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    So hang on anyone that says stuff critical of Israel is an anti semite...... Anyone?

    Isn't that a bit one sided?
    Go home aliens, go home!!!!


      Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
      So hang on anyone that says stuff critical of Israel is an anti semite...... Anyone?

      Isn't that a bit one sided?
      Who are you arguing with? Anyone in particular or just attacking imaginary views of imaginary people?
      If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


        Originally posted by KEK View Post
        Huh? He's just rehashed the same infantile 'but they are worse!' rhetoric we've heard over and over again, but garnished it with some insight into the inner workings of a news organization.
        Worse than who? He is pointing out a problem, going as far as admitting to having once been part of the problem. And yes, he has some valuable insights into the inner workings of a major news organization. That only goes to reinforce his claims.

        His editors are right, the story isn't Palestinian corruption. Not because it's not relevant, but because it goes without saying.
        "Without saying" is exactly the problem. His editors are there to report the facts as they are, not to pick and choose what they (or you) think their audience should or shouldn't know. Assuming they want to be professional journalists rather than a propaganda outlet, that is.

        Palestinian corruption is a huge part of the story.

        Also, I hope you're prepared to call this man out as an anti-Semite for calling this "the Jew's war", as I'm sure you would have done if any of us had used that phrase.
        Watch your apostrophe. It gives away too much.

        The actual phrase was:

        When the people responsible for explaining the world to the world, journalists, cover the Jews’ war as more worthy of attention than any other, when they portray the Jews of Israel as the party obviously in the wrong, when they omit all possible justifications for the Jews’ actions and obscure the true face of their enemies, what they are saying to their readers—whether they intend to or not—is that Jews are the worst people on earth.

        Obviously nothing anti-Semitic in that use of the word. His point in that part of the article is that the utterly disproportionate over-reporting of this conflict is due to one of the fighting sides being Jewish. Which is factually correct.
        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


          Originally posted by Womble View Post
          Who are you arguing with? Anyone in particular or just attacking imaginary views of imaginary people?
          Just the general vibe I was getting in the thread, that any open criticism of Israel will be labeled that way..
          Go home aliens, go home!!!!


            Originally posted by Womble View Post
            Worse than who? He is pointing out a problem, going as far as admitting to having once been part of the problem. And yes, he has some valuable insights into the inner workings of a major news organization. That only goes to reinforce his claims.
            It really isn't a problem though, it's a red herring. A tin pot government run in large part by what most of the West considers a terrorists organization being corrupt is a non-story. We know they're corrupt. Of course they're corrupt. This is just pro-Israel piece by a pro-Israel journalist for a pro-Israel website using this relatively minor quibble as yet another platform to start bleating about anti-Semitism that the poor Israelis suffer whilst they're bombing the living crap out of what is essentially a giant open-air prison colony.

            Watch your apostrophe. It gives away too much.


              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
              evidently Lt. Gen. McInerney is worried enough about this kerfuffle with ISIS to push for DEFCON 1
              Confirmed. Regarding what retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney said
              about DEFCON 1 (in CAPS).
              Saw this on Breitbart News-Aug 23, 2014
              "Ret USAF General Warns of Possible 9/11/14 Coming"

              Note.. this year being the 13th year anniversary date (the evil 13)

              Also noted on--- (links below are either incomplete or broken)
              au . ibtimes. com

              .westernjournalism. com

              tampabay. com/news (Florida newspaper)
              Friday, August 22, 2014 4:12pm
              "PunditFact: When the U.S. goes to war, TV networks call the warheads"

              www .malaysia-chronicle. com

              The above stories mention the missing Malaysian Flight 370 showing up for evil intentions, from being kept in hiding. Worst case scenario would affect almost ALL of the USA in one swift move.

              Goodbye. in that case. There goes the USA. Typical. Keep the borders open (which doesn't seem to matter at this point in time) Round the South Americans and Mexicans up into the USA, along with the rest of us nobodies, and wipe us all out in one move. Meanies..! Geeze, this is not an American's idea of
              *retirement* (permanent or temporary!) -- and only God *is* the "GREAT I AM" (current always existing tense), not the I.S..!
              (not saying what the crazy comment blogs within the articles were saying!!!)
              Boooooooooooo..! hissssssss.

              One story mentioned malls being primo (hit, as in what happened a short while ago in Africa) but nothing specific.. scattered, but not specific.


                Oh my goddess, you and your conspiracy theories.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Oh right so forums are indeed funny creatures. You can post in them and share a thought an idea or a lively discussion. You can also upset a lot of people for no reason other then having an opinion or thought that is contrary to the majority..........

                  What am I saying? Should be obvious...... Just that on some forums (not this one) you can make comments about almost any country bar 1 and if you do happen to make a comment that is negative about that one country you get called names like racist, bigot, and so forth........

                  Of course you don't need guesses to work out which country or countries I speak of......

