margins.
          You can't do that, i'll...... i'll.......... TAX THEM!!
          Trust me, it will work this time, I won't let them pass it along to the working stiffs this time!!
          The world is bigger than your country and always will be, Outsourcing and imports are something you cannot avoid. If your economic model cannot cope with them, it is time to change the model.
          USA!! USA!! USA!!
          (You know geography is not a big seller in the US )
          A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
          The truth isn't the truth


            Attached Files
            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


              Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
              What do you do with refugee's?
              Heard that most of them will be going on *instant* welfare, etc., type of financial and housing support assistance. No jobs needed for them.

              Some people have been asked to give up their 2nd homes, so the refugees can do what regular renters do, but for free. Most people I know who have rented, don't want to rent out any more, because many of the renters trash the place -- whether intentionally or not, it's become a sorry status for folks who used to get some extra income managing their extra (summer or winter) home, when not using it.

              BTW, how many of them already speak English or Spanish, or will be learning to speak it in the near future in order to not being such a social outcast? (Rumor mill says) Some are being sent to regional areas that speak their language and live their culture. USA apparently has a lot more Sunni Muslims than Shia. Apparently, it's mostly the Sunni areas where many disruptions legal complaints are occurring. So, again basing this background on what the rumor mills are saying (other web/discussion boards, etc.) what's a few more disgruntled folks to add into the complaint department mix..?

              If Trump does get in as President, if he makes it past the first six months, let alone first 100 days, without getting a migraine headache -- the current *stuff* of mega complaining that seems to be growing in leaps and bounds into all sorts of crazy directions, is going to either force him to clamp down hard on enforcing the LAW of this USA land, or it'll be a miracle if he can survive the next 4 years with genuine "peace and prosperity" thruout the nation.


                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                BTW on local politics why is the government trying to rush through lots of legislation without letting the Senate review it? Isn't that the role of the Senate as a house of review?
                Are you referring to the USA or somewhere else?
                If it's the USA, it seems our executive Admin is pushing thru whatever they can to make it either easier if Hillary gets in (and start enforcing things pronto), or harder (to start the repeal processes) if Trump gets voted in as President.

                Not sure about other nations.
                I think the whole USA situation has turned into such a circus, the world might as well put the One World Gov't into control sooner, than later. At least most of us expecting this, will know what the world will be in for.. (waiting for that "told yah so" echoes to be heard in the news/radio, etc). *sigh*

                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                You're a GOLDFISH?!?
                If a goldfish is taken out of its aquarium and tossed into a larger pond, it's been said to grow to its full potential. Of course, I found a website that claims that is a myth, and it depends on how toxic the treatment of the water is that determines the stunted growth of a goldfish.

                So, if I've been taken out of my sheltered, comfort zone (which some folks might claim was toxic as in giving me tunnel vision), I know after I got married, I got tossed into the ocean and surrounded by some nasty sharks.. If that is how to grow to one's *full* potential, that's a strange way of getting there. But I've been thru some stormy seas over these many decades.. somehow, it's supposed to have helped make me stronger -- faith-wise, that is. Scary stuff there!

                BTW, found some interesting tidbits on goldfish..
                "50+ Fascinating Goldfish facts"


