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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
    I don't personally give a rooty toot if they are banging their Nannies or are functioning alcoholics. I care that they will also do what is best for them and keeping their cushy jobs than what is best for their constituents. I don't have a good choice in this election. Romney claims he will let us drill in our country, for that alone I will vote for him.
    But you just said that you did. You said it was a "matter of morals".

    I'm sorry, was Obama stopping oil companies from drilling? When?
    If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
    Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
    If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

    Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


      Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
      I'd hardly say that's most politicians. And if they did cheat, who cares? I wouldn't care who my PM is shacking up with, just as long as they're running the country well. And it being legal, of course.
      Let's see. US Congress has 200 senators, and over 400 representatives. That's over 600 federal congressmen. In a ten year period we go through about a thousand congressmen in US congress. So if we had a scandal a month (Which it usually takes two months of news coverage) in a ten year period that gives us only enough room for 120 scandals in one decade. 120 cases of infidelity or something really bad out of 1,000 would mean that in a ten year period only 12% of politicians in congress do something unfaithful or illegal. Now scandals on the national level also involve governors, so throw in 100 more politicians (Governors and Lt. governors). Add state congressmen and now you have thousands of politicians. Given the national divorce rate, I'd say politicians are no worse than average citizens when it comes to infidelity.

      Since there is only a limited slot of months a year to discuss when and how and if a politician did something naughty, I'd say we have only seen a few politicians guilty of something naughty. The media does warp people's preceptions, doesn't it?

      Then there's the fact that people are gullible when it comes to politicians. I mean, really gullible. People believe it when they say that John Smith will end all your problems, or that John Smith killed ten babies, poisoned the well, and burned the school down. The truth? They are just human beings with as many if not more faults than the rest of us.
      By Nolamom


        Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
        But you just said that you did. You said it was a "matter of morals".

        I'm sorry, was Obama stopping oil companies from drilling? When?
        Didn't he activlily move to stop the Alaskan Pipeline and Off shore drilling?
        I like Sharky


          Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
          But you just said that you did. You said it was a "matter of morals".

          I'm sorry, was Obama stopping oil companies from drilling? When?
          My neighbors across the road own some property in North west PA and allowed the oil company to drill, and they found oil. they now receive about $50,000 a month . It was during the latest admin. so apparently he didn't stop them.
          no means no, and so does pepper spray
          Sig by The Carpenter


            Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
            Didn't he activlily move to stop the Alaskan Pipeline and Off shore drilling?
            aye, that he did - but these ecoterrorists will never take away our God-given right to destroy the Lord's work!


              Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
              aye, that he did - but these ecoterrorists will never take away our God-given right to destroy the Lord's work!
              If it will get gas below $3 a Gal, I say Slaughter,Burn,Destroy and Salt the FUHH DURN EARTH!
              I like Sharky


                Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                I can't say I really give a crap about a politician's marital fidelity (or lack thereof). Where he or she is sticking it/taking it really has no bearing on, say, their ability to read an intelligence report and make a military call, or their ability to negotiate with foreign leaders, etc etc.
                To be sure, the way politicians deal with marital fidelity scandals says a lot about their general conduct. Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton comes to mind.

                I remember there was a similar scandal in Israel when Netanyahu, then the Likid's frontrunner for Prime Minister position, was being blackmailed by his political opponents with evidence of an extramarital affair he's had. He solved it very simply- admitted the affair on prime time TV, said that it was over and that it was a private matter between him and his wife, and left it at that. It was over in a matter of days and no one made any fuss anymore.
                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                  Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                  But you just said that you did. You said it was a "matter of morals".

                  I'm sorry, was Obama stopping oil companies from drilling? When?
                  Yes, their morals. I don't care about them.

                  Posting at.............


                    Originally posted by SoulReaver View Post
                    aye, that he did - but these ecoterrorists will never take away our God-given right to destroy the Lord's work!
                    The earth is much more resilent than given credit for. If we let all the other countries drill without green regulations and we can drill with them, how are you really helping the earth anyway?

                    We all share this planet.
                    Posting at.............


                      Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                      If it will get gas below $3 a Gal, I say Slaughter,Burn,Destroy and Salt the FUHH DURN EARTH!
                      I agree to an extent. When Americans are losing their houses, jobs and the ability to put food on the table, you do need to figure out a better balance.
                      Posting at.............


                        Originally posted by Womble View Post
                        To be sure, the way politicians deal with marital fidelity scandals says a lot about their general conduct. Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton comes to mind.

                        I remember there was a similar scandal in Israel when Netanyahu, then the Likid's frontrunner for Prime Minister position, was being blackmailed by his political opponents with evidence of an extramarital affair he's had. He solved it very simply- admitted the affair on prime time TV, said that it was over and that it was a private matter between him and his wife, and left it at that. It was over in a matter of days and no one made any fuss anymore.
                        It brings to mind the question,"If you will lie about __________ ,then what else willl you lie about?".
                        Posting at.............


                          Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
                          Let's see. US Congress has 200 senators, and over 400 representatives. That's over 600 federal congressmen. In a ten year period we go through about a thousand congressmen in US congress. So if we had a scandal a month (Which it usually takes two months of news coverage) in a ten year period that gives us only enough room for 120 scandals in one decade. 120 cases of infidelity or something really bad out of 1,000 would mean that in a ten year period only 12% of politicians in congress do something unfaithful or illegal. Now scandals on the national level also involve governors, so throw in 100 more politicians (Governors and Lt. governors). Add state congressmen and now you have thousands of politicians. Given the national divorce rate, I'd say politicians are no worse than average citizens when it comes to infidelity.

                          Since there is only a limited slot of months a year to discuss when and how and if a politician did something naughty, I'd say we have only seen a few politicians guilty of something naughty. The media does warp people's preceptions, doesn't it?

                          Then there's the fact that people are gullible when it comes to politicians. I mean, really gullible. People believe it when they say that John Smith will end all your problems, or that John Smith killed ten babies, poisoned the well, and burned the school down. The truth? They are just human beings with as many if not more faults than the rest of us.
                          You're saying "if". Really. Facts, please.

                          Originally posted by The Flyattractor View Post
                          Didn't he activlily move to stop the Alaskan Pipeline and Off shore drilling?
                          The Albertan, and IIRC, a governor didn't want it either, because it would go over some aquifer. And he did tighten offshore drilling regulations...after Deepwater. Logical reaction.

                          Originally posted by Girlbot View Post
                          My neighbors across the road own some property in North west PA and allowed the oil company to drill, and they found oil. they now receive about $50,000 a month . It was during the latest admin. so apparently he didn't stop them.
                          So, no.

                          Originally posted by Womble View Post
                          To be sure, the way politicians deal with marital fidelity scandals says a lot about their general conduct. Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton comes to mind.

                          I remember there was a similar scandal in Israel when Netanyahu, then the Likid's frontrunner for Prime Minister position, was being blackmailed by his political opponents with evidence of an extramarital affair he's had. He solved it very simply- admitted the affair on prime time TV, said that it was over and that it was a private matter between him and his wife, and left it at that. It was over in a matter of days and no one made any fuss anymore.
                          To be fair, that's not the worst extramarital affair a leading member of the Likud party has gotten into. *points to Katsav*

                          Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
                          The earth is much more resilent than given credit for. If we let all the other countries drill without green regulations and we can drill with them, how are you really helping the earth anyway?

                          We all share this planet.
                          We aren't trying to help the earth. We're trying to save ourselves. The earth will still be here. It will just be uninhabitable.

                          Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
                          It brings to mind the question,"If you will lie about __________ ,then what else willl you lie about?".
                          Since everyone has lied, we shouldn't trust anyone.
                          If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                          Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                          If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                          Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                            Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                            You're saying "if". Really. Facts, please.

                            The Albertan, and IIRC, a governor didn't want it either, because it would go over some aquifer. And he did tighten offshore drilling regulations...after Deepwater. Logical reaction.

                            So, no.

                            To be fair, that's not the worst extramarital affair a leading member of the Likud party has gotten into. *points to Katsav*

                            We aren't trying to help the earth. We're trying to save ourselves. The earth will still be here. It will just be uninhabitable.

                            Since everyone has lied, we shouldn't trust anyone.
                            Yes, you are making my own point. If the other countries are drilling without regard to the green planet and we have the ability to drill more green, then it makes sense that we should drill more ourselves instead of being dependent on the countries that are drilling without regard to the planet that we all share.

                            That is not really a good argument in any way shape or form. If some kill or rape should we let them be politicians too? The politicians are supposed to not lie in regards to their jobs. They actually have to swear to it. I am just playing devil's advocate, btw, because I really don't care who bangs who as long as they don't cheat the people out of what is best for them in favor of saving their own butts or padding their own bank accounts.
                            Posting at.............


                              Originally posted by Graybrew1 View Post
                              Yes, you are making my own point. If the other countries are drilling without regard to the green planet and we have the ability to drill more green, then it makes sense that we should drill more ourselves instead of being dependent on the countries that are drilling without regard to the planet that we all share.
                              You cannot drill oil and be green. Or, rather, there will be little net gain for the environment. There's no such thing as clean coal, or clean oil.

                              That is not really a good argument in any way shape or form. If some kill or rape should we let them be politicians too? The politicians are supposed to not lie in regards to their jobs. They actually have to swear to it. I am just playing devil's advocate, btw, because I really don't care who bangs who as long as they don't cheat the people out of what is best for them in favor of saving their own butts or padding their own bank accounts.
                              Lying is not illegal, save for perjury and defamation and stuff like that. Rape and murder are. If someone commits a rape or murder, they should go to jail, where they cannot be politicians.
                              If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                              Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                              If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                              Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                                Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                                You cannot drill oil and be green. Or, rather, there will be little net gain for the environment. There's no such thing as clean coal, or clean oil.

                                Lying is not illegal, save for perjury and defamation and stuff like that. Rape and murder are. If someone commits a rape or murder, they should go to jail, where they cannot be politicians.
                                Modern techniques for drilling are far cleaner then they were back in the day. Technology is a wonderful thing. In america even capatalist do try to keep the earth from becoming a cesspool,unlike 3rd world contries that pay little to no attention to enviromental issues. And what if being a politician is what got the person tossed in prison in the first place?
                                I like Sharky