                  Why is that?
                  Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                    All of them?
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      I criticise my own country - that's even more problematic.
                      Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                      Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                        Originally posted by KEK View Post
                        It really isn't a problem though, it's a red herring. A tin pot government run in large part by what most of the West considers a terrorists organization being corrupt is a non-story. We know they're corrupt. Of course they're corrupt.
                        Of course they are corrupt, but how that corruption influences the conflict "goes without saying"- that is, no one dares to discuss it.

                        If I could believe that you had the slightest interest in actually knowing the facts, I could tell you some stories on that subject.

                        This is just pro-Israel piece by a pro-Israel journalist for a pro-Israel website
                        You say it like it's a bad thing.

                        using this relatively minor quibble as yet another platform to start bleating about anti-Semitism that the poor Israelis suffer whilst they're bombing the living crap out of what is essentially a giant open-air prison colony.
                        High-voltage emotional appeals over facts. Classic lefty MO.
                        If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                          Originally posted by Coco Pops View Post
                          Oh right so forums are indeed funny creatures. You can post in them and share a thought an idea or a lively discussion. You can also upset a lot of people for no reason other then having an opinion or thought that is contrary to the majority..........

                          What am I saying? Should be obvious...... Just that on some forums (not this one) you can make comments about almost any country bar 1 and if you do happen to make a comment that is negative about that one country you get called names like racist, bigot, and so forth........

                          Of course you don't need guesses to work out which country or countries I speak of......

                          Why is that?
                          Because more often than not, you give a reason to be called those names
                          If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                            Originally posted by Womble View Post
                            Of course they are corrupt, but how that corruption influences the conflict "goes without saying"- that is, no one dares to discuss it.
                            Dare? Sure, because the pro-Palestinian lobby is just so bloody powerful. You're right, it's the Zionists that are the impartial ones in regards to Israel, not the rest of the world from every corner of the political spectrum, those lot are all just anti-Semites!

                            And if you have stories of Hamas corruption that can justify what Israel is doing/has done then I'm all ears, but I cannot begin to imagine what those could be.

                            You say it like it's a bad thing.
                            It is if you're interested in (relatively) impartial reporting and not convenient propaganda.

                            High-voltage emotional appeals over facts. Classic lefty MO.
                            Which part do you dispute? The Palestinians have their borders blocked and coast blockaded. What is allowed in and out is decided by Israel and Egypt, and the bombing was there for all to see.


                              Originally posted by Womble View Post
                              High-voltage emotional appeals over facts. Classic lefty MO.
                              911 Patriotismâ„¢ Never Forget etc.


                                Originally posted by KEK View Post
                                Dare? Sure, because the pro-Palestinian lobby is just so bloody powerful. You're right, it's the Zionists that are the impartial ones in regards to Israel, not the rest of the world from every corner of the political spectrum, those lot are all just anti-Semites!
                                Wouldn't be the first time that the entire world was wrong and the Jews were right. Just a century or so ago similar logic was applied to blood libel; if the whole world believes that Jews use blood of Christian babies to make matzo, it's got to be true!

                                But this time round, it's simpler. "The rest of the world" is not impartial and does not form its opinions from some rarefied heights of dry objectivity. It forms its opinions off of its TV and computer screens. It gobbles up whatever AP et al serve up. Things that go unreported do not shape opinions; things that are overreported gain disproportionate attention. Emotional stories gain better ratings than factual analysis; an announcement of so-and-so-civilian casualties delivered quickly will be read by an order of magnitude more people than a serious statistical analysis months later that will reveal the original breaking news to have had no basis in fact. When it all taps into the right mix of prior prejudices and laziness, people happily believe any nonsense.

                                And if you have stories of Hamas corruption that can justify what Israel is doing/has done then I'm all ears, but I cannot begin to imagine what those could be.
                                To justify what Israel is doing, it is enough to know what the Palestinians have been doing. Palestinian corruption explains why the Palestinians suffer from shortages of water and other troubles for which Israel is routinely blamed; but the reason Israel bombs them is not corruption, it's their relentless efforts to murder us. This war narrowly averted a massacre of Israel's border towns; it's common knowledge in Israel but- unsurprisingly, I guess- went completely unreported by the foreign news sources.

                                Which part do you dispute? The Palestinians have their borders blocked and coast blockaded. What is allowed in and out is decided by Israel and Egypt, and the bombing was there for all to see.
                                The Palestinians have their borders blocked, yes, deservedly so; when one insists on waging war one might find their borders shut. Although, funnily enough, there's suddenly Egypt in the picture. "Bombing the living crap" I've covered in my earlier post, although if one classifies Hamas as living crap, I could live with that. I would even argue further than the people who openly proclaim their desire to destroy Israel and murder its citizens and keep on giving it their best try, have no business whining about being bombed by Israel. Had the shoe been on the other foot, they would've massacred us the way they used to do before we had an army.
                                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.