                  Originally posted by Womble View Post

                  Is that Pizza rat, cause you know at least that rat goes out and works.
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Heard that most of them will be going on *instant* welfare, etc., type of financial and housing support assistance. No jobs needed for them.
                    Yeah, cause people who flee violence, corruption and religious oppression are they types of people who want to live on welfare..............
                    "Quick kids, get on the boat, suffer the trip where you could die of all manner of diseases and violence"
                    "Why Dad??"
                    "So I can get the free stuff while everyone hates me!!"
                    "Dad, aren't we leaving because everyone hates us?"
                    "Shut up kid"
                    Some people have been asked to give up their 2nd homes, so the refugees can do what regular renters do, but for free.
                    How Unchristian!!
                    Most people I know who have rented, don't want to rent out any more, because many of the renters trash the place -- whether intentionally or not, it's become a sorry status for folks who used to get some extra income managing their extra (summer or winter) home, when not using it.
                    Awww, that poor money...........
                    BTW, how many of them already speak English or Spanish, or will be learning to speak it in the near future in order to not being such a social outcast? (Rumor mill says) Some are being sent to regional areas that speak their language and live their culture. USA apparently has a lot more Sunni Muslims than Shia. Apparently, it's mostly the Sunni areas where many disruptions legal complaints are occurring. So, again basing this background on what the rumor mills are saying (other web/discussion boards, etc.) what's a few more disgruntled folks to add into the complaint department mix..?
                    So, you are basing your opinion on rumour, innuendo and ignorance?
                    I would like to say I was surprised............
                    If Trump does get in as President, if he makes it past the first six months, let alone first 100 days, without getting a migraine headache -- the current *stuff* of mega complaining that seems to be growing in leaps and bounds into all sorts of crazy directions, is going to either force him to clamp down hard on enforcing the LAW of this USA land, or it'll be a miracle if he can survive the next 4 years with genuine "peace and prosperity" thruout the nation.
                    I, umm, err,.....................
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                      Are you referring to the USA or somewhere else?
                      Coco is Australian, he specifically mentioned -local politics-
                      If it's the USA, it seems our executive Admin is pushing thru whatever they can to make it either easier if Hillary gets in (and start enforcing things pronto), or harder (to start the repeal processes) if Trump gets voted in as President.
                      Uh, huh...........
                      Not sure about other nations.
                      Geography, that's one of them science things, right?
                      I think the whole USA situation has turned into such a circus,
                      Hence my Avatar.
                      the world might as well put the One World Gov't into control sooner, than later. At least most of us expecting this, will know what the world will be in for.. (waiting for that "told yah so" echoes to be heard in the news/radio, etc). *sigh*
                      I'm with the 6+ billion who don't.
                      "No one knows the day or the hour" if I remember correctly, are you claiming to know otherwise?
                      I think there was a very specific Angel who got into trouble for the very same sin.
                      A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                      The truth isn't the truth


                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        How Unchristian!!
                        Would you like to continue renting to people who trash your home, be it a spare or purchased for extra income? Jesus didn't say to be foolish with our money, He advised us to be wise -- to make wise choices.

                        Respect is often earned. Nowadays, it seems *respect* doesn't even exist, except to give in to the demands of the person causing harassing and damaging problems.

                        You can't force a tenant to behave politely, but you can set a list of rental guidelines for the tenant to adhere to. If they fail to do that, and depending on how severe of condition they've left the house or apartment, are you just going to proverbially kiss butt and make nice-nice *all* the time, or stand your ground if any damages were done to your abode? Who pays the cost of damage?

                        There are lots of stories I've heard about bad tenants doing horrid things to good landlord managers. Enough stupid nonsense that has made the other neighbors "say what???" and keep an extra eye on their own property because of those other incidents. I'm not talking about nice neighborhoods where the houses are in the expensive racket tier, but the lower classed areas, where rental tenants trash their neighbors yards as well as their own. I've ended up picking up the trash that lands on my yard, plus I've gone into the road and removed stuff thrown there by people I have no idea who did the deed. I only saw the disgusting results. It's constant. And it's a PITA..! Is that shocking enough?

                        I'm not a landlord. Had the opportunity offered, and turned it down.. now, my hubby and I are very grateful we turned it down. The stuff of complaints and misdeeds done that we've heard, goes beyond sanity. Some of the problems we've heard about is just downright rude on the tenant's part. My patience level only goes so far (and so does God's before He sends abrupt warnings to our misdeeds); and those who know me, also know that I give extra chances for people to change, but when they don't, I'm just thankful that person or persons are not tenants I have to deal with on a personal finance spectrum.

                        And it seems I'm the only one in the neighborhood who tries to make the area look half way decent, until the next slob ruins the street (neighborhood area) again. I'd hate to see what they've done to their own living abode... and I've seen and heard some doozey stories. (Drunk, drugs, mad at the world excuses..)

                        So, be a door mat and be walked all over on, or stand your ground as a landlord or housing manager?

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        Hence my Avatar.
                        Ugly joker. I try to avoid looking at it.
                        I never did like Batman's joker, regardless of which time era he showed up in.
                        Anyway, I've forgotten what your previous picture looked like.

                        Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                        I'm with the 6+ billion who don't.
                        "No one knows the day or the hour" if I remember correctly, are you claiming to know otherwise?
                        I think there was a very specific Angel who got into trouble for the very same sin.
                        What's the one world gov't got to do with the Lord's final "day and hour" outside of an approximate seven year countdown...? There might be a difference in time between the two, so we should keep that in mind.. lest we end up finding ourselves in for bigger surprises than we least expected. Yes? Also, the initial one-world gov't might not start out as the ultimate one that the eventual "Anti-Christ" sets up. That persona wants to rule over Jerusalem. Why? Other than having some spiritual connection, I have no idea.. it's a desert out there. Now, if there is a wealth of resources in existence -- that I can understand why such a person wants to be in the center of that area.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          As far as allowing voters to vote online en mass, that would be an absolute disaster. How many computers in the US are already infected with malware? Imagine if the prize could be the presidency, or a congresscritter position?
                          Or worse, how often have we seen this or that Government site BREAK DOWN cause of being overloaded...

                          And in linked news,

                          [‘Election fraud’ begins in Florida? NBC affiliate posts election results for local race that hasn’t happened yet

                          "Laurel Bennet, a Republican candidate for Florida House district 86, got a rude awakening Saturday morning when a Democratic candidate running in the same race informed her that West Palm Beach NBC affiliate WPTV posted the results of the primary election — three days before the actual primary."]

                          [Laurel Bennett, Candidate for Florida House Representative District 86, Discovers WPTV Fake Election Results Before August 30th Election
                          "On Saturday morning August 27th, Laurel was shocked to receive a phone call that the election results were already in, according to the WPTV website! As one can see in the screenshot of Google search results below, it shows Laurel Bennett receiving 45% of the vote and a little over 12K votes in the August 30th Primary!"]


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          What do you want to do about it?
                          Throw them in jail and pay for that with taxpayer money?
                          Throw them OUT, not in our jails where WE have to pay to incarcerate them.

                          Some people have been asked to give up their 2nd homes, so the refugees can do what regular renters do, but for free. Most people I know who have rented, don't want to rent out any more, because many of the renters trash the place -- whether intentionally or not, it's become a sorry status for folks who used to get some extra income managing their extra (summer or winter) home, when not using it.
                          I have also heard of those stories.. More from the Europe area, than here in the states so far..

                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          How Unchristian!!
                          Most people I know who have rented, don't want to rent out any more, because many of the renters trash the place -- whether intentionally or not, it's become a sorry status for folks who used to get some extra income managing their extra (summer or winter) home, when not using it.
                          Awww, that poor money.........
                          If it wasn't for the income of rent from my first house, i would barely be keepig my head above 'water' so to speak.


                            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post

                            Oh, and Annoyed, I found this the scariest thing you have -ever- written
                            Quote Originally Posted by Annoyed
                            In times of recession, there are far more workers than available jobs. So employers do not have to compete for workers, and can hold the line on wages or even force cuts.
                            That is.......... disturbing.
                            You don't really know too much about how our job market works, do you? Because, disturbing or not (and trust me, I don't like it either) that is exactly the way things work here.


