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The Political Discussion Thread

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    There are enough politics threads already


      Nah, its a political Thread is it not?


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        And on a related note across the pond, it seems that there are elements working to defy the will of the voters there, too and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

        Excerpts from:

        I have no doubt that someone involved w/ British govt. put those words in Merkel's chief of staff mouth for him.

        And also from the BBC (They do something besides Doctor Who? Who knew? )

        EU referendum petition signed by more than 2.5m

        I've also read stuff about the government not obeying the will of the voters and staying in the EU..

        In short, it seems that just as in the US, the political party leaders might be trying to thwart the will of the voters.

        To be fair, Scotland and Northern Ireland want in, and by Linda's comments, they are pretty upset at the result of the vote. I can imagine that most opposition to abiding by the referendum would come from their politicians.

        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        Does anyone else think it might be a good idea to start a separate "Brexit" thread? It appears this is not going to be a done deal anytime soon.

        No. People wanted non-American politics and here it is.
        By Nolamom


          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
          Does anyone else think it might be a good idea to start a separate "Brexit" thread? It appears this is not going to be a done deal anytime soon.

          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
          There are enough politics threads already
          Originally posted by pookey View Post
          Nah, its a political Thread is it not?
          I agree with PH and pookey. Leave "Brexit" here -- just maybe if discussing it, mark at the top of your postings
          about Brexit --

          That should help in separating which "political" topic is being discussed at that moment.

          Also, I've heard there's talk elsewhere in the news and on the internet about "Texit". It's about the USA state of Texas desiring to secede from the rest of the USA and go it alone. Good luck with that. What may have worked in the past century (in the 1800's) might *not* work in today's world. Plus, it obviously will screw up all sorts of other problems with companies already doing seminar training classes or workshops from other states in that area.

          "After Brexit, what? U.S. secessionists hankering for 'Texit'"
          By Jon Herskovitz
          AUSTIN, Texas; Fri Jun 24, 2016 5:28pm EDT
          ( © 2016 Reuters. All Rights Reserved )

          Emboldened by Brexit, U.S. secessionists in Texas are keen to adopt the campaign tactics used to sway the British vote for leaving the European Union and are demanding "Texit" comes next.

          The citizen-driven vote in Britain can be a model for Texas, which was an independent country from 1836 to 1845, and its $1.6 trillion a year economy would be among the 10 largest in the world, said Daniel Miller, president of the Texas Nationalist Movement...
          And then there are also other countries complaining about doing the same as well all across the globe.
          If any of these become a mass following might certainly collapse the entire planet into another global war; and poke holes into the plans of the NWO from forming.. unless those "ten kings" (of Revelation and the book of Daniel noted in the Bible) are the already designated regions of the earth that the United Nations mentioned of a few years ago.


            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
            And then there are also other countries complaining about doing the same as well all across the globe.
            If any of these become a mass following might certainly collapse the entire planet into another global war; and poke holes into the plans of the NWO from forming.. unless those "ten kings" (of Revelation and the book of Daniel noted in the Bible) are the already designated regions of the earth that the United Nations mentioned of a few years ago.
            The NWO crowd needs to be stopped, by any means necessary. The US should NEVER agree to allow any other entity to have jurisdiction over it. The UN hasn't done so well for the US, has it? It has become pretty much a "Hate the U.S." club as far as I can tell. Unless, of course, they want us to pay for something or go to war. What makes anyone one think any other "world government" would be any different?


              Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
              But they went absolutely insane with the stories they were telling..

              How could they think anyone would believe them?
              It worked like a treat in the Scottish independence referendum. One of the main threats was that Sotland wouldn't be in the EU if they gained independence. How's that working out now? That's one of the reasons Sturgeon can trigger a second indyref and even previous no voters who are angry at the EU vote are turning to yes.

              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post

              You misunderstand what a referendum is -- yes, the people have voted, but the government doesn't have to follow the result of it. It's not binding. They could alter the choice and remain in the EU -- however, they'll loose face and credibility all at once one way or another.
              That's if there's anyone left The Tory and Labour councillors are resigning left, right and centre. They are falling apart

              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
              Does anyone else think it might be a good idea to start a separate "Brexit" thread? It appears this is not going to be a done deal anytime soon.
              Could take years

              Originally posted by aretood2 View Post

              To be fair, Scotland and Northern Ireland want in, and by Linda's comments, they are pretty upset at the result of the vote. I can imagine that most opposition to abiding by the referendum would come from their politicians.

