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The Political Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    and you would have churches teach a method of birth control that only encourages kids to act like wild animals with their sexual organs? heck NO! we're HUMANS....not ANIMALS...we KNOW that the proper way to regulate our births is to just say NO! not until MARRIAGE!
    Not everyone wants to get married. You cant ban those people from having sex. And having sex before marriage does not make one an animal.


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      a concept you're STILL not is an act of again it's not really charity if it's forced out of you because love cannot be forced....but neither do I support a cold-turkey changeover from public welfare to private charity......such a change over would have to be done gradually by necessity otherwise there would be chaos as non-profits would become overwhelmed in quick order....but shifting the needy to private charities GRADUALLY can be over time we could foster an environment where people are less and less reliant on government for their false charity contributions until perhaps we can do away with false charity form the government entirely
      You know I am of a different OPINION to you, you shouldn't get so worked up and angry. You'll get high blood pressure .

      I feel all evolution should be taught in all schools and different types of sex EDUCATION not 'Animal Sex' whatever that is.


        Originally posted by Ukko View Post
        Not everyone wants to get married. You cant ban those people from having sex. And having sex before marriage does not make one an animal.
        Exactly. Who is mad gater to decide when or with whom I have sex? Everyone has different opinions on sex, some people have very conservative attitudes other people have much more liberal views.


          People ARE animals. We might be really smart animals but we're still animals.

          Moving on - abstinence doesn't work, it's never worked. Sex education and access to birth control - shame free - DOES work. Abstinence only scenarios seem to result in a hell of a lot of teen pregnancies and the spread of STI's. Telling people to say no isn't going to stop that. Giving people the tools to deal with their health in a sane, scientific fashion, free from hysteria and nonsense teachings, results in fewer pregnancies, fewer STI's. Guess what makes more sense to me



            all I'm saying is that parochial schools should concern themselves with basic education only.....and also they reserve the right to teach sex education in accordance with such common sense principles....because it is only animals that have sex based on instinct is common sense FACT that we are not driven by instinct alone.....and human beings are vastly different from animals.....we may share some portions of their genome in common with other species but in the end our genome is unique to our species and no other


              and in the end evolution is just a teachers should only concern themselves with scientific FACT, not THEORY


                Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                and in the end evolution is just a teachers should only concern themselves with scientific FACT, not THEORY
                You don't understand the meaning of the word "theory" in the scientific context at all.
                If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                  and teenagers can be taught to just say no....quit insulting their intelligence...I was taught as a teenager to just say "no"....priests "say no" on a daily basis...most of them anyway..we do have it in us to control ourselves with regard to our sexual organs....esp. seeing as how just saying "no" has a 0% failure rate....I highly doubt any man-made contraceptives can make that claim


                    All I can say is thank God I'm American, where parents get to choose how their kids get educated, not the government


                      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                      and in the end evolution is just a teachers should only concern themselves with scientific FACT, not THEORY
                      Youd don't understand what theory means do you? A theory is a scientific explanation of why and and how something happens. Even the most concrete and acknowledged of scientific have theories of why something happens.
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Originally posted by Womble View Post
                        You don't understand the meaning of the word "theory" in the scientific context at all.
                        then you need to crack open a dictionary:


                        every single one of those definitions points to a theory being a set of conjectures that are as yet unproven beyond a shadow of a doubt


                          YET again : read post 1.

                          Originally posted by Rickington View Post
                          Since we were/are getting off topic in the "language of the right: does it incite violence" thread, I decided to create a general political discussion thread, where there can be a general discussion of varying political topics...

                          There are a few rules in this thread!
                          1. Remain courteous and respectful to others at all times.
                          2. Do not make personally directed attacks on any other user (for example, it is acceptable to accuse someone of making a "dumb proposition" (i.e.: "that's a terrible idea, <member>, <reasons why>) but it is not acceptable to accuse someone of being "dumb" (i.e.: "How stupid are you?, <member>...).
                          3. In accordance with GW's rules, all posts must be PG-friendly (i.e. no inappropriate language, etc).
                          4. Please do not post any hateful or racially, sexually or ethnically objectionable material.
                          5. Rules for this thread may be modified at the discretion of the GateWorld forum moderators/admins, if they make any such requests.

                          Notice: If you feel there is a post in this thread that is not in compliance with any of the above rules, please report the said post(s).

                          Let's begin the discussion!
                          Yet more reports and this time some deletions.

                          Get back onto general politics and give each other a little space and respect ,thanks.
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                            I just want to talk about my own country for a minute .Politics in I reland are a shambles a disgrace would accurate.I live in a place that is run by idiots thats take backhanders tax and the poorwhere as the rich get off lightly in comparision .The last budget cut a euro off of our minimum wage while our leader the primeminister is the highest paid head of state in the world.They claim expenses and anything im sure people in gb know what im on about because it went on there to.It eventualy ended in our country going bankrupt and having to beg for a bailout from the rest of europe and pay and interest rate that is just I think is more than we can offord to pay back so things wont improve.This all really gets on my nerves but nots as much as the attitude of the public here we are the biggest disgrace we let it happen we dont do anything we dont protest or march we just in a sense say ah it will be alright.At times it makes me ashamed to be irish I just feel at times like I just want to beat people into action.


                              Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                              then you need to crack open a dictionary:


                              every single one of those definitions points to a theory being a set of conjectures that are as yet unproven beyond a shadow of a doubt
                              Have you read a book or two on evolution?

                              Originally posted by The Great Lord Baal View Post
                              I just want to talk about my own country for a minute .Politics in I reland are a shambles a disgrace would accurate.I live in a place that is run by idiots thats take backhanders tax and the poorwhere as the rich get off lightly in comparision .The last budget cut a euro off of our minimum wage while our leader the primeminister is the highest paid head of state in the world.They claim expenses and anything im sure people in gb know what im on about because it went on there to.It eventualy ended in our country going bankrupt and having to beg for a bailout from the rest of europe and pay and interest rate that is just I think is more than we can offord to pay back so things wont improve.This all really gets on my nerves but nots as much as the attitude of the public here we are the biggest disgrace we let it happen we dont do anything we dont protest or march we just in a sense say ah it will be alright.At times it makes me ashamed to be irish I just feel at times like I just want to beat people into action.
                              Well, a minor problem is the use of Irish. The Irish government is putting far too many resources into trying to change the language that everyone speaks in Ireland. The irony is that if it wasn't the official language of Ireland, the government could get funding for keeping the language alive. But as it is, they cannot.
                              If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                              Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                              If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                              Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                                Thread is back after a rest and wander through the mod locker.

                                Have at ye general politics and create a new thread if you want to discuss the religious and/or moral stuff as a spin off.

                                Thanks .
                                The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:

