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    Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
    Maybe they are and you don't know it, eh
    Nonsense. They would bring their beer with them, and if there was beer that good in this country, I'd know about it.


      Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
      Maybe they are and you don't know it, eh
      They are taking over!


        Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
        I rather like Trump's position on illegal immigration. It puts the interests of the US working people first, rather than the interests of other countries and multinational corporations as our current policy does. And he does touch upon the trade agreements we've signed, too.
        Of course Trump puts the US working people first...............

        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
        The truth isn't the truth


          Originally posted by Ukko View Post
          They are taking over!
          They're in league with the scary brown people! All talking funny and being slightly different!


            Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
            Of course Trump puts the US working people first...............

            They work for Trump back in Mexico too, making his "signature collection" clothes line..


              Its nice to see generalizations and stereotypes are still alive
              Originally posted by aretood2
              Jelgate is right


                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                Its nice to see generalizations and stereotypes are still alive
                Silence, ungrateful colonial!


                  Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                  Silence, ungrateful colonial!
                  Ukko! Use the tea!


                    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                    Its nice to see generalizations and stereotypes are still alive
                    Someone like you -would- say that........
                    A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                    The truth isn't the truth


                      Originally posted by Ukko View Post
                      Silence, ungrateful colonial!

                      Did you say something? I was too busy dumping tea into the water.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                        They work for Trump back in Mexico too, making his "signature collection" clothes line..
                        That's because he loves them!!
                        A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                        The truth isn't the truth


                          Originally posted by Gatefan1976 View Post
                          Of course Trump puts the US working people first...............

                          I like what Trump is saying. Time will tell if he's full of it or not, as things like this are uncovered by the media. And you can rest assured that the left wing media in this country will leave no stone unturned searching for ammo to bring Trump's campaign to a screeching halt.


                            Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                            Ukko! Use the tea!
                            Ill just get the tea.

                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            Did you say something? I was too busy dumping tea into the water.
                            Noooooooo! Not the teaaaa!!!


                              Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                              I like what Trump is saying. Time will tell if he's full of it or not, as things like this are uncovered by the media. And you can rest assured that the left wing media in this country will leave no stone unturned searching for ammo to bring Trump's campaign to a screeching halt.
                              I dunno if I would call the WP "left wing" all that much.
                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                Originally posted by garhkal View Post
                                While i can agree all official forms etc should be in the national language, i DO still see a reason for translators for court rooms in Criminal trials.. as not all criminals would be natives.. You have visitors (Holiday), those on work or student visas as well.
                                Criminals? You don't believe in innocent until proven guilty?

                                That cause of the DOJ, Cal is now being effectively forced to use Tax payer monies to provide Illegal immigrants (and legal residents who just never bothered to learn English) a translator for CIVIL court cases, such as the woman the article mentions, in her Divorce...
                                This is directed towards the comment about legal immigrants. Are you thick or something? Do you not know that people of a certain age are unable to learn a language fully to the extent necessary to feel comfortable in a court or dealing with the government?

                                In which case, which of the many native American tribal tongues should we all be speaking?
                                Why don't we just speak the Lingua Franca and conduct business in it as much as possible and provide translation services when not all parties are able to speak in it themselves?

                                Are they? Then why is it supposedly that 7 million of those Immigrants in just one state, don't speak English at all, or DO but barely?
                                I want proof to back up that number, first of all. I am not taking your word for it like I did the Obama/Iran Deal/Congress thing.

                                IMO if you want to chat in a Foreign language to a fellow 'countryman' while off duty (like on the mess decks) go ahead. Just don't expect me to have to learn your language to get you to do stuff.
                                And who the freak is expecting you to?

                                While true, currently we Don't have an official language. That is why i am asking SHOULD we.. IIRC back in the 1800s/1900s, we DID require people who wanted to immigrate here to speak English, and you HAD to prove you understood it well enough to take the citizenship test.. Sometime in the 1950s onward, it seems we stopped that practice..
                                That is blatantly false. Considering that around the 1940's foreign language instruction stopped and no one in the US was learning a foreign language in any school outside of classes specifically designed to teach a certain few another language.

                                Then why is it when i lived in MS, and traveled to Tx to look at jobs, several of the Businesses in Houston of all places, told me if i Didn't speak Spanish (just so i could speak to the workers in their own tongue NOT ENGLISH), don't bother applying.??
                                That to me DOES show that a lot of Hispanics here do NOT speak English even as a 2nd language..
                                A personal anecdote isn't exactly a good argument. I can easily counter that with my own. Out of the scores of hispanics that I know, only a small minority don't know English, and that minority is shrinking. As far as I can tell, what you are saying is a load of crock. Absent of any real evidence that is. Keep in mind that this whole time I am only talking about legal immigrants and US citizens. Not once, and I do live in an immigrant heavy area, have I ever encountered such a job market as the one you describe. Not one employer.

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                One other thing... You can't really compare prior waves of immigration to the current one.
                                In prior waves, the immigrants were coming into the country legally, via legal entry points and procedures, in numbers set by the United States.
                                That's because there was no such thing as illegal immigration back then. If you wanted in, you were in. Period. Given that choice, everyone would come into the US through ports of entry.

                                A very large percentage of the current wave is coming in illegally.
                                Where is your proof?

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                I rather like Trump's position on illegal immigration. It puts the interests of the US working people first, rather than the interests of other countries and multinational corporations as our current policy does. And he does touch upon the trade agreements we've signed, too.
                                His wall alone would cost 200 Billion, not to mention the cost of maintenance, and the cost of the extra patrols. We are already spending billions on border patrol. Talk about fiscal irresponsibility. His tariff proposals were attempted during the great depression. Their result? It made the depression even worse and cost even more jobs.

                                Not to mention just how closely tied the American economy is to the well being of the Mexican economy. If the Mexican economy goes south, which it will if Trump gets his economic sanctions he wants against Mexico, it will take the US economy down with it, as well as the world economy. You think Greece made people nervous? Greece is nothing compared to what chaos an economically defunct Mexico would bring about.

                                Illegal immigrants don't form the majority, and about half of them aren't even Mexican. Why do you think we aren't being flooded by thousands of Central American kids anymore? (Are they rapists too? What about the women, are they also rapists?) Because of Mexican border security in its southern border.

                                If anything, Mexico has done more to secure the American border than Obama has. And you want to punish Mexico for all of that?

                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                Considering how badly the U.S. is screwed up these days, we might need a supervillain to fix the damn thing.
                                I know you think America is a stink hole. But we don't all share that opinion. This is a great place to live and I see nothing but opportunities around me. Sure it's hard, it could be better and it should. But I'd rather live here than in 100 other countries.
                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                What part of "Illegal" in illegal immigration is so hard to understand?
                                Never mind the effect it has on the economy, just the fact that they broke our laws sneaking into the country ought to be sufficient grounds for deportation.
                                I thought we were speaking about legal immigrants and English? When did the conversation go to illegal immigrants? Oh, that's right, they're all illegal

                                Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                                Its a generalization because Mexicans are the majority
                                It's about 50% and has been declining over the years. The overal illegal entry has also been declining. The strong border enforcement in the Southern Mexican border recently is helping speed that decline slightly.
                                Originally posted by Annoyed View Post
                                The Canadians aren't coming across our borders in droves illegally.
                                Convenient that you didn't mention the Chinese or East Asians, or Africans and so on.
                                By Nolamom