              No. People wanted non-American politics and here it is.
              I know some of the people of Scotland are angry, that's one of the reasons some folks voted no in the indyref. So that we were guaranteed to remain in the EU. I personally thought that Scotland could have negotiated their place in the EU. But project fear won in the end. Some people are scared to take a chance. Now that we are being forced out of the EU against our will is making a lot of people unhappy and it's breathed new life into an independent Scotland.

              Some of the things I've seen happening since the EU ref against foreigners is disgusting. The thing I laugh at sometimes is that some Brits moan about immigrants coming into the country, and this from a country that invaded half the world

              I fear what will happen in the UK now, especially if UKIP get more popular in England. No foreigner will be safe, or Scot as UKIP and the Tories hate the Scots. I just hope we can get out of the UK beofre it's too late.

              How how about some US politics. What's your guys opinion on the Presidency candidates. I know a lot of Scots don't like Trump, don't really know much about Hillary Clinton other than the obvious


                Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                OMG blood sausage sounds like something a Klingon would eat.
                Joh' EEEEE Ju!@ K'hapla!

                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                And on a related note across the pond, it seems that there are elements working to defy the will of the voters there, too and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

                Excerpts from:

                I have no doubt that someone involved w/ British govt. put those words in Merkel's chief of staff mouth for him.
                Of course. The elites can never let us decide for ourselves, unless what we decide is what THEY want us to..

                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                And also from the BBC (They do something besides Doctor Who? Who knew? )

                EU referendum petition signed by more than 2.5m

                I've also read stuff about the government not obeying the will of the voters and staying in the EU..

                In short, it seems that just as in the US, the political party leaders might be trying to thwart the will of the voters.
                And if these schmucks get their will, and get a 2nd referendum. What are they gonna do if the results are the exact same?? Majority vote to leave? Whine and start a petition to get yet another referendum?

                Or like liberals here love to do, just go to court and sue to get the will of the voter overturned and ignored??

                Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                Also, I've heard there's talk elsewhere in the news and on the internet about "Texit". It's about the USA state of Texas desiring to secede from the rest of the USA and go it alone. Good luck with that. What may have worked in the past century (in the 1800's) might *not* work in today's world. Plus, it obviously will screw up all sorts of other problems with companies already doing seminar training classes or workshops from other states in that area.
                There's times i would LVOE To see CA do just that..!!


                  Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                  Of course. The elites can never let us decide for ourselves, unless what we decide is what THEY want us to..

                  And if these schmucks get their will, and get a 2nd referendum. What are they gonna do if the results are the exact same?? Majority vote to leave? Whine and start a petition to get yet another referendum?

                  Or like liberals here love to do, just go to court and sue to get the will of the voter overturned and ignored??
                  As I understand it, these referendums are non-binding. They don't have to go whining to the courts or anyone else, for that matter. The Govt. can do what it wants under their laws.


                    about Texit, --

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    Also, I've heard there's talk elsewhere in the news and on the internet about "Texit". It's about the USA state of Texas desiring to secede from the rest of the USA and go it alone. Good luck with that. What may have worked in the past century (in the 1800's) might *not* work in today's world. Plus, it obviously will screw up all sorts of other problems with companies already doing seminar training classes or workshops from other states in that area.

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    There's times i would LVOE To see CA do just that..!!
                    So, that would make CA's departure as "Calileave". . .? or Calipartnia? The San Andreas fault quake or Yellowstone's expected super-magma eruption might help in that separation factor area, too.. . . .

                    Actually, California would probably LOVE to see the rest of the USA states fall into CA's own footsteps and ways (rules & regs and various morooooon habits of the folks already living there).
                    I've encountered people living on the east coast USA who would LOVE to see our side join in with the western side of life.
                    It's tempting to just shout "then YOU move over to there".. leave the rest of us alone, thank you!

                    Just read last night that Washington state is apparently following in CA's ways of life, or trying to push it into their rules and regs into the general population there. *sigh*

                    LOL!!! I just read a California headline partially reading "The Land of Fruit and Nuts.." so true about Cali -- yep, but on a totally different *fruity* level tho.
                    seriously.. who makes that stuff up?? divine providence?