                              Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                              Would you like to continue renting to people who trash your home, be it a spare or purchased for extra income? Jesus didn't say to be foolish with our money, He advised us to be wise -- to make wise choices.
                              If you are going to quote me, do it on what I am -actually- talking about, ok.
                              I was talking about Refugee's.
                              Respect is often earned. Nowadays, it seems *respect* doesn't even exist, except to give in to the demands of the person causing harassing and damaging problems.
                              That's not respect.
                              You can't force a tenant to behave politely, but you can set a list of rental guidelines for the tenant to adhere to. If they fail to do that, and depending on how severe of condition they've left the house or apartment, are you just going to proverbially kiss butt and make nice-nice *all* the time, or stand your ground if any damages were done to your abode? Who pays the cost of damage?
                              I don't have any issue with landlords having rules. If you bothered to apply the quotation to what I said, rather than changing the context entirely, you would not have even brought up this drivel.
                              There are lots of stories I've heard about bad tenants doing horrid things to good landlord managers. Enough stupid nonsense that has made the other neighbors "say what???" and keep an extra eye on their own property because of those other incidents. I'm not talking about nice neighborhoods where the houses are in the expensive racket tier, but the lower classed areas, where rental tenants trash their neighbors yards as well as their own. I've ended up picking up the trash that lands on my yard, plus I've gone into the road and removed stuff thrown there by people I have no idea who did the deed. I only saw the disgusting results. It's constant. And it's a PITA..! Is that shocking enough?
                              3 paragraphs based on something I did not say.
                              Well Done.

                              I'm not a landlord. Had the opportunity offered, and turned it down.. now, my hubby and I are very grateful we turned it down. The stuff of complaints and misdeeds done that we've heard, goes beyond sanity. Some of the problems we've heard about is just downright rude on the tenant's part. My patience level only goes so far (and so does God's before He sends abrupt warnings to our misdeeds); and those who know me, also know that I give extra chances for people to change, but when they don't, I'm just thankful that person or persons are not tenants I have to deal with on a personal finance spectrum.
                              What is the point in this?
                              And it seems I'm the only one in the neighborhood who tries to make the area look half way decent, until the next slob ruins the street (neighborhood area) again. I'd hate to see what they've done to their own living abode... and I've seen and heard some doozey stories. (Drunk, drugs, mad at the world excuses..)
                              Lets add Martyr complex to pride.

                              So, be a door mat and be walked all over on, or stand your ground as a landlord or housing manager?
                              Stand your ground, what else.

                              Ugly joker. I try to avoid looking at it.
                              I never did like Batman's joker, regardless of which time era he showed up in.
                              Anyway, I've forgotten what your previous picture looked like.
                              It's Donald Trump, not the Joker.
                              My previous Avi was Colbert dressed up for his "Hungry for power games" skit.

                              What's the one world gov't got to do with the Lord's final "day and hour" outside of an approximate seven year countdown...? There might be a difference in time between the two, so we should keep that in mind.. lest we end up finding ourselves in for bigger surprises than we least expected. Yes? Also, the initial one-world gov't might not start out as the ultimate one that the eventual "Anti-Christ" sets up. That persona wants to rule over Jerusalem. Why? Other than having some spiritual connection, I have no idea.. it's a desert out there. Now, if there is a wealth of resources in existence -- that I can understand why such a person wants to be in the center of that area.
                              You whole screed here, your pet thread, these are all geared towards "knowing" when the end will come, and how to see it coming.
                              My point however was to show you just how few people on this little rock believe in your Sky Father, nor should we have to. I am sure there are probably 7+ Billion who don't believe in mine, but you don't see me pushing for people to base their political views on when Loki will guide his ship of dead mens nails to begin Raganarok, do you?
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                You don't really know too much about how our job market works, do you? Because, disturbing or not (and trust me, I don't like it either) that is exactly the way things work here.
                                Oh, I know how it works, the fact that you seemed somewhat flippant, or at least resigned to the fact is what concerned me.
                                ALL THANKS TO THE WONDERFUL CREATOR OF THIS SIG GO TO R.I.G.
                                A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                                The truth isn't the truth