                    Below quote has nothing to do with the Washington state issue, but here is the headline to my previous paragraph note--
                    "Land of fruit and nuts: Who's running for Senate in California? Everyone"
                    by Jane Wells
                    Tuesday, 7 Jun 2016, 9:30 AM ET
                    ( © 2016 CNBC LLC. All Rights Reserved.
                    A Division of NBCUniversal )
                    Also, just noticed the article headline came from a division of NBC.. enough said..!

                    Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                    And then there are also other countries complaining about doing the same as well all across the globe.
                    . . .

                    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                    Of course. The elites can never let us decide for ourselves, unless what we decide is what THEY want us to..
                    Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                    As I understand it, these referendums are non-binding. They don't have to go whining to the courts or anyone else, for that matter. The Govt. can do what it wants under their laws.
                    Well, if (George)Soros wanted to cause chaos, as some of the commentators on the radio and internet keep harping about, he's certainly got this one in the bag (if marked for *chaos*). But according to the BBC, Soros is claiming this whole Brexit idea might end up becoming a bad spinoff into other countries doing their own EXIT/leave idea as well.

                    "Soros warns of EU disintegration"
                    25 June 2016, Business, BBC news
                    (Copyright © 2016 BBC)

                    Billionaire investor George Soros has warned that Britain's vote to leave the European Union makes the disintegration of the bloc "practically irreversible".

                    However, he called for thorough reconstruction of the EU in an attempt to save it.

                    Before Thursday's UK referendum, Mr Soros had warned of financial meltdown if Britain voted to leave.

                    In his latest comments, he said the effects of the decision would damage Britain.
                    . . .
                    Have no fear, Mr. Soros & company, the U.N. will probably come up with something that will be along the lines of some sort of global *executive order* in order to prevent the whole world from falling apart or revolting against each other (probably primarily meaning their gov'ts).


                      The case for a second EU referendum It's looking bad for a possible Brexit, folks. I think people like FH will like this:


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                        But they went absolutely insane with the stories they were telling..

                        How could they think anyone would believe them?
                        Both sides told massive porkies. They were as bad as each other.


                          Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                          Does anyone else think it might be a good idea to start a separate "Brexit" thread? It appears this is not going to be a done deal anytime soon.
                          Why? We've had you lot go on and on about Trump et al, and your election is months away.


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            That's if there's anyone left The Tory and Labour councillors are resigning left, right and centre. They are falling apart
                            That's what happens if your campaign is based on crappy lines, and you don't really have a plan for after the vote.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Could take years
                            Forget it, the EU wants the UK out, as soon as possible. Cameron stalled the process until October, but you can bet it won't be years.

                            An example will be set - or has to be set as soon as possible.

                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            How how about some US politics. What's your guys opinion on the Presidency candidates. I know a lot of Scots don't like Trump, don't really know much about Hillary Clinton other than the obvious

                            Brexit is a nice breather from US-politics.

                            Altough, what obvious do you know about Hillary C?

                            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                            There's times i would LVOE To see CA do just that..!!
                            Perhaps they're better off on their own - reunite with Mexico.

                            Originally posted by SGalisa View Post
                            But according to the BBC, Soros is claiming this whole Brexit idea might end up becoming a bad spinoff into other countries doing their own EXIT/leave idea as well.
                            Yes, the only one remaining will be Roumania.

                            Originally posted by Nirude View Post
                            The case for a second EU referendum It's looking bad for a possible Brexit, folks. I think people like FH will like this:
                            Don't worry -- I'll have my special dance and song ready for when the **** really hits the UK-fan.
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              Don't worry -- I'll have my special dance and song ready for when the **** really hits the UK-fan.
                              Hah, OK. I am just half-kidding of course, discussing politics on a Stargate forum is much more relaxed compared to somewhere like Twitter.. where antifa and nazis are literally killing each other over the same things we're talking about and posting the results on twitter. Pretty screwed up.

                              After the next election in the US I feel a lot of **** will hit the fan regardless of the result. Could you even write off a coup attempt? I don't live in the US but it seems very, very heated.


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                                Don't worry -- I'll have my special dance and song ready for when the **** really hits the UK-fan.

